Action name lists provide a disjunction in the choice of action made by an action pattern. For instance, "taking or dropping the disc" results in a two-entry ANL. An empty ANL is also legal, and means "doing something" -- the generic I7 text for "any action at all".

§1. Definitions.

    typedef struct action_name_list {
        struct action_name *action_listed;     the action in this ANL list entry
        struct named_action_pattern *nap_listed;     or a named pattern instead
        struct action_name_list *next;     next in this ANL list
        int word_position;     and some values used temporarily during parsing
        int negate_pattern;     parity of the entire list which this heads
        int parity;     parity of just this individual item
        int parc;
        struct wording parameter[2];
        struct wording in_clause;
        int abbreviation_level;     number of words missing
        int anyone_specified;
        int delete_this_link;     used temporarily during parsing
    } action_name_list;

The structure action_name_list is accessed in 2/ri, 3/em, 3/scn, 3/tm2, 3/ts, 4/act, 4/ap, 4/nap, 5/tfg, 5/gl and here.

§2. The action name list is the part of an action pattern identifying which actions are allowed: "taking, dropping or examining" for example. The following routine extracts this from a potentially longer text (e.g. "taking, dropping or examining a door").

    action_name_list *PL::Actions::Lists::anl_new(void) {
        action_name_list *new_anl = CREATE(action_name_list);
        new_anl->action_listed = NULL;
        new_anl->nap_listed = NULL;
        new_anl->parc = 0;
        new_anl->word_position = -1;
        new_anl->parity = 1;
        new_anl->negate_pattern = FALSE;
        new_anl->in_clause = EMPTY_WORDING;
        new_anl->abbreviation_level = 0;
        new_anl->anyone_specified = FALSE;
        new_anl->delete_this_link = FALSE;
        return new_anl;

    void PL::Actions::Lists::log(action_name_list *anl) {
        int i, c;
        for (c=0; anl; anl = anl->next, c++) {
            LOG("ANL entry %s(%d@%d): %s ",
                (anl->delete_this_link)?"(to be deleted) ":"",
                c, anl->word_position,
            if (anl->action_listed)
                LOG("%W", anl->action_listed->present_name);
            if (anl->nap_listed)
                LOG("%W", Nouns::nominative(anl->nap_listed->name));
            else LOG("NULL");
            for (i=0; i<anl->parc; i++)
                LOG(" [%d: %W]", i, anl->parameter[i]);
            LOG(" [in: %W]\n", anl->in_clause);

    void PL::Actions::Lists::log_briefly(action_name_list *anl) {
        if (anl == NULL) LOG("<null-anl>");
        else {
            if (anl->negate_pattern) LOG("NOT[ ");
            action_name_list *a;
            for (a = anl; a; a = a->next) {
                if (a->nap_listed) {
                    if (a->parity == -1) LOG("not-");
                    LOG("%W / ", Nouns::nominative(a->nap_listed->name));
                } else if (a->action_listed == NULL)
                    LOG("ANY / ");
                else {
                    if (a->parity == -1) LOG("not-");
                    LOG("%W / ", a->action_listed->present_name);
            if (anl->negate_pattern) LOG(" ]");

    action_name *PL::Actions::Lists::get_singleton_action(action_name_list *anl) {
        action_name *an;
        if (anl == NULL) internal_error("Supposed singleton ANL is empty");
        an = anl->action_listed;
        if (an == NULL) internal_error("Singleton ANL points to null AN");
        return an;

    action_name_list *anl_being_parsed = NULL;

The function PL::Actions::Lists::anl_new is used in §3.1, §4.2, §6.1, §6.2, §9.

The function PL::Actions::Lists::log is used in 1/im (§3, §3.5).

The function PL::Actions::Lists::log_briefly is used in 4/ap (§5).

The function PL::Actions::Lists::get_singleton_action is used in 4/ap (§29, §33).

§3. The following handles action name lists, such as:

doing something other than waiting

taking or dropping the box

At this stage in parsing, we are identifying possible actions, and what their possible operands are, but we aren't trying to parse those operands.

    <action-list> ::=
        doing something/anything other than <anl-excluded> |	==> FALSE; *XP = RP[1];
        doing something/anything except <anl-excluded> |		==> FALSE; *XP = RP[1];
        doing something/anything to/with <anl-to-tail> |		==> TRUE; *XP = RP[1];
        doing something/anything |								==> <Construct ANL for anything 3.1>
        doing something/anything ... |							==> TRUE; *XP = NULL; return FAIL_NONTERMINAL;
        <anl>													==> TRUE; *XP = RP[1];

    <anl-excluded> ::=
        <anl> to/with {<anl-minimal-common-operand>} |			==> <Add to-clause to excluded ANL 3.2>;
        <anl>													==> TRUE; *XP = PL::Actions::Lists::flip_anl_parity(RP[1], FALSE);

    <anl-minimal-common-operand> ::=
        _,/or ... |												==> FALSE; return FAIL_NONTERMINAL;
        ... to/with ... |										==> FALSE; return FAIL_NONTERMINAL;
        ...														==> TRUE;

§3.1. <Construct ANL for anything 3.1> =

        *X = TRUE;
        action_name_list *new_anl = PL::Actions::Lists::anl_new();
        new_anl->word_position = Wordings::first_wn(W);
        *XP = new_anl;

This code is used in §3.

§4. The trickiest form is:

doing something to the box in the dining room

where no explicit action occurs at all, but we have to parse the rest of the text as if it does, including an "in" clause.

So the following finds the first "in" within its range of words, except that it throws out an "in" that we consider bogus for our own syntactic purposes: for instance, we don't want to count the "in" from "fixed in place".

    <anl-to-tail> ::=
        <anl-operand> <anl-in-tail> |		==> <Augment ANL with in clause 4.1>
        <anl-operand>						==> 0; *XP = RP[1]

    <anl-operand> ::=
        ...									==> <Construct ANL for anything applied 4.2>

    <anl-in-tail> ::=
        fixed in place *** |					==> FALSE; return FAIL_NONTERMINAL + Wordings::first_wn(WR[1]) - Wordings::first_wn(W);
        is/are/was/were/been/listed in *** |	==> FALSE; return FAIL_NONTERMINAL + Wordings::first_wn(WR[1]) - Wordings::first_wn(W);
        in ...									==> TRUE

§4.1. <Augment ANL with in clause 4.1> =

        action_name_list *anl = RP[1];
        anl->in_clause = GET_RW(<anl-in-tail>, 1);

This code is used in §4.

§4.2. <Construct ANL for anything applied 4.2> =

        *X = TRUE;
        action_name_list *new_anl;
        if ((!preform_lookahead_mode) && (anl_being_parsed)) new_anl = anl_being_parsed;
        else {
            new_anl = PL::Actions::Lists::anl_new();
            new_anl->word_position = Wordings::first_wn(W);
        new_anl->parameter[new_anl->parc] = W;
        *XP = new_anl;

This code is used in §4.

§5. Now for the basic list of actions being included:

    <anl> ::=
        <anl-entry> <anl-tail> |		==> <Join parsed ANLs 5.1>
        <anl-entry>						==> 0; *XP = RP[1];

    <anl-tail> ::=
        , _or <anl> |					==> 0; *XP = RP[1];
        _,/or <anl>						==> 0; *XP = RP[1];

§6. Which reduces us to an internal nonterminal for an entry in this list. It actually produces multiple matches: for example,

taking inventory

will result in a list of two possibilities — "taking inventory", the action, with no operand; and "taking", the action, applied to the operand "inventory". (It's unlikely that the last will succeed in the end, but it's syntactically valid.)

