[FiguresElement::] Figures Element. To write the Figures element (Fi) in the index. @ This also includes sounds and external files, a little questionably. = void FiguresElement::render(OUTPUT_STREAM, localisation_dictionary *LD) { inter_tree *I = InterpretIndex::get_tree(); tree_inventory *inv = Synoptic::inv(I); if (TreeLists::len(inv->figure_nodes) > 0) { TreeLists::sort(inv->figure_nodes, Synoptic::module_order); } if (TreeLists::len(inv->sound_nodes) > 0) { TreeLists::sort(inv->sound_nodes, Synoptic::module_order); } if (TreeLists::len(inv->file_nodes) > 0) { TreeLists::sort(inv->file_nodes, Synoptic::module_order); } if (TreeLists::len(inv->figure_nodes) < 2) { /* cover art always creates 1 */ HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("There are no figures, or illustrations, in this project."); HTML_CLOSE("p"); } else { @; } if (TreeLists::len(inv->sound_nodes) == 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("There are no sound effects in this project."); HTML_CLOSE("p"); } else { @; } if (TreeLists::len(inv->file_nodes) == 0) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("This project doesn't read or write external files."); HTML_CLOSE("p"); } else { @; } } @ The index is presented with thumbnails of a given pixel width, which the HTML renderer automatically scales to fit. Height is adjusted so as to match this width, preserving the aspect ratio. @d THUMBNAIL_WIDTH 80 = @ = inter_package *settings = Inter::Packages::by_url(I, I"/main/completion/basics"); int MAX_INDEXED_FIGURES = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(settings, I"^max_indexed_figures"); HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("List of Figures"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML::begin_html_table(OUT, "#ffffff", TRUE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); int count_of_displayed_figures = 0; for (int i=0; ifigure_nodes); i++) { inter_package *pack = Inter::Package::defined_by_frame(inv->figure_nodes->list[i].node); inter_ti id = Metadata::read_numeric(pack, I"^resource_id"); if (id > 1) { text_stream *filename_as_text = Metadata::read_textual(pack, I"^filename"); filename *F = Filenames::from_text(filename_as_text); TEMPORARY_TEXT(line2) unsigned int width = 0, height = 0; int rv = 0; FILE *FIGURE_FILE = Filenames::fopen(F, "rb"); if (FIGURE_FILE) { char *real_format = "JPEG"; rv = ImageFiles::get_JPEG_dimensions(FIGURE_FILE, &width, &height); fclose(FIGURE_FILE); if (rv == 0) { FIGURE_FILE = Filenames::fopen(F, "rb"); if (FIGURE_FILE) { real_format = "PNG"; rv = ImageFiles::get_PNG_dimensions(FIGURE_FILE, &width, &height); fclose(FIGURE_FILE); } } if (rv == 0) { WRITE_TO(line2, "Unknown image format"); } else { WRITE_TO(line2, "%s format: %d (width) by %d (height) pixels", real_format, width, height); } } else { WRITE_TO(line2, "Missing from the Figures folder"); } HTML::first_html_column(OUT, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH+10); if (rv == 0) { HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=\"0\" src=\"inform:/doc_images/image_problem.png\""); WRITE(" "); } else if (count_of_displayed_figures++ < MAX_INDEXED_FIGURES) { HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=\"1\" src=\"file://%f\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\"", F, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH*height/width); WRITE(" "); } else { HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "style=\"width:%dpx; height:%dpx; border:1px solid; background-color:#6495ed;\"", THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH*height/width); WRITE(" "); HTML_CLOSE("div"); } HTML::next_html_column(OUT, 0); WRITE("%S", Metadata::read_textual(pack, I"^name")); int at = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(pack, I"^at"); if (at > 0) IndexUtilities::link(OUT, at); HTML_TAG("br"); if (Str::len(line2) > 0) { WRITE("%S", line2); HTML_TAG("br"); } WRITE("Filename: \"%S\" - resource number %d", Filenames::get_leafname(F), id); HTML::end_html_row(OUT); DISCARD_TEXT(line2) } } HTML::end_html_table(OUT); if (count_of_displayed_figures > MAX_INDEXED_FIGURES) { HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("(Only the first %d thumbnails have been shown here, " "to avoid Inform taking up too much memory. If you'd like to " "see more, set 'Use index figure thumbnails of at least %d.', or " "whatever number you want to wait for.)", MAX_INDEXED_FIGURES, 10*MAX_INDEXED_FIGURES); HTML_CLOSE("p"); } @h Sounds Index. @ = HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("List of Sounds"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); WRITE("\n"); HTML::begin_html_table(OUT, "#ffffff", TRUE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); for (int i=0; isound_nodes); i++) { inter_package *pack = Inter::Package::defined_by_frame(inv->sound_nodes->list[i].node); inter_ti id = Metadata::read_numeric(pack, I"^resource_id"); text_stream *filename_as_text = Metadata::read_textual(pack, I"^filename"); filename *F = Filenames::from_text(filename_as_text); unsigned int duration, pBitsPerSecond, pChannels, pSampleRate, fsize, midi_version = 0, no_tracks = 0; int preview = TRUE, waveform_style = TRUE; TEMPORARY_TEXT(line2) int rv = 0; FILE *SOUND_FILE = Filenames::fopen(F, "rb"); if (SOUND_FILE) { char *real_format = "AIFF"; rv = SoundFiles::get_AIFF_duration(SOUND_FILE, &duration, &pBitsPerSecond, &pChannels, &pSampleRate); fseek(SOUND_FILE, 0, SEEK_END); fsize = (unsigned int) (ftell(SOUND_FILE)); fclose(SOUND_FILE); if (rv == 0) { SOUND_FILE = Filenames::fopen(F, "rb"); if (SOUND_FILE) { real_format = "Ogg Vorbis"; preview = FALSE; rv = SoundFiles::get_OggVorbis_duration(SOUND_FILE, &duration, &pBitsPerSecond, &pChannels, &pSampleRate); fclose(SOUND_FILE); } } if (rv == 0) { SOUND_FILE = Filenames::fopen(F, "rb"); if (SOUND_FILE) { waveform_style = FALSE; real_format = "MIDI"; preview = TRUE; rv = SoundFiles::get_MIDI_information(SOUND_FILE, &midi_version, &no_tracks); fclose(SOUND_FILE); } } if (rv == 0) { WRITE_TO(line2, "Unknown sound format"); } else { if (waveform_style == FALSE) { WRITE_TO(line2, "Type %d %s file with %d track%s", midi_version, real_format, no_tracks, (no_tracks == 1)?"":"s"); HTML_TAG("br"); WRITE("Warning: not officially supported in glulx yet"); } else { int min = (duration/6000), sec = (duration%6000)/100, centisec = (duration%100); WRITE_TO(line2, "%d.%01dKB %s file: duration ", fsize/1024, (fsize%1024)/102, real_format); if (min > 0) WRITE_TO(line2, "%d minutes ", min); if ((sec > 0) || (centisec > 0)) { if (centisec == 0) WRITE_TO(line2, "%d seconds", sec); else WRITE_TO(line2, "%d.%02d seconds", sec, centisec); } else WRITE_TO(line2, "exactly"); WRITE_TO(line2, "Sampled as %d.%01dkHz %s (%d.%01d kilobits/sec)", pSampleRate/1000, (pSampleRate%1000)/100, (pChannels==1)?"Mono":"Stereo", pBitsPerSecond/1000, (pSampleRate%1000)/100); } } } else { WRITE_TO(line2, "Missing from the Sounds folder"); } HTML::first_html_column(OUT, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH+10); if (rv == 0) { HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=\"0\" src=\"inform:/doc_images/image_problem.png\""); } else if (preview) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("embed", "src=\"file://%f\" width=\"%d\" height=\"64\" " "autostart=\"false\" volume=\"50%%\" mastersound", F, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH); HTML_CLOSE("embed"); } else { HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=\"0\" src=\"inform:/doc_images/sound_okay.png\""); } WRITE(" "); HTML::next_html_column(OUT, 0); WRITE("%S", Metadata::read_textual(pack, I"^name")); int at = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(pack, I"^at"); if (at > 0) IndexUtilities::link(OUT, at); HTML_TAG("br"); if (Str::len(line2) > 0) { WRITE("%S", line2); HTML_TAG("br"); } WRITE("Filename: \"%S\" - resource number %d", Filenames::get_leafname(F), id); DISCARD_TEXT(line2) HTML::end_html_row(OUT); } HTML::end_html_table(OUT); @ This is more or less perfunctory, but still of some use, if only as a list. = @ = HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("List of External Files"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML::begin_html_table(OUT, "#ffffff", TRUE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); for (int i=0; ifile_nodes); i++) { inter_package *pack = Inter::Package::defined_by_frame(inv->file_nodes->list[i].node); HTML::first_html_column(OUT, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH+10); int is_binary = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(pack, I"^is_binary"); if (is_binary) { HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=\"0\" src=\"inform:/doc_images/exf_binary.png\""); } else { HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=\"0\" src=\"inform:/doc_images/exf_text.png\""); } WRITE(" "); HTML::next_html_column(OUT, 0); WRITE("%S", Metadata::read_textual(pack, I"^name")); int at = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(pack, I"^at"); if (at > 0) IndexUtilities::link(OUT, at); HTML_TAG("br"); WRITE("Filename: %s %S- owned by ", (is_binary)?"- binary ":"", Metadata::read_textual(pack, I"^leafname")); if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(pack, I"^file_owned")) { WRITE("this project"); } else if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(pack, I"^file_owned_by_other")) { WRITE("another project"); } else { WRITE("project with IFID number %S", Metadata::read_textual(pack, I"^file_owner")); } HTML::end_html_row(OUT); } HTML::end_html_table(OUT); HTML_OPEN("p");