Title: The Inform 7 compiler Author: Graham Nelson @ The task of the Inform 7 compiler is to take natural-language source text and "transpile" it down to lower-level, more orthodox code which another compiler can take the rest of the way. Usually, but not necessarily, that other compiler is the typeless but otherwise C-like Inform 6 (1996-2003). Inform offers three compiler tools: //inbuild//, //inform7// and //inter//, though really they are three points of access to the same code base. //inbuild// contains Stage 1 as a stand-alone tool, //inter// contains Stages 5 and 6 as a stand-alone tool, and //inform7// is the entire compiler (Stages 1 to 6) in one. See //inbuild: Manual//, //inform7: Manual//, //inter: Manual// and //inbuild: Reference Card//, //inform7: Reference Card//, //inter: Reference Card//. Each tool has its own CLI (or "command-line interface") but is otherwise divided up into "modules", many shared between two or even all three tools. = (hyperlinked text as BoxArt) INBUILD INFORM7 INTER +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ | //inbuild// | | //inform7// | | //inter// | | (cli) | | (cli) | | (cli) | +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ . . . . . . +---------------------------+ . . . . | //supervisor//-module | . . . . } Stage 1 +------------------------+ +------------------+ . . . . | //core//-module | . . } Stage 2 . . | ------------------- | . . . . | //assertions//-module | . . } . . | //values//-module | . . } Stage 3 . . | //knowledge//-module | . . } . . | //if//-module* | . . } * not used in . . | //multimedia//-module* | . . } Basic Inform . . | ------------------- | . . . . | //imperative//-module | . . } Stage 4 . . | //runtime//-module | . . } . . +------------------+ +------------------------+ . . . . | //bytecode//-module | } . . . . | //building//-module | } Stage 5 . . . . | //codegen//-module | } . . . . | ------------------------- | . . . . | //index//-module | } Stage 6 . . . . +---------------------------+ . . . . . . +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SERVICES shared //linguistics//-module | | shared //calculus//-module | | shared //kinds//-module | | shared //lexicon//-module | | shared //inflections//-module | | shared //problems//-module | | shared //syntax//-module | | shared //words//-module | | shared //arch//-module | | shared //html//-module | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ . . . . . . +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | FOUNDATION //foundation//-module (in inweb repository) | | (Posix or Windows-related functions) | | (standard C library) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ = The Inform compiler runs in six stages. It is not literally true that each completes before the next begins, but compilation broadly flows diagonally downwards and rightwards in the diagram: (*) Stage 1. The build manager //supervisor// decides what must be compiled. (*) Stage 2. //core// organises compilation of a single Inform project, doing little except to co-ordinate the other modules. (*) Stage 3. //assertions//, //values// and //knowledge// assemble a world model and a set of rules and phrases to operate it. //if// and //multimedia// provide "plugins" with additional features, adapting the language for interactive fiction. (*) Stage 4. //imperative// and //runtime// turn the constructs from Stage 2 into an intermediate bytecode format called Inter. (*) Stage 5. //bytecode//, //building// and //codegen// optimise the Inter code and translate it to our final output. (*) Stage 6. //index// generates the human-readable Index pages, which are like a small website about the project. @ All three tools each use a "services" library, made up of a variety of modules providing services useful for natural language-based programs. At one time this was going to be called "Second Foundation" or possibly "Foundation and Empire", because there is also //foundation// underneath, a library of utility functions provided by //inweb//. @ That's a lot: for code-spelunkers, this is a veritable limestone hillside. Where to begin? Here are some suggested entrances: (a) See //supervisor: What This Module Does// for an overview of the build-management process. (b) Or take that on trust, and see //core: What This Module Does// for an overview of how Inform 7 basically works. (c) If you're more interested in the low-level representation of Inter code, and how to generate from it, see //bytecode: What This Module Does//.