§1. The task of the Inform 7 compiler is to take natural-language source text and "transpile" it down to lower-level, more orthodox code which another compiler can take the rest of the way. Usually, but not necessarily, that other compiler is the typeless but otherwise C-like Inform 6 (1996-2003).

Inform offers three compiler tools: inbuild, inform7 and inter, though really they are three points of access to the same code base. See Manual (in inbuild), Manual (in inform7), Manual (in inter) and Reference Card (in inbuild), Reference Card (in inform7), Reference Card (in inter).

Each tool has its own CLI (or "command-line interface") but is otherwise divided up into "modules", many shared between two or even all three tools.

        INBUILD                  INFORM7                   INTER
    +-------------+          +-------------+          +-------------+
    |   inbuild   |          |   inform7   |          |    inter    |
    |    (cli)    |          |    (cli)    |          |    (cli)    |
    +-------------+          +-------------+          +-------------+
+----------------------------------------------+      .             .
|  supervisor-module                           |      .             .       } Stage 1
+----------------------------------------------+      .             .
    .             .      |     core-module     |      .             .       } Stage 2
    .             .      + ------------------- +      .             .
    .             .      |  assertions-module  |      .             .       }
    .             .      |    values-module    |      .             .       } Stage 3
    .             .      |   knowledge-module  |      .             .       }
    .             .      |      if-module*     |      .             .       } * not used in
    .             .      |  multimedia-module* |      .             .       } Basic Inform
    .             .      + ------------------- +      .             .
    .             .      |  imperative-module  |      .             .       } Stage 4
    .             .      |    runtime-module   |      .             .       }
    .             .      +----------------------------------------------+
    .             .      |                            bytecode-module   |   }
    .             .      |                            building-module   |   } Stage 5
    .             .      |                            codegen-module    |   }
    .             .      +----------------------------------------------+
    .             .      |    index-module     |      .             .       } Stage 6
    .             .      +---------------------+      .             .
|  SERVICES              shared linguistics-module                      |
|                         shared calculus-module                        |
|                          shared kinds-module                          |
|                         shared lexicon-module                         |
|                        shared inflections-module                      |
|                         shared problems-module                        |
|                          shared syntax-module                         |
|                          shared words-module                          |
|                           shared arch-module                          |
|                           shared html-module                          |
|  FOUNDATION      foundation-module (in inweb repository)              |
|                   (Posix or Windows-related functions)                |
|                           (standard C library)                        |

The Inform compiler contains all of these modules, and runs in six stages. It is not literally true that each completes before the next begins, but compilation broadly flows downwards in the diagram:

§2. All three tools each use a "services" library, made up of a variety of modules providing services useful for natural language-based programs (though only inform7 needs them all). At one time this was going to be called "Second Foundation" or possibly "Foundation and Empire", because there is also foundation underneath, a library of utility functions provided by inweb.

§3. That's a lot: for code-spelunkers, this is a veritable limestone hillside. Where to begin? Here are some suggested entrances: