To deal with all the |.i6t| interpreted commands which bring about the compilation of phrases, and to ensure that they are used in the correct order.

§1. A day in the life. Suppose we compare the run of Inform to a single day. At dawn the program starts up. In the morning it finds out the names of all the constant values defined in the source text: names like "Mrs Blenkinsop", "hatstand", and so on. By noon it has also found out the wording used for phrases, such as "award prize (N - a number) to (gardener - a woman)". This means that in the afternoon it knows every name it ever will, and so it can work through the definitions of phrases like "award prize...". In the evening, it does some book-keeping, and at nightfall it shuts down.

We will use the story of our single day throughout this section on timing, because everything has to happen in just the right order.

    define DAWN_PHT 0
    define EARLY_MORNING_PHT 1
    define LATE_MORNING_PHT 2
    define PRE_NOON_PHT 3
    define MID_AFTERNOON_PHT 5
    define EVENING_PHT 7
    int phrase_time_now = DAWN_PHT;

    void Phrases::Manager::advance_phrase_time_to(int advance_to) {
        if (advance_to < phrase_time_now) {
            LOG("Advance from %d to %d\n", phrase_time_now, advance_to);
                "The necessary phrase construction events are out of sequence");
        phrase_time_now = advance_to;

The function Phrases::Manager::advance_phrase_time_to is used in §2, §4, §5, §7, §8, §9, §10, §11, §12, §13, §14.

§2. Early morning. We run through the phrase preambles to look for named rules like this:

Instead of pushing the red button (this is the fire alarm rule): ...

This looking-for-names is done by parsing the preamble text to a PHUD in what is called "coarse mode", which can only get an approximate idea at best: at this stage the "Instead" rulebook and the "red button" don't exist, so most of the words here are meaningless. The PHUD which coarse mode parsing produces is far too sketchy to use, and is thrown away. But at least it does pick out the name "fire alarm rule", and Inform creates an empty "rule" structure called this, registering this as the name of a new constant.

    void Phrases::Manager::traverse_for_names(void) {

    void Phrases::Manager::visit_for_names(parse_node *p) {
        if (ParseTree::get_type(p) == ROUTINE_NT)

The function Phrases::Manager::traverse_for_names is used in 1/mr (§4.9).

The function Phrases::Manager::visit_for_names appears nowhere else.

§3. Mid-morning. This is when Inform is making its main traverses through assertions. Something very useful is happening, but it's happening somewhere else. Assertions such as

Instead is a rulebook.

are being read, and rulebooks are therefore being created.

We do nothing at all. We see nodes in the parse tree for phrase definitions, but we let them go by. The NULLs in these two definitions tell Inform not to do anything when the assertion traverse reaches nodes of these types:

    sentence_handler COMMAND_SH_handler = { INVOCATION_LIST_NT, -1, 0, NULL };
    sentence_handler ROUTINE_SH_handler = { ROUTINE_NT, -1, 0, NULL };

§4. Late morning. With the assertions read, all the values have their names, and that means we can go back to phrases like:

Instead of pushing the red button (this is the fire alarm rule): ...

and read them properly. So Inform now runs through the preambles again and parses them for a second time to PHUDs, but this time in "fine mode" rather than "coarse mode", and this time the result is not thrown away. If the phrase is a "To..." phrase declaration, then the PHUD is pretty sketchy and we parse more substantial PHTD and PHOD structures to accompany it. But if it is a rule, the PHUD contains a great deal of useful information, and we accompany it with essentially blank PHTD and PHOD structures. Either way, we end up with a triplet of PHUD, PHTD and PHOD, and these are combined into a new phrase structure. The PHSF structure is initially created as a function of the PHTD: for example, if the phrase reads

To award (points - a number): ...

then the PHTD notes that "points" is the name of a parameter whose kind is to be "number". The stack frame, PHSF, deduces that "points" will be a local variable of kind "number" within the phrase when it's running. Lastly, a blank PHRCD structure is created, filling out the set of five substructures.

As they are created, the "To..." phrases are insertion-sorted into a list of phrases in logical precedence order. This can be done now because it relies only on the kinds listed in the PHTD, all of which have existed since mid-morning.

