[NodePlacement::] Node Placement. Moving nodes in a tree, adding them to a tree, removing them from a tree. @ Each node contains pointers to its previous and next child of the same parent; to its parent node; and to its first child node. There are many implied invariants in that arrangement (e.g., that if X has a child then the parent of that child is X), and it would be eaxy to get all this wrong. All modifications of the links between nodes must therefore be made by one of only three functions: (*) |NodePlacement::remove(C)| removes the node |C| from the tree. (*) |NodePlacement::move_to(C, IBM)| moves the node |C| to the position bookmarked by |IBM|. |C| can but need not already be in the tree. (*) |NodePlacement::move_to_moving_bookmark(C, IBM)| moves the node |F| to the position bookmarked by |IBM|, but also adjusts |IBM| to be the natural next write position. = void NodePlacement::remove(inter_tree_node *C) { @; } void NodePlacement::move_to(inter_tree_node *C, inter_bookmark IBM) { @; switch (IBM.placement_wrt_R) { case AS_FIRST_CHILD_OF_NODEPLACEMENT: @; break; case AS_LAST_CHILD_OF_NODEPLACEMENT: @; break; case AFTER_NODEPLACEMENT: case IMMEDIATELY_AFTER_NODEPLACEMENT: @; break; case BEFORE_NODEPLACEMENT: @; break; default: internal_error("unimplemented"); } } @ = inter_tree_node *OP = InterTree::parent(C); if (OP) { if (InterTree::first_child(OP) == C) NodePlacement::set_first_child_UNSAFE(OP, InterTree::next(C)); if (InterTree::last_child(OP) == C) NodePlacement::set_last_child_UNSAFE(OP, InterTree::previous(C)); } inter_tree_node *OB = InterTree::previous(C); inter_tree_node *OD = InterTree::next(C); if (OB) { NodePlacement::set_next_UNSAFE(OB, OD); } if (OD) { NodePlacement::set_previous_UNSAFE(OD, OB); } NodePlacement::set_parent_UNSAFE(C, NULL); NodePlacement::set_previous_UNSAFE(C, NULL); NodePlacement::set_next_UNSAFE(C, NULL); @ = NodePlacement::set_parent_UNSAFE(C, IBM.R); inter_tree_node *D = InterTree::first_child(IBM.R); if (D == NULL) { NodePlacement::set_last_child_UNSAFE(IBM.R, C); NodePlacement::set_next_UNSAFE(C, NULL); } else { NodePlacement::set_previous_UNSAFE(D, C); NodePlacement::set_next_UNSAFE(C, D); } NodePlacement::set_first_child_UNSAFE(IBM.R, C); @ = NodePlacement::set_parent_UNSAFE(C, IBM.R); inter_tree_node *B = InterTree::last_child(IBM.R); if (B == NULL) { NodePlacement::set_first_child_UNSAFE(IBM.R, C); NodePlacement::set_previous_UNSAFE(C, NULL); } else { NodePlacement::set_next_UNSAFE(B, C); NodePlacement::set_previous_UNSAFE(C, B); } NodePlacement::set_last_child_UNSAFE(IBM.R, C); @ = inter_tree_node *P = InterTree::parent(IBM.R); if (P == NULL) internal_error("can't move C before R when R is nowhere"); NodePlacement::set_parent_UNSAFE(C, P); if (InterTree::last_child(P) == IBM.R) NodePlacement::set_last_child_UNSAFE(P, C); else { inter_tree_node *D = InterTree::next(IBM.R); if (D == NULL) internal_error("inter tree broken"); NodePlacement::set_next_UNSAFE(C, D); NodePlacement::set_previous_UNSAFE(D, C); } NodePlacement::set_next_UNSAFE(IBM.R, C); NodePlacement::set_previous_UNSAFE(C, IBM.R); @ = inter_tree_node *P = InterTree::parent(IBM.R); if (P == NULL) internal_error("can't move C before R when R is nowhere"); NodePlacement::set_parent_UNSAFE(C, P); if (InterTree::first_child(P) == IBM.R) NodePlacement::set_first_child_UNSAFE(P, C); else { inter_tree_node *B = InterTree::previous(IBM.R); if (B == NULL) internal_error("inter tree broken"); NodePlacement::set_previous_UNSAFE(C, B); NodePlacement::set_next_UNSAFE(B, C); } NodePlacement::set_next_UNSAFE(C, IBM.R); NodePlacement::set_previous_UNSAFE(IBM.R, C); @ The names