schema {-say:val:K} end schema print (number) say__n=({something}); end schema STextSubstitution(); end schema print (PrintTimeOfDayEnglish) {something}; end schema print (a) {something}; end schema print (a) {something}; end schema CIndefArt({something}); end schema CIndefArt({something}); end schema print (the) {something}; end schema print (The) {something}; end schema @nop; {-segment-count}: end schema {-close-brace} end schema {-close-brace} end schema {-close-brace} end schema {-close-brace} end schema {-close-brace} end schema {-close-brace} end schema {-close-brace} end schema {-close-brace} end schema {-close-brace} end schema {-close-brace} end schema new_line; end schema DivideParagraphPoint(); end schema CommandClarificationBreak(); end schema DivideParagraphPoint(); new_line; end schema RunParagraphOn(); end schema SpecialLookSpacingBreak(); end schema (say__p) end schema print "["; end schema print "]"; end schema print "'"; end schema print "~"; end schema style bold; end schema style underline; end schema style roman; end schema font off; end schema font on; end schema DisplayBoxedQuotation({-box-quotation-text:Q}); end schema Banner(); end schema ShowExtensionVersions(); end schema ShowFullExtensionVersions(); end schema SL_Location(true); end schema WriteListFrom(child({O}), {phrase options}); end schema c_style = c_style &~ (RECURSE_BIT+FULLINV_BIT+PARTINV_BIT); end schema LIST_OF_TY_Say({-by-reference:L}, 1); end schema LIST_OF_TY_Say({-by-reference:L}, 2); end schema LIST_OF_TY_Say({-by-reference:L}, 3); end schema list_filter_routine = {D}; end schema list_filter_routine = 0; end schema {cn} end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X:Y}) end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X:Y}) end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X:Y}) end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X:Y}) end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X:Y}) end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X:Y}) end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X:Y}) end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X:Y}) end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X:Y}) end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X:Y}) end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X:Y}) end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X}) end schema ({-arithmetic-operation:X}) end schema {-primitive-definition:total-of} end schema Float({R}, {N}); end schema FloatDec({R}); end schema FloatDec({R}, {N}); end schema FloatExp({R}); end schema FloatExp({R}, {N}); end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Reciprocal({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Abs({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Root({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Ceiling({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Floor({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_to_NUMBER_TY({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Log({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_BLog({R}, {N}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Exp({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Pow({R}, {P}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Times({R}, $+0.0174532925) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Sin({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Cos({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Tan({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Arcsin({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Arccos({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Arctan({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Sinh({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Cosh({R}) end schema REAL_NUMBER_TY_Tanh({R}) end