[ExamplesIndex::] Examples Index. To produces the contents and indexing pages, for HTML output and multiple-files mode only. @ These structures are used to hold details needed for one or both of the alphabetic and thematic example indexes. = typedef struct example_index_data { int alpha_index_embolden; struct text_stream *alpha_index_rubric; struct text_stream *alpha_index_subtitle; struct section *alpha_index_to_S; struct example *alpha_index_to_E; struct text_stream *sort_key; CLASS_DEFINITION } example_index_data; dictionary *example_index_data_by_rubric = NULL; @h Alphabetising the examples. This is not quite an A-Z list of example names, because some examples are allowed to be indexed twice, once under a literal name (say "Cloves") and once under its point (say "Adverbs used in commands"). In addition to that, some example snippets embedded in the body text of the manuals can also appear here. So we actually maintain an alphabetical index able to index examples under arbitrary, multiple descriptions. If this is called with the |RB_flag| set, then it adds the entry to the thematic index instead, which shares code here because it also involves a degree of alphabetisation. = void ExamplesIndex::add_to_alphabetic_examples_index(text_stream *given_rubric, section *index_to_S, example *index_to_E, int bold_flag, int RB_flag) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(rubric) Str::copy(rubric, given_rubric); match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr(); if (Regexp::match(&mr, rubric, L"(%c*); *(%c*?)")) { ExamplesIndex::add_to_alphabetic_examples_index(mr.exp[0], index_to_S, index_to_E, bold_flag, RB_flag); ExamplesIndex::add_to_alphabetic_examples_index(mr.exp[1], index_to_S, index_to_E, TRUE, RB_flag); } else { if (RB_flag) @; @; } Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); DISCARD_TEXT(rubric) } @ = text_stream *trans = Dictionaries::get_text(recipe_translates_as, rubric); if (Str::len(trans) > 0) { if (Str::eq(trans, I"OMIT")) return; Str::copy(rubric, trans); } @ = TEMPORARY_TEXT(sort_key) TEMPORARY_TEXT(subtitle) Str::copy(sort_key, rubric); if (Regexp::match(&mr, rubric, L"(%c*?) *-- *(%c*)")) Str::copy(rubric, mr.exp[0]); if (Regexp::match(&mr, rubric, L"(%c*?): *(%c*?)")) { Str::copy(rubric, mr.exp[1]); Str::copy(subtitle, mr.exp[0]); } IndexUtilities::improve_alphabetisation(sort_key); if (RB_flag) { text_stream *pre = Dictionaries::get_text(recipe_sort_prefix, rubric); if (Str::len(pre) > 0) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(p) WRITE_TO(p, "%S>%S", pre, sort_key); Str::copy(sort_key, p); DISCARD_TEXT(p) } } example_index_data *eid = CREATE(example_index_data); eid->alpha_index_embolden = bold_flag; eid->alpha_index_rubric = Str::duplicate(rubric); eid->alpha_index_subtitle = Str::duplicate(subtitle); eid->alpha_index_to_S = index_to_S; eid->alpha_index_to_E = index_to_E; eid->sort_key = Str::duplicate(sort_key); if (example_index_data_by_rubric == NULL) example_index_data_by_rubric = Dictionaries::new(100, FALSE); Dictionaries::create(example_index_data_by_rubric, sort_key); Dictionaries::write_value(example_index_data_by_rubric, sort_key, (void *) eid); @h Alphabetic index of examples. = void ExamplesIndex::write_alphabetical_examples_index(void) { @; text_stream *OUT = IndexUtilities::open_page( I"Alphabetical Index of Examples", indoc_settings->examples_alphabetical_leafname); IndexUtilities::alphabet_row(OUT, 1); HTML_OPEN_WITH("table", "class=\"indextable\""); example_index_data **eid_list = Memory::calloc(NUMBER_CREATED(example_index_data), sizeof(example_index_data *), ARRAY_SORTING_MREASON); example_index_data *eid; LOOP_OVER(eid, example_index_data) eid_list[eid->allocation_id] = eid; qsort(eid_list, (size_t) NUMBER_CREATED(example_index_data), sizeof(example_index_data *), ExamplesIndex::sort_comparison); TEMPORARY_TEXT(current_subtitle) wchar_t current_letter = 0; int first_letter_block = TRUE; for (int i=0; isort_key); if (Characters::isdigit(initial)) initial = '#'; if (initial != current_letter) @; TEMPORARY_TEXT(url) @; @; DISCARD_TEXT(url) } @; HTML_CLOSE("table"); HTML_OPEN("p"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); IndexUtilities::alphabet_row(OUT, 2); IndexUtilities::close_page(OUT); Memory::I7_free(eid_list, ARRAY_SORTING_MREASON, NUMBER_CREATED(example_index_data)*((int) sizeof(example_index_data *))); } @ = example *E; LOOP_OVER(E, example) ExamplesIndex::add_to_alphabetic_examples_index(E->ex_rubric, NULL, E, FALSE, FALSE); @ = if (eid->alpha_index_to_S) WRITE_TO(url, "%S", eid->alpha_index_to_S->section_URL); else Examples::goto_example_url(url, eid->alpha_index_to_E, volumes[0]); @ = current_letter = initial; if (first_letter_block == FALSE) { HTML_TAG("br"); @; } wchar_t uc_current_letter = Characters::toupper(current_letter); HTML_OPEN("tr"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "class=\"letterblock\""); TEMPORARY_TEXT(inc) PUT_TO(inc, uc_current_letter); HTML::anchor(OUT, inc); IndexUtilities::majuscule_heading(OUT, inc, TRUE); IndexUtilities::note_letter(uc_current_letter); DISCARD_TEXT(inc) HTML_CLOSE("td"); HTML_OPEN("td"); first_letter_block = FALSE; @ = HTML_CLOSE("td"); HTML_CLOSE("tr"); @ = HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"indexentry\""); if (Str::len(eid->alpha_index_subtitle) > 0) { if (Str::ne(eid->alpha_index_subtitle, current_subtitle)) { WRITE("%S
", eid->alpha_index_subtitle); Str::copy(current_subtitle, eid->alpha_index_subtitle); } WRITE("    "); } if (eid->alpha_index_embolden == TRUE) { HTML_OPEN("b"); } TEMPORARY_TEXT(link_text) Str::copy(link_text, eid->alpha_index_rubric); Rawtext::escape_HTML_characters_in(link_text); HTMLUtilities::general_link(OUT, I"standardlink", url, link_text); DISCARD_TEXT(link_text) if (eid->alpha_index_embolden == TRUE) { HTML_CLOSE("b"); } HTML_CLOSE("p"); @ = int ExamplesIndex::sort_comparison(const void *ent1, const void *ent2) { const example_index_data *L1 = *((const example_index_data **) ent1); const example_index_data *L2 = *((const example_index_data **) ent2); return Str::cmp(L1->sort_key, L2->sort_key); } @h Thematic index of examples. = void ExamplesIndex::write_thematic_examples_index(void) { text_stream *OUT = IndexUtilities::open_page( I"Examples in Thematic Order", indoc_settings->examples_thematic_leafname); ExamplesIndex::write_index_for_volume(OUT, volumes[1]); IndexUtilities::close_page(OUT); } @h Numerical index of examples. = void ExamplesIndex::write_numerical_examples_index(void) { text_stream *OUT = IndexUtilities::open_page( I"Examples in Numerical Order", indoc_settings->examples_numerical_leafname); ExamplesIndex::write_index_for_volume(OUT, volumes[0]); IndexUtilities::close_page(OUT); } @ = void ExamplesIndex::write_index_for_volume(OUTPUT_STREAM, volume *V) { chapter *owning_chapter = NULL; section *owning_section = NULL; for (int n = 0; n < no_examples; n++) { example *E = V->examples_sequence[n]; section *S = E->example_belongs_to_section[V->allocation_id]; chapter *C = S->in_which_chapter; if (owning_chapter != C) { if (owning_chapter != NULL) HTML_TAG("hr"); owning_chapter = C; HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Chapter %d: %S", C->chapter_number, C->chapter_title); HTML_CLOSE("p"); } if (owning_section != S) { owning_section = S; HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("%c%S", SECTION_SYMBOL, S->title); HTML_CLOSE("p"); } Examples::render_example_cue(OUT, E, V, TRUE); } }