[TablesElement::] Tables Element. To write the Tables element (Tb) in the index. @ This is arranged as a sequence of "blocks" of tables, where each block corresponds to one of the compilation modules: thus, all the tables in the main source text, all the tables in the Standard Rules, and so on. = void TablesElement::render(OUTPUT_STREAM, index_session *session) { localisation_dictionary *LD = Indexing::get_localisation(session); tree_inventory *inv = Indexing::get_inventory(session); InterNodeList::array_sort(inv->table_nodes, MakeSynopticModuleStage::category_order); inter_package *current_mod = NULL; int mc = 0, first_ext = TRUE; inter_ti cat = 1, open_cat = 0; for (inter_ti with_cat = 1; with_cat <= 3; with_cat++) { inter_package *table_pack; LOOP_OVER_INVENTORY_PACKAGES(table_pack, i, inv->table_nodes) { inter_package *mod = MakeSynopticModuleStage::module_containing(table_pack->package_head); if (mod) { cat = Metadata::read_optional_numeric(mod, I"^category"); if (cat == with_cat) { if ((mc == 0) || (mod != current_mod)) { @; mc++; current_mod = mod; @; } @; } } } } @; } @ Tables inside extensions are often used just for the storage needed to manage back-of-house algorithms, so to speak, and they aren't intended for the end user to poke around with; that's certainly true of the tables in the Standard Rules, which of course are always present. So these are hidden by default. @ = if (cat > 1) { if (first_ext) { HTML_OPEN("p"); IndexUtilities::extra_link(OUT, 2); if (mc > 1) Localisation::roman(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.ShowExtensionTables"); else Localisation::roman(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.ShowOnlyExtensionTables"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); first_ext = FALSE; } IndexUtilities::extra_div_open(OUT, 2, 1, I"indexmorebox"); HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("%S", Metadata::required_textual(mod, I"^title")); HTML_CLOSE("p"); } open_cat = cat; HTML::begin_plain_html_table(OUT); @ = if (mc > 0) { HTML::end_html_table(OUT); if (open_cat > 1) IndexUtilities::extra_div_close(OUT, I"indexmorebox"); } @ = int defines = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(table_pack, I"^defines"); @; int col = 0; inter_package *usage_pack; LOOP_THROUGH_SUBPACKAGES(usage_pack, table_pack, I"_table_column_usage") { @; col++; } @ = HTML::first_html_column_spaced(OUT, 0); @; HTML::next_html_column_spaced(OUT, 0); @
; HTML::end_html_row(OUT); @
= WRITE("%S", Metadata::required_textual(table_pack, I"^printed_name")); int ntc = 0; inter_package *cont_pack; LOOP_THROUGH_SUBPACKAGES(cont_pack, table_pack, I"_table_contribution") { if (ntc++ > 0) WRITE(" +"); IndexUtilities::link_package(OUT, cont_pack); } @
= int nc = InterTree::no_subpackages(table_pack, I"_table_column_usage"); int nr = (int) Metadata::read_numeric(table_pack, I"^rows"); int nb = (int) Metadata::read_numeric(table_pack, I"^blank_rows"); text_stream *for_each = Metadata::optional_textual(table_pack, I"^blank_rows_for_each"); WRITE(""); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"smaller"); if (defines) { if (nr == 1) Localisation::roman_i(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Definition", nr); else Localisation::roman_i(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Definitions", nr); } else { if (nc == 1) Localisation::roman_i(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Column", nc); else Localisation::roman_i(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Columns", nc); WRITE(" x "); if (nr == 1) Localisation::roman_i(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Row", nr); else Localisation::roman_i(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Rows", nr); } if (nb > 0) { WRITE(" ("); Localisation::roman_i(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Blank", nb); if (Str::len(for_each) > 0) { WRITE(", "); Localisation::roman_t(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.BlankEach", for_each); } WRITE(")"); } HTML::end_span(OUT); WRITE(""); @ = inter_tree_node *ID = Synoptic::get_definition(usage_pack, I"column_identity"); inter_symbol *id_s = NULL; inter_pair val = ConstantInstruction::constant(ID); if (InterValuePairs::is_symbolic(val)) id_s = InterValuePairs::to_symbol_in(val, usage_pack); if (id_s == NULL) internal_error("column_identity not specified"); inter_package *col_pack = InterPackage::container(id_s->definition); HTML::first_html_column(OUT, 0); WRITE("  "); Localisation::roman_i(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Col", col+1); WRITE(":  "); @; HTML::next_html_column(OUT, 0); @; HTML::end_html_row(OUT); @ = text_stream *CW = Metadata::optional_textual(col_pack, I"^name"); if ((defines) && (col == 0)) { WRITE("%S", Metadata::optional_textual(table_pack, I"^defines_text")); int at = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(table_pack, I"^defines_at"); IndexUtilities::link(OUT, at); } else { if (defines) { Localisation::italic(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Sets"); WRITE(" "); } WRITE("%S ", CW); TEMPORARY_TEXT(TEMP) if (defines) WRITE_TO(TEMP, "%S", CW); else Localisation::roman_t(TEMP, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Entry", CW); PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, TEMP); DISCARD_TEXT(TEMP) } @ = if ((defines) && (col == 0)) { Localisation::italic(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Names"); } else if (defines) { Localisation::roman_t(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Property", Metadata::optional_textual(col_pack, I"^contents")); } else { Localisation::roman_t(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Tb.Of", Metadata::optional_textual(col_pack, I"^contents")); }