! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Advent 961209 A classic and one of the standard Inform 6 example games ! ! ! Adapted to Inform 5: 17.5.94 to 24.5.94 ! Modernised to Inform 5.5 and library 5/12 or later: 20.12.95 ! Modernised to Inform 6 and library 6/1 or later: 11.11.96 ! A few bugs removed and companion text rewritten: 9.12.96 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Add an abbreviation list, created by the usual inform -u algorithm. ! (I.e., not the best possible.) Abbreviate ". "; Abbreviate ", "; Abbreviate " the "; Abbreviate "The"; Abbreviate "You are"; Abbreviate "ing"; Abbreviate "You can't"; Abbreviate "You have"; Abbreviate "passage"; Abbreviate "(Alike_Maze_"; Abbreviate "and"; Abbreviate "you"; Abbreviate "Different_Maze_"; Abbreviate "You'"; Abbreviate "(Dead_End_"; Abbreviate "little"; Abbreviate ".^^"; Abbreviate "You "; Abbreviate "ther"; Abbreviate "e a"; Abbreviate "'s "; Abbreviate "n't "; Abbreviate "e is "; Abbreviate "nd "; Abbreviate "to "; Abbreviate "e o"; Abbreviate "ed "; Abbreviate "with "; Abbreviate "ds "; Abbreviate "e c"; Abbreviate "which "; Abbreviate "es "; Abbreviate "in "; Abbreviate "ter"; Abbreviate "hav"; Abbreviate "st "; Abbreviate "ll "; Abbreviate "e m"; Abbreviate "It looks lik"; Abbreviate "e b"; Abbreviate "ly "; Abbreviate "Adventur"; Abbreviate "ifferent."; Abbreviate "e r"; Abbreviate "e fo"; Abbreviate "hat "; Abbreviate "throug"; Abbreviate "In "; Abbreviate "ut "; Abbreviate "of "; Abbreviate "or "; Abbreviate "here"; Abbreviate "ave"; Abbreviate "is "; Abbreviate "ch "; Abbreviate "one"; Abbreviate "ge "; Abbreviate "le "; Abbreviate "can "; Abbreviate "any"; Abbreviate "th "; Abbreviate "bear"; Abbreviate "a s"; Abbreviate "'re "; ! Constant TEST_VERSION; Constant Story "ADVENTURE"; Constant Headline "^The Interactive Original^ By Will Crowther (1973) and Don Woods (1977)^ Reconstructed in three steps by:^ Donald Ekman, David M. Baggett (1993) and Graham Nelson (1994)^ [In memoriam Stephen Bishop (1820?-1857): GN]^"; Serial "961209"; Release 5; Constant MAX_CARRIED = 7; Constant MAX_SCORE = 350; Constant MAX_TREASURES = 15; Constant AMUSING_PROVIDED; Include "Parser"; Include "VerbLib"; Attribute nodwarf; Attribute treasure_found; Attribute multitude; Global caves_closed; Global canyon_from; Global treasures_found; Global deaths; Global dark_warning; Global feefie_count; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Rules for treasures, which will be scattered all over the game ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class Treasure with depositpoints 10, after [; Take: if (location==Inside_Building) score=score-self.depositpoints; score=score+5; if (noun hasnt treasure_found) { give noun treasure_found; treasures_found++; score=score+2; } "Taken!"; Drop: score=score-5; if (location==Inside_Building) { score=score+self.depositpoints; "Safely deposited."; } ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The outside world ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class AboveGround has light nodwarf; AboveGround At_End_Of_Road "At End Of Road" with description "You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully.", w_to At_Hill_In_Road, u_to At_Hill_In_Road, e_to Inside_Building, d_to In_A_Valley, s_to In_A_Valley, n_to In_Forest_1, in_to Inside_Building, name "gully" "road" "street" "path"; Object "well house" with name "well" "house" "brick" "building" "small" "wellhouse", description "It's a small brick building. It seems to be a well house.", found_in At_End_Of_Road At_Hill_In_Road Inside_Building has scenery; Object Stream "stream" with name "stream" "water" "brook" "river" "lake" "small" "tumbling" "splashing" "babbling" "rushing" "reservoir", found_in At_End_Of_Road In_A_Valley At_Slit_In_Streambed In_Pit In_Cavern_With_Waterfall At_Reservoir Inside_Building, before [; Drink: "You have taken a drink from the stream. The water tastes strongly of minerals, but is not unpleasant. It is extremely cold."; Take: if (bottle notin player) "You have nothing in which to carry the water."; <>; Insert: if (second == bottle) <>; "You have nothing in which to carry the water."; Receive: if (noun == ming_vase) { remove ming_vase; move shards to location; score=score-5; "The sudden change in temperature has delicately shattered the vase."; } if (noun == bottle) <>; remove noun; if (noun ofclass Treasure) score=score-5; print_ret (The) noun, " washes away with the stream."; ], has scenery; Object "road" with name "road" "street" "path" "dirt", description "The road is dirt, not yellow brick.", found_in At_End_Of_Road At_Hill_In_Road In_Forest_2 has scenery; Object "forest" with name "forest" "tree" "trees" "oak" "maple" "grove" "pine" "spruce" "birch" "ash" "saplings" "bushes" "leaves" "berry" "berries" "hardwood", description "The trees of the forest are large hardwood oak and maple, with an occasional grove of pine or spruce. There is quite a bit of undergrowth, largely birch and ash saplings plus nondescript bushes of various sorts. This time of year visibility is quite restricted by all the leaves, but travel is quite easy if you detour around the spruce and berry bushes.", found_in At_End_Of_Road At_Hill_In_Road In_A_Valley In_Forest_1 In_Forest_2 has scenery multitude; AboveGround At_Hill_In_Road "At Hill In Road" with description "You have walked up a hill, still in the forest. The road slopes back down the other side of the hill. There is a building in the distance.", e_to At_End_Of_Road, n_to At_End_Of_Road, d_to At_End_Of_Road, s_to In_Forest_1, name "gully" "road" "street" "path"; Object -> "hill" with description "It's just a typical hill.", name "hill" "bump" "incline" has scenery; Object -> "other side of hill" with article "the", description "Why not explore it yourself?", name "side" "other" "of" has scenery; AboveGround Inside_Building "Inside Building" with description "You are inside a building, a well house for a large spring.", cant_go "The stream flows out through a pair of 1 foot diameter sewer pipes. The only exit is to the west.", before [; Enter: if (noun==Spring or SewerPipes) "The stream flows out through a pair of 1 foot diameter sewer pipes. It would be advisable to use the exit."; Xyzzy: if (In_Debris_Room hasnt visited) rfalse; PlayerTo(In_Debris_Room); rtrue; Plugh: if (At_Y2 hasnt visited) rfalse; PlayerTo(At_Y2); rtrue; ], w_to At_End_Of_Road, out_to At_End_Of_Road, in_to "The pipes are too small."; Object -> Spring "spring" with name "spring" "large", description "The stream flows out through a pair of 1 foot diameter sewer pipes." has scenery; Object -> SewerPipes "pair of 1 foot diameter sewer pipes" with name "pipes" "pipe" "one" "foot" "diameter" "sewer" "sewer-pipes", description "Too small. The only exit is to the west." has scenery; Object -> set_of_keys "set of keys" with description "It's just a normal-looking set of keys.", initial "There are some keys on the ground here.", before [; Count: "A dozen or so keys."; ], name "keys" "key" "keyring" "set" "of" "bunch"; Object -> tasty_food "tasty food" with description "Sure looks yummy!", article "some", initial "There is tasty food here.", name "food" "ration" "rations" "tripe" "yummy" "tasty" "delicious" "scrumptious", after [; Eat: "Delicious!"; ], has edible; Object -> brass_lantern "brass lantern" with name "lamp" "headlamp" "headlight" "lantern" "light" "shiny" "brass", when_off "There is a shiny brass lamp nearby.", when_on "Your lamp is here, gleaming brightly.", power_remaining 330, replace_batteries [; if (fresh_batteries in player or location) { remove fresh_batteries; give fresh_batteries general; move old_batteries to location; self.power_remaining = 2500; "I'm taking the liberty of replacing the batteries."; } ], daemon [ t; if (self hasnt on) { StopDaemon(self); rtrue; } t = --(self.power_remaining); if (t==0) give self ~on ~light; if (self in player || self in location) { if (t==0) { print "Your lamp has run out of power."; if (fresh_batteries notin player && location hasnt light) { deadflag=3; " You can't explore the cave without a lamp. So let's just call it a day."; } else self.replace_batteries(); new_line; rtrue; } if (t==30) { print "Your lamp is getting dim."; if (fresh_batteries has general) " You're also out of spare batteries. You'd best start wrapping this up."; if (fresh_batteries in VendingMachine && Dead_End_14 has visited) " You'd best start wrapping this up, unless you can find some fresh batteries. I seem to recall there's a vending machine in the maze. Bring some coins with you."; if (fresh_batteries notin VendingMachine or player or location) " You'd best go back for those batteries."; new_line; rtrue; } } ], before [; Examine: print "It is a shiny brass lamp"; if (self hasnt on) ". It is not currently lit."; if (self.power_remaining < 30) ", glowing dimly."; ", glowing brightly."; Burn: <>; Rub: "Rubbing the electric lamp is not particularly rewarding. Anyway, nothing exciting happens."; SwitchOn: if (self.power_remaining <= 0) "Unfortunately, the batteries seem to be dead."; Receive: if (noun == old_batteries) "Those batteries are dead; they won't do any good at all."; if (noun == fresh_batteries) { self.replace_batteries(); rtrue; } "The only thing you might successfully put in the lamp is a fresh pair of batteries."; ], after [; SwitchOn: give self light; StartDaemon(self); SwitchOff: give self ~light; ], has switchable; Object -> bottle "small bottle" with name "bottle" "jar" "flask", initial "There is an empty bottle here.", before [; LetGo: if (noun in bottle) "You're holding that already (in the bottle)."; Receive: if (noun == stream or Oil) <>; else "The bottle is only supposed to hold liquids."; Fill: if (child(bottle) ~= nothing) "The bottle is full already."; if (stream in location || Spring in location) { move water_in_the_bottle to bottle; "The bottle is now full of water."; } if (Oil in location) { move oil_in_the_bottle to bottle; "The bottle is now full of oil."; } "There is nothing here with which to fill the bottle."; Empty: if (child(bottle) == nothing) "The bottle is already empty!"; remove child(bottle); "Your bottle is now empty and the ground is now wet."; ], has container open; Object water_in_the_bottle "bottled water" with name "bottled" "water" "h2o", article "some", before [; Drink: remove water_in_the_bottle; <>; ], description "It looks like ordinary water to me."; Object oil_in_the_bottle "bottled oil" with name "oil" "bottled" "lubricant" "grease", article "some", before [; Drink: <>; ], description "It looks like ordinary oil to me."; AboveGround In_Forest_1 "In Forest" with description "You are in open forest, with a deep valley to one side.", e_to In_A_Valley, d_to In_A_Valley, n_to In_Forest_1, w_to In_Forest_1, s_to In_Forest_1, initial [; if (random(2)==1) PlayerTo(In_Forest_2,1); ]; AboveGround In_Forest_2 "In Forest" with description "You are in open forest near both a valley and a road.", n_to At_End_Of_Road, e_to In_A_Valley, w_to In_A_Valley, d_to In_A_Valley, s_to In_Forest_1; AboveGround In_A_Valley "In A Valley" with description "You are in a valley in the forest beside a stream tumbling along a rocky bed.", n_to At_End_Of_Road, e_to In_Forest_1, w_to In_Forest_1, u_to In_Forest_1, s_to At_Slit_In_Streambed, d_to At_Slit_In_Streambed, name "valley"; Object -> "streambed" with name "bed" "streambed" "rock" "small" "rocky" "bare" "dry" has scenery; AboveGround At_Slit_In_Streambed "At Slit In Streambed" with description "At your feet all the water of the stream splashes into a 2-inch slit in the rock. Downstream the streambed is bare rock.", n_to In_A_Valley, e_to In_Forest_1, w_to In_Forest_1, s_to Outside_Grate, d_to "You don't fit through a two-inch slit!", in_to "You don't fit through a two-inch slit!"; Object -> "2-inch slit" with name "slit" "two" "inch" "2-inch", description "It's just a 2-inch slit in the rock, through which the stream is flowing.", before [; Enter: "You don't fit through a two-inch slit!"; ], has scenery; AboveGround Outside_Grate "Outside Grate" with description "You are in a 20-foot depression floored with bare dirt. Set into the dirt is a strong steel grate mounted in concrete. A dry streambed leads into the depression.", e_to In_Forest_1, w_to In_Forest_1, s_to In_Forest_1, n_to At_Slit_In_Streambed, d_to [; if (Grate hasnt locked && Grate hasnt open) { print "(first opening the grate)^"; give Grate open; } return Grate; ]; Object -> "20-foot depression" with description "You're standing in it.", name "depression" "dirt" "twenty" "foot" "bare" "20-foot", has scenery; Object -> Grate "steel grate" with name "grate" "lock" "gate" "grille" "metal" "strong" "steel" "grating", description "It just looks like an ordinary grate mounted in concrete.", with_key set_of_keys, door_dir [; if (location==Below_The_Grate) return u_to; return d_to; ], door_to [; if (location==Below_The_Grate) return Outside_Grate; return Below_The_Grate; ], describe [; if (self has open) "^The grate stands open."; if (self hasnt locked) "^The grate is unlocked but shut."; rtrue; ], found_in Below_The_Grate Outside_Grate has static door openable lockable locked; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Facilis descensus Averno... ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object Below_The_Grate "Below the Grate" with description "You are in a small chamber beneath a 3x3 steel grate to the surface. A low crawl over cobbles leads inward to the west.", w_to In_Cobble_Crawl, u_to Grate has light; Object "cobbles" with description "They're just ordinary cobbles.", name "cobble" "cobbles" "cobblestones" "cobblestone" "stones" "stone", found_in In_Cobble_Crawl In_Debris_Room Below_The_Grate has scenery multitude; Object In_Cobble_Crawl "In Cobble Crawl" with description "You are crawling over cobbles in a low passage. There is a dim light at the east end of the passage.", e_to Below_The_Grate, w_to In_Debris_Room has light; Object -> wicker_cage "wicker cage" with description "It's a small wicker cage.", initial "There is a small wicker cage discarded nearby.", name "cage" "small" "wicker", after [; Open: if (little_bird notin self) rfalse; print "(releasing the little bird)^"; <>; ], has container open openable transparent; Object In_Debris_Room "In Debris Room" with description "You are in a debris room filled with stuff washed in from the surface. A low wide passage with cobbles becomes plugged with mud and debris here, but an awkward canyon leads upward and west.