To render the spatial map of rooms as an EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file.

§1. Definitions.

§2. EPS-format files are vector art, rather than raster art, and are produced with the intention that authors can tidy them up afterwards using programs like Adobe Illustrator. By default they aren't produced, so that the following flag stays FALSE:

    int write_EPS_format_map = FALSE;

§3. The EPS map-maker is really a miniature interpreted programming language in its own right, and here we define that language's data types and variables.

The "mapping parameters" amount to being variables. The following structure defines the type and current value for each variable: see the Inform documentation for details. But note that variables of the same name are held by many different objects in the map, and their values inherited by sub-objects.

    define INT_MDT	1     an integer
    define BOOL_MDT 2     true or false
    define TEXT_MDT 3     quoted text
    define COL_MDT	4     an HTML-safe colour
    define FONT_MDT	5     the name of a font
    define OFF_MDT	6     a positional offset in an (x,y) grid
    typedef struct plotting_parameter {
        int specified;     is it explicitly specified at this scope?
        wchar_t *name;     name (used only in global scope)
        int parameter_data_type;     one of the above types (used only in global scope)
        wchar_t *string_value;     string value, if appropriate to this type;
        struct text_stream *stream_value;     text value, if appropriate to this type;
        int numeric_value;     or numeric value, if appropriate to this type
    } plotting_parameter;

The structure plotting_parameter is accessed in 2/bd, 3/tnt, 3/sm, 3/tp, 3/bck, 3/rgn, 3/tm, 3/sc, 3/scn, 4/act, 4/anl, 4/nap, 5/gp, 5/gv, 5/gpr and here.

§4. A set of variables associated with any map object is called a "scope". As implied above, the global scope is special: it contains the default settings passed down to all lower scopes.

    define NO_MAP_PARAMETERS 35
    typedef struct map_parameter_scope {
        struct map_parameter_scope *wider_scope;     that is, the scope above this
        struct plotting_parameter values[NO_MAP_PARAMETERS];
    } map_parameter_scope;

    map_parameter_scope global_map_scope = {
            { TRUE, L"font",					FONT_MDT,	L"Helvetica", NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"minimum-map-width",		INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 72*5 },
            { TRUE, L"title",					TEXT_MDT,	L"Map", 	NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"title-size",				INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 24 },
            { TRUE, L"title-font",				FONT_MDT,	L"<font>", 	NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"title-colour",			COL_MDT,	L"000000", 	NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"map-outline",				BOOL_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 1 },
            { TRUE, L"border-size",				INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 12 },
            { TRUE, L"vertical-spacing",		INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 6 },
            { TRUE, L"monochrome",				BOOL_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"annotation-size",			INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 8 },
            { TRUE, L"annotation-length",		INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 8 },
            { TRUE, L"annotation-font",			FONT_MDT,	L"<font>", 	NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"subtitle",				TEXT_MDT,	L"Map", 	NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"subtitle-size",			INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 16 },
            { TRUE, L"subtitle-font",			FONT_MDT,	L"<font>", 	NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"subtitle-colour",			COL_MDT,	L"000000", 	NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"grid-size",				INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 72 },
            { TRUE, L"route-stiffness",			INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 100 },
            { TRUE, L"route-thickness",			INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 1 },
            { TRUE, L"route-colour",			COL_MDT,	L"000000", 	NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"room-offset",				OFF_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"room-size",				INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 36 },
            { TRUE, L"room-colour",				COL_MDT,	L"DDDDDD", 	NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"room-name",				TEXT_MDT,	L"", 		NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"room-name-size",			INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 12 },
            { TRUE, L"room-name-font",			FONT_MDT,	L"<font>", 	NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"room-name-colour",		COL_MDT,	L"000000", 	NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"room-name-length",		INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 5 },
            { TRUE, L"room-name-offset",		OFF_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"room-outline",			BOOL_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 1 },
            { TRUE, L"room-outline-colour",		COL_MDT,	L"000000",	NULL, 0 },
            { TRUE, L"room-outline-thickness",	INT_MDT,	NULL, 		NULL, 1 },
            { TRUE, L"room-shape",				TEXT_MDT,	L"square",	NULL, 0 }

    int changed_global_room_colour = FALSE;

The structure map_parameter_scope is private to this section.

§5. A "rubric" is a freestanding piece of text written on the map. Typically it will be a title.

    typedef struct rubric_holder {
        wchar_t *annotation;
        int point_size;
        wchar_t *font;
        wchar_t *colour;
        int at_offset;
        struct instance *offset_from;
    } rubric_holder;

The structure rubric_holder is private to this section.

§6. Each horizontal level of the EPS map needs its own storage, not least to hold the applicable mapping parameters.

    typedef struct EPS_map_level {
        int width;
        int actual_height;
        int height;
        struct text_stream *titling;
        int titling_point_size;
        int map_level;
        int y_max;
        int y_min;
        int contains_rooms;
        int contains_titling;
        int eps_origin;
        struct map_parameter_scope map_parameters;
    } EPS_map_level;

The structure EPS_map_level is private to this section.

§7. The following are the directions at which arrows for UP, DOWN, IN and OUT are drawn on EPS maps.

    vector U_vector_EPS = {2, 3, 0};
    vector D_vector_EPS = {-2, -3, 0};
    vector IN_vector_EPS = {3, 2, 0};
    vector OUT_vector_EPS = {-3, -2, 0};

§8. A convenience when parsing:

    int index_map_with_pass = 0;
    parse_node *index_map_with_p = NULL;

§9. Map parameters. We convert a parameter's name to its index in the list; slowly, but that doesn't matter.

    int PL::EPSMap::get_map_variable_index(wchar_t *name) {
        int s = PL::EPSMap::get_map_variable_index_forgivingly(name);
        if (s < 0) {
            LOG("Tried to look up <%w>\n", name);
            internal_error("looked up non-existent map variable");
            s = 0;
        return s;

    int PL::EPSMap::get_map_variable_index_forgivingly(wchar_t *name) {
        for (int s=0; s<NO_MAP_PARAMETERS; s++)
            if ((global_map_scope.values[s].name) &&
                (Wide::cmp(name, global_map_scope.values[s].name) == 0))
                return s;
        return -1;

The function PL::EPSMap::get_map_variable_index is used in §12, §13.

The function PL::EPSMap::get_map_variable_index_forgivingly is used in §18.1.

§10. Map parameter scopes. Here goes, then: an initialised set of parameters.

    void PL::EPSMap::prepare_map_parameter_scope(map_parameter_scope *scope) {
        int s;
        scope->wider_scope = &global_map_scope;
        for (s=0; s<NO_MAP_PARAMETERS; s++) {
            scope->values[s].specified = FALSE;
            scope->values[s].name = NULL;
            scope->values[s].string_value = NULL;
            scope->values[s].numeric_value = 0;

The function PL::EPSMap::prepare_map_parameter_scope is used in §24.1, §24.2, 3/sm2 (§8.1).

