[Inter::Kind::] The Kind Construct. Defining the kind construct. @ @e KIND_IST = void Inter::Kind::define(void) { inter_construct *IC = Inter::Defn::create_construct( KIND_IST, L"kind (%i+) (%c+)", I"kind", I"kinds"); METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_READ_MTID, Inter::Kind::read); METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_TRANSPOSE_MTID, Inter::Kind::transpose); METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_VERIFY_MTID, Inter::Kind::verify); METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_WRITE_MTID, Inter::Kind::write); } @ @d DEFN_KIND_IFLD 2 @d DATA_TYPE_KIND_IFLD 3 @d ENUM_RANGE_KIND_IFLD 4 @d NO_INSTANCES_KIND_IFLD 5 @d SUPER_KIND_IFLD 6 @d PERM_LIST_KIND_IFLD 7 @d PLIST_KIND_IFLD 8 @d CONSTRUCTOR_KIND_IFLD 9 @d OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD 10 @d MIN_EXTENT_KIND_IFR 10 @e BASE_ICON from 1 @e LIST_ICON @e COLUMN_ICON @e FUNCTION_ICON @e RELATION_ICON @e RULE_ICON @e RULEBOOK_ICON @e STRUCT_ICON @e DESCRIPTION_ICON @d MAX_ICON_OPERANDS 128 = void Inter::Kind::read(inter_construct *IC, inter_bookmark *IBM, inter_line_parse *ilp, inter_error_location *eloc, inter_error_message **E) { *E = Inter::Defn::vet_level(IBM, KIND_IST, ilp->indent_level, eloc); if (*E) return; inter_symbol *symb = Inter::Textual::new_symbol(eloc, InterBookmark::scope(IBM), ilp->mr.exp[0], E); if (*E) return; match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr(); inter_data_type *idt = NULL; int constructor = BASE_ICON; int arity = 0; inter_ti operands[MAX_ICON_OPERANDS]; inter_symbol *super_kind = NULL; for (int i=0; imr.exp[1], L"<= (%i+)")) { super_kind = Inter::Textual::find_symbol(InterBookmark::tree(IBM), eloc, InterBookmark::scope(IBM), mr2.exp[0], KIND_IST, E); if (*E) return; idt = Inter::Kind::data_type(super_kind); if (Inter::Types::is_enumerated(idt) == FALSE) { *E = Inter::Errors::quoted(I"not a kind which can have subkinds", mr2.exp[0], eloc); return; } } else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, ilp->mr.exp[1], L"rulebook of (%i+)")) { idt = Inter::Textual::data_type(eloc, I"list", E); if (*E) return; constructor = RULEBOOK_ICON; inter_symbol *conts_kind = Inter::Textual::find_symbol(InterBookmark::tree(IBM), eloc, InterBookmark::scope(IBM), mr2.exp[0], KIND_IST, E); if (*E) return; operands[0] = InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol_at_bookmark(IBM, conts_kind); arity = 1; } else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, ilp->mr.exp[1], L"list of (%i+)")) { idt = Inter::Textual::data_type(eloc, I"list", E); if (*E) return; constructor = LIST_ICON; inter_symbol *conts_kind = Inter::Textual::find_symbol(InterBookmark::tree(IBM), eloc, InterBookmark::scope(IBM), mr2.exp[0], KIND_IST, E); if (*E) return; operands[0] = InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol_at_bookmark(IBM, conts_kind); arity = 1; } else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, ilp->mr.exp[1], L"relation of (%i+) to (%i+)")) { idt = Inter::Textual::data_type(eloc, I"relation", E); if (*E) return; constructor = RELATION_ICON; inter_symbol *X_kind = Inter::Textual::find_symbol(InterBookmark::tree(IBM), eloc, InterBookmark::scope(IBM), mr2.exp[0], KIND_IST, E); if (*E) return; inter_symbol *Y_kind = Inter::Textual::find_symbol(InterBookmark::tree(IBM), eloc, InterBookmark::scope(IBM), mr2.exp[1], KIND_IST, E); if (*E) return; operands[0] = InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol_at_bookmark(IBM, X_kind); operands[1] = InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol_at_bookmark(IBM, Y_kind); arity = 2; } else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, ilp->mr.exp[1], L"column of (%i+)")) { idt = Inter::Textual::data_type(eloc, I"column", E); if (*E) return; constructor = COLUMN_ICON; inter_symbol *conts_kind = Inter::Textual::find_symbol(InterBookmark::tree(IBM), eloc, InterBookmark::scope(IBM), mr2.exp[0], KIND_IST, E); if (*E) return; operands[0] = InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol_at_bookmark(IBM, conts_kind); arity = 1; } else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, ilp->mr.exp[1], L"description of (%i+)")) { idt = Inter::Textual::data_type(eloc, I"description", E); if (*E) return; constructor = DESCRIPTION_ICON; inter_symbol *conts_kind = Inter::Textual::find_symbol(InterBookmark::tree(IBM), eloc, InterBookmark::scope(IBM), mr2.exp[0], KIND_IST, E); if (*E) return; operands[0] = InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol_at_bookmark(IBM, conts_kind); arity = 1; } else if ((Regexp::match(&mr2, ilp->mr.exp[1], L"(function) (%c+) -> (%i+)")) || (Regexp::match(&mr2, ilp->mr.exp[1], L"(rule) (%c+) -> (%i+)"))) { idt = Inter::Textual::data_type(eloc, I"routine", E); if (*E) return; if (Str::eq(mr2.exp[0], I"function")) constructor = FUNCTION_ICON; else constructor = RULE_ICON; text_stream *from = mr2.exp[1]; text_stream *to = mr2.exp[2]; if (Str::eq(from, I"void")) { if (arity >= MAX_ICON_OPERANDS) { *E = Inter::Errors::plain(I"too many args", eloc); return; } operands[arity++] = 0; } else { match_results mr3 = Regexp::create_mr(); while (Regexp::match(&mr3, from, L" *(%i+) *(%c*)")) { inter_symbol *arg_kind = Inter::Textual::find_symbol(InterBookmark::tree(IBM), eloc, InterBookmark::scope(IBM), mr3.exp[0], KIND_IST, E); if (*E) return; Str::copy(from, mr3.exp[1]); if (arity >= MAX_ICON_OPERANDS) { *E = Inter::Errors::plain(I"too many args", eloc); return; } operands[arity++] = InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol_at_bookmark(IBM, arg_kind); } } if (Str::eq(to, I"void")) { if (arity >= MAX_ICON_OPERANDS) { *E = Inter::Errors::plain(I"too many args", eloc); return; } operands[arity++] = 0; } else { inter_symbol *res_kind = Inter::Textual::find_symbol(InterBookmark::tree(IBM), eloc, InterBookmark::scope(IBM), to, KIND_IST, E); if (*E) return; if (arity >= MAX_ICON_OPERANDS) { *E = Inter::Errors::plain(I"too many args", eloc); return; } operands[arity++] = InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol_at_bookmark(IBM, res_kind); } } else if (Regexp::match(&mr2, ilp->mr.exp[1], L"struct (%c+)")) { idt = Inter::Textual::data_type(eloc, I"struct", E); if (*E) return; constructor = STRUCT_ICON; text_stream *elements = mr2.exp[0]; match_results mr3 = Regexp::create_mr(); while (Regexp::match(&mr3, elements, L" *(%i+) *(%c*)")) { inter_symbol *arg_kind = Inter::Textual::find_symbol(InterBookmark::tree(IBM), eloc, InterBookmark::scope(IBM), mr3.exp[0], KIND_IST, E); if (*E) return; Str::copy(elements, mr3.exp[1]); if (arity >= MAX_ICON_OPERANDS) { *E = Inter::Errors::plain(I"too many args", eloc); return; } operands[arity++] = InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol_at_bookmark(IBM, arg_kind); } } else { idt = Inter::Textual::data_type(eloc, ilp->mr.exp[1], E); if (*E) return; } if (idt == NULL) internal_error("null IDT"); *E = Inter::Kind::new(IBM, InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol_at_bookmark(IBM, symb), idt->type_ID, (super_kind)?(InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol_at_bookmark(IBM, super_kind)):0, constructor, arity, operands, (inter_ti) ilp->indent_level, eloc); } inter_error_message *Inter::Kind::new(inter_bookmark *IBM, inter_ti SID, inter_ti TID, inter_ti SUP, int constructor, int arity, inter_ti *operands, inter_ti level, inter_error_location *eloc) { inter_warehouse *warehouse = InterBookmark::warehouse(IBM); inter_ti L1 = InterWarehouse::create_node_list(warehouse, InterBookmark::package(IBM)); inter_ti L2 = InterWarehouse::create_node_list(warehouse, InterBookmark::package(IBM)); inter_tree_node *P = Inode::new_with_8_data_fields(IBM, KIND_IST, SID, TID, 0, 0, SUP, L1, L2, (inter_ti) constructor, eloc, level); if (arity > 0) { Inode::extend_instruction_by(P, (inter_ti) arity); for (int i=0; iW.