schema {-primitive-definition:number-of} end schema {-next-routine:K}({X}) end schema {-previous-routine:K}({X}) end schema ({C}) end schema {-primitive-definition:random-of} end schema {-ranger-routine:K}({first value}, {second value}) end schema {-ranger-routine:K}({first value}, {second value}) end schema {-ranger-routine:K}({first value}, {second value}) end schema {-ranger-routine:K}({first value}, {second value}) end schema (GenerateRandomNumber(1, {M}) <= {N}) end schema VM_Seed_RNG({N}); end schema {-my:ct_0} = {T}; {-my:ct_1} = {N}; end schema {-my:ct_0} = {T}; {-my:ct_1} = TableRowCorr(ct_0, {TC}, {w}); end schema {-my:ct_0} = {T}; {-my:ct_1} = TableBlankRow(ct_0); end schema {-my:ct_0} = {T}; {-my:ct_1} = TableRandomRow(ct_0); end schema TableRows({T}) end schema TableBlankRows({T}) end schema TableFilledRows({T}) end schema ({-reference-exists:TR}) end schema ({-reference-exists:TR} == false) end schema {-by-reference-blank-out:tr}; end schema TableBlankOutRow({-my:ct_0}, {-my:ct_1}); end schema TableBlankOutColumn({T}, {TC}); end schema TableBlankOutAll({T}); end schema TableDebug({T}); end schema TableRowDebug({-my:ct_0}, {-my:ct_1}); end schema TableRowDebug({T}, {N}); end schema TableColumnDebug({T}, {TC}); end schema TableShuffle({T}); end schema TableSort({T}, {TC}, 1); end schema TableSort({T}, {TC}, -1); end schema TEXT_TY_BlobAccess({-by-reference:T}, CHR_BLOB) end schema TEXT_TY_BlobAccess({-by-reference:T}, WORD_BLOB) end schema TEXT_TY_BlobAccess({-by-reference:T}, PWORD_BLOB) end schema TEXT_TY_BlobAccess({-by-reference:T}, UWORD_BLOB) end schema TEXT_TY_BlobAccess({-by-reference:T}, LINE_BLOB) end schema TEXT_TY_BlobAccess({-by-reference:T}, PARA_BLOB) end schema TEXT_TY_GetBlob({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}, {N}, CHR_BLOB) end schema TEXT_TY_GetBlob({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}, {N}, WORD_BLOB) end schema TEXT_TY_GetBlob({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}, {N}, PWORD_BLOB) end schema TEXT_TY_GetBlob({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}, {N}, UWORD_BLOB) end schema TEXT_TY_GetBlob({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}, {N}, LINE_BLOB) end schema TEXT_TY_GetBlob({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}, {N}, PARA_BLOB) end schema TEXT_TY_SubstitutedForm({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}) end schema TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:find},0,{phrase options},1) end schema TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:find},0,{phrase options}) end schema TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:find},1,{phrase options}) end schema TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:find},0,{phrase options},1) end schema TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:find},0,{phrase options}) end schema TEXT_TY_RE_GetMatchVar(0) end schema TEXT_TY_RE_GetMatchVar({N}) end schema TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:find},1,{phrase options}) end schema TEXT_TY_ReplaceText(WORD_BLOB, {-lvalue-by-reference:T}, {-by-reference:find}, {-by-reference:replace}); end schema TEXT_TY_ReplaceText(PWORD_BLOB, {-lvalue-by-reference:T}, {-by-reference:find}, {-by-reference:replace}); end schema TEXT_TY_ReplaceBlob(CHR_BLOB, {-lvalue-by-reference:T}, {N}, {-by-reference:replace}); end schema TEXT_TY_ReplaceBlob(WORD_BLOB, {-lvalue-by-reference:T}, {N}, {-by-reference:replace}); end schema TEXT_TY_ReplaceBlob(PWORD_BLOB, {-lvalue-by-reference:T}, {N}, {-by-reference:replace}); end schema TEXT_TY_ReplaceBlob(UWORD_BLOB, {-lvalue-by-reference:T}, {N}, {-by-reference:replace}); end schema TEXT_TY_ReplaceBlob(LINE_BLOB, {-lvalue-by-reference:T}, {N}, {-by-reference:replace}); end schema TEXT_TY_ReplaceBlob(PARA_BLOB, {-lvalue-by-reference:T}, {N}, {-by-reference:replace}); end