For reasons discussed below, rules are not yet sorted. But the names created in mid-morning, such as "fire alarm rule", are associated with their phrases, and they are marked for what's called "automatic placement". For example, the fire alarm rule will automatically be placed into the Instead rulebook, because its preamble begins "Instead". The reason rules are only marked to be placed later is that placement has to occur in logical precedence order, but rules are harder to sort than phrases. They have to be sorted by their PHRCDs, not their PHTDs, and a PHRCD cannot even be parsed until afternoon because the conditions for a rule often mention phrases — for instance, "Instead of waiting when in darkness", making use of an "in darkness" phrase. So for now we just make a mental note to do automatic placement later on.

    void Phrases::Manager::traverse(void) {

        int progress_target = 0, progress_made = 0;
        ParseTree::traverse_int(Phrases::Manager::visit_to_count, &progress_target);
        ParseTree::traverse_int_int(Phrases::Manager::visit_to_create, &progress_target, &progress_made);

    void Phrases::Manager::visit_to_count(parse_node *p, int *progress_target) {

    void Phrases::Manager::visit_to_create(parse_node *p, int *progress_target, int *progress_made) {
        if ((*progress_made) % 10 == 0)
                ((float) (*progress_made))/((float) (*progress_target)));

        if (ParseTree::get_type(p) == ROUTINE_NT) {

The function Phrases::Manager::traverse is used in 1/mr (§4.13).

The function Phrases::Manager::visit_to_count appears nowhere else.

The function Phrases::Manager::visit_to_create appears nowhere else.

§5. Just before noon. It is now nearly noon, and things appear to be a little untidy. Why are the "To..." phrases not yet registered with the excerpt parser? The answer is that we needed to wait until all of the "To..." phrases had been created as structures before we could safely proceed. The first phrase couldn't be registered until we knew the complete logical order of them all. Well: at last, we do know that, and can make the registration. Phrases are the very last things to get their names in Inform (well, not counting local variables, whose names only exist fleetingly).

    void Phrases::Manager::register_meanings(void) {


The function Phrases::Manager::register_meanings is used in 1/mr (§4.13).

§6. Noon. When the final phrase is registered, the hour chimes. From this point onwards, there's no longer any text which can't be parsed because some of the names don't exist yet: everything exists.

§7. Early afternoon. In the afternoon, we begin by binding up the rulebooks. First, we go through the phrases destined to be rules, and for each we translate the PHUD (which contains mainly textual representations of the usage information, e.g. "taking something (called the thingummy) which is in a lighted room during Scene Two when the marble slab is open") to a PHRCD (which contains fully parsed Inform data structures, e.g., an action pattern and a pointer to a scene structure). As noted above, this often means parsing conditions which involve phrases, and that's why we're doing it in the afternoon.

During this PHUD-to-PHRCD parsing process, we make sure that the relevant phrase's PHSF is the current stack frame, because it's here that the names of any callings (e.g. "thingummy") are created as local variables to be valid throughout the phrase.

Once we're done with this, the PHUD will never be used again.

Note that the PHRCDs have to be parsed in source text appearance order (the order which LOOP_OVER follows) so that the back reference "doing it" can correctly refer to the most recently mentioned action.

    void Phrases::Manager::parse_rule_parameters(void) {

        phrase *ph;
        LOOP_OVER(ph, phrase) {
            current_sentence = ph->declaration_node;
            ph->runtime_context_data =

The function Phrases::Manager::parse_rule_parameters is used in 1/mr (§4.13).

§8. We can finally make the automatic placements of rules into rulebooks: so our "fire alarm rule" will at last be placed in the "Instead" rulebook. The PHRCDs are used to make sure it appears in the right position.

    void Phrases::Manager::add_rules_to_rulebooks(void) {
        Emit::named_numeric_constant(InterNames::iname(NUMBER_RULEBOOKS_CREATED_INAME), (inter_t) NUMBER_CREATED(rulebook));

The function Phrases::Manager::add_rules_to_rulebooks is used in 1/mr (§4.13).

§9. It might seem as if the rulebooks are now complete, but this is not true, because we still have to take care of manual placements like:

The fire alarm rule is listed in the safety procedures rulebook.

This is where we get on with that, traversing the parse tree for sentences of this general sort. Rules can also be unlisted, or constrained to happen only conditionally, or substituted by other rules.

    void Phrases::Manager::parse_rule_placements(void) {

    void Phrases::Manager::visit_to_parse_placements(parse_node *p) {
        if ((ParseTree::get_type(p) == SENTENCE_NT) &&
            (p->down) &&
            (ParseTree::get_type(p->down) == AVERB_NT)) {
            prevailing_mood =
                ParseTree::int_annotation(p->down, verbal_certainty_ANNOT);
            if (ParseTree::int_annotation(p->down, verb_id_ANNOT) == SPECIAL_MEANING_VB)
                Assertions::Traverse::try_special_meaning(TRAVERSE_FOR_RULE_FILING_SMFT, p->down);

The function Phrases::Manager::parse_rule_placements is used in 1/mr (§4.13).