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD+i] = operands[i]; } inter_error_message *E = Inter::Defn::verify_construct(InterBookmark::package(IBM), P); if (E) return E; NodePlacement::move_to_moving_bookmark(P, IBM); return NULL; } void Inter::Kind::transpose(inter_construct *IC, inter_tree_node *P, inter_ti *grid, inter_ti grid_extent, inter_error_message **E) { P->W.instruction[PERM_LIST_KIND_IFLD] = grid[P->W.instruction[PERM_LIST_KIND_IFLD]]; P->W.instruction[PLIST_KIND_IFLD] = grid[P->W.instruction[PLIST_KIND_IFLD]]; } void Inter::Kind::verify(inter_construct *IC, inter_tree_node *P, inter_package *owner, inter_error_message **E) { if (P->W.extent < MIN_EXTENT_KIND_IFR) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"extent wrong", NULL); return; } *E = Inter::Verify::defn(owner, P, DEFN_KIND_IFLD); if (*E) return; *E = Inter::Verify::data_type(P, DATA_TYPE_KIND_IFLD); if (*E) return; if (P->W.instruction[ENUM_RANGE_KIND_IFLD] != 0) { inter_symbol *the_kind = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID(InterPackage::scope(owner), P->W.instruction[DEFN_KIND_IFLD]); if ((the_kind == NULL) || (Inter::Types::is_enumerated(Inter::Types::find_by_ID(P->W.instruction[DATA_TYPE_KIND_IFLD])) == FALSE)) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"spurious extent in non-enumeration", NULL); return; } } if (P->W.instruction[SUPER_KIND_IFLD] != 0) { *E = Inter::Verify::symbol(owner, P, P->W.instruction[SUPER_KIND_IFLD], KIND_IST); if (*E) return; inter_symbol *super_kind = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID(InterPackage::scope(owner), P->W.instruction[SUPER_KIND_IFLD]); if (Inter::Types::is_enumerated(Inter::Kind::data_type(super_kind)) == FALSE) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"subkind of nonenumerated kind", NULL); return; } } int arity = P->W.extent - MIN_EXTENT_KIND_IFR; switch (P->W.instruction[CONSTRUCTOR_KIND_IFLD]) { case BASE_ICON: if (arity != 0) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"spurious kc operand", NULL); return; } break; case LIST_ICON: case RULEBOOK_ICON: if (arity != 1) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"wrong list arity", NULL); return; } if (P->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD] == 0) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"no listed kind", NULL); return; } *E = Inter::Verify::symbol(owner, P, P->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD], KIND_IST); if (*E) return; break; case COLUMN_ICON: if (arity != 1) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"wrong col arity", NULL); return; } if (P->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD] == 0) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"no listed kind", NULL); return; } *E = Inter::Verify::symbol(owner, P, P->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD], KIND_IST); if (*E) return; break; case DESCRIPTION_ICON: if (arity != 1) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"wrong desc arity", NULL); return; } if (P->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD] == 0) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"no listed kind", NULL); return; } *E = Inter::Verify::symbol(owner, P, P->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD], KIND_IST); if (*E) return; break; case RELATION_ICON: if (arity != 2) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"wrong relation arity", NULL); return; } if (P->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD] == 0) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"no listed kind", NULL); return; } *E = Inter::Verify::symbol(owner, P, P->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD], KIND_IST); if (*E) return; if (P->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD+1] == 0) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"no listed kind", NULL); return; } *E = Inter::Verify::symbol(owner, P, P->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD+1], KIND_IST); if (*E) return; break; case FUNCTION_ICON: case RULE_ICON: if (arity < 2) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"function arity too low", NULL); return; } for (int i=0; iW.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD + i] == 0) { if (!(((i == 0) && (arity == 2)) || (i == arity - 1))) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"no listed kind", NULL); return; } } else { *E = Inter::Verify::symbol(owner, P, P->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD + i], KIND_IST); if (*E) return; } } break; case STRUCT_ICON: if (arity == 0) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"struct arity too low", NULL); return; } for (int i=0; iW.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD + i], KIND_IST); if (*E) return; } break; default: { *E = Inode::error(P, I"unknown constructor", NULL); return; } } } inter_ti Inter::Kind::permissions_list(inter_symbol *kind_symbol) { if (kind_symbol == NULL) return 0; inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(kind_symbol); if (D == NULL) return 0; return D->W.instruction[PERM_LIST_KIND_IFLD]; } inter_ti Inter::Kind::properties_list(inter_symbol *inst_name) { if (inst_name == NULL) return 0; inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(inst_name); if (D == NULL) return 0; return D->W.instruction[PLIST_KIND_IFLD]; } void Inter::Kind::write(inter_construct *IC, OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_tree_node *P, inter_error_message **E) { inter_symbol *symb = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID_at_node(P, DEFN_KIND_IFLD); inter_data_type *idt = Inter::Types::find_by_ID(P->W.instruction[DATA_TYPE_KIND_IFLD]); if ((symb) && (idt)) { WRITE("kind %S ", symb->symbol_name); if (P->W.instruction[SUPER_KIND_IFLD]) { inter_symbol *super = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID_at_node(P, SUPER_KIND_IFLD); WRITE("<= %S", super->symbol_name); } else { switch (P->W.instruction[CONSTRUCTOR_KIND_IFLD]) { case BASE_ICON: WRITE("%S", idt->reserved_word); break; case LIST_ICON: { inter_symbol *conts_kind = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID_at_node(P, OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD); WRITE("list of %S", conts_kind->symbol_name); break; } case RULEBOOK_ICON: { inter_symbol *conts_kind = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID_at_node(P, OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD); WRITE("rulebook of %S", conts_kind->symbol_name); break; } case COLUMN_ICON: { inter_symbol *conts_kind = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID_at_node(P, OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD); WRITE("column of %S", conts_kind->symbol_name); break; } case DESCRIPTION_ICON: { inter_symbol *conts_kind = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID_at_node(P, OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD); WRITE("description of %S", conts_kind->symbol_name); break; } case RELATION_ICON: { inter_symbol *X_kind = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID_at_node(P, OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD); inter_symbol *Y_kind = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID_at_node(P, OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD+1); WRITE("relation of %S to %S", X_kind->symbol_name, Y_kind->symbol_name); break; } case FUNCTION_ICON: case RULE_ICON: { if (P->W.instruction[CONSTRUCTOR_KIND_IFLD] == FUNCTION_ICON) WRITE("function"); else WRITE("rule"); int arity = P->W.extent - MIN_EXTENT_KIND_IFR; for (int i=0; i "); if (P->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD + i] == 0) { WRITE("void"); } else { inter_symbol *K = InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID_at_node(P, OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD + i); WRITE("%S", K->symbol_name); } } break; } case STRUCT_ICON: { WRITE("struct"); int arity = P->W.extent - MIN_EXTENT_KIND_IFR; for (int i=0; isymbol_name); } break; } default: { *E = Inode::error(P, I"cannot write kind", NULL); return; } break; } } } else { *E = Inode::error(P, I"cannot write kind", NULL); return; } SymbolAnnotation::write_annotations(OUT, P, symb); } void Inter::Kind::new_instance(inter_symbol *kind_symbol, inter_symbol *inst_name) { if (kind_symbol == NULL) return; inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(kind_symbol); if (D == NULL) return; D->W.instruction[NO_INSTANCES_KIND_IFLD]++; inter_symbol *S = Inter::Kind::super(kind_symbol); if (S) Inter::Kind::new_instance(S, inst_name); } int Inter::Kind::instance_count(inter_symbol *kind_symbol) { if (kind_symbol == NULL) return 0; inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(kind_symbol); if (D == NULL) return 0; return (int) D->W.instruction[NO_INSTANCES_KIND_IFLD]; } int Inter::Kind::constructor(inter_symbol *kind_symbol) { if (kind_symbol == NULL) return 0; inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(kind_symbol); if (D == NULL) return 0; return (int) D->W.instruction[CONSTRUCTOR_KIND_IFLD]; } int Inter::Kind::arity(inter_symbol *kind_symbol) { if (kind_symbol == NULL) return 0; inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(kind_symbol); if (D == NULL) return 0; return D->W.extent - MIN_EXTENT_KIND_IFR; } inter_symbol *Inter::Kind::operand_symbol(inter_symbol *kind_symbol, int i) { if (kind_symbol == NULL) return NULL; inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(kind_symbol); if (D == NULL) return NULL; if (i >= D->W.extent - MIN_EXTENT_KIND_IFR) return NULL; inter_ti CID = D->W.instruction[OPERANDS_KIND_IFLD + i]; inter_symbols_table *T = InterPackage::scope_of(D); return InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID(T, CID); } inter_data_type *Inter::Kind::data_type(inter_symbol *kind_symbol) { if (kind_symbol == NULL) return NULL; inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(kind_symbol); if (D == NULL) return NULL; return Inter::Types::find_by_ID(D->W.instruction[DATA_TYPE_KIND_IFLD]); } inter_ti Inter::Kind::next_enumerated_value(inter_symbol *kind_symbol) { if (kind_symbol == NULL) return 0; inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(kind_symbol); if (D == NULL) return 0; return ++(D->W.instruction[ENUM_RANGE_KIND_IFLD]); } inter_symbol *Inter::Kind::super(inter_symbol *kind_symbol) { if (kind_symbol == NULL) return NULL; inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(kind_symbol); if (D == NULL) return NULL; return InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID_at_node(D, SUPER_KIND_IFLD); } int Inter::Kind::is(inter_symbol *kind_symbol) { if (kind_symbol == NULL) return FALSE; inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(kind_symbol); if (D == NULL) return FALSE; if (D->W.instruction[ID_IFLD] == KIND_IST) return TRUE; return FALSE; } int Inter::Kind::is_a(inter_symbol *K1, inter_symbol *K2) { inter_data_type *idt1 = Inter::Kind::data_type(K1); inter_data_type *idt2 = Inter::Kind::data_type(K2); if ((idt1 == unchecked_idt) || (idt2 == unchecked_idt)) return TRUE; while (K1) { if (K1 == K2) return TRUE; K1 = Inter::Kind::super(K1); } return FALSE; }