§1. Package requests. In the same way that inames are created as shadows of eventual inter symbols, and omly converted into the real thing on demand, "package requests" are shadowy packages. The process of turning them into real inter packages is called "incarnation".

    define MAX_PRCS_AT_ONCE 11
    typedef struct package_request {
        struct inter_name *eventual_name;
        struct inter_symbol *eventual_type;
        struct inter_package *actual_package;
        struct package_request *parent_request;
        struct inter_reading_state write_position;
        struct linked_list *counters;     of submodule_request_counter
    } package_request;

    typedef struct submodule_request_counter {
        int counter_id;
        int counter_value;
    } submodule_request_counter;

The structure package_request is accessed in 26/iti, 27/hl, 27/ei and here.

The structure submodule_request_counter is private to this section.


    package_request *Packaging::request(inter_name *name, inter_symbol *pt) {
        package_request *R = CREATE(package_request);
        R->eventual_name = name;
        R->eventual_type = pt;
        R->actual_package = NULL;
        R->parent_request = InterNames::location(name);
        R->write_position = Inter::Bookmarks::new_IRS(Emit::repository());
        R->counters = NULL;
        return R;

The function Packaging::request is used in §10, §10.1, §11, 27/hr (§5), 27/hl (§2).

§3. In the debugging log, package requests are printed in a form looking a little like URLs, except that they run in the reverse order, innermost first and outermost last: to make this more visually clear, backslashes rather than forward slashes are used as dividers.

    void Packaging::log(package_request *R) {
        if (R == NULL) LOG("<null-package>");
        else {
            int c = 0;
            while (R) {
                if (c++ > 0) LOG("\\");
                if (R->actual_package)
                    LOG("%S", R->actual_package->package_name->symbol_name);
                    LOG("'%n'", R->eventual_name);
                R = R->parent_request;

The function Packaging::log is used in 1/cm (§5, §6.6).

§4. State, entry and exit. PRs continue to be useful even after incarnation, though, because each one also contains a "write position". This is where emitted Inter code will go; and it means that not all of the code inside a package needs to be written at the same time. We can come and go as we please, adding code to packages all over the hierarchy, simply by switching to the write position in the package we wsnt to extend next.

That switching is called "entering" a package. Every entry must be followed by a matching exit, which restores the write position to where it was before the entry. To restore state we need a way to record it, so:

    typedef struct packaging_state {
        inter_reading_state *saved_IRS;
        package_request *saved_enclosure;
    } packaging_state;

The structure packaging_state is private to this section.

§5. It is not legal to write to the following state, which exists only to initialise variables to neutral contents (and thus to avoid warnings generated because clang is not able to prove that they will not be used in an uninitialised state — though in fact they will not).

    packaging_state Packaging::stateless(void) {
        packaging_state PS;
        PS.saved_IRS = NULL;
        PS.saved_enclosure = NULL;
        return PS;

The function Packaging::stateless is used in 27/ei (§5).

§6. We will store the current state at all times in the following:

    packaging_state current_state;

    inter_reading_state *Packaging::at(void) {
        return current_state.saved_IRS;

    package_request *Packaging::enclosure(void) {
        return current_state.saved_enclosure;

The function Packaging::at is used in §9, 26/iti (§9), 27/ei (§2, §3, §4, §5).

The function Packaging::enclosure is used in §8, §9, 27/hr (§5), 27/ei (§5).

§7. States are intentionally very lightweight, and in particular they contain pointers to the IRS structures rather than containing a copy thereof. But those pointers have to point somewhere, and this is where: to a stack of IRS structures.