^^ A note on the wall says, ~Magic word XYZZY.~", e_to In_Cobble_Crawl, u_to In_Awkward_Sloping_E_W_Canyon, w_to In_Awkward_Sloping_E_W_Canyon, before [; Xyzzy: PlayerTo(Inside_Building); rtrue; ], has nodwarf; Object -> "debris" with description "Yuck.", name "debris" "stuff" "mud" has scenery; Object -> "note" with description "The note says ~Magic word XYZZY~.", name "note" has scenery; Object -> black_rod "black rod with a rusty star on the end" with description "It's a three foot black rod with a rusty star on an end.", initial "A three foot black rod with a rusty star on one end lies nearby.", name "rod" "star" "black" "rusty" "star" "three" "foot" "iron", before [; Wave: if (location==West_Side_Of_Fissure or On_East_Bank_Of_Fissure) { if (caves_closed) "Peculiar. Nothing happens."; if (CrystalBridge notin nothing) { remove CrystalBridge; give CrystalBridge absent; West_Side_Of_Fissure.e_to = 0; On_East_Bank_Of_Fissure.w_to = 0; "The crystal bridge has vanished!"; } else { move CrystalBridge to location; give CrystalBridge ~absent; West_Side_Of_Fissure.e_to = CrystalBridge; On_East_Bank_Of_Fissure.w_to = CrystalBridge; "A crystal bridge now spans the fissure."; } } "Nothing happens."; ]; Object In_Awkward_Sloping_E_W_Canyon "Sloping E/W Canyon" with description "You are in an awkward sloping east/west canyon.", d_to In_Debris_Room, e_to In_Debris_Room, u_to In_Bird_Chamber, w_to In_Bird_Chamber has nodwarf; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The little bird in its natural habitat ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Bird_Chamber "Orange River Chamber" with description "You are in a splendid chamber thirty feet high. The walls are frozen rivers of orange stone. An awkward canyon and a good passage exit from east and west sides of the chamber.", e_to In_Awkward_Sloping_E_W_Canyon, w_to At_Top_Of_Small_Pit has nodwarf; Object -> little_bird "little bird" with name "cheerful" "mournful" "little" "bird", initial "A cheerful little bird is sitting here singing.", before [; Examine: if (self in wicker_cage) "The little bird looks unhappy in the cage."; "The cheerful little bird is sitting here singing."; Insert: if (second==wicker_cage) <>; else "Don't put the poor bird in ", (the) second, "!"; Drop, Remove: if (self in wicker_cage) { print "(The bird is released from the cage.)^^"; <>; } Take, Catch: if (self in wicker_cage) "You already have the little bird. If you take it out of the cage it will likely fly away from you."; if (wicker_cage notin player) "You can catch the bird, but you cannot carry it."; if (black_rod in player) "The bird was unafraid when you entered, but as you approach it becomes disturbed and you cannot catch it."; move self to wicker_cage; give wicker_cage ~open; "You catch the bird in the wicker cage."; Release: if (self notin wicker_cage) "The bird is not caged now."; give wicker_cage open; move self to location; if (Snake in location) { remove Snake; "The little bird attacks the green snake, and in an astounding flurry drives the snake away."; } if (Dragon in location) { remove self; "The little bird attacks the green dragon, and in an astounding flurry gets burnt to a cinder. The ashes blow away."; } "The little bird flies free."; ], life [; Give: "It's not hungry. (It's merely pinin' for the fjords). Besides, I suspect it would prefer bird seed."; Order, Ask, Answer: "Cheep! Chirp!"; Attack: if (self in wicker_cage) "Oh, leave the poor unhappy bird alone."; remove self; "The little bird is now dead. Its body disappears."; ], has animate; Object At_Top_Of_Small_Pit "At Top of Small Pit" with description "At your feet is a small pit breathing traces of white mist. A west passage ends here except for a small crack leading on.^^ Rough stone steps lead down the pit.", e_to In_Bird_Chamber, w_to "The crack is far too small for you to follow.", d_to [; if (large_gold_nugget in player) { deadflag=1; "You are at the bottom of the pit with a broken neck."; } return In_Hall_Of_Mists; ], before [; Enter: if (noun==PitCrack) "The crack is far too small for you to follow."; ], has nodwarf; Object -> "small pit" with description "The pit is breathing traces of white mist.", name "pit" "small" has scenery; Object -> PitCrack "crack" with description "The crack is very small -- far too small for you to follow.", name "crack" "small" has scenery; Object "mist" with description "Mist is a white vapor, usually water, seen from time to time in caverns. It can be found anywhere but is frequently a sign of a deep pit leading down to water.", name "mist" "vapor" "wisps" "white", found_in At_Top_Of_Small_Pit In_Hall_Of_Mists On_East_Bank_Of_Fissure At_Window_On_Pit_1 At_West_End_Of_Hall_Of_Mists In_Misty_Cavern In_Mirror_Canyon At_Reservoir At_Window_On_Pit_2 On_Sw_Side_Of_Chasm has scenery; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The caves open up: The Hall of Mists ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Hall_Of_Mists "In Hall of Mists" with initial [; if (self has general) rfalse; score=score+25; give self general; ], description "You are at one end of a vast hall stretching forward out of sight to the west. There are openings to either side. Nearby, a wide stone staircase leads downward. The hall is filled with wisps of white mist swaying to and fro almost as if alive. A cold wind blows up the staircase. There is a passage at the top of a dome behind you.^^ Rough stone steps lead up the dome.", s_to In_Nugget_Of_Gold_Room, w_to On_East_Bank_Of_Fissure, d_to In_Hall_Of_Mt_King, n_to In_Hall_Of_Mt_King, u_to [; if (large_gold_nugget in player) "The dome is unclimbable."; return At_Top_Of_Small_Pit; ]; Object -> "wide stone staircase" with description "The staircase leads down.", name "stair" "stairs" "staircase" "wide" "stone" has scenery; Object -> "rough stone steps" with description "The rough stone steps lead up the dome.", name "stair" "stairs" "staircase" "rough" "stone" has scenery multitude; Object -> "dome" with name "dome", before [; Examine: if (large_gold_nugget in player) "I'm not sure you'll be able to get up it with what you're carrying."; "It looks like you might be able to climb up it."; Climb: MovePlayer(u_obj); rtrue; ], has scenery; Object In_Nugget_Of_Gold_Room "Low Room" with description "This is a low room with a crude note on the wall:^^ ~You won't get it up the steps~.", n_to In_Hall_Of_Mists; Object -> "note" with description "The note says, ~You won't get it up the steps~.", name "note" "crude" has scenery; Treasure -> large_gold_nugget "large gold nugget" with description "It's a large sparkling nugget of gold!", initial "There is a large sparkling nugget of gold here!", name "gold" "nugget" "large" "heavy"; Class FissureRoom with before [; Jump: if (CrystalBridge hasnt absent) "I respectfully suggest you go across the bridge instead of jumping."; deadflag=1; "You didn't make it."; ], d_to "The fissure is too terrifying!"; FissureRoom On_East_Bank_Of_Fissure "On East Bank of Fissure" with description "You are on the east bank of a fissure slicing clear across the hall. The mist is quite thick here, and the fissure is too wide to jump.", e_to In_Hall_Of_Mists, w_to "The fissure is too wide."; FissureRoom West_Side_Of_Fissure "West Side of Fissure" with description "You are on the west side of the fissure in the hall of mists.", w_to At_West_End_Of_Hall_Of_Mists, e_to "The fissure is too wide.", n_to At_West_End_Of_Hall_Of_Mists, before [; Go: if (location==West_Side_Of_Fissure && noun==n_obj) print "You have crawled through a very low wide passage parallel to and north of the hall of mists.^"; ]; Treasure -> "diamonds" with article "some", description "They look to be of the highest quality!", initial "There are diamonds here!", name "diamond" "diamonds" "several" "high" "quality" has multitude; Object CrystalBridge "crystal bridge" with initial "A crystal bridge now spans the fissure.", description "It spans the fissure, thereby providing you a way across.", door_dir [; if (location==West_Side_Of_Fissure) return e_to; return w_to; ], door_to [; if (location==West_Side_Of_Fissure) return On_East_Bank_Of_Fissure; return West_Side_Of_Fissure; ], name "crystal" "bridge", found_in On_East_Bank_Of_Fissure West_Side_Of_Fissure has static door open absent; Object "fissure" with name "wide" "fissure", description "The fissure looks far too wide to jump.", found_in On_East_Bank_Of_Fissure West_Side_Of_Fissure has scenery; Object At_West_End_Of_Hall_Of_Mists "At West End of Hall of Mists" with description "You are at the west end of the hall of mists. A low wide crawl continues west and another goes north. To the south is a little passage 6 feet off the floor.", s_to Alike_Maze_1, u_to Alike_Maze_1, e_to West_Side_Of_Fissure, w_to At_East_End_Of_Long_Hall, n_to West_Side_Of_Fissure, before [; Go: if (noun==n_obj) print "You have crawled through a very low wide passage parallel to and north of the hall of mists.^"; ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Long Hall to the west of the Hall of Mists ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object At_East_End_Of_Long_Hall "At East End of Long Hall" with description "You are at the east end of a very long hall apparently without side chambers. To the east a low wide crawl slants up. To the north a round two foot hole slants down.", e_to At_West_End_Of_Hall_Of_Mists, u_to At_West_End_Of_Hall_Of_Mists, w_to At_West_End_Of_Long_Hall, n_to Crossover, d_to Crossover; Object At_West_End_Of_Long_Hall "At West End of Long Hall" with description "You are at the west end of a very long featureless hall. The hall joins up with a narrow north/south passage.", e_to At_East_End_Of_Long_Hall, s_to Different_Maze_1, n_to Crossover; Object Crossover "N/S and E/W Crossover" with description "You are at a crossover of a high N/S passage and a low E/W one.", w_to At_East_End_Of_Long_Hall, n_to Dead_End_7, e_to In_West_Side_Chamber, s_to At_West_End_Of_Long_Hall; Object -> "crossover" with description "You know as much as I do at this point.", name "crossover" "over" "cross" has scenery; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Many Dead Ends will be needed for the maze below, so define a class: ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class DeadEndRoom with short_name "Dead End", description "You have reached a dead end.", cant_go "You'll have to go back the way you came."; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_7 with s_to Crossover, out_to Crossover; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The Hall of the Mountain King and side chambers ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Hall_Of_Mt_King "Hall of the Mountain King" with description "You are in the hall of the mountain king, with passages off in all directions.", cant_go "Well, perhaps not quite all directions.", u_to In_Hall_Of_Mists, e_to In_Hall_Of_Mists, n_to Low_N_S_Passage, s_to In_South_Side_Chamber, w_to In_West_Side_Chamber, sw_to In_Secret_E_W_Canyon, before [; Go: if (Snake in self && (noun == n_obj or s_obj or w_obj || (noun == sw_obj && random(100) <= 35))) "You can't get by the snake."; ]; Object -> Snake "snake" with description "I wouldn't mess with it if I were you.", initial "A huge green fierce snake bars the way!", name "snake" "cobra" "asp" "huge" "fierce" "green" "ferocious" "venemous" "venomous" "large" "big" "killer", life [; Order, Ask, Answer: "Hiss!"; ThrowAt: if (noun==axe) <>; <>; Give: if (noun==little_bird) { remove little_bird; "The snake has now devoured your bird."; } "There's nothing here it wants to eat (except perhaps you)."; Attack: "Attacking the snake both doesn't work and is very dangerous."; Take: deadflag=1; "It takes you instead. Glrp!"; ], has animate; Object Low_N_S_Passage "Low N/S Passage" with description "You are in a low N/S passage at a hole in the floor. The hole goes down to an E/W passage.", s_to In_Hall_Of_Mt_King, d_to In_Dirty_Passage, n_to At_Y2; Treasure -> "bars of silver" with description "They're probably worth a fortune!", initial "There are bars of silver here!", article "some", name "silver" "bars"; Object In_South_Side_Chamber "In South Side Chamber" with description "You are in the south side chamber.", n_to In_Hall_Of_Mt_King; Treasure -> "precious jewelry" with description "It's all quite exquisite!", initial "There is precious jewelry here!", article "some", name "jewel" "jewels" "jewelry" "precious" "exquisite"; Object In_West_Side_Chamber "In West Side Chamber" with description "You are in the west side chamber of the hall of the mountain king. A passage continues west and up here.", w_to Crossover, u_to Crossover, e_to In_Hall_Of_Mt_King; Treasure -> rare_coins "rare coins" with description "They're a numismatist's dream!", initial "There are many coins here!", article "many", name "coins" "rare", has multitude; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The Y2 Rock Room and environs, slightly below ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object At_Y2 "At ~Y2~" with description "You are in a large room, with a passage to the south, a passage to the west, and a wall of broken rock to the east. There is a large ~Y2~ on a rock in the room's center.", after [; Look: if (random(100)<=25) print "^A hollow voice says, ~Plugh.