[Editions::] Editions. An edition is a numbered version of a work. @h Editions. An "edition" of a work is a particular version numbered form of it. For example, release 7 of Bronze by Emily Short would be an edition of the work Bronze by Emily Short. It is at this level that we record what works are compatible with which target virtual machines, because we can imagine that, for example, version 7 might work with all VMs, while version 8 required a 32-bit architecture. = typedef struct inbuild_edition { struct inbuild_work *work; struct semantic_version_number version; struct compatibility_specification *compatibility; CLASS_DEFINITION } inbuild_edition; inbuild_edition *Editions::new(inbuild_work *work, semantic_version_number version) { inbuild_edition *edition = CREATE(inbuild_edition); edition->work = work; edition->version = version; edition->compatibility = Compatibility::all(); return edition; } void Editions::write(OUTPUT_STREAM, inbuild_edition *E) { Works::write(OUT, E->work); semantic_version_number V = E->version; if (VersionNumbers::is_null(V) == FALSE) { WRITE(" v%v", &V); } } @ When a copy is to be duplicated into a nest |N|, we need to work out where to put it. For example, version 2.1 of the extension Marbles by Steve Hogarth would go into |N/Extensions/Steve Hogarth/Marbles-v2_1.i7x|. The following contributes only the un-filename-extended leafname |Marbles-v2_1|. = void Editions::write_canonical_leaf(OUTPUT_STREAM, inbuild_edition *E) { WRITE("%S", E->work->title); if (VersionNumbers::is_null(E->version) == FALSE) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(vn); WRITE_TO(vn, "-v%v", &(E->version)); LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, vn) if (Str::get(pos) == '.') PUT('_'); else PUT(Str::get(pos)); DISCARD_TEXT(vn); } } @ The |-inspect| command of Inbuild uses the following. = void Editions::inspect(OUTPUT_STREAM, inbuild_edition *E) { Editions::write(OUT, E); if (Compatibility::test_universal(E->compatibility) == FALSE) { WRITE(" ("); Compatibility::write(OUT, E->compatibility); WRITE(")"); } }