For handling intermediate Inform code. usage: inter file1 file2 ... [options] -annotations print out table of all symbol annotations in the Inter language -architecture X generate Inter with architecture X -build-kit X build Inter kit X for the current architecture -constructs print out table of all constructs in the Inter language -domain X specify folder to read/write inter files from/to -format=X code-generate -o output to format X (default is Text) -internal X specify folder of internal Inform resources -o X code-generate to file X -pipeline-file X specify pipeline as file X -pipeline-text X specify pipeline textually, with X being a comma-separated list of stages -primitives print out table of all primitive invocations in the Inter language -trace print out all pipeline steps as they are followed (default is -no-trace) -variable X set pipeline variable X (in form name=value) -at X specify that this tool is installed at X -crash intentionally crash on internal errors, for backtracing (default is -no-crash) -fixtime pretend the time is 11 a.m. on 28 March 2016 for testing (default is -no-fixtime) -help print this help information -locale X set locales as 'L=E', L being shell or console, E platform, utf-8 or iso-latin1 -log X write the debugging log to include diagnostics on X -version print out version number