[MapElement::] Map Element. To write the Map element (Mp) in the index. @ This is by far the most complicated element to render, and much of the work is delegated to //Spatial Mapping//. This section contains only the code which cues all of that up; but even that code is fairly long. = int suppress_panel_changes = FALSE; void MapElement::render(OUTPUT_STREAM, localisation_dictionary *LD, int test_only) { SpatialMap::initialise_page_directions(); faux_instance_set *faux_set = InterpretIndex::get_faux_instances(); SpatialMap::establish_spatial_coordinates(); if (test_only) { SpatialMap::perform_map_internal_test(OUT); } else { HTMLMap::render_map_as_HTML(OUT, LD); HTMLMap::add_region_key(OUT); MapElement::index_backdrop_further(OUT, NULL, 0, FALSE, 1, LD); IndexUtilities::anchor(OUT, I"MDETAILS"); int unruly = FALSE; @; @; @; @; } } @ = faux_instance *I; LOOP_OVER_FAUX_INSTANCES(faux_set, I) if ((MapElement::no_detail_index(I)) || (FauxInstances::is_a_direction(I))) FauxInstances::increment_indexing_count(I); @ = faux_instance *reg; LOOP_OVER_FAUX_INSTANCES(faux_set, reg) if (FauxInstances::is_a_region(reg)) { int subheaded = FALSE; FauxInstances::increment_indexing_count(reg); faux_instance *rm; LOOP_OVER_FAUX_ROOMS(faux_set, rm) if (FauxInstances::region_of(rm) == reg) { if (subheaded == FALSE) { @; @; MapElement::index_backdrop_further(OUT, reg, 0, FALSE, 2, LD); HTML_OPEN("p"); subheaded = TRUE; } HTMLMap::render_single_room_as_HTML(OUT, rm, LD); FauxInstances::increment_indexing_count(rm); } } @ = faux_instance *within = FauxInstances::region_of(reg); if (within) Localisation::bold_tt(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Mp.RegionInRegion", FauxInstances::get_name(reg), FauxInstances::get_name(within)); else Localisation::bold_t(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Mp.Region", FauxInstances::get_name(reg)); @ = faux_instance *I; LOOP_OVER_FAUX_ROOMS(faux_set, I) if (FauxInstances::indexed_yet(I) == FALSE) { @; HTMLMap::render_single_room_as_HTML(OUT, I, LD); } @ By this point we've accounted for rooms (and their contents and any parts thereof), directions (which we excluded), regions (ditto), and the player object (which the Player plugin put in the right place). The only remainder will be things which are offstage (and their contents and any parts thereof): @ = int out_of_play_count = 0; faux_instance *I; LOOP_OVER_FAUX_INSTANCES(faux_set, I) if ((FauxInstances::indexed_yet(I) == FALSE) && (FauxInstances::progenitor(I) == NULL)) { @; if (++out_of_play_count == 1) { suppress_panel_changes = TRUE; Localisation::bold(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Mp.NowhereHeading"); HTML_TAG("br"); } MapElement::index(OUT, I, 2, FALSE, LD); } suppress_panel_changes = FALSE; @ = if ((unruly) && (suppress_panel_changes == FALSE)) HTML_TAG("hr"); unruly = TRUE; @h Indexing individual objects. @default MAX_OBJECT_INDEX_DEPTH 10000 = faux_instance *indexing_room = NULL; int xtras_count = 0; faux_instance *MapElement::room_being_indexed(void) { return indexing_room; } void MapElement::set_room_being_indexed(faux_instance *I) { indexing_room = I; } void MapElement::index(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *I, int depth, int details, localisation_dictionary *LD) { if (depth == MAX_OBJECT_INDEX_DEPTH) internal_error("MAX_OBJECT_INDEX_DEPTH exceeded"); if (I) { if (depth > NUMBER_CREATED(faux_instance) + 1) return; /* to recover from errors */ FauxInstances::increment_indexing_count(I); if (FauxInstances::is_a_room(I)) indexing_room = I; } @; int xtra = -1; if (I) xtra = xtras_count++; if (xtra >= 0) IndexUtilities::extra_link(OUT, xtra); @; if (I) @; @; @; if (details) @; if (xtra >= 0) { IndexUtilities::extra_div_open(OUT, xtra, depth+1, "e0e0e0"); @; @; @; MapElement::index_usages(OUT, I, LD); IndexUtilities::extra_div_close(OUT, "e0e0e0"); } @; } @ = if (details) { HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, depth, "halftight"); if (I != indexing_room) IndexUtilities::anchor(OUT, I->anchor_text); } else { #ifdef IF_MODULE if (I) MapElement::index_spatial_relationship(OUT, I, LD); #endif } @ = if (details) HTML_CLOSE("p"); @ = @; @ = TEMPORARY_TEXT(name) FauxInstances::write_name(name, I); if ((Str::len(name) == 