! This source file defines the constants, attributes, etc necessary to ! include English.h (from i6lib-611) and compile successfully. Attribute scenery; Attribute concealed; Attribute light; Attribute pluralname; Attribute animate; Attribute female; Attribute neuter; Attribute supporter; Attribute container; Attribute on; Constant NULL 0; Constant POSSESS_PK 1; Constant DEFART_PK 2; Constant INDEFART_PK 3; Constant SACK_OBJECT; Constant MAX_SCORE; Constant TASKS_PROVIDED; Constant AMUSING_PROVIDED; Constant ENGLISH_BIT 1; Constant RECURSE_BIT 2; Constant PARTINV_BIT 4; Constant TERSE_BIT 8; Constant CONCEAL_BIT 16; Constant ISARE_BIT 32; Constant WORKFLAG_BIT 64; Object n_to; Object s_to; Object e_to; Object w_to; Object ne_to; Object se_to; Object sw_to; Object nw_to; Object u_to; Object d_to; Object in_to; Object out_to; Global location; Global player; Global deadflag; Global noun; Global second; Global actor; Global turns; Global not_holding; Global pronoun_word; Global pronoun_obj; Global verb_word; [ L__M; ]; [ PrintCommand; ]; [ Score; ]; [ WriteListFrom; ]; [ RunTimeError; ]; [ LookSub; ]; [ AnswerSub; ]; [ AskSub; ]; [ AttackSub; ]; [ BlowSub; ]; [ BurnSub; ]; [ BuySub; ]; [ ClimbSub; ]; [ CloseSub; ]; [ CommandsOffSub; ]; [ CommandsOnSub; ]; [ CommandsReadSub; ]; [ ConsultSub; ]; [ CutSub; ]; [ DigSub; ]; [ DisrobeSub; ]; [ DrinkSub; ]; [ DropSub; ]; [ EatSub; ]; [ EmptyTSub; ]; [ EnterSub; ]; [ ExamineSub; ]; [ ExitSub; ]; [ FillSub; ]; [ FullScoreSub; ]; [ GetOffSub; ]; [ GiveSub; ]; [ GoSub; ]; [ InsertSub; ]; [ InvSub; ]; [ JumpSub; ]; [ JumpOverSub; ]; [ TieSub; ]; [ KissSub; ]; [ ListenSub; ]; [ ListMiscellanySub; ]; [ LMode1Sub; ]; [ LMode2Sub; ]; [ LMode3Sub; ]; [ LockSub; ]; [ LookUnderSub; ]; [ MildSub; ]; [ MiscellanySub; ]; [ NoSub; ]; [ YesSub; ]; [ NotifyOffSub; ]; [ NotifyOnSub; ]; [ ObjectsSub; ]; [ OpenSub; ]; [ OrderSub; ]; [ PlacesSub; ]; [ PraySub; ]; [ PromptSub; ]; [ PronounsSub; ]; [ PullSub; ]; [ PushSub; ]; [ TurnSub; ]; [ PushDirSub; ]; [ PutOnSub; ]; [ QuitSub; ]; [ RemoveSub; ]; [ RestartSub; ]; [ RestoreSub; ]; [ RubSub; ]; [ SaveSub; ]; [ ScoreSub; ]; [ ScriptOffSub; ]; [ ScriptOnSub; ]; [ SearchSub; ]; [ SetSub; ]; [ SetToSub; ]; [ ShowSub; ]; [ SingSub; ]; [ SleepSub; ]; [ SmellSub; ]; [ SorrySub; ]; [ SqueezeSub; ]; [ StrongSub; ]; [ SwimSub; ]; [ SwingSub; ]; [ SwitchOffSub; ]; [ SwitchOnSub; ]; [ TakeSub; ]; [ TasteSub; ]; [ TellSub; ]; [ ThinkSub; ]; [ ThrowAtSub; ]; [ TouchSub; ]; [ UnlockSub; ]; [ VagueGoSub; ]; [ VerifySub; ]; [ WaitSub; ]; [ WakeSub; ]; [ WakeOtherSub; ]; [ WaveSub; ]; [ WaveHandsSub; ]; [ WearSub; ]; #include "English.h"; [ Main; ];