The function Phrases::Manager::visit_to_parse_placements appears nowhere else.

§10. Mid-afternoon. It is now mid-afternoon, and the rulebooks are complete. It is time to compile the I6 routines which will provide the run-time definitions of all these phrases. This will be a long task, and much of it will be left until the evening. But we do get rid of some easy cases now: the rules and adjective definitions.

    int total_phrases_to_compile = 0;
    int total_phrases_compiled = 0;
    void Phrases::Manager::compile_first_block(void) {

        <Count up the scale of the task 10.1>;
        <Compile definitions of rules in rulebooks 10.2>;
        <Compile definitions of rules left out of rulebooks 10.3>;
        <Compile phrases which define adjectives 10.4>;
        <Mark To... phrases which have definite kinds for future compilation 10.5>;
        <Throw problems for phrases with return kinds too vaguely defined 10.6>;
        <Throw problems for inline phrases named as constants 10.7>;

The function Phrases::Manager::compile_first_block is used in 1/mr (§4.14).

§10.1. <Count up the scale of the task 10.1> =

        total_phrases_compiled = 0;
        phrase *ph;
        LOOP_OVER(ph, phrase)
            if (ph->at_least_one_compiled_form_needed)

This code is used in §10.

§10.2. <Compile definitions of rules in rulebooks 10.2> =

        Emit::comment(I"Definitions of rules in rulebooks");
        rulebook *rb;
        LOOP_OVER(rb, rulebook)
                &total_phrases_compiled, total_phrases_to_compile);

This code is used in §10.

§10.3. <Compile definitions of rules left out of rulebooks 10.3> =

        Emit::comment(I"Definitions of displaced and unbooked rules");
        rule *R;
        LOOP_OVER(R, rule)
                &total_phrases_compiled, total_phrases_to_compile);

This code is used in §10.

§10.4. This doesn't compile all adjective definitions, only the ones which supply a whole multi-step phrase to define them — a relatively little-used feature of Inform.

<Compile phrases which define adjectives 10.4> =

        Emit::comment(I"Definitions of adjectives");
        phrase *ph;
        LOOP_OVER(ph, phrase)
            if (Phrases::Usage::get_effect(&(ph->usage_data)) ==
                Phrases::compile(ph, &total_phrases_compiled,
                    total_phrases_to_compile, NULL, NULL, NULL);

This code is used in §10.

§10.5. As we'll see, it's legal in Inform to define "To..." phrases with vague kinds: "To expose (X - a value)", for example. This can't be compiled as vaguely as the definition implies, since there would be no way to know how to store X. Instead, for each different kind of X which is actually needed, a fresh version of the phrase is compiled — one where X is a number, one where it's a text, and so on. This is handled by making a "request" for the phrase, indicating that a compiled version of it will be needed.

Since "To..." phrases are only compiled on request, we must remember to request the boring ones with straightforward kinds ("To award (N - a number) points", say). This is where we do it:

<Mark To... phrases which have definite kinds for future compilation 10.5> =

        phrase *ph;
        LOOP_OVER(ph, phrase) {
            kind *K = Phrases::TypeData::kind(&(ph->type_data));
            if (Kinds::Behaviour::definite(K)) {
                if (ph->at_least_one_compiled_form_needed)
                    Routines::ToPhrases::make_request(ph, K, NULL, EMPTY_WORDING);

This code is used in §10.

§10.6. <Throw problems for phrases with return kinds too vaguely defined 10.6> =

        phrase *ph;
        LOOP_OVER(ph, phrase) {
            kind *KR = Phrases::TypeData::get_return_kind(&(ph->type_data));
            if ((Kinds::Behaviour::semidefinite(KR) == FALSE) &&
                (Phrases::TypeData::arithmetic_operation(ph) == -1)) {
                current_sentence = Phrases::declaration_node(ph);
                Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
                    "The declaration %1 tries to set up a phrase which decides a "
                    "value which is too vaguely described. For example, 'To decide "
                    "which number is the target: ...' is fine, because 'number' "
                    "is clear about what kind of value should emerge; but 'To "
                    "decide which value is the target: ...' is not clear enough.");
            for (int k=1; k<=26; k++)
                if ((Kinds::Behaviour::involves_var(KR, k)) &&
                    (Phrases::TypeData::tokens_contain_variable(&(ph->type_data), k) == FALSE)) {
                    current_sentence = Phrases::declaration_node(ph);
                    PUT_TO(var_letter, 'A'+k-1);
                    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
                    Problems::quote_stream(2, var_letter);
                        "The declaration %1 tries to set up a phrase which decides a "
                        "value which is too vaguely described, because it involves "
                        "a kind variable (%2) which it can't determine through "

This code is used in §10.

