Miscellaneous utility routines for some fundamental I6 needs.

§1. Miscellany.

    #ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
    Constant BLOCKV_STACK_SIZE = 224;
    Constant BLOCKV_STACK_SIZE = DynamicMemoryAllocation/4;

    Array blockv_stack --> BLOCKV_STACK_SIZE;
    Global I7SFRAME;

    Global TEXT_TY_RE_Err = 0;
    Global prior_named_noun; ! for adaptive text generation
    Global prior_named_list; ! ditto: length of list of items
    Global prior_named_list_gender; ! ditto: common gender of list of items, or -1
    Global story_tense = 1; ! ditto: present tense
    Global story_viewpoint = 2; ! ditto: second person singular
    Global say__p = 1; Global say__pc = 0; Global say__pc_save = 0;
    Global say__n; Global say__comp;
    Global los_rv = false;
    Global parameter_object; ! = I7 "parameter-object" = I7 "container in question"
    Global parameter_value; ! not typesafe in I7
    Array deferred_calling_list --> 27;
    Global property_to_be_totalled; ! used to implement "total P of..."
    Global property_loop_sign; ! $+1$ for increasing order, $-1$ for decreasing
    Global suppress_scope_loops;
    Global temporary_value; ! can be used anywhere side-effects can't occur
    ! [13]
    Global clr_fg = 1; ! foreground colour
    Global clr_bg = 1; ! background colour
    Global clr_fgstatus = 1; ! foreground colour of statusline
    Global clr_bgstatus = 1; ! background colour of statusline
    Global clr_on; ! has colour been enabled by the player?
    Global statuswin_current; ! if writing to top window
    Global suppress_text_substitution = false;
    Global deadflag = 0;

    ! [14]
    Global statuswin_cursize = 0;
    Global statuswin_size = 1;

    ! [16]
    ! Global debug_flag = 0;
    Global debug_rules = 0;
    Global debug_rule_nesting;
    Global reason_the_action_failed; ! = I7 "reason the action failed"
    Global indef_mode;                  ! "Indefinite" mode - ie, "take a brick"
                                        ! is in this mode

    ! [3]
    Global standard_interpreter = 0;

    Array LocalParking --> 64;

§2. Language of Play. The equivalent of I6's language definition file, though here the idea is that a translation should have an inclusion to replace the "Language.i6t" segment, which contains the English definition.

    Default LanguageCases 1;

§3. VM-Specific Code. These sections of code contain different definitions of the same routines, and in some cases the same arrays, to handle low-level functions in the virtual machine — saving the game, performing UNDO, parsing typed text into dictionary word addresses and so on.

§4. More.

    Array Protect_I7_Arrays --> 16339 12345;

§5. Print Decimal Number. DecimalNumber is a trivial function which just prints a number, in decimal digits. It is left over from the I6 library's support routines for Glulx, where it was intended as a stub to pass to the Glulx Glulx_PrintAnything routine (which I7 does not use). In I7, however, it's also used as the default printing routine for new kinds of value.

    [ DecimalNumber num; print num; ];

§6. Print Text. The routine for printing an I7 "text" value, which might be text with or without substitutions.

    [ PrintI6Text x;
        if (x ofclass String) print (string) x;
        if (x ofclass Routine) return (x)();
        if (x == EMPTY_TEXT_PACKED) rfalse;
    [ I7_String x; TEXT_TY_Say(x); ]; ! An alternative name now used only by extensions

§7. Properties. Some either/or properties are compiled to I6 attributes, which must be predeclared, so we do that first. (All other properties can simply be used without declaration.)

What then follows is a table of property metadata: in particular, specifying which properties can be used with which I6 classes or objects. Policing this at run-time costs a little speed, but traps many errors of programming, and keeps everything typesafe. It is the price we pay for the relatively lenient compile-time checking of I7's "object" kind of value. To make it as efficient as possible, we calculate offsets into the metadata: this has to be done (once) at run-time, with the routine compiled.

    Constant attributed_property_offsets_SIZE 48;
    Array attributed_property_offsets --> attributed_property_offsets_SIZE;
    Constant valued_property_offsets_SIZE (100 + CCOUNT_PROPERTY + INDIV_PROP_START-48);
    Array valued_property_offsets --> valued_property_offsets_SIZE;

§8. Print Or Run. This utility remains from the old I6 library: it essentially treats a property as textual and prints it where possible. Where the no_break flag is set, we expect the text to form only a small part of a paragraph, and it's inappropriate to break here: for instance, for printing the "printed name" of an object. Where the flag is clear, however, the text is expected to form its own paragraph.

Where PrintOrRun is used in breaking mode, which is only for a very few properties in I7 (indeed at present only initial and description), the routine called is given the chance to decide whether to print or not. It should return true or false according to whether it did so; this allows us to divide the paragraph or not accordingly.