§11. The following sets a parameter to a given value (the string value if that's non-NULL, the number value otherwise), for a particular scope: this is slightly wastefully specified either as a map_parameter_scope object, or as a single room, or as a single region, or as a kind of room or region. If all are null, then the global scope is used.

    void PL::EPSMap::put_mp(wchar_t *name, map_parameter_scope *scope, instance *scope_I,
        kind *scope_k, wchar_t *put_string, int put_integer) {
        if (scope_I) {
            if (PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(scope_I))
                scope = PL::EPSMap::scope_for_single_room(scope_I);
            else if (PL::Regions::object_is_a_region(scope_I)) {
                instance *rm;
                LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(rm, K_room)
                    if (PL::EPSMap::obj_in_region(rm, scope_I))
                        PL::EPSMap::put_mp(name, NULL, rm, NULL, put_string, put_integer);
            } else return;
        if (scope_k) {
            instance *I;
            LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, scope_k)
                PL::EPSMap::put_mp(name, NULL, I, NULL, put_string, put_integer);
        if (scope == NULL) scope = &global_map_scope;
        if (Wide::cmp(name, L"room-colour") == 0) {
            if (scope == &global_map_scope) changed_global_room_colour = TRUE;
            if (scope_I) PF_I(map, scope_I)->world_index_colour = put_string;
        if (Wide::cmp(name, L"room-name-colour") == 0)
            if (scope_I) PF_I(map, scope_I)->world_index_text_colour = put_string;
        if (put_string) PL::EPSMap::put_string_mp(name, scope, put_string);
        else PL::EPSMap::put_int_mp(name, scope, put_integer);

    map_parameter_scope *PL::EPSMap::scope_for_single_room(instance *rm) {
        return &(PF_I(map, rm)->local_map_parameters);

    int PL::EPSMap::obj_in_region(instance *I, instance *reg) {
        if ((I == NULL) || (reg == NULL)) return FALSE;
        if (PL::Regions::enclosing(I) == reg) return TRUE;
        return PL::EPSMap::obj_in_region(PL::Regions::enclosing(I), reg);

The function PL::EPSMap::put_mp is used in §22.4.2.

The function PL::EPSMap::scope_for_single_room appears nowhere else.

The function PL::EPSMap::obj_in_region appears nowhere else.

§12. String parameters.

    wchar_t *PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(wchar_t *name, map_parameter_scope *scope) {
        int s = PL::EPSMap::get_map_variable_index(name);
        if (scope == NULL) scope = &global_map_scope;
        while (scope->values[s].specified == FALSE) {
            scope = scope->wider_scope;
            if (scope == NULL) internal_error("scope exhausted in looking up map parameter");
        wchar_t *p = scope->values[s].string_value;
        if (Wide::cmp(p, L"<font>") == 0) return PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"font", NULL);
        return p;

    void PL::EPSMap::put_string_mp(wchar_t *name, map_parameter_scope *scope, wchar_t *val) {
        int s = PL::EPSMap::get_map_variable_index(name);
        if (scope == NULL) scope = &global_map_scope;
        scope->values[s].specified = TRUE;
        scope->values[s].string_value = val;

    text_stream *PL::EPSMap::get_stream_mp(wchar_t *name, map_parameter_scope *scope) {
        int s = PL::EPSMap::get_map_variable_index(name);
        if (scope == NULL) scope = &global_map_scope;
        while (scope->values[s].specified == FALSE) {
            scope = scope->wider_scope;
            if (scope == NULL) internal_error("scope exhausted in looking up map parameter");
        return scope->values[s].stream_value;

    void PL::EPSMap::put_stream_mp(wchar_t *name, map_parameter_scope *scope, text_stream *val) {
        int s = PL::EPSMap::get_map_variable_index(name);
        if (scope == NULL) scope = &global_map_scope;
        scope->values[s].specified = TRUE;
        scope->values[s].stream_value = Str::duplicate(val);

The function PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp is used in §25, §25.4, §25.6.1, §, §25.7.1, §25.7.2, §25.7.3.

The function PL::EPSMap::put_string_mp is used in §11, §24.3.

The function PL::EPSMap::get_stream_mp is used in §25.4.

The function PL::EPSMap::put_stream_mp is used in §24.1, §24.2.

§13. Integer parameters.

    int PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(wchar_t *name, map_parameter_scope *scope) {
        int s = PL::EPSMap::get_map_variable_index(name);
        if (scope == NULL) scope = &global_map_scope;
        while (scope->values[s].specified == FALSE) {
            scope = scope->wider_scope;
            if (scope == NULL) internal_error("scope exhausted in looking up map parameter");
        return scope->values[s].numeric_value;

    void PL::EPSMap::put_int_mp(wchar_t *name, map_parameter_scope *scope, int val) {
        int s = PL::EPSMap::get_map_variable_index(name);
        if (scope == NULL) scope = &global_map_scope;
        scope->values[s].specified = TRUE;
        scope->values[s].numeric_value = val;

The function PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp is used in §24.1, §25, §25.1, §25.4, §25.5, §25.6, §25.6.1, §, §25.7, §25.7.1, §25.7.2, §25.7.3, §25.8.

The function PL::EPSMap::put_int_mp is used in §11.

§14. Parsing sentences which set map parameters. This happens in two passes: pass 1 before HTML mapping, pass 2 before EPS mapping.

    void PL::EPSMap::traverse_for_map_parameters(int pass) {
        if (pass == 1) PL::SpatialMap::initialise_page_directions();
        ParseTree::traverse_int(PL::EPSMap::look_for_map_parameters, &pass);

    void PL::EPSMap::look_for_map_parameters(parse_node *p, int *pass) {
        if ((ParseTree::get_type(p) == SENTENCE_NT)
            && (p->down)) {
            if (*pass == 1) Assertions::Traverse::try_special_meaning(TRAVERSE_FOR_MAP1_SMFT, p->down);
            else Assertions::Traverse::try_special_meaning(TRAVERSE_FOR_MAP2_SMFT, p->down);

The function PL::EPSMap::traverse_for_map_parameters is used in §24, 3/sm2 (§46).

The function PL::EPSMap::look_for_map_parameters appears nowhere else.


    int PL::EPSMap::index_map_with_SMF(int task, parse_node *V, wording *NPs) {
        wording OW = (NPs)?(NPs[1]):EMPTY_WORDING;
        switch (task) {     "Index map with ..."
            case ACCEPT_SMFT:
                ParseTree::annotate_int(V, verb_id_ANNOT, SPECIAL_MEANING_VB);
                V->next = <<rp>>;
                return TRUE;
            case TRAVERSE_FOR_MAP1_SMFT:
                PL::EPSMap::new_map_hint_sentence(1, V->next);
            case TRAVERSE_FOR_MAP2_SMFT:
                PL::EPSMap::new_map_hint_sentence(2, V->next);
                LOG("\nIndex map with %+W.\n", ParseTree::get_text(V->next));
        return FALSE;

The function PL::EPSMap::index_map_with_SMF appears nowhere else.

§16. This conveniently filters instance names to accept only those of kind "direction".

    <direction-name> ::=
        <instance-of-object>		==> 0; *XP = RP[1]; if (Instances::of_kind(RP[1], K_direction) == FALSE) return FALSE;

§17. The subject noun phrase of sentences like this:

Index map with Chamber mapped north of Cave and EPS file.

is an articled list of subjects (in this case, two of them); each subject is parsed with the following grammar, which is almost a mini-language in itself.