    <anl-entry> ::=
        <named-action-pattern>	|				==> <Make an action pattern from named behaviour 6.1>
        <named-action-pattern> <anl-in-tail> |	==> <Make an action pattern from named behaviour plus in 6.2>
        <anl-entry-with-action>					==> 0; *XP = RP[1];

    <named-action-pattern> internal {
        named_action_pattern *nap = PL::Actions::Patterns::Named::by_name(W);
        if (nap) {
            *XP = nap; return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

    <anl-entry-with-action> internal {
        action_name_list *anl = PL::Actions::Lists::anl_parse_internal(W);
        if (anl) {
            *XP = anl; return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

§6.1. <Make an action pattern from named behaviour 6.1> =

        *X = 0;
        action_name_list *new_anl = PL::Actions::Lists::anl_new();
        new_anl->word_position = Wordings::first_wn(W);
        new_anl->nap_listed = RP[1];
        *XP = new_anl;

This code is used in §6.

§6.2. <Make an action pattern from named behaviour plus in 6.2> =

        *X = 0;
        action_name_list *new_anl = PL::Actions::Lists::anl_new();
        new_anl->word_position = Wordings::first_wn(W);
        new_anl->nap_listed = RP[1];
        new_anl->in_clause = GET_RW(<anl-in-tail>, 1);
        *XP = new_anl;

This code is used in §6.

§3.2. <Add to-clause to excluded ANL 3.2> =

        action_name_list *anl = PL::Actions::Lists::flip_anl_parity(RP[1], TRUE);
        if ((anl == NULL) ||
            (PL::Actions::can_have_parameters(anl->action_listed) == FALSE))
            return FALSE;
        anl->parameter[anl->parc] = GET_RW(<anl-excluded>, 1);
        *XP = anl;

This code is used in §3.

§5.1. <Join parsed ANLs 5.1> =

        action_name_list *left_atom = RP[1];
        action_name_list *right_tail = RP[2];
        if (left_atom == NULL) { *XP = right_tail; }
        else if (right_tail == NULL) { *XP = left_atom; }
        else {
            action_name_list *new_anl = right_tail;
            while (new_anl->next != NULL) new_anl = new_anl->next;
            new_anl->next = left_atom;
            *XP = right_tail;

This code is used in §5.


    action_name_list *PL::Actions::Lists::flip_anl_parity(action_name_list *anl, int flip_all) {
        if (flip_all) {
            action_name_list *L;
            for (L = anl; L; L = L->next) {
                L->parity = (L->parity == 1)?(-1):1;
        } else {
            anl->negate_pattern = (anl->negate_pattern)?FALSE:TRUE;
        return anl;

The function PL::Actions::Lists::flip_anl_parity is used in §3, §3.2.


    int anl_parsing_tense = IS_TENSE;
    action_name_list *PL::Actions::Lists::parse(wording W, int tense) {
        if (Wordings::mismatched_brackets(W)) return NULL;
        int t = anl_parsing_tense;
        anl_parsing_tense = tense;
        int r = <action-list>(W);
        anl_parsing_tense = t;
        if (r) return <<rp>>;
        return NULL;

The function PL::Actions::Lists::parse is used in 4/ap (§23, §26.3, §26.4).


    action_name_list *PL::Actions::Lists::anl_parse_internal(wording W) {
        LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "Parsing ANL from %W (tense %d)\n", W, anl_parsing_tense);

        int tense = anl_parsing_tense;
        action_name_list *anl_list = NULL, *new_anl = NULL;

        action_name *an;
        new_anl = PL::Actions::Lists::anl_new();
        anl_list = NULL;

