Setting up the use of this module.

§1. Introduction.


§2. To begin with, this module needs to allocate memory:

§3. The beginning. (The client doesn't need to call the start and end routines, because the foundation module does that automatically.)

    void HTMLModule::start(void) {
        <Register this module's stream writers 3.1>;
        <Register this module's debugging log aspects 3.2>;
        <Register this module's debugging log writers 3.3>;
        <Register this module's command line switches 3.4>;

The function HTMLModule::start appears nowhere else.

§3.1. <Register this module's stream writers 3.1> =


This code is used in §3.

§3.2. <Register this module's debugging log aspects 3.2> =


This code is used in §3.

§3.3. <Register this module's debugging log writers 3.3> =


This code is used in §3.

§3.4. <Register this module's command line switches 3.4> =


This code is used in §3.

§4. The end.

    void HTMLModule::end(void) {

The function HTMLModule::end appears nowhere else.