    <index-map-sentence-subject> ::=
        eps file |											==> EPSFILE_IMW
        <direction-name> mapped as <direction-name> |		==> MAPPED_AS_IMW; <<instance:x>> = RP[1]; <<instance:y>> = RP[2];
        ... mapped as ... |									==> <Issue PM_MapDirectionClue problem 17.1>
        <instance-of-object> mapped <map-positioning> |			==> MAPPED_IMW; <<instance:x>> = RP[1]; <<instance:y>> = RP[2];
        ... mapped ... |									==> <Issue PM_MapPlacement problem 17.2>
        <map-setting> set to <map-setting-value> |			==> SETTING_IMW; <<scoping>> = R[1]; if (R[1] == NO_IMW) *X = NO_IMW; <<msvtype>> = R[2]
        <map-setting> set to ... |							==> <Issue PM_MapSettingTooLong problem 17.3>
        ... set to ... |									==> <Issue PM_MapSettingOfUnknown problem 17.4>
        rubric {<quoted-text-without-subs>} *** |			==> RUBRIC_IMW
        ...													==> <Issue PM_MapHintUnknown problem 17.5>

    <map-positioning> ::=
        <instance-of-object> of/from <instance-of-object> |	==> TRUE; <<instance:dir>> = RP[1]; *XP = RP[2]
        above <instance-of-object> |						==> TRUE; <<instance:dir>> = I_up; *XP = RP[1]
        below <instance-of-object>							==> TRUE; <<instance:dir>> = I_down; *XP = RP[1]

§17.1. <Issue PM_MapDirectionClue problem 17.1> =

        *X = NO_IMW;
        if (index_map_with_pass == 1) {
                index_map_with_p, "You can only say 'Index map with D mapped as E.' "
                "when D and E are directions.");

This code is used in §17.

§17.2. <Issue PM_MapPlacement problem 17.2> =

        *X = NO_IMW;
        if (index_map_with_pass == 1) {
                index_map_with_p, "The map placement hint should either have the form 'Index map with X "
                "mapped east of Y' or 'Index map with X mapped above/below Y'.");

This code is used in §17.

§17.3. <Issue PM_MapSettingTooLong problem 17.3> =

        *X = NO_IMW;
        if (index_map_with_pass == 1) {
                index_map_with_p, "The value supplied has to be a single item, a number, a word "
                "or some text in double-quotes: this looks too long to be right.");

This code is used in §17.

§17.4. <Issue PM_MapSettingOfUnknown problem 17.4> =

        *X = NO_IMW;
        <Actually issue PM_MapSettingOfUnknown problem 17.4.1>;

This code is used in §17.

§17.5. <Issue PM_MapHintUnknown problem 17.5> =

        *X = NO_IMW;
        if (index_map_with_pass == 2) {
                index_map_with_p, "The general form for this is 'Index map with ...' and then a "
                "list of clues, such as 'the Ballroom mapped east of the Terrace', "
                "or 'room-size of the Ballroom set to 100'.");

This code is used in §17.

§18. Now we parse the setting to be set. For example,

title-size of the first room

border-size of level 1

room-outline-thickness of the Taj Mahal


    <map-setting> ::=
        <map-parameter> of <map-setting-scope> |	==> R[2]; <<wchar_t:partext>> = RP[1]; <<parindex>> = R[1]
        <map-parameter> |							==> ENTIRE_MAP_SCOPE; <<wchar_t:partext>> = RP[1]; <<parindex>> = R[1]
        ... of <map-setting-scope>					==> <Issue PM_MapSettingUnknown problem 18.2>

    <map-setting-scope> ::=
        <definite-article> <map-setting-scope-unarticled> |						==> R[2]
        <map-setting-scope-unarticled>											==> R[1]

    <map-setting-scope-unarticled> ::=
        first room |				==> FIRST_ROOM_MAP_SCOPE
        level <cardinal-number> |	==>	LEVEL_MAP_SCOPE; <<level>> = R[1]
        <k-kind> |					==> KIND_MAP_SCOPE; <<kind:kscope>> = RP[1]
        <instance-of-object>		==> INSTANCE_MAP_SCOPE; <<instance:iscope>> = RP[1]

§18.1. The map parameters all have one-word, sometimes hyphenated, names, such as the following:

vertical-spacing, monochrome, annotation-size

For now, at least, these are all in English only.

    <map-parameter> internal {
        int i;
        wchar_t *parameter_name = Lexer::word_text(Wordings::first_wn(W));
        if ((Wordings::length(W) == 1) &&
            ((i = PL::EPSMap::get_map_variable_index_forgivingly(parameter_name))>=0)) {
            *X = i;
            *XP = parameter_name;
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

§18.2. <Issue PM_MapSettingUnknown problem 18.2> =

        *X = NO_IMW;
        if (index_map_with_pass == 1) {
                index_map_with_p, "The parameter has to be one of the fixed named set given in "
                "the documentation, like 'room-name'. All parameters are one "
                "word, but many are hyphenated. (Also, note that 'colour' has the "
                "Canadian/English spelling, not the American one 'color'.)");

This code is used in §18.

§19. The value of map settings is as follows. In retrospect, the "booleans" perhaps should just have been "true" and "false", not "on" and "off". Never mind.

    <map-setting-value> ::=
        <cardinal-number> |			==> INT_MDT; <<msvalue>> = R[1]; <<msword>> = Wordings::first_wn(W);
        <quoted-text> |				==> TEXT_MDT; <<msvalue>> = R[1]; <<msword>> = Wordings::first_wn(W);
        <map-setting-boolean> |		==> BOOL_MDT; <<msvalue>> = R[1]; <<msword>> = Wordings::first_wn(W);
        <map-offset> |				==> OFF_MDT; <<msvalue>> = R[1]; <<msword>> = Wordings::first_wn(W); if (R[1] == ERRONEOUS_OFFSET_VALUE) return FALSE;
        ###							==> -1; <<msword>> = Wordings::first_wn(W);     leads to a problem message later

    <map-setting-boolean> ::=
        on |						==> TRUE
        off							==> FALSE

§20. Map offsets have a cutesy notation: 10&-30, for example, written as a single word. The following nonterminal actually matches any single word (so that problems can be caught later, not now), returning either a valid offset or else the ERRONEOUS_OFFSET_VALUE sentinel.

    <map-offset> internal 1 {
        *X = PL::EPSMap::parse_eps_map_offset(W);
        return TRUE;

§21. The one part of the grammar not explicitly spelled out above was what to do with the optional text which follows a rubric. This is a sequence of any of the following:

    <map-rubric> ::=
        size <cardinal-number> *** |						==> RUBRIC_SIZE; <<rsize>> = R[1]; <<edge>> = Wordings::first_wn(WR[1])
        font {<quoted-text-without-subs>} *** |	==> RUBRIC_FONT; <<rfont>> = R[1]; <<edge>> = Wordings::first_wn(WR[2])
        colour {<quoted-text-without-subs>} *** |	==> RUBRIC_COLOUR; <<rcol>> = R[1]; <<edge>> = Wordings::first_wn(WR[2])
        at <map-offset> from ... |							==> RUBRIC_OFFSET; <<roff>> = R[1]; <<edge>> = Wordings::first_wn(WR[1])
        at <map-offset> ***									==> RUBRIC_POSITION; <<roff>> = R[1]; <<edge>> = Wordings::first_wn(WR[1])


    define NO_IMW 0
    define EPSFILE_IMW 1
    define MAPPED_AS_IMW 2
    define MAPPED_IMW 3
    define SETTING_IMW 4
    define RUBRIC_IMW 5
    define RUBRIC_SIZE 1
    define RUBRIC_FONT 2
    define RUBRIC_COLOUR 3
    define RUBRIC_OFFSET 4
    define RUBRIC_POSITION 5
    define LEVEL_MAP_SCOPE 2
    define KIND_MAP_SCOPE 3
    define ENTIRE_MAP_SCOPE 5
    void PL::EPSMap::new_map_hint_sentence(int pass, parse_node *p) {
        if (ParseTree::get_type(p) == AND_NT) {
            PL::EPSMap::new_map_hint_sentence(pass, p->down);
            PL::EPSMap::new_map_hint_sentence(pass, p->down->next);
        current_sentence = p;
        index_map_with_pass = pass;
        index_map_with_p = p;

        the following take effect on pass 1
        switch (<<r>>) {
            case EPSFILE_IMW: if (pass == 1) write_EPS_format_map = TRUE;
            case MAPPED_AS_IMW: <Parse "Index map with starboard mapped as east"-style sentences 22.1>;
            case MAPPED_IMW: <Parse "Index map with Ballroom mapped north of the Hallway"-style sentences 22.2>;
            case SETTING_IMW: <Parse "Index map with room size of Ballroom set to 72"-style sentences 22.4>;
            case RUBRIC_IMW:
                if (pass == 2)
                    <Parse "Index map with rubric "Here Be Dragons""-style sentences 22.3>;

The function PL::EPSMap::new_map_hint_sentence is used in §15.

§22.1. <Parse "Index map with starboard mapped as east"-style sentences 22.1> =

        if (pass == 1)
            PL::SpatialMap::map_direction_as_if(<<instance:x>>, <<instance:y>>);

This code is used in §22.

§22.2. <Parse "Index map with Ballroom mapped north of the Hallway"-style sentences 22.2> =

        if (Instances::of_kind(<<instance:dir>>, K_direction) == FALSE) {
            if (pass == 1) Problems::Issue::map_problem(_p_(PM_MapPlacementDirection),
                p, "The direction given as a hint for map placement wasn't "
                "one that I know of.");

        instance *I = <<instance:x>>;
        instance *I2 = <<instance:y>>;
        int exit = PF_I(map, <<instance:dir>>)->direction_index;

        if ((I == NULL) || (PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(I) == FALSE)) {
            if (pass == 1) Problems::Issue::map_problem(_p_(PM_MapFromNonRoom),
                p, "The first-named thing must be a room (beware ambiguities!).");
        if ((I2 == NULL) || (PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(I2) == FALSE)) {
            if (pass == 1) Problems::Issue::map_problem(_p_(PM_MapToNonRoom),
                p, "The second-named thing must be a room (beware ambiguities!).");
        if (PL::SpatialMap::direction_is_lateral(exit) == FALSE) {
            if (pass == 1) Problems::Issue::map_problem(_p_(PM_MapNonLateral),
                p, "The direction given as a hint for map placement must be "
                "a lateral direction (not up, down, above, below, inside "
                "or outside).");
        if (pass == 1) PL::SpatialMap::lock_exit_in_place(I, exit, I2);

This code is used in §22.

§22.3. <Parse "Index map with rubric "Here Be Dragons""-style sentences 22.3> =

        wording RW = GET_RW(<index-map-sentence-subject>, 1);
        wording RESTW = GET_RW(<index-map-sentence-subject>, 2);
        rubric_holder *rh = CREATE(rubric_holder);
        rh->annotation = Lexer::word_text(Wordings::first_wn(RW));
        rh->point_size = 12;     12-point type
        rh->font = L"<font>";     meaning the default font
        rh->colour = L"000000";     black
        rh->at_offset = 10001;     the offset (1, 1)
        rh->offset_from = NULL;
        int i = Wordings::first_wn(RESTW);
        while (i <= Wordings::last_wn(RESTW)) {
            if (<map-rubric>(Wordings::from(RESTW, i))) {
                i = <<edge>>;
                switch (<<r>>) {
                    case RUBRIC_SIZE:
                        rh->point_size = <<rsize>>;
                    case RUBRIC_FONT:
                        rh->font = Lexer::word_text(<<rfont>>);
                    case RUBRIC_COLOUR:
                        <Make a rubric colour setting 22.3.1>; break;
                    case RUBRIC_OFFSET:
                    case RUBRIC_POSITION:
                        <Make a rubric offset setting 22.3.2>; break;
            } else {
                    p, "Unfortunately the details of that rubric seem to be "
                    "in error (a lame message, but an accurate one).");

This code is used in §22.

§22.3.1. <Make a rubric colour setting 22.3.1> =

        wchar_t *thec = HTML::translate_colour_name(Lexer::word_text(<<rcol>>));
        if (thec == NULL) {
            Problems::Issue::map_problem(_p_(PM_MapUnknownColour), p, "There's no such map colour.");
        rh->colour = thec;

This code is used in §22.3.

§22.3.2. <Make a rubric offset setting 22.3.2> =

        if (<<roff>> == ERRONEOUS_OFFSET_VALUE) {
            Problems::Issue::map_problem(_p_(PM_MapUnknownOffset), p, "There's no such offset.");
        rh->at_offset = <<roff>>;

        if (<<r>> == RUBRIC_OFFSET) {
            instance *I = Instances::parse_object(Wordings::from(ParseTree::get_text(p), i));
            i = Wordings::last_wn(RESTW) + 1;
            if (I == NULL) {
                    p, "There's no such room to be offset from.");
            rh->offset_from = I;

This code is used in §22.3.

§22.4. Finally, then, sentences which set parameters for the EPS map-maker.

<Parse "Index map with room size of Ballroom set to 72"-style sentences 22.4> =

        int allow_on_pass_2 = FALSE;
        map_parameter_scope *scope = NULL;
        instance *scope_I = NULL;
        kind *scope_k = NULL;
        <Determine the scope for which the parameter is being set 22.4.1>;
        if ((allow_on_pass_2 == FALSE) && (pass == 2)) return;
        wchar_t *parameter_name = <<wchar_t:partext>>;
        int index_of_parameter = <<parindex>>;
        <Check that the value has the right type for this map parameter, and set it 22.4.2>;

This code is used in §22.

§22.4.1. <Determine the scope for which the parameter is being set 22.4.1> =

        int bad_scope = FALSE;
        switch (<<scoping>>) {
            case FIRST_ROOM_MAP_SCOPE:
                if (benchmark_room) scope_I = benchmark_room;
            case LEVEL_MAP_SCOPE:
                if (pass == 1) return;     we'll pick this up on pass 2 when levels exist
                allow_on_pass_2 = TRUE;
                int ln = <<level>>;
                EPS_map_level *eml;
                LOOP_OVER(eml, EPS_map_level)
                    if ((eml->contains_rooms)
                        && (eml->map_level - Room_position(benchmark_room).z == ln))
                        scope = &(eml->map_parameters);
                if (scope == NULL) {
                        p, "Layers of the map must be called 'level N', where "
                        "N is a number, and level 0 is the one which contains "
                        "the first room.");
            case KIND_MAP_SCOPE:
                scope_k = <<kind:kscope>>;
                if (Kinds::Compare::lt(scope_k, K_object) == FALSE) scope_k = NULL;
                if ((scope_k) &&
                    ((Kinds::Compare::le(scope_k, K_room)) ||
                        (Kinds::Compare::le(scope_k, K_region)))) {
                    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Setting for kind $u\n", scope_k);
                } else bad_scope = TRUE;
            case INSTANCE_MAP_SCOPE:
                if ((PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(<<instance:iscope>>)) ||
                    scope_I = <<instance:iscope>>;
                if (scope_I) {
                    LOGIF(SPATIAL_MAP, "Setting for object $O\n", scope_I);
                } else bad_scope = TRUE;
            case ENTIRE_MAP_SCOPE:
                scope_k = K_room;

        if (bad_scope) {
            <Actually issue PM_MapSettingOfUnknown problem 17.4.1>;

This code is used in §22.4.

§17.4.1. <Actually issue PM_MapSettingOfUnknown problem 17.4.1> =

        if (index_map_with_pass == 1) {
                index_map_with_p, "The parameter has to be 'of' either 'the first room' "
                "or a specific named room (beware ambiguities!) or "
                "a level such as 'level 0' (the first room is by "
                "definition on level 0), or a region, or a kind of room.");

This code is used in §17.4, §22.4.1.

§22.4.2. <Check that the value has the right type for this map parameter, and set it 22.4.2> =

        int type_wanted = global_map_scope.values[index_of_parameter].parameter_data_type;
        int type_found = <<msvtype>>;
        char *i_wanted_a = "";
        int wn = <<msword>>;
        switch(type_wanted) {
            case INT_MDT: i_wanted_a = "an integer";
                if (type_found == INT_MDT) {
                    PL::EPSMap::put_mp(parameter_name, scope, scope_I, scope_k, NULL, <<msvalue>>);
            case OFF_MDT: i_wanted_a = "an offset in the form 34&-450";
                if (type_found == OFF_MDT) {
                    PL::EPSMap::put_mp(parameter_name, scope, scope_I, scope_k, NULL, <<msvalue>>);
            case BOOL_MDT: i_wanted_a = "'on' or 'off'";
                if (type_found == BOOL_MDT) {
                    PL::EPSMap::put_mp(parameter_name, scope, scope_I, scope_k, NULL, <<msvalue>>);
            case TEXT_MDT: i_wanted_a = "some text in double-quotes";
                if (type_found == TEXT_MDT) {
                    PL::EPSMap::put_mp(parameter_name, scope, scope_I, scope_k, Lexer::word_text(wn), 0);
            case FONT_MDT: i_wanted_a = "a font name in double-quotes";
                if (type_found == TEXT_MDT) {
                    PL::EPSMap::put_mp(parameter_name, scope, scope_I, scope_k, Lexer::word_text(wn), 0);
            case COL_MDT: i_wanted_a = "a colour name in double-quotes";
                if (type_found == TEXT_MDT) {
                    wchar_t *col = HTML::translate_colour_name(Lexer::word_text(wn));
                    if (col) {
                        PL::EPSMap::put_mp(parameter_name, scope, scope_I, scope_k, col, 0);
            default: internal_error("Unexpected map parameter data type");
        if (pass == 1) Problems::Issue::map_problem_wanted_but(_p_(PM_MapSettingTypeFailed),
            p, i_wanted_a, wn);

This code is used in §22.4.

§23. Offset notation. The offset parameter (x, y) is stored as the integer 10000y + x. Except for the error value, we are required to have -9999 <= x, y <= 9999, and the syntax to specify this is two literal numbers divided by an ampersand. For instance, 28&-125 means (28, -125) which is stored as -1249972.

    define ERRONEOUS_OFFSET_VALUE 100000000
    int PL::EPSMap::parse_eps_map_offset(wording W) {
        WRITE_TO(offs, "%W", Wordings::one_word(Wordings::first_wn(W)));
        if (Str::len(offs) >= 30) return ERRONEOUS_OFFSET_VALUE;
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        int xbit = 0, ybit = 0;
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, offs, L"(%c*?)&(%c*)")) {
            xbit = Str::atoi(mr.exp[0], 0), ybit = Str::atoi(mr.exp[1], 0);
        } else return ERRONEOUS_OFFSET_VALUE;
        return xbit + ybit*10000;

The function PL::EPSMap::parse_eps_map_offset is used in §20.


    void PL::EPSMap::render_map_as_EPS(void) {
        <Create the main EPS map super-level 24.1>;
        int z;
        for (z=Universe.corner1.z; z>=Universe.corner0.z; z--)
            <Create an EPS map level for this z-slice 24.2>;

        if (changed_global_room_colour == FALSE)
            <Inherit EPS room colours from those used in the World Index 24.3>;

        if (write_EPS_format_map) <Open a stream and write the EPS map to it 24.4>;

The function PL::EPSMap::render_map_as_EPS appears nowhere else.

§24.1. <Create the main EPS map super-level 24.1> =

        EPS_map_level *main_eml = CREATE(EPS_map_level);
        main_eml->width = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"minimum-map-width", NULL);
        main_eml->actual_height = 0;
        main_eml->titling_point_size = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"title-size", NULL);
        main_eml->titling = Str::new();
        WRITE_TO(main_eml->titling, "Map");
        main_eml->contains_titling = TRUE;
        main_eml->contains_rooms = FALSE;
        PL::EPSMap::put_stream_mp(L"title", &(main_eml->map_parameters), main_eml->titling);

This code is used in §24.

§24.2. <Create an EPS map level for this z-slice 24.2> =

        EPS_map_level *eml = CREATE(EPS_map_level);
        eml->contains_rooms = TRUE;
        eml->map_level = z;

        eml->y_max = -100000, eml->y_min = 100000;
        instance *R;
            if (Room_position(R).z == z) {
                if (Room_position(R).y < eml->y_min) eml->y_min = Room_position(R).y;
                if (Room_position(R).y > eml->y_max) eml->y_max = Room_position(R).y;

        char *level_rubric = "Map"; int par = 0;
        PL::HTMLMap::devise_level_rubric(z, &level_rubric, &par);
        WRITE_TO(eml->titling, level_rubric, par);

        if (Str::len(eml->titling) == 0) eml->contains_titling = FALSE;
        else eml->contains_titling = TRUE;

        PL::EPSMap::put_stream_mp(L"subtitle", &(eml->map_parameters), eml->titling);

            if (Room_position(R).z == z) {
                PF_I(map, R)->local_map_parameters.wider_scope = &(eml->map_parameters);

This code is used in §24.

§24.3. <Inherit EPS room colours from those used in the World Index 24.3> =

        instance *R;
            PL::EPSMap::put_string_mp(L"room-colour", &(PF_I(map, R)->local_map_parameters),
                PF_I(map, R)->world_index_colour);

This code is used in §24.

§24.4. <Open a stream and write the EPS map to it 24.4> =

        text_stream EPS_struct; text_stream *EPS = &EPS_struct;
        if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(EPS, filename_of_epsfile, ISO_ENC) == FALSE)
            Problems::Fatal::filename_related("Can't open EPS map file", filename_of_epsfile);

This code is used in §24.


