** Using new kinds of value in properties (Rooms with sounds of nearby water, illuminated by flickering light--Rooms with light effects; The Undertomb 2) Flickering lantern-light effects added to the Undertomb. {*}"Undertomb 2" Section 1 - Procedure Brightness is a kind of value. The brightnesses are guttering, weak, radiant and blazing. A brightness can be adequate or inadequate. A brightness is usually adequate. Guttering is inadequate. Temperature is a kind of value. 100C specifies a temperature. A brightness has a temperature. The temperature of a brightness is usually 700C. The temperature of blazing is 1400C. The temperature of radiant is 1100C. A dead end is a kind of room with printed name "Dead End" and description "This is a dead end, where crags in the uneven rock are caught by the [brightness of the lantern] flame you hold aloft. Despite [river sound] there is no sign of the stream." A dead end is usually dark. A dead end has some text called river sound. The river sound of a dead end is usually "a faint whispering of running water". Section 2 - Scenario The Undertomb is a dark room. "From this dim cross-groined room, exits depart east, south, and northwest." East is a dead end. South is a dead end with printed name "Collapsed Dead End". Northwest is a dead end called the Tortuous Alcove. The Tortuous Alcove has river sound "a gurgle of running water". The player carries a book. The description of the book is "[if the brightness of the lantern is adequate]Many secrets are now yours.[otherwise]No, the print's too tiny by this awful light." In the Undertomb is a lantern. It is lit. The lantern has a brightness. The lantern is blazing. The description of the lantern is "The lantern shines with a flame at [temperature of the brightness of the lantern]." After waiting in the Tortuous Alcove when the brightness of the lantern is not guttering: now the lantern is the brightness before the brightness of the lantern; say "You wait so long that your lantern dims a bit." Test me with "east / west / get lantern / east / west / south / north / northwest / read book / x lantern / z / x lantern / read book / look / z / x lantern / read book / look / z / x lantern / read book / look".