[Architectures::] Architectures. To deal with multiple inter architectures. @h Architectures. An "architecture" is a choice of how to use Inter code: for example, with the expectation that it will have 32-bit rather than 16-bit integers. These are not different Inter formats: two Inter files could, in fact, be identical and yet one could be intended to be code-generated to a 32-bit program and another to 16-bit. In effect, an "architecture" holds the settings which //inform7// uses when turning source text into Inter code. Each different architecture is represented by one of these: = typedef struct inter_architecture { struct text_stream *shorthand; /* such as |32d| */ int sixteen_bit; int debug_enabled; CLASS_DEFINITION } inter_architecture; @ = inter_architecture *Architectures::new(text_stream *code, int s, int d) { inter_architecture *A = CREATE(inter_architecture); A->shorthand = Str::duplicate(code); A->sixteen_bit = s; A->debug_enabled = d; return A; } @h Standard set. This is called when the //arch// module starts up; no other architectures are ever made. = void Architectures::create(void) { Architectures::new(I"16", TRUE, FALSE); Architectures::new(I"16d", TRUE, TRUE); Architectures::new(I"32", FALSE, FALSE); Architectures::new(I"32d", FALSE, TRUE); } @h Canonical filenames. When a kit is assimilated, its Inter code is stored in files with these leafnames: = filename *Architectures::canonical_binary(pathname *P, inter_architecture *A) { if (A == NULL) internal_error("no arch"); TEMPORARY_TEXT(leafname) WRITE_TO(leafname, "arch-%S.interb", A->shorthand); filename *F = Filenames::in(P, leafname); DISCARD_TEXT(leafname) return F; } filename *Architectures::canonical_textual(pathname *P, inter_architecture *A) { if (A == NULL) internal_error("no arch"); TEMPORARY_TEXT(leafname) WRITE_TO(leafname, "arch-%S.intert", A->shorthand); filename *F = Filenames::in(P, leafname); DISCARD_TEXT(leafname) return F; } @h Shorthand. These functions turn an architecture into a text like |16d| and back again: = text_stream *Architectures::to_codename(inter_architecture *A) { if (A == NULL) return NULL; return A->shorthand; } inter_architecture *Architectures::from_codename(text_stream *name) { inter_architecture *A; LOOP_OVER(A, inter_architecture) if (Str::eq_insensitive(A->shorthand, name)) return A; return NULL; } @h What an architecture offers. At present, this all there is, so in a sense all possible architectures exist: = int Architectures::is_16_bit(inter_architecture *A) { if (A == NULL) internal_error("no arch"); return A->sixteen_bit; } int Architectures::debug_enabled(inter_architecture *A) { if (A == NULL) internal_error("no arch"); return A->debug_enabled; }