    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_map(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        int blh,     total height of the EPS map area (not counting border)
            blw,     total width of the EPS map area (not counting border)
            border = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"border-size", NULL),
            vskip = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"vertical-spacing", NULL);
        <Compute the dimensions of the EPS map 25.1>;
        int bounding_box_width = blw+2*border, bounding_box_height = blh+2*border;

        PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_header(OUT, bounding_box_width, bounding_box_height,
            PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"title-font", NULL), PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"title-size", NULL));

        if (PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"map-outline", NULL))
            <Draw a big rectangular outline around the entire EPS map 25.2>;

        EPS_map_level *eml;
        LOOP_OVER(eml, EPS_map_level) {
            map_parameter_scope *level_scope = &(eml->map_parameters);
            int mapunit = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"grid-size", level_scope);
            if (eml->contains_rooms == FALSE)
                if (PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"map-outline", NULL))
                    <Draw an intermediate strut in the big rectangular outline 25.3>;
            if (eml->contains_titling)
                <Draw the title for this EPS map level 25.4>;
            if (eml->contains_rooms) {
                instance *R;
                    if (Room_position(R).z == eml->map_level)
                        <Establish EPS coordinates for this room 25.5>;
                    if (Room_position(R).z == eml->map_level)
                        <Draw the map connections from this room as EPS paths 25.6>;
                    if (Room_position(R).z == eml->map_level)
                        <Draw the boxes for the rooms themselves 25.7>;

        <Plot all of the rubrics onto the EPS map 25.8>;

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_map is used in §24.4.

§25.1. <Compute the dimensions of the EPS map 25.1> =

        int total_chunk_height = 0, max_chunk_width = 0;
        EPS_map_level *eml;
        LOOP_BACKWARDS_OVER(eml, EPS_map_level) {
            map_parameter_scope *level_scope = &(eml->map_parameters);
            int mapunit = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"grid-size", level_scope);
            int p = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"title-size", level_scope);
            if (eml->contains_rooms) p = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"subtitle-size", level_scope);
            eml->titling_point_size = p;
            eml->width = (Universe.corner1.x-Universe.corner0.x+2)*mapunit;
            if (eml->allocation_id == 0) eml->actual_height = 0;
            else eml->actual_height = (eml->y_max-eml->y_min+1)*mapunit;
            eml->eps_origin = total_chunk_height + border;
            eml->height = eml->actual_height + vskip;
            if (eml->contains_rooms) eml->height += vskip;
            if (eml->contains_titling) eml->height += eml->titling_point_size+vskip;
            total_chunk_height += eml->height;
            if (max_chunk_width < eml->width) max_chunk_width = eml->width;
        blh = total_chunk_height;
        blw = max_chunk_width;

This code is used in §25.

§25.2. The outline is a little like drawing the shape of a bookcase: there's a big rectangle around the whole thing...

<Draw a big rectangular outline around the entire EPS map 25.2> =

        WRITE("newpath %% Ruled outline outer box of map\n");
        PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_rectangular_path(OUT, border, border, border+blw, border+blh);

This code is used in §25.

§25.3. ...and then there are horizontal shelves dividing it into compartments. (Each map level will be drawn inside one of these compartments.)

<Draw an intermediate strut in the big rectangular outline 25.3> =

        WRITE("newpath %% Ruled horizontal line\n");
        PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_horizontal_line_path(OUT, border, blw+border, eml->eps_origin);

This code is used in §25.

§25.4. <Draw the title for this EPS map level 25.4> =

        int y = eml->eps_origin + vskip + eml->actual_height;
        if (eml->contains_rooms) {
            if (PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"monochrome", level_scope)) PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_greyscale(OUT, 0);
            else PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_colour(OUT, PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"subtitle-colour", level_scope));
                PL::EPSMap::get_stream_mp(L"subtitle", level_scope),
                NULL, 128,
                PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"subtitle-font", level_scope),
                border*2, y+vskip,
                PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"subtitle-size", level_scope),
                FALSE, FALSE);
        } else {
            if (PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"monochrome", level_scope)) PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_greyscale(OUT, 0);
            else PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_colour(OUT, PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"title-colour", level_scope));
                PL::EPSMap::get_stream_mp(L"title", NULL),
                NULL, 128,
                PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"title-font", level_scope),
                border*2, y+2*vskip,
                PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"title-size", level_scope),
                FALSE, TRUE);

This code is used in §25.

§25.5. <Establish EPS coordinates for this room 25.5> =

        map_parameter_scope *room_scope = &(PF_I(map, R)->local_map_parameters);
        int bx = Room_position(R).x-Universe.corner0.x;
        int by = Room_position(R).y-eml->y_min;
        int offs = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"room-offset", room_scope);
        int xpart = offs%10000, ypart = offs/10000;
        while (xpart > 5000) xpart-=10000;
        while (xpart < -5000) xpart+=10000;

        bx = (bx)*mapunit + border + mapunit/2;
        by = (by)*mapunit + eml->eps_origin + vskip + mapunit/2;

        bx += xpart*mapunit/100;
        by += ypart*mapunit/100;

        PF_I(map, R)->eps_x = bx;
        PF_I(map, R)->eps_y = by;

This code is used in §25.

§25.6. <Draw the map connections from this room as EPS paths 25.6> =

        map_parameter_scope *room_scope = &(PF_I(map, R)->local_map_parameters);
        PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_line_width_setting(OUT, PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"route-thickness", room_scope));

        int bx = PF_I(map, R)->eps_x;
        int by = PF_I(map, R)->eps_y;
        int boxsize = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"room-size", room_scope)/2;
        int R_stiffness = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"route-stiffness", room_scope);
        int dir;
            instance *T = PL::SpatialMap::room_exit(R, dir, NULL);
            int exit = story_dir_to_page_dir[dir];
            if (PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(T))
                <Draw a single map connection as an EPS arrow 25.6.1>;

This code is used in §25.

§25.6.1. <Draw a single map connection as an EPS arrow 25.6.1> =

        int T_stiffness = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"route-stiffness", &(PF_I(map, T)->local_map_parameters));
        if (PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"monochrome", level_scope)) PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_greyscale(OUT, 0);
        else PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_colour(OUT, PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"route-colour", level_scope));
        if ((Room_position(T).z == Room_position(R).z) &&
            (PL::SpatialMap::room_exit(T, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(dir), FALSE) == R))
            <Draw a two-ended arrow for a two-way horizontal connection>
            <Draw a one-way arrow for a distant or off-level connection>;

This code is used in §25.6.

§ We don't want to draw this twice (once for R, once for T), so we draw it just for the earlier-defined room.

<Draw a two-ended arrow for a two-way horizontal connection> =

        if (R->allocation_id <= T->allocation_id)
                R_stiffness*mapunit, T_stiffness*mapunit,
                bx, by, exit,
                PF_I(map, T)->eps_x, PF_I(map, T)->eps_y, PL::SpatialMap::opposite(exit));

This code is used in §25.6.1.

§ A one-way arrow has the destination marked on it textually, since it doesn't actually go there in any visual way.

<Draw a one-way arrow for a distant or off-level connection> =

        int scaled = 1;
        vector E = PL::SpatialMap::direction_as_vector(exit);
        switch(exit) {
            case 8:  E = U_vector_EPS; scaled = 2; break;
            case 9:  E = D_vector_EPS; scaled = 2; break;
            case 10: E = IN_vector_EPS; scaled = 2; break;
            case 11: E = OUT_vector_EPS; scaled = 2; break;
        PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_dashed_arrow(OUT, boxsize/scaled, E, bx, by);
        PL::EPSMap::plot_text_at(OUT, NULL, T,
            PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"annotation-length", NULL),
            PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"annotation-font", NULL),
            bx+E.x*boxsize*6/scaled/5, by+E.y*boxsize*6/scaled/5,
            PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"annotation-size", NULL),
            TRUE, TRUE);

This code is used in §25.6.1.