of these functions are intended to discourage their use. They should only be used by //NodePlacement::move_to//. = void NodePlacement::set_previous_UNSAFE(inter_tree_node *C, inter_tree_node *V) { if (C) C->previous_itn = V; } void NodePlacement::set_next_UNSAFE(inter_tree_node *C, inter_tree_node *V) { if (C) C->next_itn = V; } void NodePlacement::set_first_child_UNSAFE(inter_tree_node *C, inter_tree_node *V) { if (C) C->first_child_itn = V; } void NodePlacement::set_last_child_UNSAFE(inter_tree_node *C, inter_tree_node *V) { if (C) C->last_child_itn = V; } void NodePlacement::set_parent_UNSAFE(inter_tree_node *C, inter_tree_node *V) { if (C) C->parent_itn = V; } @ This is more intricate than //NodePlacement::move_to//. The differences are basically that: (*) |IBM| is considered to be a write position which should move along with each forwards write that is made, as if it's a sort of cursor. By "forwards write", we mean anything other than |BEFORE_NODEPLACEMENT|; the cursor does not move backwards. So if we call this function to write A, B, C, ... after R, the result is ... R, A, B, C..., the cursor advancing one position each time; and if we call it to write A, B, C, ... before R, the result is ... A, B, C, R, ..., with the cursor staying put at R. (*) In the two "after" placements, we look at the level assigned to the new node |C|, which tells us what hierarchical depth it should be at in the tree; if this is a different level from the bookmark's level, the bookmark is moved to that new level. For example, suppose we have this fragment of tree: = (text) Level 6...7...8... Nodes node1 node2 node3 node4 <--- Bookmark is AFTER_NODEPLACEMENT wrt node4 node5 node6 = If |C| is to be at level 8, the same level as the bookmark, we get: = (text) Level 6...7...8... Nodes node1 node2 node3 node4 C <--- Bookmark is AFTER_NODEPLACEMENT wrt C node5 node6 = If instead it is to be at level 6: = (text) Level 6...7...8... Nodes node1 node2 node3 node4 node5 node6 C <--- Bookmark is AFTER_NODEPLACEMENT wrt C = Here, C has "bubbled up" the tree. Finally, if it is to be at level 9: = (text) Level 6...7...8... Nodes node1 node2 node3 node4 C <--- Bookmark is AFTER_NODEPLACEMENT wrt C node5 node6 = Note that if C is to be at level 10, an internal error is thrown; there is no way to reach as low as that from |node4|. = void NodePlacement::move_to_moving_bookmark(inter_tree_node *C, inter_bookmark *IBM) { if (C == NULL) internal_error("no node to insert"); if (IBM == NULL) internal_error("nowhere to insert"); NodePlacement::move_to(C, NodePlacement::to_position(C, InterBookmark::snapshot(IBM))); if (IBM->placement_wrt_R != BEFORE_NODEPLACEMENT) { IBM->R = C; IBM->placement_wrt_R = AFTER_NODEPLACEMENT; } } inter_bookmark NodePlacement::to_position(inter_tree_node *C, inter_bookmark IBM) { if (InterTree::parent(IBM.R) == NULL) return InterBookmark::at_end_of_root(InterBookmark::tree(&IBM)); if ((IBM.placement_wrt_R == AFTER_NODEPLACEMENT) || (IBM.placement_wrt_R == IMMEDIATELY_AFTER_NODEPLACEMENT)) @ return IBM; } @ = inter_tree_node *R = IBM.R; inter_ti C_level = (inter_ti) Inode::get_level(C); inter_ti R_level = (inter_ti) Inode::get_level(R); while (C_level < R_level) { R = InterTree::parent(R); R_level--; if (R == NULL) internal_error("bubbled up out of tree"); } if (C_level == R_level) { return InterBookmark::after_this_node(R); } else if (C_level == R_level + 1) { if (IBM.placement_wrt_R == IMMEDIATELY_AFTER_NODEPLACEMENT) return InterBookmark::first_child_of(R); else return InterBookmark::last_child_of(R); } else { internal_error("bubbled down off of tree"); /* see above for why */ }