schema TEXT_TY_CharactersToCase({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}, 0) end schema TEXT_TY_CharactersToCase({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}, 1) end schema TEXT_TY_CharactersToCase({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}, 2) end schema TEXT_TY_CharactersToCase({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}, 3) end schema TEXT_TY_CharactersOfCase({-by-reference:T}, 0) end schema TEXT_TY_CharactersOfCase({-by-reference:T}, 1) end schema {V}(1); end schema {V}(2); end schema {V}(3); end schema {V}(CV_POS, PNToVP(), story_tense); end schema {V}(CV_POS, PNToVP(), {T}); end schema {V}(CV_POS, {P}, story_tense); end schema {V}(CV_POS, {P}, {T}); end schema {V}(CV_NEG, PNToVP(), story_tense); end schema {V}(CV_NEG, PNToVP(), {T}); end schema {V}(CV_NEG, {P}, story_tense); end schema {V}(CV_NEG, {P}, {T}); end schema {V}(CV_MEANING) end schema LIST_OF_TY_InsertItem({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {new entry}, 0, 0, {phrase options}); end schema LIST_OF_TY_InsertItem({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {new entry}, 1, {E}, {phrase options}); end schema LIST_OF_TY_AppendList({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {-by-reference:LX}, 0, 0, {phrase options}); end schema LIST_OF_TY_AppendList({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {-by-reference:LX}, 1, {E}, 0); end schema LIST_OF_TY_RemoveValue({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {existing entry}, {phrase options}); end schema LIST_OF_TY_Remove_List({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {-by-reference:N}, {phrase options}); end schema LIST_OF_TY_RemoveItemRange({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {N}, {N}, {phrase options}); end schema LIST_OF_TY_RemoveItemRange({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {N}, {N2}, {phrase options}); end schema (LIST_OF_TY_FindItem({-by-reference:L}, {N})) end schema (LIST_OF_TY_FindItem({-by-reference:L}, {N}) == false) end schema {-new-list-of:list of K} end schema LIST_OF_TY_Mol({-new:list of objects}) end schema LIST_OF_TY_Set_Mol({-by-reference:L}); end schema LIST_OF_TY_GetLength({-by-reference:L}) end schema LIST_OF_TY_SetLength({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {N}, -1, 1); end schema LIST_OF_TY_SetLength({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {N}, -1, 1); end schema LIST_OF_TY_SetLength({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {N}, -1, -1); end schema LIST_OF_TY_SetLength({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {N}, 1); end schema LIST_OF_TY_SetLength({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, {N}, 0); end schema LIST_OF_TY_Reverse({-lvalue-by-reference:L}); end schema LIST_OF_TY_Rotate({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, 0); end schema LIST_OF_TY_Rotate({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, 1); end schema LIST_OF_TY_Sort({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, 1); end schema LIST_OF_TY_Sort({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, -1); end schema LIST_OF_TY_Sort({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, 2); end schema LIST_OF_TY_Sort({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, 1, {P}, {-property-holds-block-value:P}); end schema LIST_OF_TY_Sort({-lvalue-by-reference:L}, -1, {P}, {-property-holds-block-value:P}); end schema {-show-me:R}; RelationTest({-by-reference:R}, RELS_SHOW); end schema RelationRouteTo({-by-reference:R},{O1},{O2},false) end schema RelationRouteTo({-by-reference:R},{O1},{O2},true) end schema RelationTest({-by-reference:R}, RELS_LIST, {-new:list of K}, RLIST_ALL_X) end schema RelationTest({-by-reference:R}, RELS_LIST, {-new:list of L}, RLIST_ALL_Y) end