§25.7. <Draw the boxes for the rooms themselves 25.7> =

        map_parameter_scope *room_scope = &(PF_I(map, R)->local_map_parameters);
        int bx = PF_I(map, R)->eps_x;
        int by = PF_I(map, R)->eps_y;
        int boxsize = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"room-size", room_scope)/2;
        <Draw the filled box for the room 25.7.1>;
        <Draw the outline of the box for the room 25.7.2>;
        <Write in the name of the room 25.7.3>;

This code is used in §25.

§25.7.1. <Draw the filled box for the room 25.7.1> =

        WRITE("newpath %% Room interior\n");
        if (PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"monochrome", room_scope)) PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_greyscale(OUT, 75);
        else PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_colour(OUT, PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"room-colour", room_scope));
        PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_room_boundary_path(OUT, bx, by, boxsize, PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"room-shape", room_scope));

This code is used in §25.7.

§25.7.2. <Draw the outline of the box for the room 25.7.2> =

        if (PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"room-outline", room_scope)) {
            PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_line_width_setting(OUT, PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"room-outline-thickness", room_scope));
            WRITE("newpath %% Room outline\n");
            if (PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"monochrome", level_scope)) PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_greyscale(OUT, 0);
            else PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_colour(OUT, PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"room-outline-colour", room_scope));
            PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_room_boundary_path(OUT, bx, by, boxsize, PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"room-shape", room_scope));

This code is used in §25.7.

§25.7.3. <Write in the name of the room 25.7.3> =

        int offs = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"room-name-offset", room_scope);
        int xpart = offs%10000, ypart = offs/10000;
        while (xpart > 5000) xpart-=10000;
        while (xpart < -5000) xpart+=10000;
        bx += xpart*mapunit/100;
        by += ypart*mapunit/100;

        if (PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"monochrome", level_scope)) PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_greyscale(OUT, 0);
        else PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_colour(OUT, PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"room-name-colour", room_scope));
        wchar_t *legend = PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"room-name", room_scope);
        instance *room_to_name = NULL;
        if (Wide::cmp(legend, L"") == 0) { room_to_name = R; legend = NULL; }
        PL::EPSMap::plot_text_at(OUT, legend, room_to_name,
            PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"room-name-length", room_scope),
            PL::EPSMap::get_string_mp(L"room-name-font", room_scope),
            bx, by, PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"room-name-size", room_scope),
            TRUE, TRUE);

This code is used in §25.7.

§25.8. <Plot all of the rubrics onto the EPS map 25.8> =

        rubric_holder *rh;
        LOOP_OVER(rh, rubric_holder) {
            int bx = 0, by = 0;
            int xpart = rh->at_offset%10000, ypart = rh->at_offset/10000;
            int mapunit = PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"grid-size", NULL);
            while (xpart > 5000) xpart-=10000;
            while (xpart < -5000) xpart+=10000;
            if (PL::EPSMap::get_int_mp(L"monochrome", NULL)) PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_greyscale(OUT, 0);
            else PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_colour(OUT, rh->colour);
            if (rh->offset_from) {
                bx = PF_I(map, rh->offset_from)->eps_x;
                by = PF_I(map, rh->offset_from)->eps_y;
            bx += xpart*mapunit/100; by += ypart*mapunit/100;
            PL::EPSMap::plot_text_at(OUT, rh->annotation, NULL, 128, rh->font, bx, by, rh->point_size,
                TRUE, TRUE);     centred both horizontally and vertically

This code is used in §25.

§26. Writing text in EPS. All of words written on the map — titles, labels for arrows, rubrics, and so on — come from here.

    define MAX_EPS_TEXT_LENGTH 1000
    void PL::EPSMap::plot_text_at(OUTPUT_STREAM, wchar_t *text_to_plot, instance *I, int abbrev_to,
        wchar_t *font, int x, int y, int pointsize, int centre_h, int centre_v) {
        if (text_to_plot) {
            WRITE_TO(txt, "%w", text_to_plot);
        } else if (I) {
            <Try taking the name from the printed name property of the room 26.1>;
            <If that fails, try taking the name from its source text name 26.2>;
        } else return;
        PL::EPSMap::plot_stream_at(OUT, txt, I, abbrev_to, font, x, y, pointsize, centre_h, centre_v);

The function PL::EPSMap::plot_text_at is used in §, §25.7.3, §25.8.

§26.1. <Try taking the name from the printed name property of the room 26.1> =

        if (P_printed_name) {
            parse_node *V = World::Inferences::get_prop_state_at(
                Instances::as_subject(I), P_printed_name, NULL);
            if ((Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(V, K_text)) &&
                (Wordings::nonempty(ParseTree::get_text(V)))) {
                int wn = Wordings::first_wn(ParseTree::get_text(V));
                WRITE_TO(txt, "%+W", Wordings::one_word(wn));
                if (Str::get_first_char(txt) == '\"') Str::delete_first_character(txt);
                if (Str::get_last_char(txt) == '\"') Str::delete_last_character(txt);

This code is used in §26.

§26.2. <If that fails, try taking the name from its source text name 26.2> =

        if (Str::len(txt) == 0) {
            wording W = Instances::get_name(I, FALSE);
            if (Wordings::empty(W)) return;
            WRITE_TO(txt, "%+W", W);

This code is used in §26.


    void PL::EPSMap::plot_stream_at(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *text_to_plot, instance *I, int abbrev_to,
        wchar_t *font, int x, int y, int pointsize, int centre_h, int centre_v) {
        Str::copy(txt, text_to_plot);
        <Abbreviate the text to be printed by stripping dispensable letters 27.1>;
        PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_text(OUT, txt, x, y, font, pointsize, centre_h, centre_v);

The function PL::EPSMap::plot_stream_at is used in §25.4, §26.

§27.1. The following cuts the text down to the abbreviation length by knocking out, in sequence: (a) lower-case vowels; (b) spaces; (c) lower-case consonants; (d) punctuation marks. If that doesn't do it, the text is simply truncated. For example, "Peisey-Nancroix" abbreviated to 10 is "Pesy-Nncrx" and to 5 is "PsyNn".

<Abbreviate the text to be printed by stripping dispensable letters 27.1> =

        while (Str::len(txt) > abbrev_to) {
            int j;
            for (j=Str::len(txt)-1; j>=0; j--)
                if (Characters::vowel(Str::get_at(txt, j))) goto RemoveOne;
            for (j=Str::len(txt)-1; j>=0; j--)
                if (Str::get_at(txt, j) == ' ') goto RemoveOne;
            for (j=Str::len(txt)-1; j>=0; j--)
                if (islower(Str::get_at(txt, j))) goto RemoveOne;
            for (j=Str::len(txt)-1; j>=0; j--)
                if (isupper(Str::get_at(txt, j)) == FALSE) goto RemoveOne;
            Str::truncate(txt, abbrev_to);
            RemoveOne: Str::delete_nth_character(txt, j);

This code is used in §27.

§28. EPS header. EPS files are identified and version-numbered by a header, as follows.

