/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* "asm" : The Inform assembler */ /* */ /* Part of Inform 6.41 */ /* copyright (c) Graham Nelson 1993 - 2022 */ /* */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "header.h" static uchar *zcode_holding_area; /* Area holding code yet to be transferred to either zcode_area or temp file no 1 */ static memory_list zcode_holding_area_memlist; static uchar *zcode_markers; /* Bytes holding marker values for this code */ static memory_list zcode_markers_memlist; static int zcode_ha_size; /* Number of bytes in holding area */ uchar *zcode_area; /* Array to hold assembled code */ memory_list zcode_area_memlist; /* Manages zcode_area */ int32 zmachine_pc; /* PC position of assembly (byte offset from start of Z-code area) */ int32 no_instructions; /* Number of instructions assembled */ int execution_never_reaches_here; /* nonzero if the current PC value in the code area cannot be reached: e.g. if the previous instruction was a "quit" opcode and no label is set to here (see EXECSTATE flags for more) */ int next_label, /* Used to count the labels created all over Inform in current routine, from 0 */ next_sequence_point; /* Likewise, for sequence points */ int no_sequence_points; /* Total over all routines; kept for statistics purposes only */ static int label_moved_error_already_given; /* When one label has moved, all subsequent ones probably have too, and this flag suppresses the runaway chain of error messages which would otherwise result */ int sequence_point_follows; /* Will the next instruction assembled */ /* be at a sequence point in the routine? */ int uses_unicode_features; /* Makes use of Glulx Unicode (3.0) features? */ int uses_memheap_features; /* Makes use of Glulx mem/heap (3.1) features? */ int uses_acceleration_features; /* Makes use of Glulx acceleration (3.1.1) features? */ int uses_float_features; /* Makes use of Glulx floating-point (3.1.2) features? */ int uses_extundo_features; /* Makes use of Glulx extended undo (3.1.3) features? */ int uses_double_features; /* Makes use of Glulx double-prec (3.1.3) features? */ debug_location statement_debug_location; /* Location of current statement */ variableinfo *variables; /* The allocated size is (MAX_LOCAL_VARIABLES + no_globals). Local variables first, then globals. */ memory_list variables_memlist; assembly_instruction AI; /* A structure used to hold the full specification of a single Z-code instruction: effectively this is the input to the routine assemble_instruction() */ static char opcode_syntax_string[128]; /* Text buffer holding the correct syntax for an opcode: used to produce helpful assembler error messages */ static int routine_symbol; /* The symbol index of the routine currently being compiled */ static memory_list current_routine_name; /* The name of the routine currently being compiled. (This may be longer than MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH, e.g. for an "obj.prop" property routine.) */ static int routine_locals; /* The number of local variables used by the routine currently being compiled */ static int32 routine_start_pc; int32 *named_routine_symbols; /* Allocated up to no_named_routines */ static memory_list named_routine_symbols_memlist; static void transfer_routine_z(void); static void transfer_routine_g(void); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Label data */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static labelinfo *labels; /* Label offsets (i.e. zmachine_pc values). These are allocated sequentially, but accessed as a double-linked list from first_label to last_label (in PC order). */ static memory_list labels_memlist; static int first_label, last_label; static int *labeluse; /* Flags indicating whether a given label has been used as a branch target yet. */ static memory_list labeluse_memlist; static int labeluse_size; /* Entries up to here are initialized */ static sequencepointinfo *sequence_points; /* Allocated to next_sequence_point. Only used when debugfile_switch is set. */ static memory_list sequence_points_memlist; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Label management */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The stripping of unreachable code requires a bit of explanation. As we compile a function, we update the execution_never_reaches_here flag to reflect whether the current line is reachable. If the flag is set (EXECSTATE_UNREACHABLE), we skip generating opcodes, compiling strings, and so on. (See assemblez_instruction(), assembleg_instruction(), and compile_string() for these checks.) If we're *between* functions, the execution_never_reaches_here flag is always clear (EXECSTATE_REACHABLE), so global strings are compiled