/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* "errors" : Warnings, errors and fatal errors */ /* (with error throwback code for RISC OS machines) */ /* */ /* Part of Inform 6.34 */ /* copyright (c) Graham Nelson 1993 - 2020 */ /* */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "header.h" #define ERROR_BUFLEN (256) static char error_message_buff[ERROR_BUFLEN+4]; /* room for ellipsis */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Error preamble printing. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ErrorPosition ErrorReport; /* Maintained by "lexer.c" */ static void print_preamble(void) { /* Only really prints the preamble to an error or warning message: e.g. "jigsaw.apollo", line 24: The format is controllable (from an ICL switch) since this assists the working of some development environments. */ int j, with_extension_flag = FALSE; char *p; j = ErrorReport.file_number; if (j <= 0 || j > total_files) p = ErrorReport.source; else p = InputFiles[j-1].filename; if (!p) p = ""; switch(error_format) { case 0: /* RISC OS error message format */ if (!(ErrorReport.main_flag)) printf("\"%s\", ", p); printf("line %d: ", ErrorReport.line_number); if (ErrorReport.orig_file) { char *op; if (ErrorReport.orig_file <= 0 || ErrorReport.orig_file > total_files) op = ErrorReport.orig_source; else op = InputFiles[ErrorReport.orig_file-1].filename; printf("(\"%s\"", op); if (ErrorReport.orig_line) { printf(", %d", ErrorReport.orig_line); if (ErrorReport.orig_char) { printf(":%d", ErrorReport.orig_char); } } printf("): "); } break; case 1: /* Microsoft error message format */ for (j=0; p[j]!=0; j++) { if (p[j] == FN_SEP) with_extension_flag = TRUE; if (p[j] == '.') with_extension_flag = FALSE; } printf("%s", p); if (with_extension_flag) printf("%s", Source_Extension); printf("(%d): ", ErrorReport.line_number); break; case 2: /* Macintosh Programmer's Workshop error message format */ printf("File \"%s\"; Line %d\t# ", p, ErrorReport.line_number); break; } } static void ellipsize_error_message_buff(void) { /* If the error buffer was actually filled up by a message, it was probably truncated too. Add an ellipsis, for which we left extra room. (Yes, yes; errors that are *exactly* 255 characters long will suffer an unnecessary ellipsis.) */ if (strlen(error_message_buff) == ERROR_BUFLEN-1) strcat(error_message_buff, "..."); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Fatal errors (which have style 0) */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern void fatalerror(char *s) { print_preamble(); printf("Fatal error: %s\n",s); if (no_compiler_errors > 0) print_sorry_message(); #ifdef ARC_THROWBACK throwback(0, s); throwback_end(); #endif #ifdef MAC_FACE close_all_source(); if (temporary_files_switch) remove_temp_files(); abort_transcript_file(); free_arrays(); if (store_the_text) my_free(&all_text,"transcription text"); longjmp(g_fallback, 1); #endif exit(1); } extern void fatalerror_named(char *m, char *fn) { snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "%s \"%s\"", m, fn); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); fatalerror(error_message_buff); } extern void memory_out_error(int32 size, int32 howmany, char *name) { if (howmany == 1) snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "Run out of memory allocating %d bytes for %s", size, name); else snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "Run out of memory allocating array of %dx%d bytes for %s", howmany, size, name); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); fatalerror(error_message_buff); } extern void memoryerror(char *s, int32 size) { snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "The memory setting %s (which is %ld at present) has been \ exceeded. Try running Inform again with $%s= on the \ command line.",s,(long int) size,s); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); fatalerror(error_message_buff); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Survivable diagnostics: */ /* compilation errors style 1 */ /* warnings style 2 */ /* linkage errors style 3 */ /* compiler errors style 4 (these should never happen and */ /* indicate a bug in Inform) */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int errors[MAX_ERRORS]; int no_errors, no_warnings, no_suppressed_warnings, no_link_errors, no_compiler_errors; char *forerrors_buff; int forerrors_pointer; static void message(int style, char *s) { int throw_style = style; if (hash_printed_since_newline) printf("\n"); hash_printed_since_newline = FALSE; print_preamble(); switch(style) { case 1: printf("Error: "); no_errors++; break; case 2: printf("Warning: "); no_warnings++; break; case 3: printf("Error: [linking '%s'] ", current_module_filename); no_link_errors++; no_errors++; throw_style=1; break; case 4: printf("*** Compiler error: "); no_compiler_errors++; throw_style=1; break; } printf(" %s\n", s); #ifdef ARC_THROWBACK throwback(throw_style, s); #endif #ifdef MAC_FACE ProcessEvents (&g_proc); if (g_proc != true) { free_arrays(); if (store_the_text) my_free(&all_text,"transcription text"); close_all_source (); if (temporary_files_switch) remove_temp_files(); abort_transcript_file(); longjmp (g_fallback, 1); } #endif if ((!concise_switch) && (forerrors_pointer > 0) && (style <= 2)) { forerrors_buff[forerrors_pointer] = 0; sprintf(forerrors_buff+68," ...etc"); printf("> %s\n",forerrors_buff); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Style 1: Error message routines */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern void error(char *s) { if (no_errors == MAX_ERRORS) fatalerror("Too many errors: giving up"); errors[no_errors] = no_syntax_lines; message(1,s); } extern void error_named(char *s1, char *s2) { snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN,"%s \"%s\"",s1,s2); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); error(error_message_buff); } extern void error_numbered(char *s1, int val) { snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN,"%s %d.",s1,val); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); error(error_message_buff); } extern void error_named_at(char *s1, char *s2, brief_location report_line) { int i; ErrorPosition E = ErrorReport; export_brief_location(report_line, &ErrorReport); snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN,"%s \"%s\"",s1,s2); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); i = concise_switch; concise_switch = TRUE; error(error_message_buff); ErrorReport = E; concise_switch = i; } extern void no_such_label(char *lname) { error_named("No such label as",lname); } extern void ebf_error(char *s1, char *s2) { snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "Expected %s but found %s", s1, s2); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); error(error_message_buff); } extern void char_error(char *s, int ch) { int32 uni; uni = iso_to_unicode(ch); if (character_set_unicode) snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "%s (unicode) $%04x", s, uni); else if (uni >= 0x100) { snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "%s (unicode) $%04x = (ISO %s) $%02x", s, uni, name_of_iso_set(character_set_setting), ch); } else snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "%s (ISO Latin1) $%02x", s, uni); /* If the character set is set to Latin-1, and the char in question is a printable Latin-1 character, we print it in the error message. This conflates the source-text charset with the terminal charset, really, but it's not a big deal. */ if (((uni>=32) && (uni<127)) || (((uni >= 0xa1) && (uni <= 0xff)) && (character_set_setting==1) && (!character_set_unicode))) { int curlen = strlen(error_message_buff); snprintf(error_message_buff+curlen, ERROR_BUFLEN-curlen, ", i.e., '%c'", uni); } ellipsize_error_message_buff(); error(error_message_buff); } extern void unicode_char_error(char *s, int32 uni) { if (uni >= 0x100) snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "%s (unicode) $%04x", s, uni); else snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "%s (ISO Latin1) $%02x", s, uni); /* See comment above. */ if (((uni>=32) && (uni<127)) || (((uni >= 0xa1) && (uni <= 0xff)) && (character_set_setting==1) && (!character_set_unicode))) { int curlen = strlen(error_message_buff); snprintf(error_message_buff+curlen, ERROR_BUFLEN-curlen, ", i.e., '%c'", uni); } ellipsize_error_message_buff(); error(error_message_buff); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Style 2: Warning message routines */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern void warning(char *s1) { if (nowarnings_switch) { no_suppressed_warnings++; return; } message(2,s1); } extern void warning_numbered(char *s1, int val) { if (nowarnings_switch) { no_suppressed_warnings++; return; } snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN,"%s %d.", s1, val); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); message(2,error_message_buff); } extern void warning_named(char *s1, char *s2) { if (nowarnings_switch) { no_suppressed_warnings++; return; } snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN,"%s \"%s\"", s1, s2); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); message(2,error_message_buff); } extern void dbnu_warning(char *type, char *name, brief_location report_line) { int i; ErrorPosition E = ErrorReport; if (nowarnings_switch) { no_suppressed_warnings++; return; } export_brief_location(report_line, &ErrorReport); snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "%s \"%s\" declared but not used", type, name); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); i = concise_switch; concise_switch = TRUE; message(2,error_message_buff); concise_switch = i; ErrorReport = E; } extern void uncalled_routine_warning(char *type, char *name, brief_location report_line) { int i; /* This is called for functions which have been detected by the track-unused-routines