~^"; ], before [; Plugh: PlayerTo(Inside_Building); rtrue; Plover: if (In_Plover_Room hasnt visited) rfalse; if (egg_sized_emerald in player) { move egg_sized_emerald to In_Plover_Room; score = score - 5; } PlayerTo(In_Plover_Room); rtrue; ], s_to Low_N_S_Passage, e_to Jumble_Of_Rock, w_to At_Window_On_Pit_1; Object -> "~Y2~ rock" with description "There is a large ~Y2~ painted on the rock.", name "rock" "y2" has scenery supporter; Object Jumble_Of_Rock "Jumble of Rock" with description "You are in a jumble of rock, with cracks everywhere.", d_to At_Y2, u_to In_Hall_Of_Mists; Object At_Window_On_Pit_1 "At Window on Pit" with description "You're at a low window overlooking a huge pit, which extends up out of sight. A floor is indistinctly visible over 50 feet below. Traces of white mist cover the floor of the pit, becoming thicker to the right. Marks in the dust around the window would seem to indicate that someone has been here recently. Directly across the pit from you and 25 feet away there is a similar window looking into a lighted room. A shadowy figure can be seen there peering back at you.", before [; WaveHands: "The shadowy figure waves back at you!"; ], cant_go "The only passage is back east to Y2.", e_to At_Y2; Class PitScenery with found_in At_Window_On_Pit_1 At_Window_On_Pit_2, has scenery; PitScenery "window" with description "It looks like a regular window.", name "window" "low", has openable; PitScenery "huge pit" with description "It's so deep you can barely make out the floor below, and the top isn't visible at all.", name "pit" "deep" "large"; PitScenery "marks in the dust" with description "Evidently you're not alone here.", name "marks" "dust" has multitude; PitScenery "shadowy figure" with description "The shadowy figure seems to be trying to attract your attention.", name "figure" "shadow" "person" "individual" "shadowy" "mysterious"; Object In_Dirty_Passage "Dirty Passage" with description "You are in a dirty broken passage. To the east is a crawl. To the west is a large passage. Above you is a hole to another passage.", e_to On_Brink_Of_Pit, u_to Low_N_S_Passage, w_to In_Dusty_Rock_Room; Object On_Brink_Of_Pit "Brink of Pit" with description "You are on the brink of a small clean climbable pit. A crawl leads west.", w_to In_Dirty_Passage, d_to In_Pit, in_to In_Pit; Object -> "small pit" with description "It looks like you might be able to climb down into it.", name "pit" "small" "clean" "climbable", before [; Climb, Enter: MovePlayer(d_obj); rtrue; ], has scenery; Object In_Pit "In Pit" with description "You are in the bottom of a small pit with a little stream, which enters and exits through tiny slits.", u_to On_Brink_Of_Pit, d_to "You don't fit through the tiny slits!" has nodwarf; Object -> "tiny slits" with description "The slits form a complex pattern in the rock.", name "slit" "slits" "tiny" has scenery multitude; Object In_Dusty_Rock_Room "In Dusty Rock Room" with description "You are in a large room full of dusty rocks. There is a big hole in the floor. There are cracks everywhere, and a passage leading east.", e_to In_Dirty_Passage, d_to At_Complex_Junction; Object -> "dusty rocks" with description "They're just rocks. (Dusty ones, that is.)", name "rocks" "boulders" "stones" "rock" "boulder" "stone" "dusty" "dirty" has scenery multitude; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! A maze of twisty little passages, all alike... ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class MazeRoom with short_name "Maze", description "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.", out_to "Easier said than done."; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_1 with u_to At_West_End_Of_Hall_Of_Mists, n_to Alike_Maze_1, e_to Alike_Maze_2, s_to Alike_Maze_4, w_to Alike_Maze_11; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_2 with w_to Alike_Maze_1, s_to Alike_Maze_3, e_to Alike_Maze_4; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_3 with e_to Alike_Maze_2, d_to Dead_End_3, s_to Alike_Maze_6, n_to Dead_End_13; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_4 with w_to Alike_Maze_1, n_to Alike_Maze_2, e_to Dead_End_1, s_to Dead_End_2, u_to Alike_Maze_14, d_to Alike_Maze_14; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_5 with e_to Alike_Maze_6, w_to Alike_Maze_7; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_6 with e_to Alike_Maze_3, w_to Alike_Maze_5, d_to Alike_Maze_7, s_to Alike_Maze_8; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_1 with w_to Alike_Maze_4, out_to Alike_Maze_4; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_2 with w_to Alike_Maze_4, out_to Alike_Maze_4; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_3 with u_to Alike_Maze_3, out_to Alike_Maze_3; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_7 with w_to Alike_Maze_5, u_to Alike_Maze_6, e_to Alike_Maze_8, s_to Alike_Maze_9; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_8 with w_to Alike_Maze_6, e_to Alike_Maze_7, s_to Alike_Maze_8, u_to Alike_Maze_9, n_to Alike_Maze_10, d_to Dead_End_12; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_9 with w_to Alike_Maze_7, n_to Alike_Maze_8, s_to Dead_End_4; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_4 with w_to Alike_Maze_9, out_to Alike_Maze_9; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_10 with w_to Alike_Maze_8, n_to Alike_Maze_10, d_to Dead_End_5, e_to At_Brink_Of_Pit; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_5 with u_to Alike_Maze_10, out_to Alike_Maze_10; Object At_Brink_Of_Pit "At Brink of Pit" with description "You are on the brink of a thirty foot pit with a massive orange column down one wall. You could climb down here but you could not get back up. The maze continues at this level.", d_to In_Bird_Chamber, w_to Alike_Maze_10, s_to Dead_End_6, n_to Alike_Maze_12, e_to Alike_Maze_13; Object -> "massive orange column" with description "It looks like you could climb down it.", name "column" "massive" "orange" "big" "huge", before [; Climb: MovePlayer(d_obj); rtrue; ], has scenery; Object -> "pit" with description "You'll have to climb down to find out anything more...", name "pit" "thirty" "foot" "thirty-foot", before [; Climb: MovePlayer(d_obj); rtrue; ], has scenery; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_6 with e_to At_Brink_Of_Pit, out_to At_Brink_Of_Pit; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! A line of three vital junctions, east to west ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object At_Complex_Junction "At Complex Junction" with description "You are at a complex junction. A low hands and knees passage from the north joins a higher crawl from the east to make a walking passage going west. There is also a large room above. The air is damp here.", u_to In_Dusty_Rock_Room, w_to In_Bedquilt, n_to In_Shell_Room, e_to In_Anteroom; Object In_Bedquilt "Bedquilt" with description "You are in bedquilt, a long east/west passage with holes everywhere. To explore at random select north, south, up, or down.", e_to At_Complex_Junction, w_to In_Swiss_Cheese_Room, s_to In_Slab_Room, u_to In_Dusty_Rock_Room, n_to At_Junction_Of_Three, d_to In_Anteroom, before [ destiny; Go: if (noun==s_obj or d_obj && random(100)<=80) destiny=1; if (noun==u_obj && random(100)<=80) destiny=1; if (noun==u_obj && random(100)<=50) destiny=In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_1; if (noun==n_obj && random(100)<=60) destiny=1; if (noun==n_obj && random(100)<=75) destiny=In_Large_Low_Room; if (destiny==1) "You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the main passage."; if (destiny==0) rfalse; PlayerTo(destiny); rtrue; ]; Object In_Swiss_Cheese_Room "In Swiss Cheese Room" with description "You are in a room whose walls resemble swiss cheese. Obvious passages go west, east, ne, and nw. Part of the room is occupied by a large bedrock block.", w_to At_East_End_Of_Twopit_Room, s_to In_Tall_E_W_Canyon, ne_to In_Bedquilt, nw_to In_Oriental_Room, e_to In_Soft_Room, before [; Go: if ((noun==s_obj && random(100) <= 80) || (noun==nw_obj && random(100) <= 50)) "You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the main passage."; ]; Object -> "bedrock block" with description "It's just a huge block.", name "block" "bedrock" "large", before [; LookUnder, Push, Pull, Take: "Surely you're joking."; ], has scenery; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The Twopit Room area ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Possible heights for the plant: ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constant TINY_P = 0; Constant TALL_P = 1; Constant HUGE_P = 2; Object At_West_End_Of_Twopit_Room "At West End of Twopit Room" with description "You are at the west end of the twopit room. There is a large hole in the wall above the pit at this end of the room.", e_to At_East_End_Of_Twopit_Room, w_to In_Slab_Room, d_to In_West_Pit, u_to "It is too far up for you to reach.", before [; Enter: if (noun==HoleAbovePit_1) "It is too far up for you to reach."; ]; Object PlantStickingUp "beanstalk" with found_in At_West_End_Of_Twopit_Room At_East_End_Of_Twopit_Room, name "plant" "beanstalk" "stalk" "bean" "giant" "tiny" "little" "murmuring" "twelve" "foot" "tall" "bellowing", describe [; if (Plant.height == TALL_P) "The top of a 12-foot-tall beanstalk is poking out of the west pit."; "There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole."; ], before [; Examine: RunRoutines(self,describe); rtrue; Climb: if (Plant.height==HUGE_P) <>; ], has absent static; Object HoleAbovePit_1 "hole above pit" with description "The hole is in the wall above the pit at this end of the room.", name "hole" "large" "above" "pit", found_in In_West_Pit At_West_End_Of_Twopit_Room has scenery; Object In_West_Pit "In West Pit" with description "You are at the bottom of the western pit in the twopit room. There is a large hole in the wall about 25 feet above you.", before [; Climb: if (noun==Plant) rfalse; if (Plant.height == TINY_P) "There is nothing here to climb. Use ~up~ or ~out~ to leave the pit."; ], u_to At_West_End_Of_Twopit_Room has nodwarf; Object -> Plant "plant" with height TINY_P, name "plant" "beanstalk" "stalk" "bean" "giant" "tiny" "little" "murmuring" "twelve" "foot" "tall" "bellowing", describe [; switch(self.height) { TINY_P: "There is a tiny little plant in the pit, murmuring ~Water, water, ...~"; TALL_P: "There is a 12-foot-tall beanstalk stretching up out of the pit, bellowing ~Water!! Water!!~"; HUGE_P: "There is a gigantic beanstalk stretching all the way up to the hole."; } ], before [; Climb: switch(self.height) { TINY_P: "It's just a little plant!"; TALL_P: print "You have climbed up the plant and out of the pit.^"; PlayerTo(At_West_End_Of_Twopit_Room); rtrue; HUGE_P: print "You clamber up the plant and scurry through the hole at the top.^"; PlayerTo(In_Narrow_Corridor); rtrue; } Take: "The plant has exceptionally deep roots and cannot be pulled free."; Water: if (bottle notin player) "You have nothing to water the plant with."; switch(child(bottle)) { nothing: "The bottle is empty."; oil_in_the_bottle: remove oil_in_the_bottle; "The plant indignantly shakes the oil off its leaves and asks, ~Water?~"; } remove water_in_the_bottle; switch((self.height)++) { TINY_P: print "The plant spurts into furious growth for a few seconds.^^"; give PlantStickingUp ~absent; TALL_P: print "The plant grows explosively, almost filling the bottom of the pit.^^"; HUGE_P: print "You've over-watered the plant! It's shriveling up! It's, it's...^^"; give PlantStickingUp absent; remove PlantStickingUp; self.height = TINY_P; } <>; Oil: <>; Examine: self.describe(); rtrue; ]; Object At_East_End_Of_Twopit_Room "At East End of Twopit Room" with description "You are at the east end of the twopit room. The floor here is littered with thin rock slabs, which make it easy to descend the pits. There is a path here bypassing the pits to connect passages from east and west. There are holes all over, but the only big one is on the wall directly over the west pit where you can't get to it.", e_to In_Swiss_Cheese_Room, w_to At_West_End_Of_Twopit_Room, d_to In_East_Pit; Object -> "thin rock slabs" with description "They almost form natural stairs down into the pit.", name "slabs" "slab" "rocks" "stairs" "thin" "rock", before [; LookUnder, Push, Pull, Take: "Surely you're joking."; ], has scenery multitude; Object In_East_Pit "In East Pit" with description "You are at the bottom of the eastern pit in the twopit room. There is a small pool of oil in one corner of the pit.", u_to At_East_End_Of_Twopit_Room has nodwarf; Object -> Oil "pool of oil" with name "pool" "oil" "small", description "It looks like ordinary oil.", before [; Drink: "Absolutely not."; Take: if (bottle notin player) "You have nothing in which to carry the oil."; <>; Insert: if (second == bottle) <>; "You have nothing in which to carry the oil."; ], has scenery; Object "hole above pit" with description "The hole is in the wall above you.", name "hole" "large" "above" "pit", found_in In_East_Pit At_East_End_Of_Twopit_Room has scenery; Object In_Slab_Room "Slab Room" with description "You are in a large low circular chamber whose floor is an immense slab fallen from the ceiling (slab room). East and west there once were large passages, but they are now filled with boulders. Low small passages go north and south, and the south one quickly bends west around the boulders.", s_to At_West_End_Of_Twopit_Room, u_to In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_0, n_to In_Bedquilt; Object -> "slab" with description "It is now the floor here.", name "slab" "immense", before [; LookUnder, Push, Pull, Take: "Surely you're joking."; ], has scenery; Object -> "boulders" with description "They're just ordinary boulders.", name "boulder" "boulders" "rocks" "stones" has scenery multitude; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! A small network of Canyons, mainly Secret ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_0 "Secret N/S Canyon" with description "You are in a secret N/S canyon above a large room.", d_to In_Slab_Room, s_to In_Secret_Canyon, n_to In_Mirror_Canyon, before [; Go: if (noun==s_obj) canyon_from=self; ]; Object In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_1 "Secret N/S Canyon" with description "You are in a secret N/S canyon above a sizable passage.", n_to At_Junction_Of_Three, d_to In_Bedquilt, s_to Atop_Stalactite; Object At_Junction_Of_Three "Junction of Three Secret Canyons" with description "You are in a secret canyon at a junction of three canyons, bearing north, south, and se. The north one is as tall as the other two combined.", se_to In_Bedquilt, s_to