        LOOP_OVER(an, action_name) {
            int x_ended = FALSE;
            int fc = 0;
            int it_optional = PL::Actions::it_optional(an);
            int abbreviable = PL::Actions::abbreviable(an);
            wording XW = PL::Actions::set_text_to_name_tensed(an, tense);
            new_anl->action_listed = an;
            new_anl->parc = 0;
            new_anl->word_position = Wordings::first_wn(W);
            new_anl->parity = 1;
            new_anl->in_clause = EMPTY_WORDING;
            int w_m = Wordings::first_wn(W), x_m = Wordings::first_wn(XW);
            while ((w_m <= Wordings::last_wn(W)) && (x_m <= Wordings::last_wn(XW))) {
                if (Lexer::word(x_m++) != Lexer::word(w_m++)) {
                    fc=1; goto DontInclude;
                if (x_m > Wordings::last_wn(XW)) { x_ended = TRUE; break; }
                if (<action-pronoun>(Wordings::one_word(x_m))) {
                    if (w_m > Wordings::last_wn(W)) x_ended = TRUE; else {
                        int j = -1, k;
                        for (k=(it_optional)?(w_m):(w_m+1); k<=Wordings::last_wn(W); k++)
                            if (Lexer::word(k) == Lexer::word(x_m+1)) { j = k; break; }
                        if (j<0) { fc=2; goto DontInclude; }
                        if (j-1 >= w_m) {
                            new_anl->parameter[new_anl->parc] = Wordings::new(w_m, j-1);
                        } else {
                            new_anl->parameter[new_anl->parc] = EMPTY_WORDING;
                        w_m = j; x_m++;
                if (x_ended) break;
            if ((w_m > Wordings::last_wn(W)) && (x_ended == FALSE)) {
                if (abbreviable) x_ended = TRUE;
                else { fc=3; goto DontInclude; }
            if (x_m <= Wordings::last_wn(XW)) new_anl->abbreviation_level = Wordings::last_wn(XW)-x_m+1;

            int inc = FALSE;
            if (w_m > Wordings::last_wn(W)) inc = TRUE;
            else if (<anl-in-tail>(Wordings::from(W, w_m))) {
                new_anl->in_clause = GET_RW(<anl-in-tail>, 1);
                inc = TRUE;
            } else if (PL::Actions::can_have_parameters(an)) {
                anl_being_parsed = new_anl;
                if (<anl-to-tail>(Wordings::from(W, w_m))) {
                    inc = TRUE;
                anl_being_parsed = NULL;
            new_anl->next = NULL;
            if (inc) {
                if (anl_list == NULL) anl_list = new_anl;
                else {
                    action_name_list *pos = anl_list, *prev = NULL;
                    while ((pos) && (pos->abbreviation_level < new_anl->abbreviation_level))
                        prev = pos, pos = pos->next;
                    if (prev) prev->next = new_anl; else anl_list = new_anl;
                    new_anl->next = pos;
            new_anl = PL::Actions::Lists::anl_new();
            DontInclude: ;
        LOGIF(ACTION_PATTERN_PARSING, "Parsing ANL from %W resulted in:\n$L\n", W, anl_list);
        return anl_list;

    int scanning_anl_only_mode = FALSE;
    action_name_list *PL::Actions::Lists::extract_actions_only(wording W) {
        action_name_list *anl = NULL;
        int s = scanning_anl_only_mode;
        scanning_anl_only_mode = TRUE;
        int s2 = permit_trying_omission;
        permit_trying_omission = TRUE;
        if (<action-pattern>(W)) {
            anl = PL::Actions::Patterns::list(<<rp>>);
            if (anl) {
                anl->anyone_specified = FALSE;
                if (<<r>> == ACTOR_EXPLICITLY_UNIVERSAL) anl->anyone_specified = TRUE;
        scanning_anl_only_mode = s;
        permit_trying_omission = s2;
        return anl;

    action_name *PL::Actions::Lists::get_single_action(action_name_list *anl) {
        int posn = -1, matchl = -1;
        action_name *anf = NULL;
        LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Getting single action from:\n$L\n", anl);
        while (anl) {
            if (anl->parity == -1) return NULL;
            if (anl->negate_pattern) return NULL;
            if (anl->action_listed) {
                int k = PL::Actions::get_stem_length(anl->action_listed) - anl->abbreviation_level;
                if (anl->word_position != posn) {
                    if (posn >= 0) return NULL;
                    posn = anl->word_position;
                    anf = anl->action_listed;
                    matchl = k;
                } else {
                    if (k > matchl) {
                        matchl = k;
                        anf = anl->action_listed;
            anl = anl->next;
        LOGIF(RULE_ATTACHMENTS, "Posn %d AN $l\n", posn, anf);
        return anf;

