/* * object.c * * Object manipulation opcodes * */ #include "frotz.h" #define MAX_OBJECT 2000 #define O1_PARENT 4 #define O1_SIBLING 5 #define O1_CHILD 6 #define O1_PROPERTY_OFFSET 7 #define O1_SIZE 9 #define O4_PARENT 6 #define O4_SIBLING 8 #define O4_CHILD 10 #define O4_PROPERTY_OFFSET 12 #define O4_SIZE 14 /* * object_address * * Calculate the address of an object. * */ static zword object_address (zword obj) { /* Check object number */ if (obj > ((h_version <= V3) ? 255 : MAX_OBJECT)) runtime_error ("Illegal object"); /* Return object address */ if (h_version <= V3) return h_objects + ((obj - 1) * O1_SIZE + 62); else return h_objects + ((obj - 1) * O4_SIZE + 126); }/* object_address */ /* * object_name * * Return the address of the given object's name. * */ zword object_name (zword object) { zword obj_addr; zword name_addr; obj_addr = object_address (object); /* The object name address is found at the start of the properties */ if (h_version <= V3) obj_addr += O1_PROPERTY_OFFSET; else obj_addr += O4_PROPERTY_OFFSET; LOW_WORD (obj_addr, name_addr) return name_addr; }/* object_name */ /* * first_property * * Calculate the start address of the property list associated with * an object. * */ static zword first_property (zword obj) { zword prop_addr; zbyte size; /* Fetch address of object name */ prop_addr = object_name (obj); /* Get length of object name */ LOW_BYTE (prop_addr, size) /* Add name length to pointer */ return prop_addr + 1 + 2 * size; }/* first_property */ /* * next_property * * Calculate the address of the next property in a property list. * */ static zword next_property (zword prop_addr) { zbyte value; /* Load the current property id */ LOW_BYTE (prop_addr, value) prop_addr++; /* Calculate the length of this property */ if (h_version <= V3) value >>= 5; else if (!(value & 0x80)) value >>= 6; else { LOW_BYTE (prop_addr, value) value &= 0x3f; if (value == 0) value = 64; /* demanded by Spec 1.0 */ } /* Add property length to current property pointer */ return prop_addr + value + 1; }/* next_property */ /* * unlink_object * * Unlink an object from its parent and siblings. * */ static void unlink_object (zword object) { zword obj_addr; zword parent_addr; zword sibling_addr; obj_addr = object_address (object); if (h_version <= V3) { zbyte parent; zbyte younger_sibling; zbyte older_sibling; zbyte zero = 0; /* Get parent of object, and return if no parent */ obj_addr += O1_PARENT; LOW_BYTE (obj_addr, parent) if (!parent) return; /* Get (older) sibling of object and set both parent and sibling pointers to 0 */ SET_BYTE (obj_addr, zero) obj_addr += O1_SIBLING - O1_PARENT; LOW_BYTE (obj_addr, older_sibling) SET_BYTE (obj_addr, zero) /* Get first child of parent (the youngest sibling of the object) */ parent_addr = object_address (parent) + O1_CHILD; LOW_BYTE (parent_addr, younger_sibling) /* Remove object from the list of siblings */ if (younger_sibling == object) SET_BYTE (parent_addr, older_sibling) else { do { sibling_addr = object_address (younger_sibling) + O1_SIBLING; LOW_BYTE (sibling_addr, younger_sibling) } while (younger_sibling != object); SET_BYTE (sibling_addr, older_sibling) } } else { zword parent; zword younger_sibling; zword older_sibling; zword zero = 0; /* Get parent of object, and return if no parent */ obj_addr += O4_PARENT; LOW_WORD (obj_addr, parent) if (!parent) return; /* Get (older) sibling of object and set both parent and sibling pointers to 0 */ SET_WORD (obj_addr, zero) obj_addr += O4_SIBLING - O4_PARENT; LOW_WORD (obj_addr, older_sibling) SET_WORD (obj_addr, zero) /* Get first child of parent (the youngest sibling of the object) */ parent_addr = object_address (parent) + O4_CHILD; LOW_WORD (parent_addr, younger_sibling) /* Remove object from the list of siblings */ if (younger_sibling == object) SET_WORD (parent_addr, older_sibling) else { do { sibling_addr = object_address (younger_sibling) + O4_SIBLING; LOW_WORD (sibling_addr, younger_sibling) } while (younger_sibling != object); SET_WORD (sibling_addr, older_sibling) } } }/* unlink_object */ /* * z_clear_attr, clear an object attribute. * * zargs[0] = object * zargs[1] = number of attribute to be cleared * */ void z_clear_attr (void) { zword obj_addr; zbyte value; if (story_id == SHERLOCK) if (zargs[1] == 48) return; if (zargs[1] > ((h_version <= V3) ? 31 : 47)) runtime_error ("Illegal attribute"); /* If we are monitoring attribute assignment display a short note */ if (option_attribute_assignment) { stream_mssg_on (); print_string ("@clear_attr "); print_object (zargs[0]); print_string (" "); print_num (zargs[1]); stream_mssg_off (); } /* Get attribute address */ obj_addr = object_address (zargs[0]) + zargs[1] / 8; /* Clear attribute bit */ LOW_BYTE (obj_addr, value) value &= ~(0x80 >> (zargs[1] & 7)); SET_BYTE (obj_addr, value) }/* z_clear_attr */ /* * z_jin, branch if the first object is inside the second. * * zargs[0] = first object * zargs[1] = second object * */ void z_jin (void) { zword obj_addr; /* If we are monitoring object locating display a short note */ if (option_object_locating) { stream_mssg_on (); print_string ("@jin "); print_object (zargs[0]); print_string (" "); print_object (zargs[1]); stream_mssg_off (); } obj_addr = object_address (zargs[0]); if (h_version <= V3) { zbyte parent; /* Get parent id from object */ obj_addr += O1_PARENT; LOW_BYTE (obj_addr, parent) /* Branch if the parent is obj2 */ branch (parent == zargs[1]); } else { zword parent; /* Get parent id from object */ obj_addr += O4_PARENT; LOW_WORD (obj_addr, parent) /* Branch if the parent is obj2 */ branch (parent == zargs[1]); } }/* z_jin */ /* * z_get_child, store the child of an object. * * zargs[0] = object * */ void z_get_child (void) { zword obj_addr; /* If we are monitoring object locating display a short note */ if (option_object_locating) { stream_mssg_on (); print_string ("@get_child "); print_object (zargs[0]); stream_mssg_off (); } obj_addr = object_address (zargs[0]); if (h_version <= V3) { zbyte child; /* Get child id from object */ obj_addr += O1_CHILD; LOW_BYTE (obj_addr, child) /* Store child id and branch */ store (child); branch (child); } else { zword child; /* Get child id from object */ obj_addr += O4_CHILD; LOW_WORD (obj_addr, child) /* Store child id and branch */ store (child); branch (child); } }/* z_get_child */ /* * z_get_next_prop, store the number of the first or next property. * * zargs[0] = object * zargs[1] = address of current property (0 gets the first property) * */ void z_get_next_prop (void) { zword prop_addr; zbyte value; zbyte mask; /* Property id is in bottom five (six) bits */ mask = (h_version <= V3) ? 0x1f : 0x3f; /* Load address of first property */ prop_addr = first_property (zargs[0]); if (zargs[1] != 0) { /* Scan down the property list */ do { LOW_BYTE (prop_addr, value) prop_addr = next_property (prop_addr); } while ((value & mask) > zargs[1]); /* Exit if the property does not exist */ if ((value & mask) != zargs[1]) runtime_error ("No such property"); } /* Return the property id */ LOW_BYTE (prop_addr, value) store ((zword) (value & mask)); }/* z_get_next_prop */ /* * z_get_parent, store the parent of an object. * * zargs[0] = object * */ void z_get_parent (void) { zword obj_addr; /* If we are monitoring object locating display a short note */ if (option_object_locating) { stream_mssg_on (); print_string ("@get_parent "); print_object (zargs[0]); stream_mssg_off (); } obj_addr = object_address (zargs[0]); if (h_version <= V3) { zbyte parent; /* Get parent id from object */ obj_addr += O1_PARENT; LOW_BYTE (obj_addr, parent) /* Store parent */ store (parent); } else { zword parent; /* Get parent id from object */ obj_addr += O4_PARENT; LOW_WORD (obj_addr, parent) /* Store parent */ store (parent); } }/* z_get_parent */ /* * z_get_prop, store the value of an object property. * * zargs[0] = object * zargs[1] = number of property to be examined * */ void z_get_prop (void) { zword prop_addr; zword wprop_val; zbyte bprop_val; zbyte value; zbyte mask; /* Property id is in bottom five (six) bits */ mask = (h_version <= V3) ? 0x1f : 0x3f; /* Load address of first property */ prop_addr = first_property (zargs[0]); /* Scan down the property list */ for (;;) { LOW_BYTE (prop_addr, value) if ((value & mask) <= zargs[1]) break; prop_addr = next_property (prop_addr); } if ((value & mask) == zargs[1]) { /* property found */ /* Load property (byte or word sized) */ prop_addr++; if (h_version <= V3 && !(value & 0xe0) || h_version >= V4 && !(value & 0xc0)) { LOW_BYTE (prop_addr, bprop_val) wprop_val = bprop_val; } else LOW_WORD (prop_addr, wprop_val) } else { /* property not found */ /* Load default value */ prop_addr = h_objects + 2 * (zargs[1] - 1); LOW_WORD (prop_addr, wprop_val) } /* Store the property value */ store (wprop_val); }/* z_get_prop */ /* * z_get_prop_addr, store the address of an object property. * * zargs[0] = object * zargs[1] = number of property to be examined * */ void z_get_prop_addr (void) { zword prop_addr; zbyte value; zbyte mask; if (story_id == BEYOND_ZORK) if (zargs[0] > MAX_OBJECT) { store (0); return; } /* Property id is in bottom five (six) bits */ mask = (h_version <= V3) ? 0x1f : 0x3f; /* Load address of first property */ prop_addr = first_property (zargs[0]); /* Scan down the property list */ for (;;) { LOW_BYTE (prop_addr, value) if ((value & mask) <= zargs[1]) break; prop_addr = next_property (prop_addr); } /* Calculate the property address or return zero */ if ((value & mask) == zargs[1]) { if (h_version >= V4 && (value & 0x80)) prop_addr++; store ((zword) (prop_addr + 1)); } else store (0); }/* z_get_prop_addr */ /* * z_get_prop_len, store the length of an object property. * * zargs[0] = address of property to be examined * */ void z_get_prop_len (void) { zword addr; zbyte value; /* Back up the property pointer to the property id */ addr = zargs[0] - 1; LOW_BYTE (addr, value) /* Calculate length of property */ if (h_version <= V3) value = (value >> 5) + 1; else if (!(value & 0x80)) value = (value >> 6) + 1; else { value &= 0x3f; if (value == 0) value = 64; /* demanded by Spec 1.0 */ } /* Store length of property */ store (value); }/* z_get_prop_len */ /* * z_get_sibling, store the sibling of an object. * * zargs[0] = object * */ void z_get_sibling (void) { zword obj_addr; obj_addr = object_address (zargs[0]); if (h_version <= V3) { zbyte sibling; /* Get sibling id from object */ obj_addr += O1_SIBLING; LOW_BYTE (obj_addr, sibling) /* Store sibling and branch */ store (sibling); branch (sibling); } else { zword sibling; /* Get sibling id from object */ obj_addr += O4_SIBLING; LOW_WORD (obj_addr, sibling) /* Store sibling and branch */ store (sibling); branch (sibling); } }/* z_get_sibling */ /* * z_insert_obj, make an object the first child of another object. * * zargs[0] = object to be moved * zargs[1] = destination object * */ void z_insert_obj (void) { zword obj1 = zargs[0]; zword obj2 = zargs[1]; zword obj1_addr; zword obj2_addr; /* If we are monitoring object movements display a short note */ if (option_object_movement) { stream_mssg_on (); print_string ("@move_obj "); print_object (obj1); print_string (" "); print_object (obj2); stream_mssg_off (); } /* Get addresses of both objects */ obj1_addr = object_address (obj1); obj2_addr = object_address (obj2); /* Remove object 1 from current parent */ unlink_object (obj1); /* Make object 1 first child of object 2 */ if (h_version <= V3) { zbyte child; obj1_addr += O1_PARENT; SET_BYTE (obj1_addr, obj2) obj2_addr += O1_CHILD; LOW_BYTE (obj2_addr, child) SET_BYTE (obj2_addr, obj1) obj1_addr += O1_SIBLING - O1_PARENT; SET_BYTE (obj1_addr, child) } else { zword child; obj1_addr += O4_PARENT; SET_WORD (obj1_addr, obj2) obj2_addr += O4_CHILD; LOW_WORD (obj2_addr, child) SET_WORD (obj2_addr, obj1) obj1_addr += O4_SIBLING - O4_PARENT; SET_WORD (obj1_addr, child) } }/* z_insert_obj */ /* * z_put_prop, set the value of an object property. * * zargs[0] = object * zargs[1] = number of property to set * zargs[2] = value to set property to * */ void z_put_prop (void) { zword prop_addr; zword value; zbyte mask; /* Property id is in bottom five or six bits */ mask = (h_version <= V3) ? 0x1f : 0x3f; /* Load address of first property */ prop_addr = first_property (zargs[0]); /* Scan down the property list */ for (;;) { LOW_BYTE (prop_addr, value) if ((value & mask) <= zargs[1]) break; prop_addr = next_property (prop_addr); } /* Exit if the property does not exist */ if ((value & mask) != zargs[1]) runtime_error ("No such property"); /* Store the new property value (byte or word sized) */ prop_addr++; if (h_version <= V3 && !(value & 0xe0) || h_version >= V4 && !(value & 0xc0)) { zbyte v = zargs[2]; SET_BYTE (prop_addr, v) } else { zword v = zargs[2]; SET_WORD (prop_addr, v) } }/* z_put_prop */ /* * z_remove_obj, unlink an object from its parent and siblings. * * zargs[0] = object * */ void z_remove_obj (void) { /* If we are monitoring object movements display a short note */ if (option_object_movement) { stream_mssg_on (); print_string ("@remove_obj "); print_object (zargs[0]); stream_mssg_off (); } /* Call unlink_object to do the job */ unlink_object (zargs[0]); }/* z_remove_obj */ /* * z_set_attr, set an object attribute. * * zargs[0] = object * zargs[1] = number of attribute to set * */ void z_set_attr (void) { zword obj_addr; zbyte value; if (story_id == SHERLOCK) if (zargs[1] == 48) return; if (zargs[1] > ((h_version <= V3) ? 31 : 47)) runtime_error ("Illegal attribute"); /* If we are monitoring attribute assignment display a short note */ if (option_attribute_assignment) { stream_mssg_on (); print_string ("@set_attr "); print_object (zargs[0]); print_string (" "); print_num (zargs[1]); stream_mssg_off (); } /* Get attribute address */ obj_addr = object_address (zargs[0]) + zargs[1] / 8; /* Load attribute byte */ LOW_BYTE (obj_addr, value) /* Set attribute bit */ value |= 0x80 >> (zargs[1] & 7); /* Store attribute byte */ SET_BYTE (obj_addr, value) }/* z_set_attr */ /* * z_test_attr, branch if an object attribute is set. * * zargs[0] = object * zargs[1] = number of attribute to test * */ void z_test_attr (void) { zword obj_addr; zbyte value; if (zargs[1] > ((h_version <= V3) ? 31 : 47)) runtime_error ("Illegal attribute"); /* If we are monitoring attribute testing display a short note */ if (option_attribute_testing) { stream_mssg_on (); print_string ("@test_attr "); print_object (zargs[0]); print_string (" "); print_num (zargs[1]); stream_mssg_off (); } /* Get attribute address */ obj_addr = object_address (zargs[0]) + zargs[1] / 8; /* Load attribute byte */ LOW_BYTE (obj_addr, value) /* Test attribute */ branch (value & (0x80 >> (zargs[1] & 7))); }/* z_test_attr */