In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_1, n_to At_Window_On_Pit_2; Object In_Large_Low_Room "Large Low Room" with description "You are in a large low room. Crawls lead north, se, and sw.", sw_to In_Sloping_Corridor, se_to In_Oriental_Room, n_to Dead_End_Crawl; Object Dead_End_Crawl "Dead End Crawl" with description "This is a dead end crawl.", s_to In_Large_Low_Room, out_to In_Large_Low_Room; Object In_Secret_E_W_Canyon "Secret E/W Canyon Above Tight Canyon" with description "You are in a secret canyon which here runs E/W. It crosses over a very tight canyon 15 feet below. If you go down you may not be able to get back up.", e_to In_Hall_Of_Mt_King, w_to In_Secret_Canyon, before [; Go: if (noun==w_obj) canyon_from=self; ], d_to In_N_S_Canyon; Object In_N_S_Canyon "N/S Canyon" with description "You are at a wide place in a very tight N/S canyon.", s_to Canyon_Dead_End, n_to In_Tall_E_W_Canyon; Object Canyon_Dead_End "Canyon Dead End" with description "The canyon here becomes too tight to go further south.", n_to In_N_S_Canyon; Object In_Tall_E_W_Canyon "In Tall E/W Canyon" with description "You are in a tall E/W canyon. A low tight crawl goes 3 feet north and seems to open up.", e_to In_N_S_Canyon, w_to Dead_End_8, n_to In_Swiss_Cheese_Room; Object Atop_Stalactite "Atop Stalactite" with description "A large stalactite extends from the roof and almost reaches the floor below. You could climb down it, and jump from it to the floor, but having done so you would be unable to reach it to climb back up.", n_to In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_1, d_to [; if (random(100) <= 40) return Alike_Maze_6; if (random(100) <= 50) return Alike_Maze_9; return Alike_Maze_4; ], before [; Jump, Climb: <>; ]; Object -> "stalactite" with description "You could probably climb down it, but you can forget coming back up.", name "stalactite" "stalagmite" "stalagtite" "large", before [; LookUnder, Push, Take: "Do get a grip on yourself."; ], has scenery; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Here be dragons ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Secret_Canyon "Secret Canyon" with description "You are in a secret canyon which exits to the north and east.", e_to [; if (canyon_from == In_Secret_E_W_Canyon) return canyon_from; if (Dragon in location) "The dragon looks rather nasty. You'd best not try to get by."; return In_Secret_E_W_Canyon; ], n_to [; if (canyon_from == In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_0) return canyon_from; if (Dragon in location) "The dragon looks rather nasty. You'd best not try to get by."; return In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_0; ], out_to [; return canyon_from; ], before [; if (action==##Yes && Dragon has general) { remove Dragon; move DragonCorpse to location; give Dragon ~general; "Congratulations! You have just vanquished a dragon with your bare hands! (Unbelievable, isn't it?)"; } if (action==##No && Dragon has general) { give Dragon ~general; "I should think not."; } give Dragon ~general; ]; Object -> Dragon "dragon" with description "I wouldn't mess with it if I were you.", name "dragon" "monster" "beast" "lizard" "huge" "green" "fierce" "scaly" "giant" "ferocious", initial "A huge green fierce dragon bars the way!", life [; Attack: give Dragon general; "With what? Your bare hands?"; Give: "The dragon is implacable."; ThrowAt: if (noun~=axe) "You'd probably be better off using your bare hands than that thing!"; move axe to location; "The axe bounces harmlessly off the dragon's thick scales."; ], has animate; Treasure -> "Persian rug" with name "rug" "persian" "persian" "fine" "finest" "dragon^s", depositpoints 14, before [; Take: if (Dragon in location) "You'll need to get the dragon to move first!"; ], describe [; if (Dragon in location) "The dragon is sprawled out on the Persian rug!"; "The Persian rug is spread out on the floor here."; ]; Object DragonCorpse "dragon's body" with initial "The body of a huge green dead dragon is lying off to one side.", name "dragon" "corpse" "dead" "dragon^s" "body", before [; Attack: "You've already done enough damage!"; ], has static; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! And more of the Alike Maze ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DeadEndRoom Dead_End_8 with description "The canyon runs into a mass of boulders -- dead end.", s_to In_Tall_E_W_Canyon, out_to In_Tall_E_W_Canyon; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_11 with n_to Alike_Maze_1, w_to Alike_Maze_11, s_to Alike_Maze_11, e_to Dead_End_9, ne_to Dead_End_10; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_9 with w_to Alike_Maze_11, out_to Alike_Maze_11; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_10 with s_to Alike_Maze_3, out_to Alike_Maze_3; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_12 with s_to At_Brink_Of_Pit, e_to Alike_Maze_13, w_to Dead_End_11; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_13 with n_to At_Brink_Of_Pit, w_to Alike_Maze_12, nw_to Dead_End_13; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_11 with e_to Alike_Maze_12, out_to Alike_Maze_12; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_12 with u_to Alike_Maze_8, out_to Alike_Maze_8; MazeRoom Alike_Maze_14 with u_to Alike_Maze_4, d_to Alike_Maze_4; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_13 with se_to Alike_Maze_13, out_to Alike_Maze_13, description "This is the pirate's dead end.", initial [; StopDaemon(Pirate); if (treasure_chest in self && treasure_chest hasnt moved) "You've found the pirate's treasure chest!"; ], has nodwarf; Treasure -> treasure_chest "treasure chest" with depositpoints 12, description "It's the pirate's treasure chest, filled with riches of all kinds!", initial "The pirate's treasure chest is here!", name "chest" "box" "treasure" "riches" "pirate" "pirate^s" "treasure"; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Above the beanstalk: the Giant Room and the Waterfall ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Narrow_Corridor "In Narrow Corridor" with description "You are in a long, narrow corridor stretching out of sight to the west. At the eastern end is a hole through which you can see a profusion of leaves.", d_to In_West_Pit, w_to In_Giant_Room, e_to In_West_Pit, before [; Jump: deadflag=1; "You fall and break your neck!"; ]; Object -> "leaves" with description "The leaves appear to be attached to the beanstalk you climbed to get here.", article "some", name "leaf" "leaves" "plant" "tree" "stalk" "beanstalk" "profusion", before [; Count: "69,105."; ! (I thank Rene Schnoor for counting them) ], has scenery; Object At_Steep_Incline "Steep Incline Above Large Room" with description "You are at the top of a steep incline above a large room. You could climb down here, but you would not be able to climb up. There is a passage leading back to the north.", n_to In_Cavern_With_Waterfall, d_to In_Large_Low_Room; Object In_Giant_Room "Giant Room" with description "You are in the giant room. The ceiling here is too high up for your lamp to show it. Cavernous passages lead east, north, and south. On the west wall is scrawled the inscription, ~Fee fie foe foo~ [sic].", s_to In_Narrow_Corridor, e_to At_Recent_Cave_In, n_to In_Immense_N_S_Passage; Object -> "scrawled inscription" with description "It says, ~Fee fie foe foo [sic].~", name "inscription" "writing" "scrawl" "scrawled" has scenery; Treasure -> golden_eggs "nest of golden eggs" with depositpoints 14, description "The nest is filled with beautiful golden eggs!", initial "There is a large nest here, full of golden eggs!", name "eggs" "egg" "nest" "golden" "beautiful", has multitude; Object At_Recent_Cave_In "Recent Cave-in" with description "The passage here is blocked by a recent cave-in.", s_to In_Giant_Room; Object In_Immense_N_S_Passage "Immense N/S Passage" with description "You are at one end of an immense north/south passage.", s_to In_Giant_Room, n_to [; if (RustyDoor has locked) <>; if (RustyDoor hasnt open) { give RustyDoor open; print "(first wrenching the door open)^"; } return RustyDoor; ]; Object -> RustyDoor "rusty door" with description "It's just a big iron door.", name "door" "hinge" "hinges" "massive" "rusty" "iron", when_closed "The way north is barred by a massive, rusty, iron door.", when_open "The way north leads through a massive, rusty, iron door.", door_to In_Cavern_With_Waterfall, door_dir n_to, before [; Open: if (RustyDoor has locked) "The hinges are quite thoroughly rusted now and won't budge."; Close: if (RustyDoor has open) "With all the effort it took to get the door open, I wouldn't suggest closing it again."; "No problem there -- it already is."; Oil: if (bottle in player && oil_in_the_bottle in bottle) { remove oil_in_the_bottle; give RustyDoor ~locked openable; "The oil has freed up the hinges so that the door will now move, although it requires some effort."; } else "You have nothing to oil it with."; Water: if (bottle in player && water_in_the_bottle in bottle) { remove water_in_the_bottle; give RustyDoor locked ~open; "The hinges are quite thoroughly rusted now and won't budge."; } else "You have nothing to water it with."; ], after [; Open: "The door heaves open with a shower of rust."; ], has static door locked; Object In_Cavern_With_Waterfall "In Cavern With Waterfall" with description "You are in a magnificent cavern with a rushing stream, which cascades over a sparkling waterfall into a roaring whirlpool which disappears through a hole in the floor. Passages exit to the south and west.", s_to In_Immense_N_S_Passage, w_to At_Steep_Incline; Object -> "waterfall" with description "Wouldn't want to go down in in a barrel!", name "waterfall" "whirlpool" "sparkling" "whirling" has scenery; Treasure -> trident "jeweled trident" with description "The trident is covered with fabulous jewels!", initial "There is a jewel-encrusted trident here!", name "trident" "jeweled" "jewel-encrusted" "encrusted" "fabulous", depositpoints 14; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The caves around Bedquilt ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Soft_Room "In Soft Room" with description "You are in the soft room. The walls are covered with heavy curtains, the floor with a thick pile carpet. Moss covers the ceiling.", w_to In_Swiss_Cheese_Room; Object -> "carpet" with description "The carpet is quite plush.", name "carpet" "shag" "pile" "heavy" "thick" has scenery; Object -> "curtains" with description "They seem to absorb sound very well.", name "curtain" "curtains" "heavy" "thick", before [; Take: "Now don't go ripping up the place!"; LookUnder, Search: "You don't find anything exciting behind the curtains."; ], has scenery; Object -> "moss" with description "It just looks like your typical, everyday moss.", name "moss" "typical" "everyday", before [; Take: "It crumbles to nothing in your hands."; ], has scenery edible; Object -> velvet_pillow "velvet pillow" with description "It's just a small velvet pillow.", initial "A small velvet pillow lies on the floor.", name "pillow" "velvet" "small"; Object In_Oriental_Room "Oriental Room" with description "This is the oriental room. Ancient oriental cave drawings cover the walls. A gently sloping passage leads upward to the north, another passage leads se, and a hands and knees crawl leads west.", w_to In_Large_Low_Room, se_to In_Swiss_Cheese_Room, u_to In_Misty_Cavern, n_to In_Misty_Cavern; Object -> "ancient oriental drawings" with description "They seem to depict people and animals.", name "paintings" "drawings" "art" "cave" "ancient" "oriental" has scenery multitude; Treasure -> ming_vase "ming vase" with description "It's a delicate, precious, ming vase!", name "vase" "ming" "delicate", depositpoints 14, after [; Drop: if (velvet_pillow in location) { print "(coming to rest, delicately, on the velvet pillow)^"; rfalse; } remove ming_vase; move shards to location; "The ming vase drops with a delicate crash."; ], before [; Attack: remove ming_vase; move shards to location; "You have taken the vase and hurled it delicately to the ground."; Receive: "The vase is too fragile to use as a container."; ]; Object shards "some worthless shards of pottery" with initial "The floor is littered with worthless shards of pottery.", description "They look to be the remains of what was once a beautiful vase. I guess some oaf must have dropped it.", name "pottery" "shards" "remains" "vase" "worthless", has multitude; Object In_Misty_Cavern "Misty Cavern" with description "You are following a wide path around the outer edge of a large cavern. Far below, through a heavy white mist, strange splashing noises can be heard. The mist rises up through a fissure in the ceiling. The path exits to the south and west.", s_to In_Oriental_Room, w_to In_Alcove; Object -> "fissure" with description "You can't really get close enough to examine it.", name "fissure" "ceiling" has scenery; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Plovers and pyramids ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Alcove "Alcove" with description "You are in an alcove. A small northwest path seems to widen after a short distance. An extremely tight tunnel leads east. It looks like a very tight squeeze. An eerie light can be seen at the other end.", nw_to In_Misty_Cavern, e_to [ j; j=children(player); if (j==0 || (j==1 && egg_sized_emerald in player)) return In_Plover_Room; "Something you're carrying won't fit through the tunnel with you. You'd best take inventory and drop something."; ]; Object In_Plover_Room "Plover Room" with description "You're in a small chamber lit by an eerie green light. An extremely narrow tunnel exits to the west. A dark corridor leads northeast.", ne_to In_Dark_Room, w_to [ j; j=children(player); if (j==0 || (j==1 && egg_sized_emerald in player)) return In_Alcove; "Something you're carrying won't fit through the tunnel with you. You'd best take inventory and drop something."; ], before [; Plover: if (egg_sized_emerald in player) move egg_sized_emerald to In_Plover_Room; PlayerTo(At_Y2); rtrue; Go: if (noun==out_obj) <>; ], has light; Treasure -> egg_sized_emerald "emerald the size of a plover's egg" with depositpoints 14, article "an", description "Plover's eggs, by the way, are quite large.", initial "There is an emerald here the size of a plover's egg!", name "emerald" "egg-sized" "egg" "sized" "plover^s"; Object In_Dark_Room "The Dark Room" with description "You're in the dark-room. A corridor leading south is the only exit.", s_to In_Plover_Room has nodwarf; Object -> "stone tablet" with initial "A massive stone tablet imbedded in the wall reads: ~Congratulations on bringing light into the dark-room!