Moss Garden Kyoto An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Moss Garden Earlier today, you arranged three leaves on the moss in imitation of autumn. They must not be disturbed. You can see a sliding paper screen here. > > Moss Garden (Testing.) >[1] test one (Testing.) >[2] open screen You open the sliding paper screen. >[3] throw netsuke at screen The netsuke flies out of sight into the Study. >[4] n Study A restful three-tatami room. A handsome scroll depicts two women in kimonos crossing a bridge; Mount Fuji is in the background. You can also see a sliding paper screen, a netsuke and a calligraphy box (closed) here. >[5] get netsuke Taken. >[6] close screen You close the sliding paper screen. >[7] get scroll Taken. >[8] throw scroll at screen The hanging scroll, unwieldy, flutters to the ground. >[9] throw netsuke at scroll The netsuke hits the hanging scroll. The netsuke lands nearby. >[10] get netsuke Taken. >[11] throw netsuke at shamisen It would be difficult to throw at something you are yourself holding. >[12] drop netsuke Dropped. >[13] test two (Testing.) >[14] throw shamisen at netsuke The shamisen hits the netsuke. The shamisen breaks, leaving a neck, a body and a string behind. >[15] get all string: Taken. shamisen body: Taken. shamisen neck: Taken. netsuke: Taken. hanging scroll: Taken. calligraphy box: Taken. >[16] throw netsuke at screen The netsuke hits the sliding paper screen. The sliding paper screen smashes. The netsuke lands nearby. >[17] get netsuke Taken. >[18] throw netsuke at door The netsuke flies out of sight into the Moss Garden. >[19] s Moss Garden Earlier today, you arranged three leaves on the moss in imitation of autumn. They must not be disturbed. You can see an open doorway and a netsuke here. >[20] get netsuke Taken. > >