schema RelationTest({-by-reference:R}, RELS_LIST, {-new:list of L}, RLIST_ALL_Y) end schema RelationTest({-by-reference:R}, RELS_LOOKUP_ALL_X, {Y}, {-new:list of K}) end schema RelationTest({-by-reference:R}, RELS_LOOKUP_ALL_Y, {X}, {-new:list of L}) end schema RelationTest({-by-reference:R}, RELS_LOOKUP_ALL_Y, {X}, {-new:list of L}) end schema RelationTest({-by-reference:R}, RELS_LOOKUP_ANY, {Y}, RLANY_CAN_GET_X) end schema RelationTest({-by-reference:R}, RELS_LOOKUP_ANY, {X}, RLANY_CAN_GET_Y) end schema RelationTest({-by-reference:R}, RELS_LOOKUP_ANY, {Y}, RLANY_GET_X) end schema RelationTest({-by-reference:R}, RELS_LOOKUP_ANY, {X}, RLANY_GET_Y) end schema RelationTest({-by-reference:R}, RELS_LOOKUP_ANY, {X}, RLANY_GET_Y) end schema {-primitive-definition:description-application} end schema {-primitive-definition:function-application} end schema {-primitive-definition:function-application} end schema {-primitive-definition:function-application} end schema {-primitive-definition:function-application} end schema {-primitive-definition:function-application}; end schema {-primitive-definition:function-application}; end schema {-primitive-definition:function-application}; end schema {-primitive-definition:function-application}; end schema {-show-me:V} end schema {-new:K} end schema FileIO_GetTable({filename}, {T}); end schema FileIO_PutTable({filename}, {T}); end schema (FileIO_Exists({filename}, false)) end schema (FileIO_Ready({filename}, false)) end schema FileIO_MarkReady({filename}, true); end schema FileIO_MarkReady({filename}, false); end schema FileIO_PutContents({FN}, {T}, false); end schema FileIO_PutContents({FN}, {T}, true); end schema FileIO_PrintContents({FN}); say__p = 1; end schema DisplayFigure(ResourceIDsOfFigures-->{F}, {phrase options}); end schema ResourceIDsOfFigures-->{F} end schema PlaySound(ResourceIDsOfSounds-->{SFX}, {phrase options}); end schema ResourceIDsOfSounds-->{SFX} end schema {c} end schema (~~{c}) end schema end schema end schemawhile {c} end schema for ({loopvar}={v}: {loopvar}<={w}: {loopvar}++) end schema for ({loopvar}={v}: {loopvar}<={w}: {loopvar}++) end schema {-primitive-definition:repeat-through} end schema {-primitive-definition:repeat-through-list} end schema {-primitive-definition:break} end schema continue; end schema rtrue; end schema rtrue; end schema rfalse; end schema rfalse; end schema return {-return-value:something}; end schema ; end schema rtrue; end schema {-try-action:S} end schema {-try-action-silently:S} end schema {-try-action-silently:S} end schema (keep_silent == false) end schema (NeedToTouchNoun()) end schema (NeedToTouchSecondNoun()) end schema (NeedToCarryNoun()) end schema (NeedToCarrySecondNoun()) end schema (NeedLightForAction()) end schema rtrue; end schema rfalse; end schema STORED_ACTION_TY_Current({-new:action}) end schema {A} end schema (STORED_ACTION_TY_Involves({-by-reference:act}, {X})) end schema (STORED_ACTION_TY_Part({-by-reference:act}, STORA_ACTION_F)) end schema (STORED_ACTION_TY_Part({-by-reference:act}, STORA_NOUN_F)) end schema (STORED_ACTION_TY_Part({-by-reference:act}, STORA_SECOND_F)) end schema (STORED_ACTION_TY_Part({-by-reference:act}, STORA_ACTOR_F)) end schema CarryOutActivity({A}); end schema CarryOutActivity({A}, {val}); end schema rfalse; end schema BeginActivity({A}); end schema BeginActivity({A}, {val}); end schema (~~(ForActivity({A}))) end schema (~~(ForActivity({A}, {val}))) end schema EndActivity({A}); end schema EndActivity({A}, {val}); end schema AbandonActivity({A}); end schema AbandonActivity({A}, {val}); end schema FollowRulebook({RL}); end schema FollowRulebook({RL}, {V}, true); end schema FollowRulebook({RL}); end schema ResultOfRule({RL}, 0, true, {-strong-kind:K}) end schema ResultOfRule({RL}, {V}, true, {-strong-kind:L}) end schema ResultOfRule({RL}, 