correctly. In general, every time we compile a JUMP or RETURN opcode, the flag gets set. Every time we compile a label, the flag gets cleared. This makes sense if you consider a common "while" loop: while (true) { ... if (flag) break; ... } ... This is compiled as: .TopLabel; ... @jnz flag ?ExitLabel; ... @jump TopLabel; .ExitLabel; ... Code after an unconditional JUMP is obviously unreachable. But the next thing that happens is the .ExitLabel, which is the target of a branch, so the next line is reachable again. However, if the unreachable flag is set when we *begin* a statement (or braced block of statements), we can get tougher. We set the EXECSTATE_ENTIRE flag for the entire duration of the statement or block. This flag cannot be cleared by compiling labels. An example of this: if (DOSTUFF) { while (true) { if (flag) break; } } If the DOSTUFF constant is false, the entire "while" loop is definitely unreachable. So we should skip .TopLabel, .ExitLabel, and everything in between. To ensure this, we set EXECSTATE_ENTIRE upon entering the "if {...}" braced block, and reset it upon leaving. (See parse_code_block() and parse_statement() for the (slightly fugly) bit-fidding that accomplishes this.) As an added optimization, some labels are known to be "forward"; they are only reached by forward jumps. (.ExitLabel above is an example.) If we reach a forward label and nothing has in fact jumped there, the label is dead and we can skip it. (And thus also skip clearing the unreachable flag!) To understand *that*, consider a "while true" loop with no "break": while (true) { ... if (flag) return; ... } This never branches to .ExitLabel. So when we reach .ExitLabel, we can say for sure that *nothing* branches there. So we skip compiling that label. The unreachable flag is left set (because we just finished the jump to .TopLabel). Thus, any code following the entire loop is known to be unreachable, and we can righteously complain about it. (In contrast, .TopLabel cannot be skipped because it might be the target of a *backwards* branch later on. In fact there might be several -- any "continue" in the loop will jump to .TopLabel.) */ /* Set the position of the given label. The offset will be the current zmachine_pc, or -1 if the label is definitely unused. This adds the label to a linked list (via first_label, last_label). The linked list must be in increasing PC order. We know this will be true because we call this as we run through the function, so zmachine_pc always increases. (It won't necessarily be in *label index* order, though.) */ static void set_label_offset(int label, int32 offset) { ensure_memory_list_available(&labels_memlist, label+1); labels[label].offset = offset; labels[label].symbol = -1; if (offset < 0) { /* Mark this label as invalid and don't put it in the linked list. */ labels[label].prev = -1; labels[label].next = -1; return; } if (last_label == -1) { labels[label].prev = -1; first_label = label; } else { labels[label].prev = last_label; labels[last_label].next = label; } last_label = label; labels[label].next = -1; } /* Set a flag indicating that the given label has been jumped to. */ static void mark_label_used(int label) { if (label < 0) return; /* Entries from 0 to labeluse_size have meaningful values. If we have to increase labeluse_size, initialize the new entries to FALSE. */ ensure_memory_list_available(&labeluse_memlist, label+1); for (; labeluse_size < label+1; labeluse_size++) { labeluse[labeluse_size] = FALSE; } labeluse[label] = TRUE; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Useful tool for building operands */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern void set_constant_ot(assembly_operand *AO) { if (!glulx_mode) { if (AO->value >= 0 && AO->value <= 255) AO->type = SHORT_CONSTANT_OT; else AO->type = LONG_CONSTANT_OT; } else { if (AO->value == 0) AO->type = ZEROCONSTANT_OT; else if (AO->value >= -0x80 && AO->value < 0x80) AO->type = BYTECONSTANT_OT; else if (AO->value >= -0x8000 && AO->value < 0x8000) AO->type = HALFCONSTANT_OT; else AO->type = CONSTANT_OT; } } extern int is_constant_ot(int otval) { if (!glulx_mode) { return ((otval == LONG_CONSTANT_OT) || (otval == SHORT_CONSTANT_OT)); } else { return ((otval == CONSTANT_OT) || (otval == HALFCONSTANT_OT) || (otval == BYTECONSTANT_OT) || (otval == ZEROCONSTANT_OT)); } } extern int is_variable_ot(int otval) { if (!glulx_mode) { return (otval == VARIABLE_OT); } else { return ((otval == LOCALVAR_OT) || (otval == GLOBALVAR_OT)); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Used in printing assembly traces */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern char *variable_name(int32 i) { if (i==0) return("sp"); if (i= 256 && i < 