The maximum here is beyond plenty: it's not the maximum hierarchical depth of the Inter output, it's the maximum number of times that Inform interrupts itself during compilation.

    int packaging_entry_sp = 0;
    inter_reading_state packaging_entry_stack[MAX_PACKAGING_ENTRY_DEPTH];

    inter_reading_state *Packaging::push_IRS(inter_reading_state IRS) {
        if (packaging_entry_sp >= MAX_PACKAGING_ENTRY_DEPTH)
            internal_error("packaging entry too deep");
        packaging_entry_stack[packaging_entry_sp] = IRS;
        return &(packaging_entry_stack[packaging_entry_sp++]);

    void Packaging::pop_IRS(void) {
        if (packaging_entry_sp <= 0) internal_error("package stack underflow");

The function Packaging::push_IRS is used in §8.

The function Packaging::pop_IRS is used in §8.

§8. The "current enclosure" ceases to be null the moment the main package is created, and from then on, it is always an enclosing package:

    void Packaging::initialise_IRS(inter_repository *I) {
        current_state.saved_IRS = Packaging::push_IRS(Inter::Bookmarks::new_IRS(I));
        current_state.saved_enclosure = NULL;

    void Packaging::set_packaging_state(inter_reading_state *to, package_request *PR) {
        current_state.saved_IRS = to;
        while ((PR) && (PR->parent_request) &&
            (Inter::Symbols::read_annotation(PR->eventual_type, ENCLOSING_IANN) != 1))
            PR = PR->parent_request;
        current_state.saved_enclosure = PR;

    void Packaging::move_write_position(inter_reading_state *to) {
        Packaging::set_packaging_state(to, Packaging::enclosure());

    packaging_state Packaging::enter_home_of(inter_name *N) {
        return Packaging::enter(InterNames::location(N));

    packaging_state Packaging::enter(package_request *R) {
        if (R == NULL) R = Hierarchy::main();
        LOGIF(PACKAGING, "Entering $X\n", R);
        packaging_state save = current_state;
        Packaging::set_packaging_state(&(R->write_position), Packaging::enclosure());
        inter_reading_state *bubble = Packaging::push_IRS(Emit::bookmark_bubble());
        Packaging::set_packaging_state(bubble, R);
        LOGIF(PACKAGING, "[%d] Current enclosure is $X\n", packaging_entry_sp, Packaging::enclosure());
        return save;

    void Packaging::exit(packaging_state save) {
        Packaging::set_packaging_state(save.saved_IRS, save.saved_enclosure);
        LOGIF(PACKAGING, "[%d] Back to $X\n", packaging_entry_sp, Packaging::enclosure());

The function Packaging::initialise_IRS is used in 27/ei (§2).

The function Packaging::set_packaging_state is used in §9.

The function Packaging::move_write_position appears nowhere else.

The function Packaging::enter_home_of is used in 27/in (§5), 27/ei (§2, §3, §5).

The function Packaging::enter is used in 27/ei (§3).

The function Packaging::exit is used in 27/in (§5), 27/ei (§2, §3, §5).

§9. Incarnation.

    inter_package *Packaging::incarnate(package_request *R) {
        if (R == NULL) internal_error("can't incarnate null request");
        if (R->actual_package == NULL) {
            LOGIF(PACKAGING, "Request to make incarnate $X\n", R);
            package_request *E = Packaging::enclosure();     This will not change
            if (R->parent_request) {
                inter_reading_state *save_IRS = Packaging::at();
                Packaging::set_packaging_state(&(R->parent_request->write_position), E);
                inter_reading_state snapshot = Emit::bookmark_bubble();
                Packaging::set_packaging_state(&snapshot, E);
                Emit::package(R->eventual_name, R->eventual_type, &(R->actual_package));
                R->write_position = Emit::bookmark_bubble();
                Packaging::set_packaging_state(save_IRS, E);
            } else {
                inter_reading_state snapshot = Emit::bookmark_bubble();
                inter_reading_state *save_IRS = Packaging::at();
                Packaging::set_packaging_state(&snapshot, E);
                Emit::package(R->eventual_name, R->eventual_type, &(R->actual_package));
                R->write_position = Emit::bookmark_bubble();
                Packaging::set_packaging_state(save_IRS, E);
            LOGIF(PACKAGING, "Made incarnate $X bookmark $5\n", R, &(R->write_position));
        return R->actual_package;

    inter_symbols_table *Packaging::scope(inter_repository *I, inter_name *N) {
        if (N == NULL) internal_error("can't determine scope of null name");
        package_request *P = InterNames::location(N);
        if (P == NULL) return Inter::get_global_symbols(Emit::repository());
        return Inter::Packages::scope(Packaging::incarnate(P));

The function Packaging::incarnate is used in §8, 27/ei (§2, §3, §5).

