The current help information as it would be printed at the command line.

§1. Running Inblorb with -help currently produces the following summary:

inblorb: a releaser and packager for IF story files

usage: inblorb [-options] [blurbfile [blorbfile]]

-project X       work within Inform project X
-verbose         print running notes on what's happening (default is -no-verbose)

-at X            specify that this tool is installed at X
-crash           intentionally crash on internal errors, for backtracing (default is -no-crash)
-fixtime         pretend the time is 11 a.m. on 28 March 2016 for testing (default is -no-fixtime)
-help            print this help information
-log X           write the debugging log to include diagnostics on X
-version         print out version number