A plugin to support the maximum score variable.

§1. Definitions.

§2. For many years this was a defined I6 constant, but then people sent in bug reports asking why it wouldn't change in play.

    nonlocal_variable *max_score_VAR = NULL;

§3. Initialisation.

    void PL::Score::start(void) {

The function PL::Score::start appears nowhere else.

§4. The maximum score and rankings table. A special rule is that if a table is called "Rankings" and contains a column of numbers followed by a column of text, then it is used by the run-time scoring system. In retrospect, Inform really shouldn't support this at the compiler level (not that it does much), and in any case it's a very old-school idea of IF. Still, it does little harm.

    <rankings-table-name> ::=

§5. This can only happen if we declare it somehow in I6 code, which we do with the constant RANKING_TABLE. We also set the MAX_SCORE variable equal to the number in the bottom row of the table, which is assumed to be the score corresponding to successful completion and the highest rank.

    void PL::Score::compile_max_score(void) {
        table *t;
        LOOP_OVER(t, table) {
            if ((<rankings-table-name>(t->table_name_text)) &&
                (Tables::get_no_columns(t) >= 2) &&
                (Kinds::Compare::eq(Tables::kind_of_ith_column(t, 0), K_number)) &&
                (Kinds::Compare::eq(Tables::kind_of_ith_column(t, 1), K_text))) {
                inter_name *iname = InterNames::iname(RANKING_TABLE_INAME);
                Packaging::house(iname, Packaging::generic_resource(BASICS_SUBPACKAGE));
                packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(iname);
                Emit::named_iname_constant(InterNames::iname(RANKING_TABLE_INAME), K_value, Tables::identifier(t));
                parse_node *PN = Tables::cells_in_ith_column(t, 0);
                while ((PN != NULL) && (PN->next != NULL)) PN = PN->next;
                if ((PN != NULL) && (max_score_VAR) &&
                    (NonlocalVariables::has_initial_value_set(max_score_VAR) == FALSE))
                        max_score_VAR, ParseTree::get_evaluation(PN));
        package_request *PR = Packaging::synoptic_resource(IF_SUBPACKAGE);
        inter_name *iname = InterNames::iname(INITIAL_MAX_SCORE_INAME);
        Packaging::house(iname, PR);
        packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(iname);
        if (NonlocalVariables::has_initial_value_set(max_score_VAR)) {
            inter_t v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
            NonlocalVariables::seek_initial_value(&v1, &v2, max_score_VAR);
            Emit::named_generic_constant(iname, v1, v2);
        } else {
            Emit::named_numeric_constant(iname, 0);

The function PL::Score::compile_max_score appears nowhere else.