286) { if (i - 256 < NUMBER_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS) return system_functions.keywords[i - 256]; return ""; } } else { switch (i - MAX_LOCAL_VARIABLES) { case 0: return "temp_global"; case 1: return "temp__global2"; case 2: return "temp__global3"; case 3: return "temp__global4"; case 4: return "self"; case 5: return "sender"; case 6: return "sw__var"; case 7: return "sys__glob0"; case 8: return "sys__glob1"; case 9: return "sys__glob2"; case 10: return "sys_statusline_flag"; } } return (symbols[variables[i].token].name); } /* Print symbolic information about the AO, if there is any. */ static void print_operand_annotation(const assembly_operand *o) { int any = FALSE; if (o->marker) { printf((!any) ? " (" : ": "); any = TRUE; printf("%s", describe_mv(o->marker)); switch (o->marker) { case VROUTINE_MV: printf(": %s", veneer_routine_name(o->value)); break; case INCON_MV: printf(": %s", name_of_system_constant(o->value)); break; case DWORD_MV: printf(": '"); print_dict_word(o->value); printf("'"); break; } } if (o->symindex >= 0 && o->symindex < no_symbols) { printf((!any) ? " (" : ": "); any = TRUE; printf("%s", symbols[o->symindex].name); } if (any) printf(")"); } static void print_operand_z(const assembly_operand *o, int annotate) { switch(o->type) { case EXPRESSION_OT: printf("expr_"); break; case LONG_CONSTANT_OT: printf("long_"); break; case SHORT_CONSTANT_OT: printf("short_"); break; case VARIABLE_OT: if (o->value==0) { printf("sp"); return; } printf("%s", variable_name(o->value)); return; case OMITTED_OT: printf(""); return; } printf("%d", o->value); if (annotate) print_operand_annotation(o); } static void print_operand_g(const assembly_operand *o, int annotate) { switch (o->type) { case EXPRESSION_OT: printf("expr_"); break; case CONSTANT_OT: printf("long_"); break; case HALFCONSTANT_OT: printf("short_"); break; case BYTECONSTANT_OT: printf("byte_"); break; case ZEROCONSTANT_OT: printf("zero_"); return; case DEREFERENCE_OT: printf("*"); break; case GLOBALVAR_OT: printf("global_%d (%s)", o->value, variable_name(o->value)); return; case LOCALVAR_OT: if (o->value == 0) printf("stackptr"); else printf("local_%d (%s)", o->value-1, variable_name(o->value)); return; case SYSFUN_OT: if (o->value >= 0 && o->value < NUMBER_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS) printf("%s", system_functions.keywords[o->value]); else printf(""); return; case OMITTED_OT: printf(""); return; default: printf("???_"); break; } printf("%d", o->value); if (annotate) print_operand_annotation(o); } extern void print_operand(const assembly_operand *o, int annotate) { if (!glulx_mode) print_operand_z(o, annotate); else print_operand_g(o, annotate); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Writing bytes to the code area */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void byteout(int32 i, int mv) { ensure_memory_list_available(&zcode_markers_memlist, zcode_ha_size+1); ensure_memory_list_available(&zcode_holding_area_memlist, zcode_ha_size+1); zcode_markers[zcode_ha_size] = (uchar) mv; zcode_holding_area[zcode_ha_size++] = (uchar) i; zmachine_pc++; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* A database of the 115 canonical Infocom opcodes in Versions 3 to 6 */ /* And of the however-many-there-are Glulx opcodes */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct opcodez { uchar *name; /* Lower case standard name */ int version1; /* Valid from this version number... */ int version2; /* ...until this one (or forever if this is 0) */ int extension; /* In later versions, see this line in extension table: if -1, the opcode is illegal in later versions */ int code; /* Opcode number within its operand-number block */ int flags; /* Flags (see below) */ int op_rules; /* Any unusual operand rule applying (see below) */ int flags2_set; /* If not zero, set this bit in Flags 2 in the header of any game using the opcode */ int no; /* Number of operands (see below) */ } opcodez; typedef struct opcodeg { uchar *name; /* Lower case standard name */ int32 code; /* Opcode number */ int flags; /* Flags (see below) */ int op_rules; /* Any unusual operand rule applying (see below) */ int no; /* Number of operands */ } opcodeg; /* Flags which can be set */ #define St 1 /* Store */ #define Br 2 /* Branch */ #define Rf 4 /* "Return flag": execution never continues after this opcode (e.g., is a return or unconditional jump) */ #define St2 8 /* Store2 (second-to-last operand is store (Glulx)) */ /* Codes for any unusual operand assembly rules */ /* Z-code: */ #define VARIAB 1 /* First operand expected to be a variable name and assembled to a short constant: the variable number */ #define TEXT 2 /* One text operand, to be