** Understanding things by their properties (Channel: 1. Television that can be referred to by channel--Television with channels, simple) Understanding channels (a number) in the names of televisions. We might want to allow every television to be tuned to a channel (a number property) which the player could refer to, so that WATCH CHANNEL 13 TURN OFF CHANNEL 4 would be directed to the appropriate television object, if any television is turned on and tuned to the correct station. We might now write: {*}"Channel" A television is a kind of device. A television has a number called the channel. Understand the channel property as referring to a television. Understand "channel" as a television. The Office is a room. The widescreen TV is a television in the Office. The fifties TV is a television in the Office. Changing the channel of it to is an action applying to one thing and one number. Understand "tune [something] to [number]" or "change channel of [something] to [number]" as changing the channel of it to. Check changing the channel of something to: if the noun is not a television, say "[The noun] cannot be tuned to a channel." instead. Carry out changing the channel of something to: now the channel of the noun is the number understood. Report changing the channel of something to: say "You tune [the noun] to channel [number understood]." Instead of examining a television: if the noun is switched off, say "[The noun] is currently turned off." instead; let the chosen channel be the channel of the noun; if the chosen channel is a current channel listed in the Table of Television Channels: choose row with current channel of the chosen channel in the Table of Television Channels; say "[output entry][paragraph break]"; otherwise: say "Snow fills the screen of [the noun]." Table of Television Channels current channel output 0 "The screen of [the noun] is completely black." 4 "A gloomy female news anchor describes the latest car bomb in Baghdad: 104 dead today, and no sign of change." 5 "A couple of contestants in spangled scarlet outfits are performing an energetic paso doble." 13 "On-screen, Ichiro is up to bat with one man on second and no outs." Test me with "change channel of fifties tv to 4 / x channel 4 / switch on fifties / x channel 4 / switch on widescreen / tune fifties tv to 5 / x channel 5 / x fifties tv / x channel 4".