The function Packaging::scope is used in 27/in (§8).


    package_request *generic_pr = NULL;
    package_request *Packaging::request_generic(void) {
        if (generic_pr == NULL)
            generic_pr = Packaging::request(
                InterNames::explicitly_named(I"generic", Hierarchy::resources()),
        return generic_pr;

    package_request *synoptic_pr = NULL;
    package_request *Packaging::request_synoptic(void) {
        if (synoptic_pr == NULL)
            synoptic_pr = Packaging::request(
                InterNames::explicitly_named(I"synoptic", Hierarchy::resources()),
        return synoptic_pr;

    typedef struct submodule_identity {
        struct text_stream *submodule_name;
    } submodule_identity;

    submodule_identity *Packaging::register_submodule(text_stream *name) {
        submodule_identity *sid = CREATE(submodule_identity);
        sid->submodule_name = Str::duplicate(name);
        return sid;

    typedef struct submodule_request {
        struct submodule_identity *which_submodule;
        struct package_request *where_found;
    } submodule_request;

    typedef struct submodule_requests {
        struct linked_list *submodules;     of submodule_identity
    } submodule_requests;

    package_request *Packaging::resources_for_new_submodule(text_stream *name, submodule_requests *SR) {
        inter_name *package_iname = InterNames::explicitly_named(name, Hierarchy::resources());
        package_request *P = Packaging::request(package_iname, PackageTypes::get(I"_module"));
        return P;

    void Packaging::initialise_submodules(submodule_requests *SR) {
        SR->submodules = NEW_LINKED_LIST(submodule_request);

    int generic_subpackages_initialised = FALSE;
    submodule_requests generic_subpackages;
    int synoptic_subpackages_initialised = FALSE;
    submodule_requests synoptic_subpackages;

    package_request *Packaging::request_resource(compilation_module *C, submodule_identity *sid) {
        submodule_requests *SR = NULL;
        package_request *parent = NULL;
        if (C) {
            SR = Modules::subpackages(C);
            parent = C->resources;
        } else {
            if (generic_subpackages_initialised == FALSE) {
                generic_subpackages_initialised = TRUE;
            SR = &generic_subpackages;
            parent = Packaging::request_generic();
        <Handle the resource request 10.1>;

    package_request *Packaging::local_resource(submodule_identity *sid) {
        return Packaging::request_resource(Modules::find(current_sentence), sid);

    package_request *Packaging::generic_resource(submodule_identity *sid) {
        if (generic_subpackages_initialised == FALSE) {
            generic_subpackages_initialised = TRUE;
        submodule_requests *SR = &generic_subpackages;
        package_request *parent = Packaging::request_generic();
        <Handle the resource request 10.1>;

    package_request *Packaging::synoptic_resource(submodule_identity *sid) {
        if (synoptic_subpackages_initialised == FALSE) {
            synoptic_subpackages_initialised = TRUE;
        submodule_requests *SR = &synoptic_subpackages;
        package_request *parent = Packaging::request_synoptic();
        <Handle the resource request 10.1>;

The function Packaging::request_generic appears nowhere else.

The function Packaging::request_synoptic appears nowhere else.

The function Packaging::register_submodule is used in 27/hr (§1.2, §1.4, §1.6, §1.8, §1.10, §1.12, §1.14, §1.16, §1.18, §1.20, §1.22, §1.24, §1.26, §1.28, §1.30, §1.32, §1.34, §1.36, §1.38, §1.40, §1.42, §1.44).

