Computes and makes available the IFID (Interactive Fiction ID) number for an Inform-generated work of IF, in compliance with the Treaty of Babel.

§1. Definitions.

§2. The Interactive Fiction ID number for an Inform 7-compiled work is the same as the UUID unique ID generated by the Inform 7 application.

UUIDs are not generated here, but by the user interface application: we expect to read them in the form of the uuid.txt file placed in the project bundle by that application. After some agonising, I decided that the Treaty did not actually oblige me to crash out if this file did not exist: but in such cases the UUID is empty.

    define MAX_UUID_LENGTH 128     the UUID is truncated to this if necessary
    text_stream *uuid_text = NULL;
    int uuid_read = -1;

    text_stream *PL::Bibliographic::IFID::read_uuid(void) {
        if (uuid_read >= 0) return uuid_text;
        uuid_text = Str::new();
        uuid_read = 0;
        FILE *xf = Filenames::fopen(filename_of_uuid, "r");
        if (xf == NULL) return uuid_text;     the UUID is the empty string if the file is missing
        int c;
        while (((c = fgetc(xf)) != EOF)     the UUID file is plain text, not Unicode
            && (uuid_read++ < MAX_UUID_LENGTH-1))
            PUT_TO(uuid_text, Characters::toupper(c));
        return uuid_text;

The function PL::Bibliographic::IFID::read_uuid is used in §3, 2/bd (§13), 2/ri (§11.1.1, §14.2.5).

§3. The IFID is written into the compiled story file, too, both in order that it can be printed by the VERSION command and to brand the file so that it can still be identified even if it loses touch with its iFiction record. We store the IFID in plain text, with a "magic string" identifier around it, in byte-accessible memory.

    void PL::Bibliographic::IFID::define_UUID(void) {
        text_stream *uuid = PL::Bibliographic::IFID::read_uuid();
        inter_name *UUID_array_iname = Hierarchy::find(UUID_ARRAY_HL);
        Emit::named_string_constant(UUID_array_iname, uuid);

    inter_name *PL::Bibliographic::IFID::UUID(void) {
        return Hierarchy::find(UUID_ARRAY_HL);

The function PL::Bibliographic::IFID::define_UUID appears nowhere else.

The function PL::Bibliographic::IFID::UUID appears nowhere else.