module. These will often (but not always) be also caught by dbnu_warning(), which tracks symbols rather than routine addresses. */ ErrorPosition E = ErrorReport; if (nowarnings_switch) { no_suppressed_warnings++; return; } export_brief_location(report_line, &ErrorReport); if (OMIT_UNUSED_ROUTINES) snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "%s \"%s\" unused and omitted", type, name); else snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "%s \"%s\" unused (not omitted)", type, name); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); i = concise_switch; concise_switch = TRUE; message(2,error_message_buff); concise_switch = i; ErrorReport = E; } extern void obsolete_warning(char *s1) { if (is_systemfile()==1) return; if (obsolete_switch || nowarnings_switch) { no_suppressed_warnings++; return; } snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "Obsolete usage: %s",s1); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); message(2,error_message_buff); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Style 3: Link error message routines */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern void link_error(char *s) { if (no_errors==MAX_ERRORS) fatalerror("Too many errors: giving up"); errors[no_errors] = no_syntax_lines; message(3,s); } extern void link_error_named(char *s1, char *s2) { snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN,"%s \"%s\"",s1,s2); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); link_error(error_message_buff); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Style 4: Compiler error message routines */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern void print_sorry_message(void) { printf( "***********************************************************************\n\ * 'Compiler errors' should never occur if Inform is working properly. *\n\ * This is version %d.%02d of Inform, dated %20s: so *\n\ * if that was more than six months ago, there may be a more recent *\n\ * version available, from which the problem may have been removed. *\n\ * If not, please report this fault to: graham@gnelson.demon.co.uk *\n\ * and if at all possible, please include your source code, as faults *\n\ * such as these are rare and often difficult to reproduce. Sorry. *\n\ ***********************************************************************\n", (RELEASE_NUMBER/100)%10, RELEASE_NUMBER%100, RELEASE_DATE); } extern int compiler_error(char *s) { if (no_link_errors > 0) return FALSE; if (no_errors > 0) return FALSE; if (no_compiler_errors==MAX_ERRORS) fatalerror("Too many compiler errors: giving up"); message(4,s); return TRUE; } extern int compiler_error_named(char *s1, char *s2) { if (no_link_errors > 0) return FALSE; if (no_errors > 0) return FALSE; snprintf(error_message_buff, ERROR_BUFLEN, "%s \"%s\"",s1,s2); ellipsize_error_message_buff(); compiler_error(error_message_buff); return TRUE; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Code for the Acorn RISC OS operating system, donated by Robin Watts, */ /* to provide error throwback under the DDE environment */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ARC_THROWBACK #define DDEUtils_ThrowbackStart 0x42587 #define DDEUtils_ThrowbackSend 0x42588 #define DDEUtils_ThrowbackEnd 0x42589 #include "kernel.h" extern void throwback_start(void) { _kernel_swi_regs regs; if (throwback_switch) _kernel_swi(DDEUtils_ThrowbackStart, ®s, ®s); } extern void throwback_end(void) { _kernel_swi_regs regs; if (throwback_switch) _kernel_swi(DDEUtils_ThrowbackEnd, ®s, ®s); } int throwback_started = FALSE; extern void throwback(int severity, char * error) { _kernel_swi_regs regs; if (!throwback_started) { throwback_started = TRUE; throwback_start(); } if (throwback_switch) { regs.r[0] = 1; if ((ErrorReport.file_number == -1) || (ErrorReport.file_number == 0)) regs.r[2] = (int) (InputFiles[0].filename); else regs.r[2] = (int) (InputFiles[ErrorReport.file_number-1].filename); regs.r[3] = ErrorReport.line_number; regs.r[4] = (2-severity); regs.r[5] = (int) error; _kernel_swi(DDEUtils_ThrowbackSend, ®s, ®s); } } #endif /* ========================================================================= */ /* Data structure management routines */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern void init_errors_vars(void) { forerrors_buff = NULL; no_errors = 0; no_warnings = 0; no_suppressed_warnings = 0; no_compiler_errors = 0; } extern void errors_begin_pass(void) { ErrorReport.line_number = 0; ErrorReport.file_number = -1; ErrorReport.source = ""; ErrorReport.main_flag = FALSE; ErrorReport.orig_source = NULL; ErrorReport.orig_file = 0; ErrorReport.orig_line = 0; ErrorReport.orig_char = 0; } extern void errors_allocate_arrays(void) { forerrors_buff = my_malloc(512, "errors buffer"); } extern void errors_free_arrays(void) { my_free(&forerrors_buff, "errors buffer"); } /* ========================================================================= */