The function Packaging::resources_for_new_submodule is used in 27/cm (§2).

The function Packaging::initialise_submodules appears nowhere else.

The function Packaging::request_resource is used in 27/hl (§2).

The function Packaging::local_resource appears nowhere else.

The function Packaging::generic_resource is used in 27/hl (§1).

The function Packaging::synoptic_resource is used in 27/hl (§1).

The structure submodule_identity is private to this section.

The structure submodule_request is private to this section.

The structure submodule_requests is private to this section.

§10.1. <Handle the resource request 10.1> =

        submodule_request *sr;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(sr, submodule_request, SR->submodules)
            if (sid == sr->which_submodule)
                return sr->where_found;
        inter_name *iname = InterNames::explicitly_named(sid->submodule_name, parent);
        sr = CREATE(submodule_request);
        sr->which_submodule = sid;
        sr->where_found = Packaging::request(iname, PackageTypes::get(I"_submodule"));
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(sr, submodule_request, SR->submodules);
        return sr->where_found;

This code is used in §10 (three times).


    define MAX_PRCS 500
    int no_pr_counters_registered = 0;
    text_stream *pr_counter_names[MAX_PRCS];
    int Packaging::register_counter(text_stream *name) {
        int id = no_pr_counters_registered++;
        if ((id < 0) || (id >= MAX_PRCS)) internal_error("out of range");
        pr_counter_names[id] = Str::duplicate(name);
        return id;

    inter_name *Packaging::supply_iname(package_request *R, int what_for) {
        if (R == NULL) internal_error("no request");
        if ((what_for < 0) || (what_for >= no_pr_counters_registered)) internal_error("out of range");
        if (R->counters == NULL)
            R->counters = NEW_LINKED_LIST(submodule_request_counter);
        int N = -1;
        submodule_request_counter *src;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(src, submodule_request_counter, R->counters)
            if (src->counter_id == what_for) {
                N = ++(src->counter_value); break;
        if (N < 0) {
            submodule_request_counter *src = CREATE(submodule_request_counter);
            src->counter_id = what_for;
            src->counter_value = 1;
            N = 1;
            ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(src, submodule_request_counter, R->counters);
        WRITE_TO(P, "%S_%d", pr_counter_names[what_for], N);
        inter_name *iname = InterNames::explicitly_named(P, R);
        return iname;

    inter_name *Packaging::function(inter_name *function_iname, inter_name *temp_iname) {
        package_request *P = Packaging::request(function_iname, PackageTypes::function());
        inter_name *iname = InterNames::explicitly_named(I"call", P);
        if (temp_iname) {
            WRITE_TO(T, "%n", temp_iname);
            Emit::change_translation(iname, T);
        return iname;

    inter_name *Packaging::function_text(inter_name *function_iname, text_stream *translation) {
        package_request *P = Packaging::request(function_iname, PackageTypes::function());
        inter_name *iname = InterNames::explicitly_named(I"call", P);
        if (translation)
            Emit::change_translation(iname, translation);
        return iname;

    inter_name *Packaging::datum_text(inter_name *function_iname, text_stream *translation) {
        package_request *P = Packaging::request(function_iname, PackageTypes::get(I"_data"));
        inter_name *iname = InterNames::explicitly_named(translation, P);
        return iname;

    int Packaging::housed_in_function(inter_name *iname) {
        if (iname == NULL) return FALSE;
        package_request *P = InterNames::location(iname);
        if (P == NULL) return FALSE;
        if (P->eventual_type == PackageTypes::function()) return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

The function Packaging::register_counter is used in 27/hr (§1), 27/hl (§2).

The function Packaging::supply_iname is used in 27/hr (§5), 27/hl (§2).

The function Packaging::function is used in 27/hl (§1, §1.1).

The function Packaging::function_text is used in 27/hl (§1).

The function Packaging::datum_text is used in 27/hl (§1).

The function Packaging::housed_in_function is used in 27/ei (§3).