0, true, {-strong-kind:K}) end schema if (FollowRulebook({RL})) rtrue; end schema if (FollowRulebook({RL}, {V}, true)) rtrue; end schema if (FollowRulebook({RL})) rtrue; end schema rfalse; end schema RulebookSucceeds(); rtrue; end schema RulebookFails(); rtrue; end schema RulebookSucceeds({-weak-kind:rule-return-kind},{-return-value-from-rule:val}); rtrue; end schema (RulebookSucceeded()) end schema (RulebookFailed()) end schema (ResultOfRule()) end schema deadflag=3; story_complete=false; end schema deadflag=3; story_complete=true; end schema deadflag={-by-reference:finale}; story_complete=false; end schema deadflag={-by-reference:finale}; story_complete=true; end schema (deadflag~=0) end schema (story_complete) end schema (deadflag==0) end schema (story_complete==false) end schema resurrect_please = true; end schema ({t}%ONE_HOUR) end schema ({t}/ONE_HOUR) end schema ((({t}+20*ONE_HOUR)%(TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS))<(({t2}+20*ONE_HOUR)%(TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS))) end schema ((({t}+20*ONE_HOUR)%(TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS))>(({t2}+20*ONE_HOUR)%(TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS))) end schema (({t2}-{t}+TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS)%(TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS)) end schema (({t2}+{t}+TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS)%(TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS)) end schema (({n})%(TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS)) end schema (({n}*ONE_HOUR)%(TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS)) end schema SetTimedEvent({-mark-event-used:R}, {t}+1, 0); end schema SetTimedEvent({-mark-event-used:R}, {t}, 1); end schema SetTimedEvent({-mark-event-used:R}, (the_time+{t})%(TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS), 1); end schema (scene_endings-->({sc}-1)) end schema (scene_endings-->({sc}-1) == 0) end schema (scene_endings-->({sc}-1) > 1) end schema (scene_endings-->({sc}-1) <= 1) end schema (SceneUtility({sc}, 1)) end schema (SceneUtility({sc}, 2)) end schema (SceneUtility({sc}, 3)) end schema (SceneUtility({sc}, 4)) end schema (location==thedark) end schema MoveObject({something}, {something else}, {phrase options}, false); end schema RemoveFromPlay({something}); end schema MoveBackdrop({O}, {D}); end schema MoveFloatingObjects(); end schema LocationOf({O}) end schema MapConnection({R1},{D}) end schema DoorFrom({R1},{D}) end schema OtherSideOfDoor({D},{R1}) end schema DirectionDoorLeadsIn({D},{R1}) end schema RoomOrDoorFrom({R1},{D}) end schema AssertMapConnection({R1},{D},{R2}); end schema AssertMapConnection({R1},{D},nothing); end schema FrontSideOfDoor({D}) end schema BackSideOfDoor({D}) end schema MapRouteTo({R1},{R2},0,{phrase options}) end schema MapRouteTo({R1},{R2},0,{phrase options},true) end schema MapRouteTo({R1},{R2},{RS},{phrase options}) end schema MapRouteTo({R1},{R2},{RS},{phrase options},true) end schema (HolderOf({something})) end schema (sibling({something})) end schema (child({something})) end schema YesOrNo() end schema (SnippetMatches({S}, {T})) end schema (SnippetMatches({S}, {T}) == false) end schema (matched_text=SnippetIncludes({T},{S})) end schema (SnippetIncludes({T},{S})==0) end schema SetPlayersCommand({-by-reference:T}); end schema SpliceSnippet({S}, {-by-reference:T}); end schema SpliceSnippet({S}, 0); end schema RulebookFails(); rtrue; end schema PlaceInScope({O}, {phrase options}); end schema ScopeWithin({O}); end schema PronounNotice({O}); end schema NotifyTheScore(); end schema print (address) pronoun_word; end schema PrintCommand(); end schema print (address) pronoun_word; end schema PrintCommand(); end schema CoreOf({X}) end schema (CommonAncestor({O}, {P})) end schema (CoreOfParentOfCoreOf({O})) end schema VisibilityParent({O}) end schema FindVisibilityLevels(); end schema TouchabilityCeiling({O}) end schema visibility_levels end schema visibility_ceiling end schema LookAfterGoing(); end schema PrintOrRun(location, description); end schema say__comp end schema (multiflag==1) end schema (lookmode == 1) end schema (lookmode == 2) end schema (lookmode == 3) end schema return GVS_Convert({AN},{O},0); end schema return ConvertToRequest({X}, {AN}, {Y}, {Z}); end schema return ConvertToGoingWithPush(); end schema move {something} to {something else}; end schema MoveDuringGoing({something}, {something else}); end schema SilentlyConsiderLight(); end schema {-primitive-definition:verbose-checking} end schema {-primitive-definition:verbose-checking} end schema @log_shift xorshift_seed -3 -> temp; @log_shift xorshift_seed (-3) -> temp; end schema print ""; end schema print '^'; print 'helen^s//'; print (char) '@ss', " might be an @ss, who knows.^"; print (address) 'x@ss', " might be an x@ss, who knows.^"; print (char) '@{0041}', " might be an A, who knows.^"; print (address) 'x@{0041}', " might be an xA, who knows.^"; end schema print "Les @oeuvres d'@AEsop en fran@,cais, mon @'el@`eve!"; print "Na@:ive readers of the New Yorker re@:elected Mr Clinton."; print "Gau@ss first proved the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra."; print "@'a@'e@'i@'o@'u@'y@'A@'E@'I@'O@'U@'Y@`a@`e@`i@`o@`u@`A@`E@`I@`O@`U@^a@^e@^i@^o@^u@^A@^E@^I@^O@^U@:a@:e@:i@:o@:u@:y@:A@:E@:I@:O@:U@:Y"; print "@~a@~n@~o@~A@~N@~O@,c@,C@\o@\O@ae@AE@et@Et@th@Th@LL@!!@??@<<@>>@ss@oa@oA@oe@OE"; print "So @{a9} is a copyright sign, and @{424} is a capital Cyrillic ef, and @{25B2} is a triangle"; print "Backslash: @@92 At sign: @@64 Caret: @@94 Tilde: @@126"; print "a-diarhesis: @@155."; print "o-diarhesis: @@156."; print "u-diarhesis: @@157."; print "A-diarhesis: @@158."; print "O-diarhesis: @@159."; print "U-diarhesis: @@160."; print "sharp s: @@161."; print "close double-angle quotation mark: @@162."; print "open double-angle quotation mark: @@163."; print "e-diarhesis: @@164."; print "i-diarhesis: @@165."; print "y-diarhesis: @@166."; print "E-diarhesis: @@167."; print "I-diarhesis: @@168."; print "a-acute: @@169."; print "e-acute: @@170."; print "i-acute: @@171."; print "o-acute: @@172."; print "u-acute: @@173."; print "y-acute: @@174."; print "A-acute: @@175."; print "E-acute: @@176."; print "I-acute: @@177."; print "O-acute: @@178."; print "U-acute: @@179."; print "Y-acute: @@180."; print "a-grave: @@181."; print "e-grave: @@182."; print "i-grave: @@183."; print "o-grave: @@184."; print "u-grave: @@185."; print "A-grave: @@186."; print "E-grave: @@187."; print "I-grave: @@188."; print "O-grave: @@189."; print "U-grave: @@190."; print "a-circumflex: @@191."; print "e-circumflex: @@192."; print "i-circumflex: @@193."; print "o-circumflex: @@194."; print "u-circumflex: @@195."; print "A-circumflex: @@196."; print "E-circumflex: @@197."; print "I-circumflex: @@198."; print "O-circumflex: @@199."; print "U-circumflex: @@200."; print "a-ring: @@201."; print "A-ring: @@202."; print "o-stroke: @@203."; print "O-stroke: @@204."; print "a-tilde: @@205."; print "n-tilde: @@206."; print "o-tilde: @@207."; print "A-tilde: @@208."; print "N-tilde: @@209."; print "O-tilde: @@210."; print "ae: @@211."; print "AE: @@212."; print "c-cedilla: @@213."; print "C-cedilla: @@214."; print "thorn: @@215."; print "eth: @@216."; print "Thorn: @@217."; print "Eth: @@218."; print "pound sterling sign: @@219."; print "oe: @@220."; print "OE: @@221."; print "inverted !: @@222."; print "inverted ?: @@223."; print "[unicode 169] is a copyright sign. [unicode 1060] is a capital Cyrillic ef, and [unicode 9650] is a triangle."; end schema print BasicInformKit`stuff(); DialogueKit`temp = 1; end