[JSONMetadata::] JSON Metadata. Managing JSON-encoded metadata files for resources such as kits. @ Every //inbuild_copy// can optionally contain a pointer to a JSON value called |metadata_record|. The code in this section reads a file of JSON metadata into that record, validating it (a) as syntactically correct JSON, (b) as JSON which matches the Inbuild schema for what copy metadata should look like, and (c) as identifying the copy which it purports to identify. In practice, (a) and (b) are delegated to the //foundation: JSON// library. = void JSONMetadata::read_metadata_file(inbuild_copy *C, filename *F, text_stream *repairing_title, text_stream *repairing_author) { JSON_requirement *req = JSONMetadata::requirements(); TEMPORARY_TEXT(contents) TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "unable to read file of JSON metadata", TRUE, &JSONMetadata::read_metadata_file_helper, NULL, contents); SVEXPLAIN(2, "(read JSON metadata file found at %f)\n", F); text_file_position tfp = TextFiles::at(F, 1); JSON_value *obj = JSON::decode(contents, &tfp); if ((obj) && (obj->JSON_type == ERROR_JSONTYPE)) { @; return; } else { if (req) @; } DISCARD_TEXT(contents) C->metadata_record = obj; @; @; JSON_value *compatibility = JSON::look_up_object(obj, I"compatibility"); if (compatibility) @; } void JSONMetadata::read_metadata_file_helper(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *v_state) { text_stream *contents = (text_stream *) v_state; WRITE_TO(contents, "%S\n", text); } @ = TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "the metadata contains a syntax error: '%S'", obj->if_error); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) @ = linked_list *validation_errors = NEW_LINKED_LIST(text_stream); if (JSON::validate(obj, req, validation_errors) == FALSE) { text_stream *err; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(err, text_stream, validation_errors) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(msg) WRITE_TO(msg, "the metadata did not validate: '%S'", err); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, msg)); DISCARD_TEXT(msg) } return; } @ = JSON_value *is = JSON::look_up_object(obj, I"is"); JSON_value *type = JSON::look_up_object(is, I"type"); if (type) @; JSON_value *title = JSON::look_up_object(is, I"title"); if (title) @; JSON_value *author = JSON::look_up_object(is, I"author"); if (author) @; JSON_value *version = JSON::look_up_object(is, I"version"); if (version) @; JSON_value *version_range = JSON::look_up_object(is, I"version-range"); if (version_range) @; @ So, for example, if this file is from what we think is a kit, then it needs to say that |is.type| is |"kit"|. @ = text_stream *type_text = type->if_string; text_stream *required_text = I"edition->work->genre == kit_genre) required_text = I"kit"; if (C->edition->work->genre == extension_genre) required_text = I"extension"; if (C->edition->work->genre == extension_bundle_genre) required_text = I"extension"; if (C->edition->work->genre == language_genre) required_text = I"language"; if (C->edition->work->genre == project_file_genre) required_text = I"project"; if (C->edition->work->genre == project_bundle_genre) required_text = I"project"; if (Str::ne(type_text, required_text)) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(msg) WRITE_TO(msg, "the metadata misidentifies the type as '%S', but it should be '%S'", type_text, required_text); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, msg)); DISCARD_TEXT(msg) } JSON_value *kit_details = JSON::look_up_object(obj, I"kit-details"); if ((kit_details) && (Str::ne(type_text, I"kit"))) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "the metadata contains kit-details but is not for a kit"); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } JSON_value *extension_details = JSON::look_up_object(obj, I"extension-details"); if ((extension_details) && (Str::ne(type_text, I"extension"))) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "the metadata contains extension-details but is not for an extension"); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } JSON_value *language_details = JSON::look_up_object(obj, I"language-details"); if ((language_details) && (Str::ne(type_text, I"language"))) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "the metadata contains language-details but is not for a language"); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } JSON_value *project_details = JSON::look_up_object(obj, I"project-details"); if ((project_details) && (Str::ne(type_text, I"project"))) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "the metadata contains project-details but is not for a project"); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } @ = WRITE_TO(repairing_title, "%S", title->if_string); if (Str::ne(title->if_string, C->edition->work->title)) { if (repairing_title) { ; } else { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) if (Str::len(C->edition->work->title) > 0) WRITE_TO(err, "the metadata says the title is '%S' when it should be '%S'", title->if_string, C->edition->work->title); else WRITE_TO(err, "the metadata says the title is '%S' but it is untitled", title->if_string); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } } @ = WRITE_TO(repairing_author, "%S", author->if_string); if (Str::ne(author->if_string, C->edition->work->author_name)) { if (repairing_author) { ; } else { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) if (Str::len(C->edition->work->author_name) > 0) WRITE_TO(err, "the metadata says the author is '%S' when it should be '%S'", author->if_string, C->edition->work->author_name); else WRITE_TO(err, "the metadata says the author is '%S', but it has no author", author->if_string); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } } @ Unlike those tests, here we simply trust the metadata to be correctly supplying a version number. @ = semantic_version_number V = VersionNumbers::from_text(version->if_string); if (VersionNumbers::is_null(V)) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "cannot read version number '%S'", version->if_string); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } else { C->edition->version = VersionNumbers::from_text(version->if_string); } @ = TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "the metadata should specify an exact version, not a range"); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) @ It would have been possible to write the schema in a way which would exclude the possibilities blocked here, but only by making it cumbersome. Besides, checking here results in more explicit error messages. @ = JSON_value *needs = JSON::look_up_object(obj, I"needs"); if (needs) { JSON_value *E; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(E, JSON_value, needs->if_list) { JSON_value *if_clause = JSON::look_up_object(E, I"if"); JSON_value *unless_clause = JSON::look_up_object(E, I"unless"); JSON_value *needs_clause = JSON::look_up_object(E, I"needs"); if ((if_clause) && (unless_clause)) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "cannot give both 'if' and 'unless' in same requirement"); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } JSONMetadata::not_both(C, if_clause, I"'if' clause of a requirement"); JSONMetadata::not_both(C, unless_clause, I"'unless' clause of a requirement"); JSONMetadata::not_both(C, needs_clause, I"'needs' clause of a requirement"); } } @ All very pedantic, but: = void JSONMetadata::not_both(inbuild_copy *C, JSON_value *clause, text_stream *where) { if (clause) { JSON_value *version = JSON::look_up_object(clause, I"version"); JSON_value *version_range = JSON::look_up_object(clause, I"version-range"); if ((version) && (version_range)) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "%S specifies both a version and a version-range", where); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } if (version) { semantic_version_number V = VersionNumbers::from_text(version->if_string); if (VersionNumbers::is_null(V)) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "cannot read version '%S' in %S", version->if_string, where); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } } if (version_range) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "'version-range' is not yet supported in %S", where); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } } } @ = compatibility_specification *CS = Compatibility::from_text(compatibility->if_string); if (CS) C->edition->compatibility = CS; else { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "cannot read compatibility '%S'", compatibility->if_string); Copies::attach_error(C, CopyErrors::new_T(METADATA_MALFORMED_CE, -1, err)); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } @ The following returns the schema needed for (b); we will load it in from a file in the Inform/Inbuild installation, but will then cache the result so that it loads only once. = dictionary *JSON_resource_metadata_requirements = NULL; JSON_requirement *JSONMetadata::requirements(void) { if (JSON_resource_metadata_requirements == NULL) { filename *F = InstalledFiles::filename(RESOURCE_JSON_REQS_IRES); if (TextFiles::exists(F) == FALSE) return NULL; JSON_resource_metadata_requirements = JSON::read_requirements_file(NULL, F); } JSON_requirement *req = JSON::look_up_requirements(JSON_resource_metadata_requirements, I"resource-metadata"); if (req == NULL) internal_error("JSON metadata file did not define "); return req; }