Z-encoded into the program */ #define LABEL 3 /* One operand, a label, given as long constant offset */ #define CALL 4 /* First operand is name of a routine, to be assembled as long constant (the routine's packed address): as if the name were prefixed by #r$ */ /* Glulx: (bit flags for Glulx VM features) */ #define GOP_Unicode 1 /* uses_unicode_features */ #define GOP_MemHeap 2 /* uses_memheap_features */ #define GOP_Acceleration 4 /* uses_acceleration_features */ #define GOP_Float 8 /* uses_float_features */ #define GOP_ExtUndo 16 /* uses_extundo_features */ #define GOP_Double 32 /* uses_double_features */ /* Codes for the number of operands */ #define TWO 1 /* 2 (with certain types of operand, compiled as VAR) */ #define VAR 2 /* 0 to 4 */ #define VAR_LONG 3 /* 0 to 8 */ #define ONE 4 /* 1 */ #define ZERO 5 /* 0 */ #define EXT 6 /* Extended opcode set VAR: 0 to 4 */ #define EXT_LONG 7 /* Extended: 0 to 8 (not used by the canonical opcodes) */ static opcodez opcodes_table_z[] = { /* Opcodes introduced in Version 3 */ /* 0 */ { (uchar *) "je", 3, 0, -1, 0x01, Br, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 1 */ { (uchar *) "jl", 3, 0, -1, 0x02, Br, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 2 */ { (uchar *) "jg", 3, 0, -1, 0x03, Br, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 3 */ { (uchar *) "dec_chk", 3, 0, -1, 0x04, Br, VARIAB, 0, TWO }, /* 4 */ { (uchar *) "inc_chk", 3, 0, -1, 0x05, Br, VARIAB, 0, TWO }, /* 5 */ { (uchar *) "jin", 3, 0, -1, 0x06, Br, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 6 */ { (uchar *) "test", 3, 0, -1, 0x07, Br, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 7 */ { (uchar *) "or", 3, 0, -1, 0x08, St, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 8 */ { (uchar *) "and", 3, 0, -1, 0x09, St, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 9 */ { (uchar *) "test_attr", 3, 0, -1, 0x0A, Br, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 10 */ {(uchar *) "set_attr", 3, 0, -1, 0x0B, 0, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 11 */ {(uchar *) "clear_attr", 3, 0, -1, 0x0C, 0, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 12 */ {(uchar *) "store", 3, 0, -1, 0x0D, 0, VARIAB, 0, TWO }, /* 13 */ {(uchar *) "insert_obj", 3, 0, -1, 0x0E, 0, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 14 */ {(uchar *) "loadw", 3, 0, -1, 0x0F, St, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 15 */ {(uchar *) "loadb", 3, 0, -1, 0x10, St, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 16 */ {(uchar *) "get_prop", 3, 0, -1, 0x11, St, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 17 */ {(uchar *) "get_prop_addr", 3, 0, -1, 0x12, St, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 18 */ {(uchar *) "get_next_prop", 3, 0, -1, 0x13, St, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 19 */ {(uchar *) "add", 3, 0, -1, 0x14, St, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 20 */ {(uchar *) "sub", 3, 0, -1, 0x15, St, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 21 */ {(uchar *) "mul", 3, 0, -1, 0x16, St, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 22 */ {(uchar *) "div", 3, 0, -1, 0x17, St, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 23 */ {(uchar *) "mod", 3, 0, -1, 0x18, St, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 24 */ {(uchar *) "call", 3, 0, -1, 0x20, St, CALL, 0, VAR }, /* 25 */ {(uchar *) "storew", 3, 0, -1, 0x21, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 26 */ {(uchar *) "storeb", 3, 0, -1, 0x22, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 27 */ {(uchar *) "put_prop", 3, 0, -1, 0x23, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* This is the version of "read" called "sread" internally: */ /* 28 */ {(uchar *) "read", 3, 0, -1, 0x24, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 29 */ {(uchar *) "print_char", 3, 0, -1, 0x25, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 30 */ {(uchar *) "print_num", 3, 0, -1, 0x26, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 31 */ {(uchar *) "random", 3, 0, -1, 0x27, St, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 32 */ {(uchar *) "push", 3, 0, -1, 0x28, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 33 */ {(uchar *) "pull", 3, 5, 6, 0x29, 0, VARIAB, 0, VAR }, /* 34 */ {(uchar *) "split_window", 3, 0, -1, 0x2A, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 35 */ {(uchar *) "set_window", 3, 0, -1, 0x2B, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 36 */ {(uchar *) "output_stream", 3, 0, -1, 0x33, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 37 */ {(uchar *) "input_stream", 3, 0, -1, 0x34, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 38 */ {(uchar *) "sound_effect", 