How programs for this architecture start up the virtual machine.

§1. VM_PreInitialise() is called; then the "starting the virtual machine" activity runs; and then VM_Initialise() is called.

[ VM_PreInitialise;

[ VM_Initialise i;
    standard_interpreter = HDR_TERPSTANDARD-->0;

    dict_start = HDR_DICTIONARY-->0;
    dict_entry_size = dict_start->(dict_start->0 + 1);
    dict_start = dict_start + dict_start->0 + 4;
    dict_end = dict_start + ((dict_start - 2)-->0) * dict_entry_size;

    buffer->0  = INPUT_BUFFER_LEN;
    buffer2->0 = INPUT_BUFFER_LEN;
    buffer3->0 = INPUT_BUFFER_LEN;
    parse->0   = 15;
    parse2->0  = 15;

    if (BasicInformKit`FIX_RNG_CFGF) {
        @random 10000 -> i;
        i = -i-2000;
        @random i -> i;