[Nests::] Nests. Nests are repositories of Inform-related resources. @h Creation. To "create" a nest here does not mean actually altering the file system, for example by making a directory: nests here are merely notes in memory of positions in the file system hierarchy which may or may not exist. = typedef struct inbuild_nest { struct pathname *location; int read_only; /* files cannot be written into this nest */ int tag_value; /* used to indicate whether internal, external, and such */ MEMORY_MANAGEMENT } inbuild_nest; = inbuild_nest *Nests::new(pathname *P) { inbuild_nest *N = CREATE(inbuild_nest); N->location = P; N->read_only = FALSE; N->tag_value = -1; return N; } @ Nests used by the Inform and Inbuild tools are tagged with the following comstamts. (There used to be quite a good joke here, but refactoring of the code removed its premiss. Literate programming is like that sometimes.) The sequence of the following enumerated values is very significant -- see below for why. Lower-tag-numbered origins are better than later ones. @e MATERIALS_NEST_TAG from 1 @e EXTERNAL_NEST_TAG @e GENERIC_NEST_TAG @e INTERNAL_NEST_TAG = int Nests::get_tag(inbuild_nest *N) { if (N == NULL) return -1; return N->tag_value; } void Nests::set_tag(inbuild_nest *N, int t) { if (N == NULL) internal_error("no nest"); N->tag_value = t; } @ = void Nests::protect(inbuild_nest *N) { N->read_only = TRUE; } @h Search list. When we search for copies, we do so by looking through nests in a list. The following builds such lists, removing duplicates -- where duplicates are shown up by having the same textual form of pathname. (This is not foolproof by any means: Unix is replete with ways to describe the same directory, thanks to simlinks, |~| and so on. But in the circumstances arising inside Inbuild, it will do. In any case, having duplicates would not actually matter: it would just produce search results which were more copious than needed.) = void Nests::add_to_search_sequence(linked_list *search_list, inbuild_nest *N) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(NS); WRITE_TO(NS, "%p", N->location); int already_here = FALSE; inbuild_nest *M; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(M, inbuild_nest, search_list) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(MS); WRITE_TO(NS, "%p", M->location); if (Str::eq(NS, MS)) already_here = TRUE; DISCARD_TEXT(MS); } DISCARD_TEXT(NS); if (already_here) return; ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(N, inbuild_nest, search_list); } @h Search results. When we search a list of nests for copies satisfying certain requirements, we create one of these for each hit: = typedef struct inbuild_search_result { struct inbuild_copy *copy; /* what was found */ struct inbuild_nest *nest; /* from whence it came */ MEMORY_MANAGEMENT } inbuild_search_result; @ These can be created only as entries in a list: = void Nests::add_search_result(linked_list *results, inbuild_nest *N, inbuild_copy *C, inbuild_requirement *req) { inbuild_search_result *R = CREATE(inbuild_search_result); R->nest = N; R->copy = C; C->found_by = req; if (req == NULL) internal_error("bad search result"); ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(R, inbuild_search_result, results); } @ And here is our search engine, such as it is. For each nest, we ask each genre's manager to look for copies of that genre: = void Nests::search_for(inbuild_requirement *req, linked_list *search_list, linked_list *results) { inbuild_nest *N; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(N, inbuild_nest, search_list) { inbuild_genre *G; LOOP_OVER(G, inbuild_genre) VMETHOD_CALL(G, GENRE_SEARCH_NEST_FOR_MTID, N, req, results); } } @ Oftentimes, we want only the single best result, and won't even look at the others: = inbuild_search_result *Nests::search_for_best(inbuild_requirement *req, linked_list *search_list) { linked_list *L = NEW_LINKED_LIST(inbuild_search_result); Nests::search_for(req, search_list, L); inbuild_search_result *best = NULL, *search_result; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(search_result, inbuild_search_result, L) if (Nests::better_result(search_result, best)) best = search_result; return best; } @ Where "better" is defined as follows. This innocent-looking function is in fact critical to what Inbuild does. It uses tags on nests to prefer copies in the Materials folder to those in the external nest, and to prefer those in turn to copies in the internal nest; and within nests of equal importance, it chooses the earliest hit among those which have the highest-precedence semantic version numbers. = int Nests::better_result(inbuild_search_result *R1, inbuild_search_result *R2) { /* Something is better than nothing */ if (R1 == NULL) return FALSE; if (R2 == NULL) return TRUE; /* Otherwise, a more important nest beats a less important nest */ int o1 = Nests::get_tag(R1->nest); int o2 = Nests::get_tag(R2->nest); if (o1 < o2) return TRUE; if (o1 > o2) return FALSE; /* Otherwise, a higher semantic version number beats a lower */ if (VersionNumbers::gt(R1->copy->edition->version, R2->copy->edition->version)) return TRUE; /* Otherwise, better the devil we know */ return FALSE; }