3, 0, -1, 0x35, 0, 0, 7, VAR }, /* 39 */ {(uchar *) "jz", 3, 0, -1, 0x00, Br, 0, 0, ONE }, /* 40 */ {(uchar *) "get_sibling", 3, 0, -1, 0x01, St+Br, 0, 0, ONE }, /* 41 */ {(uchar *) "get_child", 3, 0, -1, 0x02, St+Br, 0, 0, ONE }, /* 42 */ {(uchar *) "get_parent", 3, 0, -1, 0x03, St, 0, 0, ONE }, /* 43 */ {(uchar *) "get_prop_len", 3, 0, -1, 0x04, St, 0, 0, ONE }, /* 44 */ {(uchar *) "inc", 3, 0, -1, 0x05, 0, VARIAB, 0, ONE }, /* 45 */ {(uchar *) "dec", 3, 0, -1, 0x06, 0, VARIAB, 0, ONE }, /* 46 */ {(uchar *) "print_addr", 3, 0, -1, 0x07, 0, 0, 0, ONE }, /* 47 */ {(uchar *) "remove_obj", 3, 0, -1, 0x09, 0, 0, 0, ONE }, /* 48 */ {(uchar *) "print_obj", 3, 0, -1, 0x0A, 0, 0, 0, ONE }, /* 49 */ {(uchar *) "ret", 3, 0, -1, 0x0B, Rf, 0, 0, ONE }, /* 50 */ {(uchar *) "jump", 3, 0, -1, 0x0C, Rf, LABEL, 0, ONE }, /* 51 */ {(uchar *) "print_paddr", 3, 0, -1, 0x0D, 0, 0, 0, ONE }, /* 52 */ {(uchar *) "load", 3, 0, -1, 0x0E, St, VARIAB, 0, ONE }, /* 53 */ {(uchar *) "not", 3, 3, 0, 0x0F, St, 0, 0, ONE }, /* 54 */ {(uchar *) "rtrue", 3, 0, -1, 0x00, Rf, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 55 */ {(uchar *) "rfalse", 3, 0, -1, 0x01, Rf, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 56 */ {(uchar *) "print", 3, 0, -1, 0x02, 0, TEXT, 0,ZERO }, /* 57 */ {(uchar *) "print_ret", 3, 0, -1, 0x03, Rf, TEXT, 0,ZERO }, /* 58 */ {(uchar *) "nop", 3, 0, -1, 0x04, 0, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 59 */ {(uchar *) "save", 3, 3, 1, 0x05, Br, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 60 */ {(uchar *) "restore", 3, 3, 2, 0x06, Br, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 61 */ {(uchar *) "restart", 3, 0, -1, 0x07, 0, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 62 */ {(uchar *) "ret_popped", 3, 0, -1, 0x08, Rf, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 63 */ {(uchar *) "pop", 3, 4, -1, 0x09, 0, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 64 */ {(uchar *) "quit", 3, 0, -1, 0x0A, Rf, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 65 */ {(uchar *) "new_line", 3, 0, -1, 0x0B, 0, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 66 */ {(uchar *) "show_status", 3, 3, -1, 0x0C, 0, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 67 */ {(uchar *) "verify", 3, 0, -1, 0x0D, Br, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* Opcodes introduced in Version 4 */ /* 68 */ {(uchar *) "call_2s", 4, 0, -1, 0x19, St, CALL, 0, TWO }, /* 69 */ {(uchar *) "call_vs", 4, 0, -1, 0x20, St, CALL, 0, VAR }, /* This is the version of "read" called "aread" internally: */ /* 70 */ {(uchar *) "read", 4, 0, -1, 0x24, St, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 71 */ {(uchar *) "call_vs2", 4, 0, -1, 0x2C, St, CALL, 0, VAR_LONG }, /* 72 */ {(uchar *) "erase_window", 4, 0, -1, 0x2D, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 73 */ {(uchar *) "erase_line", 4, 0, -1, 0x2E, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 74 */ {(uchar *) "set_cursor", 4, 0, -1, 0x2F, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 75 */ {(uchar *) "get_cursor", 4, 0, -1, 0x30, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 76 */ {(uchar *) "set_text_style", 4, 0, -1, 0x31, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 77 */ {(uchar *) "buffer_mode", 4, 0, -1, 0x32, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 78 */ {(uchar *) "read_char", 4, 0, -1, 0x36, St, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 79 */ {(uchar *) "scan_table", 4, 0, -1, 0x37, St+Br, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 80 */ {(uchar *) "call_1s", 4, 0, -1, 0x08, St, CALL, 0, ONE }, /* Opcodes introduced in Version 5 */ /* 81 */ {(uchar *) "call_2n", 5, 0, -1, 0x1a, 0, CALL, 0, TWO }, /* 82 */ {(uchar *) "set_colour", 5, 0, -1, 0x1b, 0, 0, 6, TWO }, /* 83 */ {(uchar *) "throw", 5, 0, -1, 0x1c, 0, 0, 0, TWO }, /* 84 */ {(uchar *) "call_vn", 5, 0, -1, 0x39, 0, CALL, 0, VAR }, /* 85 */ {(uchar *) "call_vn2", 5, 0, -1, 0x3a, 0, CALL, 0, VAR_LONG }, /* 86 */ {(uchar *) "tokenise", 5, 0, -1, 0x3b, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 87 */ {(uchar *) "encode_text", 5, 0, -1, 0x3c, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 88 */ {(uchar *) "copy_table", 5, 0, -1, 0x3d, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 89 */ {(uchar *) "print_table", 5, 0, -1, 0x3e, 0, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 90 */ {(uchar *) "check_arg_count", 5, 0, -1, 0x3f, Br, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 91 */ {(uchar *) "call_1n", 5, 0, -1, 0x0F, 0, CALL, 0, ONE }, /* 92 */ {(uchar *) "catch", 5, 0, -1, 0x09, St, 0, 0, ZERO }, /* 93 */ {(uchar *) "piracy", 5, 0, -1, 0x0F, Br, 0, 0, ZERO }, /* 94 */ {(uchar *) "log_shift", 5, 0, -1, 0x02, St, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 95 */ {(uchar *) "art_shift", 5, 0, -1, 0x03, St, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 96 */ {(uchar *) "set_font", 5, 0, -1, 0x04, St, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 97 */ {(uchar *) "save_undo", 5, 0, -1, 0x09, St, 0, 4, EXT }, /* 98 */ {(uchar *) "restore_undo", 5, 0, -1, 0x0A, St, 0, 4, EXT }, /* Opcodes introduced in Version 6 */ /* 99 */ { (uchar *) "draw_picture", 6, 6, -1, 0x05, 0, 0, 3, EXT }, /* 100 */ { (uchar *) "picture_data", 6, 6, -1, 0x06, Br, 0, 3, EXT }, /* 101 */ { (uchar *) "erase_picture", 6, 6, -1, 0x07, 0, 0, 3, EXT }, /* 102 */ { (uchar *) "set_margins", 6, 6, -1, 0x08, 0, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 103 */ { (uchar *) "move_window", 6, 6, -1, 0x10, 0, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 104 */ { (uchar *) "window_size", 6, 6, -1, 0x11, 0, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 105 */ { (uchar *) "window_style", 6, 6, -1, 0x12, 0, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 106 */ { (uchar *) "get_wind_prop", 6, 6, -1, 0x13, St, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 107 */ { (uchar *) "scroll_window", 6, 6, -1, 0x14, 0, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 108 */ { (uchar *) "pop_stack", 6, 6, -1, 0x15, 0, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 109 */ { (uchar *) "read_mouse", 6, 6, -1, 0x16, 0, 0, 5, EXT }, /* 110 */ { (uchar *) "mouse_window", 6, 6, -1, 0x17, 0, 0, 5, EXT }, /* 111 */ { (uchar *) "push_stack", 6, 6, -1, 0x18, Br, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 112 */ { (uchar *) "put_wind_prop", 6, 6, -1, 0x19, 0, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 113 */ { (uchar *) "print_form", 6, 6, -1, 0x1a, 0, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 114 */ { (uchar *) "make_menu", 6, 6, -1, 0x1b, Br, 0, 8, EXT }, /* 115 */ { (uchar *) "picture_table", 6, 6, -1, 0x1c, 0, 0, 3, EXT }, /* Opcodes introduced in Z-Machine Specification Standard 1.0 */ /* 116 */ { (uchar *) "print_unicode", 5, 0, -1, 0x0b, 0, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 117 */ { (uchar *) "check_unicode", 5, 0, -1, 0x0c, St, 0, 0, EXT } }; /* Subsequent forms for opcodes whose meaning changes with version */ static opcodez extension_table_z[] = { /* 0 */ { (uchar *) "not", 4, 4, 3, 0x0F, St, 0, 0, ONE }, /* 1 */ { (uchar *) "save", 4, 4, 4, 0x05, St, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 2 */ { (uchar *) "restore", 4, 4, 5, 0x06, St, 0, 0,ZERO }, /* 3 */ { (uchar *) "not", 5, 0, -1, 0x38, St, 0, 0, VAR }, /* 4 */ { (uchar *) "save", 5, 0, -1, 0x00, St, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 5 */ { (uchar *) "restore", 5, 0, -1, 0x01, St, 0, 0, EXT }, /* 6 */ { (uchar *) "pull", 6, 6, -1, 0x29, St, 0, 0, VAR } }; static opcodez invalid_opcode_z = { (uchar *) "invalid", 0, 0, -1, 0xff, 0, 0, 0, ZERO}; static opcodez custom_opcode_z; /* Note that this table assumes that all opcodes have at most two branch-label or store operands, and that if they exist, they are the last operands. Glulx does not actually guarantee this. But it is true for all opcodes in the current Glulx spec, so we will assume it for now. Also note that Inform can only compile branches to constant offsets, even though the Glulx machine can handle stack or memory-loaded operands in a branch instruction. */ static opcodeg opcodes_table_g[] = { { (uchar *) "nop", 0x00, 0, 0, 0 }, { (uchar *) "add", 0x10, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "sub", 0x11, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "mul", 0x12, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "div", 0x13, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "mod", 0x14, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "neg", 0x15, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "bitand", 0x18, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "bitor", 0x19, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "bitxor", 0x1A, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "bitnot", 0x1B, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "shiftl", 0x1C, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "sshiftr", 0x1D, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "ushiftr", 0x1E, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jump", 0x20, Br|Rf, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "jz", 0x22, Br, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "jnz", 0x23, Br, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "jeq", 0x24, Br, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jne", 0x25, Br, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jlt", 0x26, Br, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jge", 0x27, Br, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jgt", 0x28, Br, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jle", 0x29, Br, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jltu", 0x2A, Br, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jgeu", 0x2B, Br, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jgtu", 0x2C, Br, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jleu", 0x2D, Br, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "call", 0x30, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "return", 0x31, Rf, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "catch", 0x32, Br|St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "throw", 0x33, Rf, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "tailcall", 0x34, Rf, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "copy", 0x40, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "copys", 0x41, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "copyb", 0x42, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "sexs", 0x44, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "sexb", 0x45, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "aload", 0x48, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "aloads", 0x49, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "aloadb", 0x4A, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "aloadbit", 0x4B, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "astore", 0x4C, 0, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "astores", 0x4D, 0, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "astoreb", 0x4E, 0, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "astorebit", 0x4F, 0, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "stkcount", 0x50, St, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "stkpeek", 0x51, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "stkswap", 0x52, 0, 0, 0 }, { (uchar *) "stkroll", 0x53, 0, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "stkcopy", 0x54, 0, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "streamchar", 0x70, 0, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "streamnum", 0x71, 0, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "streamstr", 0x72, 0, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "gestalt", 0x0100, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "debugtrap", 0x0101, 0, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "getmemsize", 0x0102, St, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "setmemsize", 0x0103, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "jumpabs", 0x0104, Rf, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "random", 0x0110, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "setrandom", 0x0111, 0, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "quit", 0x0120, Rf, 0, 0 }, { (uchar *) "verify", 0x0121, St, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "restart", 0x0122, 0, 0, 0 }, { (uchar *) "save", 0x0123, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "restore", 0x0124, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "saveundo", 0x0125, St, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "restoreundo", 0x0126, St, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "protect", 0x0127, 0, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "glk", 0x0130, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "getstringtbl", 0x0140, St, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "setstringtbl", 0x0141, 0, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "getiosys", 0x0148, St|St2, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "setiosys", 0x0149, 0, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "linearsearch", 0x0150, St, 0, 8 }, { (uchar *) "binarysearch", 0x0151, St, 0, 8 }, { (uchar *) "linkedsearch", 0x0152, St, 0, 7 }, { (uchar *) "callf", 0x0160, St, 0, 2 }, { (uchar *) "callfi", 0x0161, St, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "callfii", 0x0162, St, 0, 4 }, { (uchar *) "callfiii", 0x0163, St, 0, 5 }, { (uchar *) "streamunichar", 0x73, 0, GOP_Unicode, 1 }, { (uchar *) "mzero", 0x170, 0, GOP_MemHeap, 2 }, { (uchar *) "mcopy", 0x171, 0, GOP_MemHeap, 3 }, { (uchar *) "malloc", 0x178, St, GOP_MemHeap, 2 }, { (uchar *) "mfree", 0x179, 0, GOP_MemHeap, 1 }, { (uchar *) "accelfunc", 0x180, 0, GOP_Acceleration, 2 }, { (uchar *) "accelparam", 0x181, 0, GOP_Acceleration, 2 }, { (uchar *) "hasundo", 0x128, St, GOP_ExtUndo, 1 }, { (uchar *) "discardundo",0x129, 0, GOP_ExtUndo, 0 }, { (uchar *) "numtof", 0x190, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "ftonumz", 0x191, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "ftonumn", 