[InterSkill::] Inter Skill. The skills of kit building and of code generation from Inter. @h Creation. Note that code generation can only be done internally, and only in fact within the |inform7| compiler: this is because the Inter code which it generates from is being held in memory by |inform7|. = build_skill *build_kit_using_inter_skill = NULL; build_skill *code_generate_using_inter_skill = NULL; void InterSkill::create(void) { build_kit_using_inter_skill = BuildSteps::new_skill(I"build kit using inter"); METHOD_ADD(build_kit_using_inter_skill, BUILD_SKILL_COMMAND_MTID, InterSkill::build_kit_via_shell); METHOD_ADD(build_kit_using_inter_skill, BUILD_SKILL_INTERNAL_MTID, InterSkill::build_kit_internally); code_generate_using_inter_skill = BuildSteps::new_skill(I"code generate using inter"); METHOD_ADD(code_generate_using_inter_skill, BUILD_SKILL_INTERNAL_MTID, InterSkill::code_generate_internally); } @h Assimilation. = int InterSkill::build_kit_via_shell(build_skill *skill, build_step *S, text_stream *command, build_methodology *BM, linked_list *search_list) { inter_architecture *A = S->for_arch; if (A == NULL) internal_error("no architecture given"); pathname *kit_path = S->associated_copy->location_if_path; Shell::quote_file(command, BM->to_inter); WRITE_TO(command, "-architecture %S ", Architectures::to_codename(A)); WRITE_TO(command, "-build-kit "); Shell::quote_path(command, kit_path); return TRUE; } @ Something to watch out for here is that, when running internally as part of |inform7|, we use the copy of the |build-kit| pipeline inside the installation of |inform7| (it will be in the internal nest). When we build kits from the command line using the |inter| tool, we use the |build-kit| pipeline supplied in the |inter| installation. But those two files are in fact the same, or should be, so the effect is the same. = int echo_kit_building = FALSE; void InterSkill::echo_kit_building(void) { echo_kit_building = TRUE; } int InterSkill::build_kit_internally(build_skill *skill, build_step *S, build_methodology *BM, linked_list *search_list) { #ifdef PIPELINE_MODULE inter_architecture *A = S->for_arch; if (A == NULL) internal_error("no architecture given"); pathname *kit_path = S->associated_copy->location_if_path; dictionary *pipeline_vars = ParsingPipelines::basic_dictionary(NULL); filename *pipeline_as_file = InterSkill::filename_of_pipeline(I"build-kit", search_list); if (pipeline_as_file == NULL) { Errors::nowhere("build-kit pipeline could not be found"); return FALSE; } filename *assim = Architectures::canonical_binary(kit_path, A); filename *assim_t = Architectures::canonical_textual(kit_path, A); TEMPORARY_TEXT(fullname) WRITE_TO(fullname, "%f", assim); Str::copy(Dictionaries::create_text(pipeline_vars, I"*out"), fullname); Str::clear(fullname); WRITE_TO(fullname, "%f", assim_t); Str::copy(Dictionaries::create_text(pipeline_vars, I"*outt"), fullname); DISCARD_TEXT(fullname) Str::copy(Dictionaries::create_text(pipeline_vars, I"*kit"), Pathnames::directory_name(kit_path)); inter_pipeline *SS = ParsingPipelines::from_file(pipeline_as_file, pipeline_vars, search_list); if (SS) { inter_architecture *saved_A = PipelineModule::get_architecture(); PipelineModule::set_architecture_to(A); if (echo_kit_building) WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "(Building %S for architecture %S)\n", S->associated_copy->edition->work->title, Architectures::to_codename(A)); linked_list *requirements_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(attachment_instruction); RunningPipelines::run(NULL, SS, NULL, S->associated_copy->location_if_path, requirements_list, S->for_vm, FALSE); PipelineModule::set_architecture_to(saved_A); return TRUE; } else { Errors::nowhere("build-kit pipeline could not be parsed"); return FALSE; } #endif return FALSE; } filename *InterSkill::filename_of_pipeline(text_stream *name, linked_list *search_list) { inbuild_requirement *req = Requirements::any_version_of( Works::new(pipeline_genre, name, NULL)); inbuild_search_result *R = Nests::search_for_best(req, search_list); if (R == NULL) return NULL; return R->copy->location_if_file; } @h Code generation. This can only be done internally, for reasons given above, and only when the //pipeline// module is present in the current executable (which in practice means: only inside //inform7//). Recall that the |inter_pipeline_name| is managed in Inbuild Control, but that it defaults to |compile|. = inform_project *interskill_associated_project = NULL; int interskill_debugging_flag = FALSE; int InterSkill::code_generate_internally(build_skill *skill, build_step *S, build_methodology *BM, linked_list *search_list) { inform_project *project = ProjectBundleManager::from_copy(S->associated_copy); if (project == NULL) project = ProjectFileManager::from_copy(S->associated_copy); if (project == NULL) internal_error("no project"); #ifdef PIPELINE_MODULE clock_t back_end = clock(); interskill_associated_project = project; PipelineModule::set_architecture( Architectures::to_codename( TargetVMs::get_architecture(S->for_vm))); Str::copy(Dictionaries::create_text(pipeline_vars, I"*in"), I"*memory"); Str::copy(Dictionaries::create_text(pipeline_vars, I"*out"), Filenames::get_leafname(S->vertex->as_file)); if (interskill_debugging_flag) Str::copy(Dictionaries::create_text(pipeline_vars, I"*tout"), I"*log"); filename *F = inter_pipeline_file; if (F == NULL) { inbuild_requirement *req = Requirements::any_version_of( Works::new(pipeline_genre, inter_pipeline_name, NULL)); inbuild_search_result *R = Nests::search_for_best(req, search_list); if (R == NULL) { Errors::with_text("inter pipeline '%S' could not be found", inter_pipeline_name); return FALSE; } F = R->copy->location_if_file; } inter_pipeline *pipeline = ParsingPipelines::from_file(F, pipeline_vars, search_list); if (pipeline == NULL) { Errors::nowhere("inter pipeline file could not be parsed"); return FALSE; } RunningPipelines::run(Filenames::up(S->vertex->as_file), pipeline, Emit::tree(), NULL, Projects::list_of_attachment_instructions(project), S->for_vm, FALSE); LOG("Back end elapsed time: %dcs\n", ((int) (clock() - back_end)) / ((int) (CLOCKS_PER_SEC/100))); #ifdef CORE_MODULE Hierarchy::log(); return TRUE; #endif #endif #ifndef CORE_MODULE return FALSE; #endif interskill_associated_project = NULL; } inform_project *InterSkill::get_associated_project(void) { return interskill_associated_project; } void InterSkill::set_debugging(void) { interskill_debugging_flag = TRUE; }