~", name "tablet" "massive" "stone" has static; Treasure -> "platinum pyramid" with initial "There is a platinum pyramid here, 8 inches on a side!", depositpoints 14, description "The platinum pyramid is 8 inches on a side!", name "platinum" "pyramid" "platinum" "pyramidal"; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! North of the complex junction: a long up-down corridor ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Arched_Hall "Arched Hall" with description "You are in an arched hall. A coral passage once continued up and east from here, but is now blocked by debris. The air smells of sea water.", d_to In_Shell_Room; Object In_Shell_Room "Shell Room" with description "You're in a large room carved out of sedimentary rock. The floor and walls are littered with bits of shells imbedded in the stone. A shallow passage proceeds downward, and a somewhat steeper one leads up. A low hands and knees passage enters from the south.", u_to In_Arched_Hall, d_to In_Ragged_Corridor, s_to [; if (giant_bivalve in player) { if (giant_bivalve has open) "You can't fit this five-foot oyster through that little passage!"; else "You can't fit this five-foot clam through that little passage!"; } return At_Complex_Junction; ]; Object -> giant_bivalve "giant clam" with name "giant" "clam" "oyster" "bivalve", describe [; if (self has general) "There is an enormous oyster here with its shell tightly closed."; "There is an enormous clam here with its shell tightly closed."; ], before [; Examine: if (location==At_Ne_End or At_Sw_End) "Interesting. There seems to be something written on the underside of the oyster:^^ ~There is something strange about this place, such that one of the words I've always known now has a new effect.~"; "A giant bivalve of some kind."; Open: "You aren't strong enough to open the clam with your bare hands."; Unlock: if (second~=trident) print (The) trident, " isn't strong enough to open the clam."; if (self has general) "The oyster creaks open, revealing nothing but oyster inside. It promptly snaps shut again."; give self general; move pearl to In_A_Cul_De_Sac; "A glistening pearl falls out of the clam and rolls away. Goodness, this must really be an oyster. (I never was very good at identifying bivalves.) Whatever it is, it has now snapped shut again."; Attack: "The shell is very strong and is impervious to attack."; ]; Treasure pearl "glistening pearl" with description "It's incredibly large!", initial "Off to one side lies a glistening pearl!", name "pearl" "glistening" "incredible" "incredibly" "large", depositpoints 14; Object In_Ragged_Corridor "Ragged Corridor" with description "You are in a long sloping corridor with ragged sharp walls.", u_to In_Shell_Room, d_to In_A_Cul_De_Sac; Object In_A_Cul_De_Sac "Cul-de-Sac" with description "You are in a cul-de-sac about eight feet across.", u_to In_Ragged_Corridor, out_to In_Ragged_Corridor; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Witt's End: Cave under construction ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Anteroom "In Anteroom" with description "You are in an anteroom leading to a large passage to the east. Small passages go west and up. The remnants of recent digging are evident.", u_to At_Complex_Junction, w_to In_Bedquilt, e_to At_Witts_End; Object -> "sign" with initial "A sign in midair here says ~Cave under construction beyond this point. Proceed at own risk. [Witt Construction Company]~", name "sign" "witt" "company" "construction", before [; Take: "It's hanging way above your head."; ], has static; Object -> "recent issues of ~Spelunker Today~" with name "magazines" "magazine" "issue" "issues" "spelunker" "today", initial "There are a few recent issues of ~Spelunker Today~ magazine here.", description "I'm afraid the magazines are written in Dwarvish.", article "a few", after [; Take: if (location==At_Witts_End) score--; Drop: if (location==At_Witts_End) { score++; "You really are at wit's end."; } ], has multitude; Object At_Witts_End "At Witt's End" with description "You are at Witt's End. Passages lead off in *all* directions.", w_to "You have crawled around in some little holes and found your way blocked by a recent cave-in. You are now back in the main passage.", before [; Go: if (noun~=w_obj && random(100)<=95) "You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the main passage."; PlayerTo(In_Anteroom); rtrue; ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! North of the secret canyons, on the other side of the pit ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Mirror_Canyon "In Mirror Canyon" with description "You are in a north/south canyon about 25 feet across. The floor is covered by white mist seeping in from the north. The walls extend upward for well over 100 feet. Suspended from some unseen point far above you, an enormous two-sided mirror is hanging parallel to and midway between the canyon walls.^^ A small window can be seen in either wall, some fifty feet up.", s_to In_Secret_N_S_Canyon_0, n_to At_Reservoir; Object -> "suspended mirror" with description "The mirror is obviously provided for the use of the dwarves who, as you know, are extremely vain.", name "mirror" "massive" "enormous" "hanging" "suspended" "dwarves^" "two-sided" "two" "sided", initial "The mirror is obviously provided for the use of the dwarves, who as you know, are extremely vain.", before [; Attack, Remove: "You can't reach it from here."; ], has static; Object At_Window_On_Pit_2 "At Window on Pit" with description "You're at a low window overlooking a huge pit, which extends up out of sight. A floor is indistinctly visible over 50 feet below. Traces of white mist cover the floor of the pit, becoming thicker to the left. Marks in the dust around the window would seem to indicate that someone has been here recently. Directly across the pit from you and 25 feet away there is a similar window looking into a lighted room. A shadowy figure can be seen there peering back at you.", cant_go "The only passage is back west to the junction.", w_to At_Junction_Of_Three, before [; Jump: deadflag=1; "You jump and break your neck!"; WaveHands: "The shadowy figure waves back at you!"; ]; Object At_Reservoir "At Reservoir" with description "You are at the edge of a large underground reservoir. An opaque cloud of white mist fills the room and rises rapidly upward. The lake is fed by a stream, which tumbles out of a hole in the wall about 10 feet overhead and splashes noisily into the water somewhere within the mist. The only passage goes back toward the south.", s_to In_Mirror_Canyon, out_to In_Mirror_Canyon, before [; Swim: "The water is icy cold, and you would soon freeze to death."; ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The Chasm and the Troll Bridge ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Sloping_Corridor "Sloping Corridor" with description "You are in a long winding corridor sloping out of sight in both directions.", d_to In_Large_Low_Room, u_to On_Sw_Side_Of_Chasm, cant_go "The corridor slopes steeply up and down."; Object On_Sw_Side_Of_Chasm "On SW Side of Chasm" with description "You are on one side of a large, deep chasm. A heavy white mist rising up from below obscures all view of the far side. A southwest path leads away from the chasm into a winding corridor.", ne_to CrossRicketyBridge, sw_to In_Sloping_Corridor, d_to In_Sloping_Corridor, cant_go "The path winds southwest.", before [; Jump: if (RicketyBridge in self) "I respectfully suggest you go across the bridge instead of jumping."; deadflag=1; "You didn't make it."; ]; [ CrossRicketyBridge; if (Troll has general || Troll in nothing) { give Troll ~general; if (Bear has general) { remove Bear; remove self; give Wreckage ~absent; remove RicketyBridge; give RicketyBridge absent; StopDaemon(Bear); deadflag=1; "Just as you reach the other side, the bridge buckles beneath the weight of the bear, which was still following you around. You scrabble desperately for support, but as the bridge collapses you stumble back and fall into the chasm."; } return RicketyBridge; } if (Troll in location) "The troll refuses to let you cross."; move Troll to location; "The troll steps out from beneath the bridge and blocks your way."; ]; Object -> RicketyBridge "rickety bridge" with description "It just looks like an ordinary, but unstable, bridge.", describe [; print "A rickety wooden bridge extends across the chasm, vanishing into the mist.^^ A sign posted on the bridge reads, ~Stop! Pay troll!~^"; if (Troll notin location) "The troll is nowhere to be seen."; rtrue; ], name "bridge" "rickety" "unstable" "wobbly" "rope", door_dir [; if (location==On_Sw_Side_Of_Chasm) return ne_to; return sw_to; ], door_to [; if (location==On_Sw_Side_Of_Chasm) return On_Ne_Side_Of_Chasm; return On_Sw_Side_Of_Chasm; ], found_in On_Sw_Side_Of_Chasm On_Ne_Side_Of_Chasm has static door open; Object -> -> Troll "burly troll" with description "Trolls are close relatives with rocks and have skin as tough as that of a rhinoceros.", initial "A burly troll stands by the bridge and insists you throw him a treasure before you may cross.", name "troll" "burly", life [; Attack: "The troll laughs aloud at your pitiful attempt to injure him."; ThrowAt, Give: if (noun ofclass Treasure) { remove noun; move Troll to RicketyBridge; give Troll general; score=score-5; "The troll catches your treasure and scurries away out of sight."; } if (noun==tasty_food) "Gluttony is not one of the troll's vices. Avarice, however, is."; "The troll deftly catches ", (the) noun, ", examines it carefully, and tosses it back, declaring, ~Good workmanship, but it's not valuable enough.~"; Order: "You'll be lucky."; Answer, Ask: "Trolls make poor conversation."; ], has animate; Object Wreckage "wreckage of bridge" with initial "The wreckage of the troll bridge (and a dead bear) can be seen at the bottom of the chasm.", name "wreckage" "wreck" "bridge" "dead" "bear", before [; "The wreckage is too far below."; ], found_in On_Sw_Side_Of_Chasm On_Ne_Side_Of_Chasm has static absent; Object On_Ne_Side_Of_Chasm "On NE Side of Chasm" with description "You are on the far side of the chasm. A northeast path leads away from the chasm on this side.", sw_to CrossRicketyBridge, ne_to In_Corridor, before [; Jump: if (RicketyBridge in self) "I respectfully suggest you go across the bridge instead of jumping."; deadflag=1; "You didn't make it."; ], has nodwarf; Object In_Corridor "In Corridor" with description "You're in a long east/west corridor. A faint rumbling noise can be heard in the distance.", w_to On_Ne_Side_Of_Chasm, e_to At_Fork_In_Path has nodwarf; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The Volcano ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object At_Fork_In_Path "At Fork in Path" with description "The path forks here. The left fork leads northeast. A dull rumbling seems to get louder in that direction. The right fork leads southeast down a gentle slope. The main corridor enters from the west.", w_to In_Corridor, ne_to At_Junction_With_Warm_Walls, se_to In_Limestone_Passage, d_to In_Limestone_Passage has nodwarf; Object At_Junction_With_Warm_Walls "At Junction With Warm Walls" with description "The walls are quite warm here. From the north can be heard a steady roar, so loud that the entire cave seems to be trembling. Another passage leads south, and a low crawl goes east.", s_to At_Fork_In_Path, n_to At_Breath_Taking_View, e_to In_Chamber_Of_Boulders has nodwarf; Object At_Breath_Taking_View "At Breath-Taking View" with description "You are on the edge of a breath-taking view. Far below you is an active volcano, from which great gouts of molten lava come surging out, cascading back down into the depths. The glowing rock fills the farthest reaches of the cavern with a blood-red glare, giving everything an eerie, macabre appearance. The air is filled with flickering sparks of ash and a heavy smell of brimstone. The walls are hot to the touch, and the thundering of the volcano drowns out all other sounds. Embedded in the jagged roof far overhead are myriad twisted formations composed of pure white alabaster, which scatter the murky light into sinister apparitions upon the walls. To one side is a deep gorge, filled with a bizarre chaos of tortured rock which seems to have been crafted by the devil himself. An immense river of fire crashes out from the depths of the volcano, burns its way through the gorge, and plummets into a bottomless pit far off to your left. To the right, an immense geyser of blistering steam erupts continuously from a barren island in the center of a sulfurous lake, which bubbles ominously. The far right wall is aflame with an incandescence of its own, which lends an additional infernal splendor to the already hellish scene. A dark, forboding passage exits to the south.", s_to At_Junction_With_Warm_Walls, out_to At_Junction_With_Warm_Walls, d_to "Don't be ridiculous!", before [; Jump: <>; ], has light; Object -> "active volcano" with description "Great gouts of molten lava come surging out of the volcano and go cascading back down into the depths. The glowing rock fills the farthest reaches of the cavern with a blood-red glare, giving everything an eerie, macabre appearance.", name "volcano" "rock" "active" "glowing" "blood" "blood-red" "red" "eerie" "macabre" has scenery; Object -> "sparks of ash" with description "The sparks too far away for you to get a good look at them.", name "spark" "sparks" "ash" "air" "flickering" has scenery multitude; Object -> "jagged roof" with description "Embedded in the jagged roof far overhead are myriad twisted