The "unsigned" style of navigational gadgets.

§1. Creation.

    navigation_design *Unsigned::create(void) {
        navigation_design *ND = Nav::new(I"unsigned", TRUE, FALSE);
        METHOD_ADD(ND, RENDER_VOLUME_TITLE_MTID, Unsigned::unsigned_volume_title);
        METHOD_ADD(ND, RENDER_CHAPTER_TITLE_MTID, Unsigned::unsigned_chapter_title);
        METHOD_ADD(ND, RENDER_SECTION_TITLE_MTID, Unsigned::unsigned_section_title);
        METHOD_ADD(ND, RENDER_INDEX_TOP_MTID, Unsigned::unsigned_navigation_index_top);
        METHOD_ADD(ND, RENDER_NAV_MIDDLE_MTID, Unsigned::unsigned_navigation_middle);
        return ND;

The function Unsigned::create is used in 4/nd (§1).

§2. Top. At the front end of a section, before any of its text.

    void Unsigned::unsigned_volume_title(navigation_design *self, text_stream *OUT, volume *V) {
        <Render a volume heading 2.1>;
        <Render a chapter-contents table 2.2>;

The function Unsigned::unsigned_volume_title is used in §1.

§2.1. <Render a volume heading 2.1> =

        if (no_volumes > 1) Roadsign::roman_numeral(partn, V->allocation_id);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"volumeheading\"");
        WRITE("%S%S", partn, V->vol_title);

This code is used in §2.

§2.2. <Render a chapter-contents table 2.2> =

        int nch = V->vol_chapter_count;
        for (int rc = 0; rc < nch; rc++) {
            chapter *C = V->chapters[rc];
            HTML::begin_link_with_class(OUT, I"standardlink", C->chapter_URL);
            HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"chapterlisting\"");
            WRITE("%S", C->chapter_full_title);

This code is used in §2.


    void Unsigned::unsigned_chapter_title(navigation_design *self, text_stream *OUT, volume *V, chapter *C) {
        <Render a chapter heading 3.1>;
        <Render a section-contents listing 3.2>;

The function Unsigned::unsigned_chapter_title is used in §1.

§3.1. <Render a chapter heading 3.1> =

        HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"chapterheading\"");
        if (Str::len(C->chapter_anchor) > 0) HTML::anchor(OUT, C->chapter_anchor);
        WRITE("%S", C->chapter_full_title);

This code is used in §3.

§3.2. <Render a section-contents listing 3.2> =

        HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"chaptercontents\"");
        int lcount = 0;
        for (section *S = V->sections[0]; S; S = S->next_section) {
            if (S->in_which_chapter == C) {
                if (lcount++ > 0) WRITE("; ");
                HTML::begin_link_with_class(OUT, I"standardlink", S->section_URL);
                HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"chaptercontentsitem\"");
                WRITE("%c%S", SECTION_SYMBOL, S->title);

This code is used in §3.


    void Unsigned::unsigned_section_title(navigation_design *self, text_stream *OUT, volume *V, chapter *C, section *S) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"sectionheading\"");
        if (Str::len(S->section_anchor) > 0) HTML::anchor(OUT, S->section_anchor);
        WRITE("%c%S", SECTION_SYMBOL, S->title);

The function Unsigned::unsigned_section_title is used in §1.

§5. Index top. And this is a variant for index pages, such as the index of examples.

    void Unsigned::unsigned_navigation_index_top(navigation_design *self, text_stream *OUT, text_stream *filename, text_stream *title) {

The function Unsigned::unsigned_navigation_index_top is used in §1.

§6. Middle. At the middle part, when the text is over, but before any example cues.

    void Unsigned::unsigned_navigation_middle(navigation_design *self, text_stream *OUT, volume *V, section *S) {

The function Unsigned::unsigned_navigation_middle is used in §1.