[Main::] Main. The top level, which decides what is to be done and then carries this plan out. @h Main routine. @d INTOOL_NAME "inbuild" @e INSPECT_TTASK from 1 @e GRAPH_TTASK @e BUILD_TTASK @e REBUILD_TTASK @e COPY_TO_TTASK @e SYNC_TO_TTASK = pathname *path_to_inbuild = NULL; pathname *path_to_tools = NULL; int inbuild_task = INSPECT_TTASK; int dry_run_mode = FALSE; linked_list *targets = NULL; /* of |inbuild_copy| */ inbuild_nest *destination_nest = NULL; text_stream *filter_text = NULL; text_stream *unit_test = NULL; linked_list *inbuild_nest_list = NULL; int main(int argc, char **argv) { Foundation::start(); WordsModule::start(); SyntaxModule::start(); HTMLModule::start(); ArchModule::start(); InbuildModule::start(); targets = NEW_LINKED_LIST(inbuild_copy); @; if (Str::len(unit_test) > 0) dry_run_mode = TRUE; int use = SHELL_METHODOLOGY; if (dry_run_mode) use = DRY_RUN_METHODOLOGY; build_methodology *BM; if (path_to_tools) BM = BuildMethodology::new(path_to_tools, FALSE, use); else BM = BuildMethodology::new(Pathnames::up(path_to_inbuild), TRUE, use); if (Str::len(unit_test) > 0) { if (Str::eq(unit_test, I"compatibility")) Compatibility::test(STDOUT); else if (Str::eq(unit_test, I"semver")) VersionNumbers::test(STDOUT); else Errors::with_text("no such unit test: %S", unit_test); } else { if (Str::len(filter_text) > 0) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(errors); inbuild_requirement *req = Requirements::from_text(filter_text, errors); if (Str::len(errors) > 0) { Errors::with_text("requirement malformed: %S", errors); } else { linked_list *L = NEW_LINKED_LIST(inbuild_search_result); Nests::search_for(req, inbuild_nest_list, L); inbuild_search_result *R; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(R, inbuild_search_result, L) { ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(R->copy, inbuild_copy, targets); } } DISCARD_TEXT(errors); } inbuild_copy *C; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(C, inbuild_copy, targets) { switch (inbuild_task) { case INSPECT_TTASK: Copies::inspect(STDOUT, C); break; case GRAPH_TTASK: Copies::show_graph(STDOUT, C); break; case BUILD_TTASK: Copies::build(STDOUT, C, BM); break; case REBUILD_TTASK: Copies::rebuild(STDOUT, C, BM); break; case COPY_TO_TTASK: if (destination_nest) Nests::copy_to(C, destination_nest, FALSE, BM); break; case SYNC_TO_TTASK: if (destination_nest) Nests::copy_to(C, destination_nest, TRUE, BM); break; } } } ArchModule::end(); InbuildModule::end(); HTMLModule::end(); SyntaxModule::end(); WordsModule::end(); Foundation::end(); return 0; } @ We use Foundation to read the command line: @e BUILD_CLSW @e REBUILD_CLSW @e GRAPH_CLSW @e INSPECT_CLSW @e DRY_CLSW @e TOOLS_CLSW @e CONTENTS_OF_CLSW @e MATCHING_CLSW @e COPY_TO_CLSW @e SYNC_TO_CLSW @e UNIT_TEST_CLSW @ = CommandLine::declare_heading( L"[[Purpose]]\n\n" L"usage: inbuild [-TASK] TARGET1 TARGET2 ...\n"); CommandLine::declare_switch(COPY_TO_CLSW, L"copy-to", 2, L"copy target(s) to nest X"); CommandLine::declare_switch(SYNC_TO_CLSW, L"sync-to", 2, L"forcibly copy target(s) to nest X, even if prior version already there"); CommandLine::declare_switch(BUILD_CLSW, L"build", 1, L"incrementally build target(s)"); CommandLine::declare_switch(REBUILD_CLSW, L"rebuild", 1, L"completely rebuild target(s)"); CommandLine::declare_switch(INSPECT_CLSW, L"inspect", 1, L"show target(s) but take no action"); CommandLine::declare_switch(GRAPH_CLSW, L"graph", 1, L"show dependency graph of target(s) but take no action"); CommandLine::declare_switch(TOOLS_CLSW, L"tools", 2, L"make X the directory of intools executables, and exit developer mode"); CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(DRY_CLSW, L"dry", 1, L"make this a dry run (print but do not execute shell commands)", FALSE); CommandLine::declare_switch(MATCHING_CLSW, L"matching", 