formations composed of pure white alabaster, which scatter the murky light into sinister apparitions upon the walls.", name "roof" "formations" "light" "apparaitions" "jagged" "twsited" "murky" "sinister" has scenery; Object -> "deep gorge" with description "The gorge is filled with a bizarre chaos of tortured rock which seems to have been crafted by the devil himself.", name "gorge" "chaos" "rock" "deep" "bizarre" "tortured" has scenery; Object -> "river of fire" with description "The river of fire crashes out from the depths of the volcano, burns its way through the gorge, and plummets into a bottomless pit far off to your left.", name "river" "fire" "depth" "pit" "fire" "fiery" "bottomless" has scenery; Object -> "immense geyser" with description "The geyser of blistering steam erupts continuously from a barren island in the center of a sulfurous lake, which bubbles ominously.", name "geyser" "steam" "island" "lake" "immense" "blistering" "barren" "sulfrous" "sulferous" "sulpherous" "sulphrous" "bubbling" has scenery; Object In_Chamber_Of_Boulders "In Chamber of Boulders" with description "You are in a small chamber filled with large boulders. The walls are very warm, causing the air in the room to be almost stifling from the heat. The only exit is a crawl heading west, through which is coming a low rumbling.", w_to At_Junction_With_Warm_Walls, out_to At_Junction_With_Warm_Walls has nodwarf; Object -> "boulders" with description "They're just ordinary boulders. They're warm.", name "boulder" "boulders" "rocks" "stones" has scenery multitude; Treasure -> "rare spices" with name "spices" "spice" "rare" "exotic", depositpoints 14, article "a selection of", before [; Smell, Examine: "They smell wonderfully exotic!"; ], has multitude; Object In_Limestone_Passage "In Limestone Passage" with description "You are walking along a gently sloping north/south passage lined with oddly shaped limestone formations.", n_to At_Fork_In_Path, u_to At_Fork_In_Path, s_to In_Front_Of_Barren_Room, d_to In_Front_Of_Barren_Room has nodwarf; Object -> "limestone formations" with description "Every now and then a particularly strange shape catches your eye.", name "formations" "shape" "shapes" "lime" "limestone" "stone" "oddly" "shaped" "oddly-shaped" has scenery multitude; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If you go down to the woods today... ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object In_Front_Of_Barren_Room "In Front of Barren Room" with description "You are standing at the entrance to a large, barren room. A sign posted above the entrance reads: ~Caution! Bear in room!~", w_to In_Limestone_Passage, u_to In_Limestone_Passage, e_to In_Barren_Room, in_to In_Barren_Room has nodwarf; Object -> "caution sign" with description "The sign reads, ~Caution! Bear in room!~", name "sign" "barren" "room" "caution" has scenery; Object In_Barren_Room "In Barren Room" with description "You are inside a barren room. The center of the room is completely empty except for some dust. Marks in the dust lead away toward the far end of the room. The only exit is the way you came in.", w_to In_Front_Of_Barren_Room, out_to In_Front_Of_Barren_Room has nodwarf; Object -> "dust" with description "It just looks like ordinary dust.", name "dust" "marks" has scenery; Object -> Bear "large cave bear" with following_you false, angry true, describe [; if (self.following_you) "You are being followed by a very large, tame bear."; if (self.angry) "There is a ferocious cave bear eyeing you from the far end of the room!"; if (location==In_Barren_Room) "There is a gentle cave bear sitting placidly in one corner."; "There is a contented-looking bear wandering about nearby."; ], name "bear" "large" "tame" "ferocious" "cave", life [; Attack: if (axe in player) <>; if (self.angry == false) "The bear is confused; he only wants to be your friend."; "With what? Your bare hands? Against *his* bear hands??"; ThrowAt: if (noun~=axe) <>; if (self.angry == false) "The bear is confused; he only wants to be your friend."; move axe to location; give axe general; "The axe misses and lands near the bear where you can't get at it."; Give: if (noun == tasty_food) { give axe ~general; remove tasty_food; self.angry = false; "The bear eagerly wolfs down your food, after which he seems to calm down considerably and even becomes rather friendly."; } if (self.angry == false) "The bear doesn't seem very interested in your offer."; "Uh-oh -- your offer only makes the bear angrier!"; Order, Ask, Answer: "This is a Bear of very little brain."; ], before [; Examine: print "The bear is extremely large, "; if (self.angry == false) "but appears to be friendly."; "and seems quite ferocious!"; Take, Catch: if (self.angry) "Surely you're joking!"; if (golden_chain has locked) "The bear is still chained to the wall."; self.following_you = true; StartDaemon(Bear); "Ok, the bear's now following you around."; Drop, Release: if (self.following_you == false) "What?"; self.following_you = false; StopDaemon(Bear); if (Troll in location) { remove Troll; "The bear lumbers toward the troll, who lets out a startled shriek and scurries away. The bear soon gives up the pursuit and wanders back."; } "The bear wanders away from you."; ], daemon [; if (location==thedark) rfalse; if (self in location) { if (location==At_Breath_Taking_View) "^The bear roars with delight."; rfalse; } move self to location; "^The bear lumbers along behind you."; ], has animate; Treasure -> golden_chain "golden chain" with depositpoints 14, describe [; if (self has locked) "The bear is held back by a solid gold chain."; "A solid golden chain lies in coils on the ground!"; ], description "The chain has thick links of solid gold!", name "chain" "links" "shackles" "solid" "gold" "golden" "thick" "chains", with_key set_of_keys, before [; Take: if (self has locked) { if (Bear.angry) "It's locked to the ferocious bear!"; "It's locked to the friendly bear."; } Unlock: if (Bear.angry) "There is no way to get past the bear to unlock the chain, which is probably just as well."; Lock: if (self hasnt locked) "The mechanism won't lock again."; ], after [; Unlock: "You unlock the chain, and set the tame bear free."; ], has lockable locked; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The Different Maze ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class DiffMazeRoom with short_name "Maze"; DiffMazeRoom Different_Maze_1 with description "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all different.", s_to Different_Maze_3, sw_to Different_Maze_4, ne_to Different_Maze_5, se_to Different_Maze_6, u_to Different_Maze_7, nw_to Different_Maze_8, e_to Different_Maze_9, w_to Different_Maze_10, n_to Different_Maze_11, d_to At_West_End_Of_Long_Hall; DiffMazeRoom Different_Maze_2 with description "You are in a little maze of twisting passages, all different.", sw_to Different_Maze_3, n_to Different_Maze_4, e_to Different_Maze_5, nw_to Different_Maze_6, se_to Different_Maze_7, ne_to Different_Maze_8, w_to Different_Maze_9, d_to Different_Maze_10, u_to Different_Maze_11, s_to Dead_End_14; DiffMazeRoom Different_Maze_3 with description "You are in a maze of twisting little passages, all different.", w_to Different_Maze_1, se_to Different_Maze_4, nw_to Different_Maze_5, sw_to Different_Maze_6, ne_to Different_Maze_7, u_to Different_Maze_8, d_to Different_Maze_9, n_to Different_Maze_10, s_to Different_Maze_11, e_to Different_Maze_2; DiffMazeRoom Different_Maze_4 with description "You are in a little maze of twisty passages, all different.", nw_to Different_Maze_1, u_to Different_Maze_3, n_to Different_Maze_5, s_to Different_Maze_6, w_to Different_Maze_7, sw_to Different_Maze_8, ne_to Different_Maze_9, e_to Different_Maze_10, d_to Different_Maze_11, se_to Different_Maze_2; DiffMazeRoom Different_Maze_5 with description "You are in a twisting maze of little passages, all different.", u_to Different_Maze_1, d_to Different_Maze_3, w_to Different_Maze_4, ne_to Different_Maze_6, sw_to Different_Maze_7, e_to Different_Maze_8, n_to Different_Maze_9, nw_to Different_Maze_10, se_to Different_Maze_11, s_to Different_Maze_2; DiffMazeRoom Different_Maze_6 with description "You are in a twisting little maze of passages, all different.", ne_to Different_Maze_1, n_to Different_Maze_3, nw_to Different_Maze_4, se_to Different_Maze_5, e_to Different_Maze_7, d_to Different_Maze_8, s_to Different_Maze_9, u_to Different_Maze_10, w_to Different_Maze_11, sw_to Different_Maze_2; DiffMazeRoom Different_Maze_7 with description "You are in a twisty little maze of passages, all different.", n_to Different_Maze_1, se_to Different_Maze_3, d_to Different_Maze_4, s_to Different_Maze_5, e_to Different_Maze_6, w_to Different_Maze_8, sw_to Different_Maze_9, ne_to Different_Maze_10, nw_to Different_Maze_11, u_to Different_Maze_2; DiffMazeRoom Different_Maze_8 with description "You are in a twisty maze of little passages, all different.", e_to Different_Maze_1, w_to Different_Maze_3, u_to Different_Maze_4, sw_to Different_Maze_5, d_to Different_Maze_6, s_to Different_Maze_7, nw_to Different_Maze_9, se_to Different_Maze_10, ne_to Different_Maze_11, n_to Different_Maze_2; DiffMazeRoom Different_Maze_9 with description "You are in a little twisty maze of passages, all different.", se_to Different_Maze_1, ne_to Different_Maze_3, s_to Different_Maze_4, d_to Different_Maze_5, u_to Different_Maze_6, nw_to Different_Maze_7, n_to Different_Maze_8, sw_to Different_Maze_10, e_to Different_Maze_11, w_to Different_Maze_2; DiffMazeRoom Different_Maze_10 with description "You are in a maze of little twisting passages, all different.", d_to Different_Maze_1, e_to Different_Maze_3, ne_to Different_Maze_4, u_to Different_Maze_5, w_to Different_Maze_6, n_to Different_Maze_7, s_to Different_Maze_8, se_to Different_Maze_9, sw_to Different_Maze_11, nw_to Different_Maze_2; DiffMazeRoom Different_Maze_11 with description "You are in a maze of little twisty passages, all different.", sw_to Different_Maze_1, nw_to Different_Maze_3, e_to Different_Maze_4, w_to Different_Maze_5, n_to Different_Maze_6, d_to Different_Maze_7, se_to Different_Maze_8, u_to Different_Maze_9, s_to Different_Maze_10, ne_to Different_Maze_2; DeadEndRoom Dead_End_14 with short_name "Dead End, near Vending Machine", description "You have reached a dead end. There is a massive vending machine here.", n_to Different_Maze_2, out_to Different_Maze_2 has nodwarf; Object -> "message in the dust" with description "The message reads, ~This is not the maze where the pirate leaves his treasure chest.~", name "message" "scrawl" "writing" "script" "scrawled" "flowery", initial "Hmmm... There is a message here scrawled in the dust in a flowery script." has scenery; Object -> VendingMachine "vending machine" with description "The instructions on the vending machine read, ~Insert coins to receive fresh batteries.~", name "machine" "slot" "vending" "massive" "battery" "coin", before [; Receive: if (noun==rare_coins) { move fresh_batteries to location; remove rare_coins; "Soon after you insert the coins in the coin slot, the vending machines makes a grinding sound, and a set of fresh batteries falls at your feet."; } "The machine seems to be designed to take coins."; Attack: "The machine is quite sturdy and survives your attack without getting so much as a scratch."; LookUnder: "You don't find anything under the machine."; Search: "You can't get inside the machine."; Take: "The vending machine is far too heavy to move."; ], has scenery; Object fresh_batteries "fresh batteries" VendingMachine with description "They look like ordinary batteries. (A sepulchral voice says, ~Still going!~)", initial "There are fresh batteries here.", name "batteries" "battery" "fresh", before [; Count: "A pair."; ]; Object old_batteries "worn-out batteries" with description "They look like ordinary batteries.", initial "Some worn-out batteries have been discarded nearby.", name "batteries" "battery" "worn" "out" "worn-out", before [; Count: "A pair."; ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Dwarves! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object dwarf "threatening little dwarf" with name "dwarf" "threatening" "nasty" "little" "mean", description "It's probably not a good idea to get too close. Suffice it to say the little guy's pretty aggressive.", initial "A threatening little dwarf hides in the shadows.", number 5, daemon [; if (location==thedark) return; if (self.number==0) { StopDaemon(self); return; } if (parent(dwarf)==0) { if (location has nodwarf || location has light) return; if (random(100)<=self.number) { if (Bear in location || Troll in location) return; new_line; if (Dragon in location) { self.number--; "A dwarf appears, but with one casual blast the dragon vapourises him!"; } move dwarf to location; "A threatening little dwarf comes out of the shadows!"; } return; } if (parent(dwarf)~=location) { if (location==thedark) return; if (location has nodwarf || location has light) return; if (random(100)<=96 && parent(dwarf)~=In_Mirror_Canyon) { move dwarf to location; print "^The dwarf stalks after you...