0x192, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "ceil", 0x198, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "floor", 0x199, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "fadd", 0x1A0, St, GOP_Float, 3 }, { (uchar *) "fsub", 0x1A1, St, GOP_Float, 3 }, { (uchar *) "fmul", 0x1A2, St, GOP_Float, 3 }, { (uchar *) "fdiv", 0x1A3, St, GOP_Float, 3 }, { (uchar *) "fmod", 0x1A4, St|St2, GOP_Float, 4 }, { (uchar *) "sqrt", 0x1A8, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "exp", 0x1A9, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "log", 0x1AA, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "pow", 0x1AB, St, GOP_Float, 3 }, { (uchar *) "sin", 0x1B0, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "cos", 0x1B1, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "tan", 0x1B2, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "asin", 0x1B3, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "acos", 0x1B4, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "atan", 0x1B5, St, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "atan2", 0x1B6, St, GOP_Float, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jfeq", 0x1C0, Br, GOP_Float, 4 }, { (uchar *) "jfne", 0x1C1, Br, GOP_Float, 4 }, { (uchar *) "jflt", 0x1C2, Br, GOP_Float, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jfle", 0x1C3, Br, GOP_Float, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jfgt", 0x1C4, Br, GOP_Float, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jfge", 0x1C5, Br, GOP_Float, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jisnan", 0x1C8, Br, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "jisinf", 0x1C9, Br, GOP_Float, 2 }, { (uchar *) "numtod", 0x200, St|St2, GOP_Double, 3 }, { (uchar *) "dtonumz", 0x201, St, GOP_Double, 3 }, { (uchar *) "dtonumn", 0x202, St, GOP_Double, 3 }, { (uchar *) "ftod", 0x203, St|St2, GOP_Double, 3 }, { (uchar *) "dtof", 0x204, St, GOP_Double, 3 }, { (uchar *) "dceil", 0x208, St|St2, GOP_Double, 4 }, { (uchar *) "dfloor", 0x209, St|St2, GOP_Double, 4 }, { (uchar *) "dadd", 0x210, St|St2, GOP_Double, 6 }, { (uchar *) "dsub", 0x211, St|St2, GOP_Double, 6 }, { (uchar *) "dmul", 0x212, St|St2, GOP_Double, 6 }, { (uchar *) "ddiv", 0x213, St|St2, GOP_Double, 6 }, { (uchar *) "dmodr", 0x214, St|St2, GOP_Double, 6 }, { (uchar *) "dmodq", 0x215, St|St2, GOP_Double, 6 }, { (uchar *) "dsqrt", 0x218, St|St2, GOP_Double, 4 }, { (uchar *) "dexp", 0x219, St|St2, GOP_Double, 4 }, { (uchar *) "dlog", 0x21A, St|St2, GOP_Double, 4 }, { (uchar *) "dpow", 0x21B, St|St2, GOP_Double, 6 }, { (uchar *) "dsin", 0x220, St|St2, GOP_Double, 4 }, { (uchar *) "dcos", 0x221, St|St2, GOP_Double, 4 }, { (uchar *) "dtan", 0x222, St|St2, GOP_Double, 4 }, { (uchar *) "dasin", 0x223, St|St2, GOP_Double, 4 }, { (uchar *) "dacos", 0x224, St|St2, GOP_Double, 4 }, { (uchar *) "datan", 0x225, St|St2, GOP_Double, 4 }, { (uchar *) "datan2", 0x226, St|St2, GOP_Double, 6 }, { (uchar *) "jdeq", 0x230, Br, GOP_Double, 7 }, { (uchar *) "jdne", 0x231, Br, GOP_Double, 7 }, { (uchar *) "jdlt", 0x232, Br, GOP_Double, 5 }, { (uchar *) "jdle", 0x233, Br, GOP_Double, 5 }, { (uchar *) "jdgt", 0x234, Br, GOP_Double, 5 }, { (uchar *) "jdge", 0x235, Br, GOP_Double, 5 }, { (uchar *) "jdisnan", 0x238, Br, GOP_Double, 3 }, { (uchar *) "jdisinf", 0x239, Br, GOP_Double, 3 }, }; /* The opmacros table is used for fake opcodes. The opcode numbers are ignored; this table is only used for argument parsing. */ static opcodeg opmacros_table_g[] = { { (uchar *) "pull", pull_gm, St, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "push", push_gm, 0, 0, 1 }, { (uchar *) "dload", dload_gm, St|St2, 0, 3 }, { (uchar *) "dstore", dstore_gm, 0, 0, 3 }, }; static opcodeg custom_opcode_g; static opcodez internal_number_to_opcode_z(int32 i) { opcodez x; ASSERT_ZCODE(); if (i == -1) return custom_opcode_z; x = opcodes_table_z[i]; if (instruction_set_number < x.version1) return invalid_opcode_z; if (x.version2 == 0) return x; if (instruction_set_number <= x.version2) return x; i = x.extension; if (i < 0) return invalid_opcode_z; x = extension_table_z[i]; if (instruction_set_number < x.version1) return invalid_opcode_z; if (x.version2 == 0) return x; if (instruction_set_number <= x.version2) return x; return extension_table_z[x.extension]; } static void make_opcode_syntax_z(opcodez opco) { char *p = "", *q = opcode_syntax_string; sprintf(q, "%s", opco.name); switch(opco.no) { case ONE: p=" "; break; case TWO: p=" "; break; case EXT: case VAR: p=" <0 to 4 operands>"; break; case VAR_LONG: p=" <0 to 8 operands>"; break; } switch(opco.op_rules) { case TEXT: sprintf(q+strlen(q), " "); return; case LABEL: sprintf(q+strlen(q), "