    int PL::Actions::Lists::get_explicit_anyone_flag(action_name_list *anl) {
        if (anl == NULL) return FALSE;
        return anl->anyone_specified;

    int PL::Actions::Lists::negated(action_name_list *anl) {
        if (anl == NULL) return FALSE;
        return anl->negate_pattern;

    void PL::Actions::Lists::compile(OUTPUT_STREAM, action_name_list *anl) {
        if (anl == NULL) return;


        int optimise = TRUE;
        for (action_name_list *L = anl; L; L = L->next)
            if (L->nap_listed)
                optimise = FALSE;

        if (optimise) {
            WRITE("action %s", (anl->parity==1)?"==":"~=");
            for (action_name_list *L = anl; L; L = L->next) {
                WRITE("%n", PL::Actions::double_sharp(L->action_listed));
                if (L->next) WRITE(" or ");
        } else {
            for (action_name_list *L = anl; L; L = L->next) {
                if (L->parity == -1) WRITE("(~~");
                if (L->nap_listed)
                    WRITE("(%n())", PL::Actions::Patterns::Named::identifier(L->nap_listed));
                    WRITE("action == %n", PL::Actions::double_sharp(L->action_listed));
                if (L->parity == -1) WRITE(")");
                if (L->next) WRITE(" || ");


    void PL::Actions::Lists::emit(action_name_list *anl) {
        if (anl == NULL) return;

        int C = 0;
        for (action_name_list *L = anl; L; L = L->next) C++;

        if (anl->parity == -1) { Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), NOT_BIP); Produce::down(Emit::tree()); }

        int N = 0, downs = 0;
        for (action_name_list *L = anl; L; L = L->next) {
            if (anl->parity != L->parity) internal_error("mixed parity");
            if (N < C) { Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), OR_BIP); Produce::down(Emit::tree()); downs++; }
            if (L->nap_listed) {
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), INDIRECT0_BIP);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, PL::Actions::Patterns::Named::identifier(L->nap_listed));
            } else {
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), EQ_BIP);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(ACTION_HL));
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, PL::Actions::double_sharp(L->action_listed));
        while (downs > 0) { Produce::up(Emit::tree()); downs--; }

        if (anl->parity == -1) Produce::up(Emit::tree());


The function PL::Actions::Lists::anl_parse_internal is used in §6.

The function PL::Actions::Lists::extract_actions_only appears nowhere else.

The function PL::Actions::Lists::get_single_action is used in 4/ap (§26.3).

The function PL::Actions::Lists::get_explicit_anyone_flag appears nowhere else.

The function PL::Actions::Lists::negated is used in 4/ap (§34.1).

The function PL::Actions::Lists::compile appears nowhere else.

The function PL::Actions::Lists::emit is used in 4/ap (§

§10. Specificity of ANLs. The following is one of NI's standardised comparison routines, which takes a pair of objects A, B and returns 1 if A makes a more specific description than B, 0 if they seem equally specific, or -1 if B makes a more specific description than A. This is transitive, and intended to be used in sorting algorithms.

    int PL::Actions::Lists::compare_specificity(action_name_list *anl1, action_name_list *anl2) {
        int count1, count2;
        count1 = PL::Actions::Lists::count_actions_covered(anl1);
        count2 = PL::Actions::Lists::count_actions_covered(anl2);
        if (count1 < count2) return 1;
        if (count1 > count2) return -1;
        return 0;

The function PL::Actions::Lists::compare_specificity is used in 4/ap (§27).

§11. Where:

    int PL::Actions::Lists::count_actions_covered(action_name_list *anl) {
        int k, parity = TRUE, infinity = NUMBER_CREATED(action_name);
        if (anl == NULL) return infinity;
        if (anl->negate_pattern) parity = FALSE;
        for (k=0; anl; anl = anl->next) {
            if (anl->nap_listed) continue;
            if (anl->parity == -1) parity = FALSE;
            if ((anl->action_listed) && (k < infinity)) k++;
            else k = infinity;
        if (parity == FALSE) k = infinity-k;
        return k;

The function PL::Actions::Lists::count_actions_covered is used in §10.