    [ PrintOrRun obj prop no_break  pv st routine_return_value;
        @push self; self = obj;
        if (prop == 0) {
            print (name) prop; routine_return_value = true;
        } else {
            routine_return_value = TEXT_TY_Say(obj.prop);
        @pull self;
        if (routine_return_value) {
            say__p = 1;
            if (no_break == false) {

        return routine_return_value;

    [ DA_Number n; print n; ];
    [ DA_TruthState n; if (n==0) print "false"; else print "true"; ];

§9. Saying Phrases.

    [ SayPhraseName closure;
        if (closure == 0) print "nothing";
        else print (string) closure-->2;

§10. Kinds.

    [ KindAtomic kind;
        if ((kind >= 0) && (kind < BASE_KIND_HWM)) return kind;
        return kind-->0;

    [ KindBaseArity kind;
        if ((kind >= 0) && (kind < BASE_KIND_HWM)) return 0;
        return kind-->1;

    [ KindBaseTerm kind n;
        if ((kind >= 0) && (kind < BASE_KIND_HWM)) return UNKNOWN_TY;
        return kind-->(2+n);

§11. GenerateRandomNumber. The following uses the virtual machine's RNG (via the I6 built-in function random) to produce a uniformly random integer in the range n to m inclusive, where n and m are allowed to be either way around; so that a random number between 17 and 4 is the same thing as a random number between 4 and 17, and there is therefore no pair of n and m corresponding to an empty range of values.

    [ GenerateRandomNumber n m s;
        if (n==m) return n;
        if (n>m) { s = n; n = m; m = s; }
        return random(m-n) + n;
    Constant R_DecimalNumber = GenerateRandomNumber;
    Constant R_PrintTimeOfDay = GenerateRandomNumber;

§12. PrintSpaces. Which prints a row of n spaces, for n>= 0.

    [ PrintSpaces n;
        while (n > 0) {
            print " ";
            n = n - 1;

§13. SwapWorkflags. Recall that we have two general-purpose temporary attributes for each object: workflag and workflag2. The following swaps their values over for every object at once.

    [ SwapWorkflags obj lst;
        objectloop (obj ofclass Object) {
            lst = false;
            if (obj has workflag2) lst = true;
            give obj ~workflag2;
            if (obj has workflag) give obj workflag2;
            give obj ~workflag;
            if (lst) give obj workflag;

§14. TestUseOption. This routine, compiled by NI, returns true if the supplied argument is the number of a use option in force for the current run of NI, and false otherwise.

§15. ZRegion. I7 contains many relics from I6, but here's a relic from I5: a routine which used to determine the metaclass of a value, before that concept was given a name. In I6 code, it can be implemented simply using metaclass, as the following shows. (The name is from "region of the Z-machine".)

    [ ZRegion addr;
        switch (metaclass(addr)) {
            nothing: return 0;
            Object, Class: return 1;
            Routine: return 2;
            String: return 3;

§16. Memcpy. This is equivalent to C's memcpy function, in good ways and bad.

    [ Memcpy to_addr from_addr size  n;
    #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
        for (n = size/WORDSIZE: (n--) > 0: ) to_addr-->n = from_addr-->n;
        for (n = size: ((n--) % WORDSIZE ~= 0): ) to_addr->n = from_addr->n;
    #Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX
        @mcopy size from_addr to_addr;
    #Endif; ! TARGET_

§17. Arrcpy. This is not quite so efficient, but not terrible.

    [ Arrcpy to_array to_entry_size from_array from_entry_size no_entries  n val;
        if (to_entry_size == from_entry_size)
            Memcpy(to_array, from_array, to_entry_size*no_entries);
        else if ((to_entry_size == 2) && (from_entry_size == 4)) {
            for (n = 0: n<no_entries: n++) {
                val = from_array-->n;
                to_array->0 = (val/256)%256; to_array->1 = val%256;
                to_array = to_array + 2;
        } else "*** Arrcpy doesn't support this ***";

§18. Verbs as Values.

    [ PrintVerbAsValue vb;
        if (vb == 0) print "(no verb)";
        else { print "verb "; vb(1); }

    [ VerbIsMeaningful vb;
        if ((vb) && (BlkValueCompare(vb(CV_MEANING), MEANINGLESS_RR) ~= 0)) rtrue;

    [ VerbIsModal vb;
        if ((vb) && (vb(CV_MODAL))) rtrue;

§19. Seed Random Number Generator Rule. Unless a seed is provided by NI, and it won't be for released story files, the VM's interpreter is supposed to start up with a good seed in its random number generator: something usually derived from, say, the milliseconds part of the current time of day, which is unlikely to repeat or show any pattern in real-world use. However, early Z-machine interpreters often did this quite badly, starting with poor seed values which meant that the first few random numbers always had something in common (being fairly small in their range, for instance). To obviate this we extract and throw away 100 random numbers to get the generator going, shaking out more obvious early patterns, but that cannot really help much if the VM interpreter's RNG is badly written. "Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin" (von Neumann).

