[KitVersioning::] Kit Versioning. To ensure that the built-in kits share version numbers with the core compiler. @ This implements |-kit-versions|: = void KitVersioning::show_versions(void) { web_md *inform7_web = WebMetadata::get_without_modules(Pathnames::from_text(I"inform7"), NULL); semantic_version_number core_V = inform7_web->version_number; PRINT("Core version is %v\n", &core_V); KitVersioning::iterate(VersionNumbers::null()); } @ And |-sync-kit-versions|: = void KitVersioning::sync_versions(void) { web_md *inform7_web = WebMetadata::get_without_modules(Pathnames::from_text(I"inform7"), NULL); semantic_version_number core_V = inform7_web->version_number; PRINT("inform7 web has version %v\n", &core_V); KitVersioning::iterate(core_V); } @ Both use the following to work through the built-in kits: = void KitVersioning::iterate(semantic_version_number set_to) { KitVersioning::show_version(I"WorldModelKit", set_to); KitVersioning::show_version(I"EnglishLanguageKit", set_to); KitVersioning::show_version(I"CommandParserKit", set_to); KitVersioning::show_version(I"BasicInformKit", set_to); KitVersioning::show_version(I"Architecture16Kit", set_to); KitVersioning::show_version(I"Architecture32Kit", set_to); } void KitVersioning::show_version(text_stream *name, semantic_version_number set_to) { pathname *P = Pathnames::from_text(I"inform7/Internal/Inter"); P = Pathnames::down(P, name); semantic_version_number V = KitVersioning::read_version(P, set_to); PRINT("Kit %S has version %v\n", name, &V); } @ The actual work, then, is done by this function, which returns the version number of the kit stored at the path |kit|; if |set_to| is other than null, the kit's version is changed to |set_to|, and this value returned. In both cases, the kit's JSON metadata file is read in; in the second case, it is then written back out, modified to include the new version number. (Note that no file write occurs unless an actual change is needed: if |set_to| is the same as the version it already has, there's no need to rewrite.) = semantic_version_number KitVersioning::read_version(pathname *kit, semantic_version_number set_to) { filename *F = Filenames::in(kit, I"kit_metadata.json"); TEMPORARY_TEXT(contents) TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "unable to read file of JSON metadata", TRUE, &KitVersioning::read_metadata_file_helper, NULL, contents); text_file_position tfp = TextFiles::at(F, 1); JSON_value *value = JSON::decode(contents, &tfp); if ((value) && (value->JSON_type == ERROR_JSONTYPE)) { Errors::at_position("Syntax error in metadata file for kit", F, 1); return VersionNumbers::null(); } DISCARD_TEXT(contents) JSON_value *is = JSON::look_up_object(value, I"is"); if (is == NULL) { Errors::at_position("Semantic error in metadata file for kit", F, 1); return VersionNumbers::null(); } JSON_value *version = JSON::look_up_object(is, I"version"); semantic_version_number V = VersionNumbers::null(); if (version) { V = VersionNumbers::from_text(version->if_string); if (VersionNumbers::is_null(V)) { Errors::at_position("Malformed version number in metadata file for kit", F, 1); return VersionNumbers::null(); } } if (VersionNumbers::is_null(set_to) == FALSE) @; return V; } @ The following test used to be just |VersionNumbers::ne(set_to, V)|, but this, because it properly followed the semver standard, regarded them as equal if they differed only in the build code -- so |10.1.0-beta+6V20| would not be updated to |10.1.0-beta+6V44|, for example. We now force a sync if there is any textual difference at all. @ = TEMPORARY_TEXT(a) TEMPORARY_TEXT(b) WRITE_TO(a, "%v", &set_to); WRITE_TO(b, "%v", &V); if (Str::ne(a, b)) @; DISCARD_TEXT(a) DISCARD_TEXT(b) @ We change the JSON object for the kit's metadata (at object.is.version), and then encode the object out as a new version of the file: @ = if (version == NULL) { version = JSON::new_string(I""); JSON::add_to_object(is, I"version", version); } PRINT("Rewriting %f to impose version number %v (was %v)\n", F, &set_to, &V); Str::clear(version->if_string); WRITE_TO(version->if_string, "%v", &set_to); text_stream JSON_struct; text_stream *OUT = &JSON_struct; if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(OUT, F, UTF8_ENC) == FALSE) Errors::fatal_with_file("unable to open metadata file for output: %f", F); JSON::encode(OUT, value); STREAM_CLOSE(OUT); V = set_to; @ = void KitVersioning::read_metadata_file_helper(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *v_state) { text_stream *contents = (text_stream *) v_state; WRITE_TO(contents, "%S\n", text); }