    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_header(OUTPUT_STREAM, int bounding_box_width, int bounding_box_height,
        wchar_t *default_font, int default_point_size) {
        WRITE("%%!PS-Adobe EPSF-3.0\n");
        WRITE("%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n", bounding_box_width, bounding_box_height);
        WRITE("%%%%IncludeFont: %w\n", default_font);
        WRITE("/%w findfont %d scalefont setfont\n", default_font, default_point_size);

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_header is used in §25.

§29. Circles and rectangles. In EPS files, there's an imaginary pen which traces out "paths". These begin whenever the pen moves to a new location, and then continue until they are closed (joined up back to the start position) with a closepath command.

    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_circular_path(OUTPUT_STREAM, int x0, int y0, int radius) {
        WRITE("%d %d moveto %% rightmost point\n", x0+radius, y0);
        WRITE("%d %d %d %d %d arc %% full circle traced anticlockwise\n",
            x0, y0, radius, 0, 360);

    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_rectangular_path(OUTPUT_STREAM, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) {
        WRITE("%d %d moveto %% bottom left corner\n", x0, y0);
        WRITE("%d %d lineto %% bottom side\n", x1, y0);
        WRITE("%d %d lineto %% right side\n", x1, y1);
        WRITE("%d %d lineto %% top side\n", x0, y1);

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_circular_path is used in §30.

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_rectangular_path is used in §25.2, §30.

§30. The boundary of a room is always one of these:

    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_room_boundary_path(OUTPUT_STREAM, int bx, int by, int boxsize, wchar_t *shape) {
        if (Wide::cmp(shape, L"square") == 0)
            PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_rectangular_path(OUT, bx-boxsize, by-boxsize, bx+boxsize, by+boxsize);
        else if (Wide::cmp(shape, L"rectangle") == 0)
            PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_rectangular_path(OUT, bx-2*boxsize, by-boxsize, bx+2*boxsize, by+boxsize);
        else if (Wide::cmp(shape, L"circle") == 0)
            PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_circular_path(OUT, bx, by, boxsize);
            PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_rectangular_path(OUT, bx-boxsize, by-boxsize, bx+boxsize, by+boxsize);

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_room_boundary_path is used in §25.7.1, §25.7.2.

§31. Straight lines.

    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_horizontal_line_path(OUTPUT_STREAM, int x0, int x1, int y) {
        WRITE("%d %d moveto %% LHS\n", x0, y);
        WRITE("%d %d lineto %% RHS\n", x1, y);

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_horizontal_line_path is used in §25.3.

§32. Dashed arrows.

    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_dashed_arrow(OUTPUT_STREAM, int length, vector Dir, int x0, int y0) {
        WRITE("[2 1] 0 setdash %% dashed line for arrow\n");
        WRITE("%d %d moveto %% room centre\n", x0, y0);
        WRITE("%d %d rlineto %% arrow out\n", Dir.x*length, Dir.y*length);
        WRITE("[] 0 setdash %% back to normal solid lines\n");

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_dashed_arrow is used in §

§33. Bezier curves. The other sort of path we'll need is a Bézier curve, a quadratic curve which interpolates between vectors. EPS has support for these built-in; see any reference book on PostScript.

    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_Bezier_curve(OUTPUT_STREAM, int stiffness0, int stiffness1,
        int x0, int y0, int exit0, int x1, int y1, int exit1) {
        int cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2;
        vector E = PL::SpatialMap::direction_as_vector(exit0);
        cx1 = x0+E.x*stiffness0/100; cy1 = y0+E.y*stiffness0/100;
        E = PL::SpatialMap::direction_as_vector(exit1);
        cx2 = x1+E.x*stiffness1/100; cy2 = y1+E.y*stiffness1/100;
        WRITE("%d %d moveto %% start of Bezier curve\n", x0, y0);
        WRITE("%d %d %d %d %d %d curveto %% control points 1, 2 and end\n",
            cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x1, y1);

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_Bezier_curve is used in §

§34. Line thickness. The following routines should be used in nested pairs, so that the PostScript stack is kept in order.

    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_line_width_setting(OUTPUT_STREAM, int new) {
        WRITE("currentlinewidth %% Push old line width onto stack\n");
        WRITE("%d setlinewidth\n", new);

    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_line_width_unsetting(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        WRITE("setlinewidth %% Pull old line width from stack\n");

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_line_width_setting is used in §25.6, §25.7.2.

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_line_width_unsetting is used in §25.6, §25.7.2.

§35. Text. In EPS world, text is just another sort of path.

    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_text(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *text, int x, int y,
        wchar_t *font, int pointsize, int centre_h, int centre_v) {
        WRITE("/%w findfont %d scalefont setfont\n", font, pointsize);
        WRITE("newpath (%S)\n", text);
        if (centre_h) WRITE("dup stringwidth add 2 div %d exch sub %% = X centre-offset\n", x);
        else WRITE("%d %% = X\n", x);
        if (centre_v) WRITE("%d %d 2 div sub %% = Y centre-offset\n", y, pointsize);
        else WRITE("%d %% = Y\n", y);
        WRITE("moveto show\n");

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_text is used in §27.

§36. RGB colours. Inform internally stores colours as six hexadecimal digits, in traditional HTML way: RRGGBB, with each colour from 0 to 255. In EPS files, colours are written as triples of floating point numbers 0 <= b <= 1.

EPS uses reverse Polish notation, so the command here is: R G B setrgbcolor.

    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_colour(OUTPUT_STREAM, wchar_t *htmlcolour) {
        if (Wide::len(htmlcolour) != 6) internal_error("Improper HTML colour");
        PL::EPSMap::choose_colour_beam(OUT, htmlcolour[0], htmlcolour[1]);
        PL::EPSMap::choose_colour_beam(OUT, htmlcolour[2], htmlcolour[3]);
        PL::EPSMap::choose_colour_beam(OUT, htmlcolour[4], htmlcolour[5]);
        WRITE("setrgbcolor %% From HTML colour %w\n", htmlcolour);

    void PL::EPSMap::choose_colour_beam(OUTPUT_STREAM, int hex1, int hex2) {
        int k = PL::EPSMap::hex_to_int(hex1)*16 + PL::EPSMap::hex_to_int(hex2);
        WRITE("%.6g ", (double) (((float) k)/255.0));

    int PL::EPSMap::hex_to_int(int hex) {
        switch(hex) {
            case '0': return 0;
            case '1': return 1;
            case '2': return 2;
            case '3': return 3;
            case '4': return 4;
            case '5': return 5;
            case '6': return 6;
            case '7': return 7;
            case '8': return 8;
            case '9': return 9;
            case 'a': case 'A': return 10;
            case 'b': case 'B': return 11;
            case 'c': case 'C': return 12;
            case 'd': case 'D': return 13;
            case 'e': case 'E': return 14;
            case 'f': case 'F': return 15;
            default: internal_error("Improper character in HTML colour");
        return 0;

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_colour is used in §25.4, §25.6.1, §25.7.1, §25.7.2, §25.7.3, §25.8.

The function PL::EPSMap::choose_colour_beam appears nowhere else.

The function PL::EPSMap::hex_to_int appears nowhere else.

§37. EPS also supports greyscale, where there's only one beam:

    void PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_greyscale(OUTPUT_STREAM, int N) {
        WRITE("%0.02f setgray %% greyscale %d/100ths of white\n", (float) N/100, N);

The function PL::EPSMap::EPS_compile_set_greyscale is used in §25.4, §25.6.1, §25.7.1, §25.7.2, §25.7.3, §25.8.