§10.7. <Throw problems for inline phrases named as constants 10.7> =

        phrase *ph;
        LOOP_OVER(ph, phrase)
            if ((Phrases::TypeData::invoked_inline(ph)) &&
                (Phrases::Usage::has_name_as_constant(&(ph->usage_data)))) {
                current_sentence = Phrases::declaration_node(ph);
                Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
                    "The declaration %1 tries to give a name to a phrase which is "
                    "defined using inline Inform 6 code in (- markers -). Such "
                    "phrases can't be named and used as constants because they "
                    "have no independent existence, being instead made fresh "
                    "each time they are used.");

This code is used in §10.

§11. Late Afternoon. Rules are pretty well sorted out now, but we still need to compile some I6 to show how they fit together. These miscellaneous function calls can happen in any order, as suits the needs of the Main.i6t script, so long as they all occur in the late afternoon.

First, rules set to go off at a particular time need to have their timings noted down:

    void Phrases::Manager::TimedEventsTable(void) {

    void Phrases::Manager::TimedEventTimesTable(void) {

The function Phrases::Manager::TimedEventsTable appears nowhere else.

The function Phrases::Manager::TimedEventTimesTable appears nowhere else.

§12. Second, the rulebooks need to be compiled into I6 arrays:

    void Phrases::Manager::rulebooks_array(void) {

    void Phrases::Manager::compile_rulebooks(void) {

    void Phrases::Manager::RulebookNames_array(void) {

The function Phrases::Manager::rulebooks_array is used in 1/mr (§4.14).

The function Phrases::Manager::compile_rulebooks is used in 1/mr (§4.14).

The function Phrases::Manager::RulebookNames_array is used in 1/mr (§4.14).

§13. And finally, just as the sun slips below the horizon, we compile the code which prints out values of the kind "rule" at run-time — for example, taking the address of the routine which our example rule was compiled to and then printing out "fire alarm rule".

    void Phrases::Manager::RulePrintingRule_routine(void) {

The function Phrases::Manager::RulePrintingRule_routine is used in 1/mr (§4.14).

§14. Evening. The twilight gathers, but our work is far from done. Recall that we have accumulated compilation requests for "To..." phrases, but haven't actually acted on them yet.

We have to do this in quite an open-ended way, because compiling one phrase can easily generate fresh requests for others. For instance, suppose we have the definition "To expose (X - a value)" in play, and suppose that when compiling the phrase "To advertise", Inform runs into the line "expose the hoarding text". This causes it to issue a compilation request for "To expose (X - a text)". Perhaps we've compiled such a form already, but perhaps we haven't. Compilation therefore goes on until all requests have been dealt with.

Compiling phrases also produces the need for other pieces of code to be generated — for example, suppose our phrase being compiled, "To advertise", includes the text:

let Z be "Two for the price of one! Just [expose price]!";

We are going to need to compile "Two for the price of one! Just [expose price]!" later on, in its own text substitution routine; but notice that it contains the need for "To expose (X - a number)", and that will generate a further phrase request.

Because of this and similar problems, it's impossible to compile all the phrases alone: we must compile phrases, then things arising from them, then phrases arising from those, then things arising from the phrases arising from those, and so on, until we're done. The process is therefore structured as a set of "coroutines" which each carry out as much as they can and then hand over to the others to generate more work. (Indeed, the routine below can be called multiple times in the course of the evening.)

    void Phrases::Manager::compile_as_needed(void) {
        rule *R;
        LOOP_OVER(R, rule)
                &total_phrases_compiled, total_phrases_to_compile);
        int repeat = TRUE;
        while (repeat) {
            repeat = FALSE;
            if (Routines::ToPhrases::compilation_coroutine(
                &total_phrases_compiled, total_phrases_to_compile) > 0)
                repeat = TRUE;
            if (ListTogether::compilation_coroutine() > 0)
                repeat = TRUE;
            #ifdef IF_MODULE
            if (PL::Actions::ScopeLoops::compilation_coroutine() > 0)
                repeat = TRUE;
            if (Strings::TextSubstitutions::compilation_coroutine(FALSE) > 0)
                repeat = TRUE;
            if (Calculus::Propositions::Deferred::compilation_coroutine() > 0)
                repeat = TRUE;

The function Phrases::Manager::compile_as_needed is used in 1/mr (§4.14).