        for (i=1: i<=100: i++) random(i);

§20. Extracting Verb Numbers. A long tale of woe lies behind the following. Infocom games stored verb numbers in a single byte in dictionary entries, but they did so counting downwards, so that verb number 0 was stored as 255, 1 as 254, and so on. Inform followed suit so that debugging of Inform 1 could be aided by using the then-available tools for dumping dictionaries from Infocom story files; by using the Infocom format for dictionary tables, Inform's life was easier.

But there was an implicit restriction there of 255 distinct verbs (not 256 since not all words were verbs). When Glulx raised almost all of the Z-machine limits, it made space for 65535 verbs instead of 255, but it appears that nobody remembered to implement this in I6-for-Glulx and the Glulx form of the I6 library. This was only put right in March 2009, and the following routine was added to concentrate lookups of this field in one place.

    [ DictionaryWordToVerbNum dword verbnum;
    #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
        verbnum = $ff-(dword->#dict_par2);
    #Ifnot; ! GLULX
        dword = dword + #dict_par2 - 1;
        @aloads dword 0 verbnum;
        verbnum = $ffff-verbnum;
        return verbnum;

    [ RegardingSingleObject obj;
        prior_named_list = 1;
        prior_named_list_gender = -1;
        prior_named_noun = obj;

    [ RegardingNumber n;
        prior_named_list = n;
        prior_named_list_gender = -1;
        prior_named_noun = nothing;

§21. Say One Of. These routines are described in the Extensions chapter of the Inform documentation.

    [ I7_SOO_PAR oldval count; if (count <= 1) return count; return random(count); ];
    [ I7_SOO_RAN oldval count v; if (count <= 1) return count;
        v = oldval; while (v == oldval) v = random(count); return v; ];
    [ I7_SOO_STI oldval count v; if (oldval) return oldval; return I7_SOO_PAR(oldval, count); ];
    [ I7_SOO_CYC oldval count; oldval++; if (oldval > count) oldval = 1; return oldval; ];
    [ I7_SOO_STOP oldval count; oldval++; if (oldval > count) oldval = count; return oldval; ];
    [ I7_SOO_TAP oldval count tn rn c; if (count <= 1) return count; tn = count*(count+1)/2;
        rn = random(tn); for (c=1:c<=count:c++) { rn = rn - c; if (rn<=0) return (count-c+1); } ];
    [ I7_SOO_TRAN oldval count; if (oldval<count) return oldval+1;
        return count + 1 + I7_SOO_RAN(oldval%(count+1), count); ];
    [ I7_SOO_TPAR oldval count; if (oldval<count) return oldval+1;
        return count + 1 + I7_SOO_PAR(oldval%(count+1), count); ];

    Array I7_SOO_SHUF->32;

    [ I7_SOO_SHU oldval count sd ct v i j s ssd scope cc base;
        base = count+1;
        v = oldval%base; oldval = oldval/base; ct = oldval%base; sd = oldval/base;
        if (count > 32) return I7_SOO_PAR(oldval, count);
        if (count <= 1) v = count;
        else {
            !print "^In v=", v, " ct=", ct, " sd=", sd, "^";
            cc = base*base;
            scope = (MAX_POSITIVE_NUMBER-1)/cc;
            !print "Scope = ", scope, "^";
            if (sd == 0) { sd = random(scope); ct=0; }
            for (i=0:i<count:i++) I7_SOO_SHUF->i = i;
            ssd = sd;
            for (i=0:i<count-1:i++) {
                j = (sd)%(count-i)+i; sd = (sd*31973)+17; if (sd<0) sd=-sd;
                s = I7_SOO_SHUF->j; I7_SOO_SHUF->j = I7_SOO_SHUF->i; I7_SOO_SHUF->i = s;
            !for (i=0:i<count:i++) print I7_SOO_SHUF->i, " "; print "^";
            v = (I7_SOO_SHUF->ct)+1;
            ct++; if (ct >= count) { ct = 0; ssd = 0; }
        !print "Out v=", v, " ct=", ct, " ssd=", sd, "^";
        !print "Return ", v + ct*base + ssd*base*base, "^";
        return v + ct*base + ssd*base*base;

§22. Rounding. The following rounds a numerical value t1 to the nearest unit of t2; for instance, if t2 is 5 then it rounds to the nearest 5. The name is an anachronism, as it's used for all kinds of value.

    [ RoundOffValue t1 t2;
        if (t1 >= 0) return ((t1+t2/2)/t2)*t2;
        return -((-t1+t2/2)/t2)*t2;