Indexing the player's initial position.


int IXMap::add_to_World_index(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *O) {
    if ((O) && (Instances::of_kind(O, K_room))) {
        PL::SpatialMap::index_room_connections(OUT, O);
    return FALSE;

int IXMap::annotate_in_World_index(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *O) {
    if ((O) && (Instances::of_kind(O, K_door))) {
        instance *A = NULL, *B = NULL;
        Map::get_door_data(O, &A, &B);
        if ((A) && (B)) WRITE(" - <i>door to ");
        else WRITE(" - <i>one-sided door to ");
        instance *X = A;
        if (A == Data::Objects::room_being_indexed()) X = B;
        if (X == NULL) {
            parse_node *S = PropertyInferences::value_of(
                Instances::as_subject(O), P_other_side);
            X = Rvalues::to_object_instance(S);
        if (X == NULL) WRITE("nowhere");
        else IXInstances::index_name(OUT, X);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;