^"; } else { remove dwarf; return; } } if (random(100)<=75) { new_line; if (self hasnt general) { move axe to location; give self general; remove self; "The dwarf throws a nasty little axe at you, misses, curses, and runs away."; } if (location==In_Mirror_Canyon) "The dwarf admires himself in the mirror."; print "The dwarf throws a nasty little knife at you, "; if (random(1000)<=95) { deadflag=1; "and hits!"; } "but misses!"; } if (random(3)==1) { remove dwarf; "^Tiring of this, the dwarf slips away."; } ], before [; Kick: "You boot the dwarf across the room. He curses, then gets up and brushes himself off. Now he's madder than ever!"; ], life [; ThrowAt: if (noun==axe) { if (random(3)~=1) { remove self; move axe to location; self.number--; "You killed a little dwarf! The body vanishes in a cloud of greasy black smoke."; } move axe to location; "Missed! The little dwarf dodges out of the way of the axe."; } <>; Give: if (noun==tasty_food) "You fool, dwarves eat only coal! Now you've made him *really* mad!"; "The dwarf is not at all interested in your offer. (The reason being, perhaps, that if he kills you he gets everything you have anyway.)"; Attack: "Not with your bare hands. No way."; ], has animate; Object axe "dwarvish axe" with name "axe" "little" "dwarvish" "dwarven", initial "There is a little axe here.", description "It's just a little axe.", before [; if (axe hasnt general) rfalse; Examine: "It's lying beside the bear."; Take: "No chance. It's lying beside the ferocious bear, quite within harm's way."; ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Two brushes with piracy ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object pirate with has_stolen_something false, has_been_spotted false, daemon [ obj booty_nearby; if (random(100) > 2 || location==thedark or In_Secret_Canyon || location has light || location has nodwarf) return; if (dwarf in location) "^A bearded pirate appears, catches sight of the dwarf and runs away."; objectloop (obj ofclass Treasure && obj in player or location) booty_nearby = true; if (booty_nearby == false) { if (self.has_been_spotted) return; self.has_been_spotted = true; if (self.has_stolen_something) StopDaemon(self); "^There are faint rustling noises from the darkness behind you. As you turn toward them, you spot a bearded pirate. He is carrying a large chest.^^ ~Shiver me timbers!~ he cries, ~I've been spotted! I'd best hie meself off to the maze to hide me chest!~^^ With that, he vanishes into the gloom."; } if (self.has_stolen_something) return; self.has_stolen_something = true; if (self.has_been_spotted) StopDaemon(self); objectloop (obj ofclass Treasure && obj in player or location) { if (obj in player) score = score - 5; move obj to Dead_End_13; } "^Out from the shadows behind you pounces a bearded pirate! ~Har, har,~ he chortles. ~I'll just take all this booty and hide it away with me chest deep in the maze!~ He snatches your treasure and vanishes into the gloom."; ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The cave is closing now... ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object cave_closer with daemon [; if (treasures_found < MAX_TREASURES) return; StopDaemon(self); caves_closed=1; score=score + 25; remove CrystalBridge; give Grate locked ~open; remove set_of_keys; StopDaemon(dwarf); StopDaemon(pirate); remove Troll; remove Bear; remove Dragon; StartTimer(endgame_timer, 25); "^A sepulchral voice reverberating through the cave says, ~Cave closing soon. All adventurers exit immediately through main office.~"; ]; Object endgame_timer with time_left 0, time_out [; score=score + 10; while (child(player)~=0) remove child(player); move bottle to At_Ne_End; if (child(bottle)~=0) remove child(bottle); move giant_bivalve to At_Ne_End; move brass_lantern to At_Ne_End; move black_rod to At_Ne_End; move little_bird to At_Sw_End; move velvet_pillow to At_Sw_End; print "^The sepulchral voice intones, ~The cave is now closed.~ As the echoes fade, there is a blinding flash of light (and a small puff of orange smoke). . .^^ As your eyes refocus, you look around...^"; PlayerTo(At_Ne_End); ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The End Game ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object At_Ne_End "NE End of Repository" with description "You are at the northeast end of an immense room, even larger than the giant room. It appears to be a repository for the ~Adventure~ program. Massive torches far overhead bathe the room with smoky yellow light. Scattered about you can be seen a pile of bottles (all of them empty), a nursery of young beanstalks murmuring quietly, a bed of oysters, a bundle of black rods with rusty stars on their ends, and a collection of brass lanterns. Off to one side a great many dwarves are sleeping on the floor, snoring loudly. A sign nearby reads: ~Do not disturb the dwarves!~", sw_to At_Sw_End has light; Object -> "enormous mirror" with description "It looks like an ordinary, albeit enormous, mirror.", name "mirror" "enormous" "huge" "big" "large" "suspended" "hanging" "vanity" "dwarvish", initial "An immense mirror is hanging against one wall, and stretches to the other end of the room, where various other sundry objects can be glimpsed dimly in the distance.", found_in At_Ne_End At_Sw_End, before [; Attack: print "You strike the mirror a resounding blow, whereupon it shatters into a myriad tiny fragments.^^"; SleepingDwarves.wake_up(); rtrue; ], has static; Object -> "collection of adventure game materials" with description "You've seen everything in here already, albeit in somewhat different contexts.", name "stuff" "junk" "materials" "torches" "objects" "adventure" "repository" "massive" "sundry", before [; Take: "Realizing that by removing the loot here you'd be ruining the game for future players, you leave the ~Adventure~ materials where they are."; ], has scenery; Object -> SleepingDwarves "sleeping dwarves" with description "I wouldn't bother the dwarves if I were you.", name "dwarf" "dwarves" "sleeping" "snoring" "dozing" "snoozing", article "hundreds of angry", before [; Take: "What, all of them?"; ], life [; WakeOther: print "You prod the nearest dwarf, who wakes up grumpily, takes one look at you, curses, and grabs for his axe.^^"; self.wake_up(); rtrue; Attack: self.wake_up(); rtrue; ], wake_up [; deadflag=1; "The resulting ruckus has awakened the dwarves. There are now dozens of threatening little dwarves in the room with you! Most of them throw knives at you! All of them get you!"; ], has animate scenery multitude; Object At_Sw_End "SW End of Repository" with description "You are at the southwest end of the repository. To one side is a pit full of fierce green snakes. On the other side is a row of small wicker cages, each of which contains a little sulking bird. In one corner is a bundle of black rods with rusty marks on their ends. A large number of velvet pillows are scattered about on the floor. A vast mirror stretches off to the northeast. At your feet is a large steel grate, next to which is a sign which reads, ~TREASURE VAULT. Keys in main office.~", d_to RepositoryGrate, ne_to At_Ne_End has light; Object -> RepositoryGrate "steel grate" with name "ordinary" "steel" "grate" "grating", description "It just looks like an ordinary steel grate.", when_open "The grate is open.", when_closed "The grate is closed.", door_dir d_to, door_to Outside_Grate, with_key 0 has static door locked openable; Object -> "collection of adventure game materials" with description "You've seen everything in here already, albeit in somewhat different contexts.", name "pit" "snake" "snakes" "fierce" "green" "stuff" "junk" "materials" "adventure" "repository" "massive" "sundry", before [; Take: "Realizing that by removing the loot here you'd be ruining the game for future players, you leave the ~Adventure~ materials where they are."; ], has scenery; Object -> black_mark_rod "black rod with a rusty mark on the end" with description "It's a three foot black rod with a rusty mark on an end.", initial "A three foot black rod with a rusty mark on one end lies nearby.", name "rod" "black" "rusty" "mark" "three" "foot" "iron" "explosive" "dynamite" "blast", before [; Wave: "Nothing happens."; ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Some entry points ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Initialise; location=At_End_Of_Road; score = 36; StartDaemon(dwarf); StartDaemon(pirate); StartDaemon(cave_closer); print "^^^^^Welcome to Adventure!^^"; ]; [ PrintRank; print ", earning you the rank of "; if (score >= 348) "Grandmaster Adventurer!"; if (score >= 330) "Master, first class."; if (score >= 300) "Master, second class."; if (score >= 200) "Junior Master."; if (score >= 130) "Seasoned Adventurer."; if (score >= 100) "Experienced Adventurer."; if (score >= 35) "Adventurer."; if (score >= 10) "Novice."; "Amateur."; ]; [ DarkToDark; if (dark_warning == false) { dark_warning = true; "It is now pitch dark. If you proceed you will likely fall into a pit."; } if (random(4) == 1) { deadflag = 1; "You fell into a pit and broke every bone in your body!"; } rfalse; ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Menu-driven help (not really a part of the game itself) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ HelpMenu; if (menu_item==0) { item_width=8; item_name="About Adventure"; if (deadflag==2) return 4; else return 3; } if (menu_item==1) { item_width=6; item_name="Instructions"; } if (menu_item==2) { item_width=4; item_name="History"; } if (menu_item==3) { item_width=6; item_name="Authenticity"; } if (menu_item==4) { item_width=7; item_name="Did you know..."; } ]; [ HelpInfo; if (menu_item==1) { print "I know of places, actions, and things. You can guide me using commands that are complete sentences. To move, try commands like ~enter,~ ~east,~ ~west,~ ~north,~ ~south,~ ~up,~ ~down,~ ~enter building,~ ~climb pole,~ etc.^^"; print "I know about a few special objects, like a black rod hidden in the cave. These objects can be manipulated using some of the action words that I know. Usually you will need to give a verb followed by an object (along with descriptive adjectives when desired), but sometimes I can infer the object from the verb alone. Some objects also imply verbs; in particular, ~inventory~ implies ~take inventory~, which causes me to give you a list of what you're carrying. The objects have side effects; for instance, the rod scares the bird.^^"; print "Many commands have abbreviations. For example, you can type ~i~ in place of ~inventory,~ ~x object~ instead of ~examine object,~ etc.^^"; print "Usually people having trouble moving just need to try a few more words. Usually people trying unsuccessfully to manipulate an object are attempting something beyond their (or my!) capabilities and should try a completely different tack.^^"; print "Note that cave passages turn a lot, and that leaving a room to the north does not guarantee entering the next from the south.^^"; print "If you want to end your adventure early, type ~quit~. To suspend your adventure such that you can continue later, type ~save,~ and to resume a saved game, type ~restore.~ To see how well you're doing, type ~score~. To get full credit for a treasure, you must have left it safely in the building, though you get partial credit just for locating it. You lose points for getting killed, or for quitting, though the former costs you more. There are also points based on how much (if any) of the cave you've managed to explore; in particular, there is a large bonus just for getting in (to distinguish the beginners from the rest of the pack), and there are other ways to determine whether you've been through some of the more harrowing sections.^^"; print "If you think you've found all the treasures, just keep exploring for a while. If nothing interesting happens, you haven't found them all yet. If something interesting *does* happen, it means you're getting a bonus and have an opportunity to garner many more points in the master's section.^^"; "Good luck!"; } if (menu_item==2) { print "Perhaps the first adventurer was a mulatto slave named Stephen Bishop, born about 1820: `slight, graceful, and very handsome'; a `quick, daring, enthusiastic' guide to the Mammoth Cave in the Kentucky karst. The story of the Cave is a curious microcosm of American history. Its discovery is a matter of legend dating back to the 1790s; it is said that a hunter, John Houchin, pursued a wounded bear to a large pit near the Green River and "; print "stumbled upon the entrance. The entrance was thick with bats and by the War of 1812 was intensively mined for guano, dissolved into nitrate vats to make saltpetre for gunpowder. After the war prices fell; but the Cave became a minor side-show when a dessicated Indian mummy was found nearby, sitting upright in a stone coffin, surrounded by talismans. In 1815, Fawn Hoof, as she was nicknamed after one of the charms, was taken away by a circus, drawing crowds across America (a tour rather reminiscent of Don McLean's song `The Legend of Andrew McCrew'). She ended up in the Smithsonian but by the 1820s the Cave was being called one of the wonders of the world, largely due to her posthumous efforts.^^"; print "By the early nineteenth century European caves were big tourist attractions, but hardly anyone visited the Mammoth, `wonder of the world' or not. Nor was it then especially large (the name was a leftover from the miners, who boasted of their mammoth yields of guano). In 1838, Stephen Bishop's owner bought up the Cave. Stephen, as (being a slave) he was invariably called, was by any standards a remarkable man: self-educated in Latin and Greek, he became famous as the `chief ruler' of his underground realm. He "; print "explored and named much of the layout in his spare time, doubling the known map in a year. The distinctive flavour of the Cave's names - half-homespun American, half-classical - started with Stephen: the River Styx, the Snowball Room, Little Bat Avenue, the Giant Dome. Stephen found strange blind fish, snakes, silent crickets, the remains of cave bears (savage, playful creatures, five feet long and four high, which became extinct at the end of the last Ice Age), centuries-old Indian gypsum workings and ever more cave. His 1842 map, drafted entirely from memory, was still in use forty years later.^^"; print "As a tourist attraction (and, since Stephen's owner was a philanthropist, briefly a sanatorium for tuberculosis, owing to a hopeless medical theory) the Cave became big business: for decades nearby caves were hotly seized and legal title endlessly challenged. The neighbouring chain, across Houchins Valley in the Flint Ridge, opened the Great Onyx Cave in 1912. By the 1920s, the Kentucky Cave "; print "Wars were in full swing. Rival owners diverted tourists with fake policemen, employed stooges to heckle each other's guided tours, burned down ticket huts, put out libellous and forged advertisements. Cave exploration became so dangerous and secretive that finally in 1941 the U.S. Government stepped in, made much of the area a National Park and effectively banned caving. The gold rush of tourists was, in any case, waning.