0) && (I)) FauxInstances::write_kind(name, I); if (Str::len(name) == 0) { WRITE("nameless"); } else { int embolden = details; if (FauxInstances::is_a_room(I)) embolden = TRUE; if (embolden) WRITE(""); WRITE("%S", name); if (embolden) WRITE(""); if (details) @; } @ = if (I) { WRITE(", "); TEMPORARY_TEXT(whatever) FauxInstances::write_kind(whatever, I); Localisation::roman_t(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Mp.KindOf", whatever); DISCARD_TEXT(whatever) } @ = if ((MapElement::annotate_door(OUT, I, LD) == FALSE) && (MapElement::annotate_player(OUT, I, LD) == FALSE)) { if (FauxInstances::specify_kind(I)) { WRITE(" - "); FauxInstances::write_kind(OUT, I); WRITE(""); } } @ = if (FauxInstances::created_at(I) > 0) IndexUtilities::link(OUT, FauxInstances::created_at(I)); @ This either recurses down through subkinds or through the spatial hierarchy. @ = #ifdef IF_MODULE MapElement::index_object_further(OUT, I, depth, details, LD); #endif @ = HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, depth, "tight"); text_stream *material = Metadata::read_optional_textual(I->package, I"^brief_inferences"); WRITE("%S", material); @ = HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "tight"); FauxInstances::write_kind_chain(OUT, I); if (FauxInstances::kind_set_at(I) > 0) IndexUtilities::link(OUT, FauxInstances::kind_set_at(I)); WRITE(" > "); FauxInstances::write_name(OUT, I); WRITE(""); HTML_CLOSE("p"); @ = text_stream *material = Metadata::read_optional_textual(I->package, I"^specific_inferences"); WRITE("%S", material); @ = MapElement::add_room_to_World_index(OUT, I); MapElement::add_region_to_World_index(OUT, I); MapElement::add_to_World_index(OUT, I, LD); @ = void MapElement::index_usages(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *I, localisation_dictionary *LD) { int k = 0; inter_package *pack = I->package; inter_tree_node *P = Metadata::read_optional_list(pack, I"^backdrop_presences"); if (P) { int offset = DATA_CONST_IFLD; while (offset < P->W.extent) { inter_ti v1 = P->W.data[offset], v2 = P->W.data[offset+1]; if (v1 == LITERAL_IVAL) { k++; if (k == 1) { HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "tight"); Localisation::italic(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Mp.MentionedIn"); WRITE(": "); } else WRITE("; "); IndexUtilities::link(OUT, (int) v2); } else internal_error("malformed usage metadata"); offset += 2; } } if (k > 0) HTML_CLOSE("p"); } int MapElement::add_room_to_World_index(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *O) { if ((O) && (FauxInstances::is_a_room(O))) { SpatialMap::index_room_connections(OUT, O); } return FALSE; } int MapElement::add_region_to_World_index(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *O) { if ((O) && (FauxInstances::is_a_room(O))) { faux_instance *R = FauxInstances::region_of(O); if (R) HTMLMap::colour_chip(OUT, O, R, FauxInstances::region_set_at(O)); } return FALSE; } int MapElement::annotate_player(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *I, localisation_dictionary *LD) { if (I == FauxInstances::start_room()) { WRITE(" - "); Localisation::italic(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Mp.RoomWherePlayBegins"); DocReferences::link(OUT, I"ROOMPLAYBEGINS"); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } int MapElement::annotate_door(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *O, localisation_dictionary *LD) { if ((O) && (FauxInstances::is_a_door(O))) { faux_instance *A = NULL, *B = NULL; FauxInstances::get_door_data(O, &A, &B); TEMPORARY_TEXT(to) faux_instance *X = A; if (A == MapElement::room_being_indexed()) X = B; if (X == NULL) X = FauxInstances::other_side_of_door(O); if (X == NULL) WRITE_TO(to, "nowhere"); else FauxInstances::write_name(to, X); WRITE(" - "); if ((A) && (B)) Localisation::italic_t(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Mp.DoorTo", to); else Localisation::italic_t(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Mp.OneSidedDoorTo", to); DISCARD_TEXT(to) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } @ = void MapElement::index_spatial_relationship(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *I, localisation_dictionary *LD) { text_stream *rel = NULL; faux_instance *P = FauxInstances::progenitor(I); if (P) { /* we omit "in" for brevity: that's understood to be the default */ if (FauxInstances::is_a_supporter(P)) rel = I"Index.Elements.Mp.BriefOn"; if (FauxInstances::is_a_person(P)) rel = I"Index.Elements.Mp.BriefCarried"; if (FauxInstances::is_a_part(I)) rel = I"Index.Elements.Mp.BriefPart"; if (FauxInstances::is_worn(I)) rel = I"Index.Elements.Mp.BriefWorn"; } if (rel) { Localisation::italic(OUT, LD, rel); WRITE(" "); } } @ If something is a part, we don't detail it on the World index page, since it already turns up under its owner. = int MapElement::no_detail_index(faux_instance *I) { if (FauxInstances::is_a_part(I)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } @ In the World index, we recurse to show the contents and parts: = void MapElement::index_object_further(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *I, int depth, int details, localisation_dictionary *LD) { faux_instance_set *faux_set = InterpretIndex::get_faux_instances(); if (depth > NUMBER_CREATED(faux_instance) + 1) return; /* to recover from errors */ if (FauxInstances::incorp_child(I)) { faux_instance *I2 = FauxInstances::incorp_child(I); while (I2) { MapElement::index(OUT, I2, depth+1, details, LD); I2 = FauxInstances::incorp_sibling(I2); } } if (FauxInstances::child(I)) MapElement::index(OUT, FauxInstances::child(I), depth+1, details, LD); if ((FauxInstances::is_a_room(I)) && (FauxInstances::is_a_door(I) == FALSE)) { faux_instance *I2; LOOP_OVER_FAUX_INSTANCES(faux_set, I2) { if ((FauxInstances::is_a_door(I2)) && (FauxInstances::progenitor(I2) != I)) { faux_instance *A = NULL, *B = NULL; FauxInstances::get_door_data(I2, &A, &B); if (A == I) MapElement::index(OUT, I2, depth+1, details, LD); if (B == I) MapElement::index(OUT, I2, depth+1, details, LD); } } } MapElement::index_player_further(OUT, I, depth, details, LD); MapElement::index_backdrop_further(OUT, I, depth, details, 0, LD); if (FauxInstances::sibling(I)) MapElement::index(OUT, FauxInstances::sibling(I), depth, details, LD); } @ And also: = int MapElement::add_to_World_index(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *O, localisation_dictionary *LD) { if ((O) && (FauxInstances::is_a_thing(O))) { HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "tight"); faux_instance *P = FauxInstances::progenitor(O); if (P) { WRITE("initial location: "); text_stream *rel = I"Index.Elements.Mp.In"; if (FauxInstances::is_a_supporter(P)) rel = I"Index.Elements.Mp.On"; if (FauxInstances::is_a_person(P)) rel = I"Index.Elements.Mp.Carried"; if (FauxInstances::is_a_part(O)) rel = I"Index.Elements.Mp.Part"; if (FauxInstances::is_worn(O)) rel = I"Index.Elements.Mp.Worn"; TEMPORARY_TEXT(to) FauxInstances::write_name(to, P); Localisation::italic_t(OUT, LD, rel, to); WRITE(" "); DISCARD_TEXT(to) int at = FauxInstances::progenitor_set_at(O); if (at) IndexUtilities::link(OUT, at); } HTML_CLOSE("p"); } return FALSE; } void MapElement::index_player_further(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *I, int depth, int details, localisation_dictionary *LD) { faux_instance *yourself = FauxInstances::yourself(); if ((I == FauxInstances::start_room()) && (yourself) && (FauxInstances::indexed_yet(yourself) == FALSE)) MapElement::index(OUT, yourself, depth+1, details, LD); } void MapElement::index_backdrop_further(OUTPUT_STREAM, faux_instance *loc, int depth, int details, int how, localisation_dictionary *LD) { faux_instance_set *faux_set = InterpretIndex::get_faux_instances(); int discoveries = 0; faux_instance *bd; if (loc) { LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(bd, faux_instance, loc->backdrop_presences) { if (++discoveries == 1) @; MapElement::index(OUT, bd, depth+1, details, LD); } } else { LOOP_OVER_FAUX_BACKDROPS(faux_set, bd) if (FauxInstances::is_everywhere(bd)) { if (++discoveries == 1) @; MapElement::index(OUT, bd, depth+1, details, LD); } } if (discoveries > 0) @; } @ = switch (how) { case 1: HTML_OPEN("p"); Localisation::bold(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Mp.EverywhereHeading"); HTML_TAG("br"); break; case 2: HTML_TAG("br"); break; } @ = switch (how) { case 1: HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML_TAG("hr"); HTML_OPEN("p"); break; case 2: break; }