2, L"apply to all works in nest(s) matching requirement X"); CommandLine::declare_switch(CONTENTS_OF_CLSW, L"contents-of", 2, L"apply to all targets in the directory X"); CommandLine::declare_switch(UNIT_TEST_CLSW, L"unit-test", 2, L"perform unit test X (for debugging inbuild only)"); Inbuild::declare_options(); CommandLine::read(argc, argv, NULL, &Main::option, &Main::bareword); if (LinkedLists::len(unsorted_nest_list) == 0) Inbuild::add_nest( Pathnames::from_text(I"inform7/Internal"), INTERNAL_NEST_TAG); path_to_inbuild = Pathnames::installation_path("INBUILD_PATH", I"inbuild"); pathname *P = Pathnames::subfolder(path_to_inbuild, I"Tangled"); filename *S = Filenames::in_folder(P, I"Syntax.preform"); wording W = Preform::load_from_file(S); Preform::parse_preform(W, FALSE); CommandLine::play_back_log(); inbuild_copy *proj = NULL, *C; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(C, inbuild_copy, targets) if (C->edition->work->genre == project_bundle_genre) { if (Str::len(project_bundle_request) > 0) Errors::with_text("can only work on one project bundle at a time, so ignoring '%S'", C->edition->work->title); else if (proj) Errors::with_text("can only work on one project bundle at a time, so ignoring '%S'", C->edition->work->title); else proj = C; } proj = Inbuild::optioneering_complete(proj, FALSE); if (proj) { int found = FALSE; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(C, inbuild_copy, targets) if (C == proj) found = TRUE; if (found == FALSE) ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(proj, inbuild_copy, targets); } inbuild_nest_list = Inbuild::nest_list(); Inbuild::go_operational(); @ = void Main::option(int id, int val, text_stream *arg, void *state) { switch (id) { case BUILD_CLSW: inbuild_task = BUILD_TTASK; break; case REBUILD_CLSW: inbuild_task = REBUILD_TTASK; break; case INSPECT_CLSW: inbuild_task = INSPECT_TTASK; break; case GRAPH_CLSW: inbuild_task = GRAPH_TTASK; break; case TOOLS_CLSW: path_to_tools = Pathnames::from_text(arg); break; case MATCHING_CLSW: filter_text = Str::duplicate(arg); break; case CONTENTS_OF_CLSW: Main::load_many(Pathnames::from_text(arg)); break; case DRY_CLSW: dry_run_mode = val; break; case COPY_TO_CLSW: inbuild_task = COPY_TO_TTASK; destination_nest = Nests::new(Pathnames::from_text(arg)); break; case SYNC_TO_CLSW: inbuild_task = SYNC_TO_TTASK; destination_nest = Nests::new(Pathnames::from_text(arg)); break; case UNIT_TEST_CLSW: unit_test = Str::duplicate(arg); break; } Inbuild::option(id, val, arg, state); } void Main::bareword(int id, text_stream *arg, void *state) { Main::load_one(arg, TRUE); } void Main::load_many(pathname *P) { scan_directory *D = Directories::open(P); TEMPORARY_TEXT(LEAFNAME); while (Directories::next(D, LEAFNAME)) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(FILENAME); WRITE_TO(FILENAME, "%p%c%S", P, FOLDER_SEPARATOR, LEAFNAME); Main::load_one(FILENAME, FALSE); DISCARD_TEXT(FILENAME); } DISCARD_TEXT(LEAFNAME); Directories::close(D); } void Main::load_one(text_stream *arg, int throwing_error) { inbuild_copy *C = Copies::claim(arg); if (C == NULL) { if (throwing_error) Errors::with_text("unable to identify '%S'", arg); return; } ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(C, inbuild_copy, targets); } @ Since we want to include the words module, we have to define the following structure and initialiser: @d VOCABULARY_MEANING_INITIALISER Main::ignore = typedef struct vocabulary_meaning { int enigmatic_number; } vocabulary_meaning; @ = vocabulary_meaning Main::ignore(vocabulary_entry *ve) { vocabulary_meaning vm; vm.enigmatic_number = 90125; return vm; } @ @d PREFORM_LANGUAGE_TYPE void @d PARSE_TREE_TRAVERSE_TYPE void @d SENTENCE_NODE Main::sentence_level @d PARSE_TREE_METADATA_SETUP SourceText::node_metadata = int Main::sentence_level(node_type_t t) { return FALSE; }