^^"; print "Convinced that the Mammoth and Flint Ridge caves were all linked in a huge chain, explorers tried secret entrances for years, eventually winning official backing. Throughout the 1960s all connections from Flint Ridge - difficult and water-filled tunnels - ended frustratingly in chokes of boulders. A `reed-thin' physicist, Patricia Crowther, made the breakthrough in 1972 when she got through the Tight Spot and found a muddy passage: it was a hidden way into the Mammoth Cave.^^"; print "Under the terms of his owner's will, Stephen Bishop was freed in 1856, at which time the cave boasted 226 avenues, 47 domes, 23 pits and 8 waterfalls. He died a year later, before he could buy his wife and son. In the 1970s, Crowther's muddy passage was found on his map.^^"; print "The Mammoth Cave is huge, its full extent still a matter of speculation (estimates vary from 300 to 500 miles). Although this game has often been called ~Colossal Cave~, it is actually a simulation of the Bedquilt Cave region. Here is Will Crowther's story of how it came about:^^"; print "~I had been involved in a non-computer role-playing game called Dungeons and Dragons at the time, and also I had been actively exploring in caves - Mammoth Cave in Kentucky in particular. Suddenly, I got involved in a divorce, and that left me a bit pulled apart in various ways. In particular I was missing my kids. Also the caving had stopped, because that had become awkward, so I decided I would fool around and write a program that was a re-creation in fantasy of my caving, and also would be a game for the kids, and perhaps some aspects of the Dungeons and Dragons that I had been playing.^^"; print "~My idea was that it would be a computer game that would not be intimidating to non-computer people, and that was one of the reasons why I made it so that the player directs the game with natural language input, instead of more standardized commands. My kids thought it was a lot of fun.~ [Quoted in ~Genesis II: Creation and Recreation with Computers~, Dale Peterson (1983).]^^"; print "Crowther's original FORTRAN program had five or so treasures, but no formal scoring. The challenge was really to explore, though there was opposition from for instance the snake. Like the real Bedquilt region, Crowther's simulation has a map on about four levels of depth and is rich in geological detail. A good example is the orange column which descends to the Orange River Rock room (where the bird lives): the real column is of orange travertine, a beautiful mineral found in wet limestone.^^"; print "The game's language is loaded with references to caving, to `domes' and `crawls'. A `slab room', for instance, is a very old cave whose roof has begun to break away into sharp flakes which litter the floor in a crazy heap. The program's use of the word `room' for all manner of caves and places seems slightly sloppy in everyday "; print "English, but is widespread in American caving and goes back as far as Stephen Bishop: so the Adventure-games usage of the word `room' to mean `place' may even be bequeathed from him.^^"; print "The game took its decisive step toward puzzle-solving when Don Woods, a student at Stanford, debugged and expanded it. He tripled the number of treasures and added the non-geological zones: everything from the Troll Bridge onward, together with most of the antechambers on the Bedquilt level. All of the many imitations and extensions of the original Adventure are essentially based on Woods's 350-point edition. (Many bloated, corrupted or enhanced - it depends how you see it - versions of the game are in Internet circulation, and the most useful way to identify them is by the maximum attainable score. Many versions exist scoring up to around the 400s and 500s, and one up to 1000. Woods himself continues to release new versions of his game; most of the other extenders haven't his talent.)^^"; print "Although the game has veered away from pure simulation, a good deal of it remains realistic. Cavers do turn back when their carbide lamps flicker; there are indeed mysterious markings and initials on the cave walls, some left by the miners, some by Bishop, some by 1920s explorers. Of course there isn't an active volcano in central Kentucky, nor are there dragons and dwarves. But even these embellishments are, in a sense, derived "; print "from tradition: like most of the early role-playing games, `Adventure' owes much to J. R. R. Tolkien's `The Hobbit', and the passage through the mountains and Moria of `The Lord of the Rings' (arguably its most dramatic and atmospheric passage). Tolkien himself, the most successful myth-maker of the twentieth century, worked from the example of Icelandic, Finnish and Welsh sagas.^^"; print "By 1977 tapes of `Adventure' were being circulated widely, by the Digital user group DECUS, amongst others: taking over lunchtimes and weekends wherever it went... but that's another story. (Tracy Kidder's fascinating book `The Soul of a New Machine', a journalist's-eye-view of a mainframe computer development group, catches it well.)^^"; "This is a copy at third or fourth hand: from Will Crowther's original to Donald Woods's 350-point edition to Donald Ekman's PC port to David M. Baggett's excellent TADS version (1993), to this.^^"; } if (menu_item==3) { print "This port is fairly close to the original. The puzzles, items and places of Woods's original 350-point version are exactly those here.^^"; print "I have added a few helpful messages, such as ~This is a dead end.~, here and there: and restored some ~initial position~ messages from objects, such as the (rather lame)^ ^ There is tasty food here.^^ from source files which are certainly early but of doubtful provenance. They seem to sit well with the rest of the text.^^"; print "The scoring system is the original, except that you no longer lose 4 points for quitting (since you don't get the score if you quit an Inform game, this makes no difference) and, controversially, I award 5 points for currently carrying a treasure, as some early 1980s ports did. The rank names are tidied up a little. The only significant rule change is that one cannot use magic words until their destinations have been visited.^^"; print "The dwarves are simpler in their movements, but on the other hand I have added a very few messages to make them interact better with the rest of the game. The probabilities are as in the original game.^^"; print "In the original one could type the name of a room to visit it: for the sake of keeping the code small, I have omitted this feature, but with some regrets.^^"; print "The text itself is almost everywhere preserved intact, but I've corrected some spelling and grammatical mistakes (and altered a couple of utterly misleading and gnomic remarks). The instructions have been slightly altered (for obvious reasons) but are basically as written.^^"; "A good source for details is David Baggett's source code, which is circulated on the Internet."; } print "Did you know that...^^"; print "The five dwarves have a 96% chance of following you, except into light, down pits or when admiring themselves: and the nasty little knives are 9.5% accurate.^^"; print "Dragons burn up dwarves (perhaps because dwarves eat only coal).^^"; print "The bear (who likes the volcano) is too heavy for the bridge... and you can go back to the scene after being resurrected.^^"; print "You can slip past the snake into the secret E/W canyon, 35% of the time at any rate. And walking about in the dark is not all that gruesome: it carries only a 25% risk of falling down a pit.^^"; print "The vase does not like being immersed.^^"; print "Shadowy figures can wave to each other.^^"; print "Watering the hinges of the door rusts them up again.^^"; print "When the cave closes, the grate is locked and the keys are thrown away, creatures run off and the crystal bridge vanishes...^^"; print "...and a completely useless hint is written on the giant oyster's shell in the end game.^^"; "The last lousy point can be won by... but no. That would be telling."; ]; [ HelpSub; if (deadflag~=2) DoMenu("There is information provided on the following:^ ^ Instructions for playing ^ A historical preface ^ How authentic is this edition?^", HelpMenu, HelpInfo); else DoMenu("There is information provided on the following:^ ^ Instructions for playing ^ A historical preface ^ How authentic is this edition? ^ Did you know...^", HelpMenu, HelpInfo); ]; [ Amusing; HelpSub(); ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! New verbs (to add to the library stock) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ CatchSub; "You can't catch ", (the) noun, "."; ]; [ ReleaseSub; "You can't release ", (the) noun, "."; ]; [ WaterSub; if (bottle in player) <>; "Water? What water?"; ]; [ OilSub; if (bottle in player) <>; "Oil? What oil?"; ]; [ OnSub; if (brass_lantern notin player) "You have no lamp."; <>; ]; [ OffSub; if (brass_lantern notin player) "You have no lamp."; <>; ]; [ XyzzySub; "Nothing happens."; ]; [ PlughSub; "Nothing happens."; ]; [ PloverSub; "Nothing happens."; ]; [ FeeSub; FthingSub(0); ]; [ FieSub; FthingSub(1); ]; [ FoeSub; FthingSub(2); ]; [ FooSub; FthingSub(3); ]; [ FthingSub i; if (feefie_count~=i) { feefie_count=0; "Get it right, dummy!"; } if (feefie_count++ == 3) { feefie_count=0; if (golden_eggs in In_Giant_Room) "Nothing happens."; if ((golden_eggs in player) || (golden_eggs in location)) print "The nest of golden eggs has vanished!^"; else print "Done!"; if (golden_eggs in player) score=score-5; if (golden_eggs in Inside_Building) score=score-golden_eggs.depositpoints; move golden_eggs to In_Giant_Room; if (location==In_Giant_Room) "^^A large nest full of golden eggs suddenly appears out of nowhere!"; } else "Ok."; ]; [ CountSub; if (noun has multitude) "There are a multitude."; "I see one (1) ", (name) noun, "."; ]; [ UseSub; "You'll have to be a bit more explicit than that."; ]; [ BlastWithSub; if (second~=black_mark_rod) "Blasting requires dynamite."; "Been eating those funny brownies again?"; ]; [ OldMagicSub; "Good try, but that is an old worn-out magic word."; ]; [ KickSub; <>; ]; ! For kicking dwarves [ BlastSub; if (location~=At_Sw_End or At_Ne_End) "Frustrating, isn't it?"; if (location==At_Sw_End && parent(black_mark_rod)==At_Ne_End) { score=score+35; deadflag=2; "There is a loud explosion, and a twenty-foot hole appears in the far wall, burying the dwarves in the rubble. You march through the hole and find yourself in the main office, where a cheering band of friendly elves carry the conquering adventurer off into the sunset."; } if (location==At_Ne_End && parent(black_mark_rod)==At_Sw_End) { score=score+20; deadflag=1; "There is a loud explosion, and a twenty-foot hole appears in the far wall, burying the snakes in the rubble. A river of molten lava pours in through the hole, destroying everything in its path, including you!"; } deadflag=1; "There is a loud explosion, and you are suddenly splashed across the walls of the room."; ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Resurrection ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ AfterLife o; if (deadflag==3) { deadflag=1; rfalse; } print "^^"; if (caves_closed) "It looks as though you're dead. Well, seeing as how it's so close to closing time anyway, I think we'll just call it a day."; if (deaths==0) print "Oh dear, you seem to have gotten yourself killed. I might be able to help you out, but I've never really done this before. Do you want me to try to reincarnate you?^^"; if (deaths==1) print "You clumsy oaf, you've done it again! I don't know how long I can keep this up. Do you want me to try reincarnating you again?^^"; if (deaths==2) print "Now you've really done it! I'm out of orange smoke! You don't expect me to do a decent reincarnation without any orange smoke, do you?^^"; print "> "; if (YesOrNo() == false) { switch(deaths) { 0: "Very well."; 1: "Probably a wise choice."; 2: "I thought not!"; } } switch(deaths) { 0: print "All right. But don't blame me if something goes wr......^^^^ --- POOF!! ---^^ You are engulfed in a cloud of orange smoke. Coughing and gasping, you emerge from the smoke and find that you're....^"; 1: print "Okay, now where did I put my orange smoke?.... >POOF!< ^^Everything disappears in a dense cloud of orange smoke.^"; 2: "Okay, if you're so smart, do it yourself! I'm leaving!"; } deaths++; score=score-10; if (location~=thedark) { while (child(player) ~= nothing) { o=child(player); move o to location; if (o ofclass Treasure) score=score-5; } } else { while (child(player) ~= nothing) move child(player) to real_location; } move brass_lantern to At_End_Of_Road; give brass_lantern ~on ~light; remove dwarf; deadflag=0; PlayerTo(Inside_Building); ]; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! How to cheat in the test version: no dwarves or pirates, and magic words ! working from the beginning ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #IFDEF TEST_VERSION; [ XdetermSub; StopDaemon(dwarf); StopDaemon(pirate); give In_Debris_Room visited; give At_Y2 visited; give In_Plover_Room visited; ]; #ENDIF; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Grammar: the usual grammar and some extensions ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Include "Grammar"; Verb "on" * -> On; Verb "off" * -> Off; Verb "catch" "capture" * creature -> Catch * creature "with" held -> Catch; Verb "release" "free" * creature -> Release; Verb "pour" "douse" * "water" "on" noun -> Water * "oil" "on" noun -> Oil * noun -> Empty; Verb "water" * noun -> Water; Verb "oil" "grease" "lubricate" * noun -> Oil; Verb "plugh" * -> Plugh; Verb "xyzzy" * -> Xyzzy; Verb "plover" * -> Plover; Verb "sesame" "shazam" "hocus" "abracadabra" "foobar" "open-sesame" "frotz" * -> OldMagic; Verb "fee" * -> Fee; Verb "fie" * -> Fie; Verb "foe" * -> Foe; Verb "foo" * -> Foo; Verb "help" * -> Help; Verb "kick" * noun -> Kick; Verb "count" * noun -> Count; Verb "use" * -> Use; Verb "blast" * -> Blast * noun "with" held -> BlastWith; #IFDEF TEST_VERSION; Verb "xdeterm" * -> Xdeterm; #ENDIF; ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------