-cases [Blorb] 'inblorb/Tests/Test Cases' -recipe [Blorb] set: $I6 = inform6/Tangled/inform6 set: $I7 = inform7/Tangled/inform7 set: $INBLORB = inblorb/Tangled/inblorb set: $INTERNAL = inform7/Internal set: $WORKSPACE = ../intest/Workspace set: $VM = G if: $CASE %c*-Z set: $VM = Z endif if: $VM G set: $FORMAT = ulx set: $I6OPTIONS = -kE2~S~DwG set: $BLORBEXT = gblorb else set: $FORMAT = z8 set: $I6OPTIONS = -kE2~S~Dwv8 set: $BLORBEXT = zblorb endif set: $I7OPTIONS = -fixtime -release -format=$FORMAT -no-progress -no-index -rng -sigils -log nothing -external inblorb/Tests -transient $WORK/Transient -internal $INTERNAL set: $CBLORBOPTIONS = -fixtime mkdir: $WORK/Transient step: find $WORK/Transient -mindepth 1 -delete extract: $WORK/Example.inform/Source/story.ni $VM if: $CASE Audiovisual copy: $WORKSPACE/Samples/Cover.png $WORK/Example.materials/Cover.png copy: '$WORKSPACE/Samples/Small Cover.png' '$WORK/Example.materials/Small Cover.png' mkdir: $WORK/Example.materials/Figures copy: $WORKSPACE/Samples/Shuttle.jpg $WORK/Example.materials/Figures/Shuttle.jpg copy: $WORKSPACE/Samples/Triangle.png $WORK/Example.materials/Figures/Triangle.png mkdir: $WORK/Example.materials/Sounds copy: $WORKSPACE/Samples/Bach.ogg $WORK/Example.materials/Sounds/Bach.ogg copy: $WORKSPACE/Samples/Passacaglia.mid $WORK/Example.materials/Sounds/Passacaglia.mid copy: $WORKSPACE/Samples/Powermac.aiff $WORK/Example.materials/Sounds/Powermac.aiff endif set: $I7CONSOLE = $WORK/Example.inform/Build/i7_output.txt debugger: lldb -f $I7 -- `$I7OPTIONS -project $WORK/Example.inform -crash-all step: $I7 `$I7OPTIONS -project $WORK/Example.inform >$I7CONSOLE 2>&1 or: 'failed with Problem message(s)' $I7CONSOLE show: i7 $I7CONSOLE set: $BLURB = $WORK/Example.inform/Release.blurb match platform text: $BLURB $PATH/_Blurb_Ideal/$CASE.blurb or: 'produced the wrong release blurb' match text: $WORK/Example.inform/Metadata.iFiction $PATH/_Metadata_Ideal/$CASE.iFiction or: 'produced the wrong iFiction metadata' set: $I6SOURCE = $WORK/Example.inform/Build/auto.inf set: $I6CONSOLE = $WORK/Example.inform/Build/i6_output.txt set: $STORYFILE = $WORK/Example.inform/Build/output.$FORMAT step: $I6 `$I6OPTIONS $I6SOURCE $STORYFILE >$I6CONSOLE 2>&1 or: 'failed to pass through Inform 6' $I6CONSOLE show: i6 $I6CONSOLE set: $BLORBFILE = $WORK/Example.inform/Build/output.$BLORBEXT mkdir: $PATH/_Console_Actual mkdir: $PATH/_Console_Ideal set: $CA = $PATH/_Console_Actual/$CASE.txt set: $CI = $PATH/_Console_Ideal/$CASE.txt step: $INBLORB `$CBLORBOPTIONS $BLURB $BLORBFILE >$CA 2>&1 or: 'failed inblorb' $CA show: $CA match platform text: $CA $CI or: 'produced the wrong inblorb console output' mkdir: $PATH/_Tree_Actual mkdir: $PATH/_Tree_Ideal set: $TA = $PATH/_Tree_Actual/$CASE.txt set: $TI = $PATH/_Tree_Ideal/$CASE.txt step: find $WORK/Example.materials/Release >$TA 2>&1 or: 'failed find' match text: $TA $TI or: 'produced the wrong tree structure of files in Release' if: $$platform macos exists: inblorb/Tests/Assistants/blorblib/blorbscan or: 'incompletely tested because no blorbscan tool is available' endif if: $$platform windows exists: inblorb/Tests/Assistants/blorblib/blorbscan.exe or: 'incompletely tested because no blorbscan tool is available' endif mkdir: $PATH/_Scan_Actual mkdir: $PATH/_Scan_Ideal set: $TA = $PATH/_Scan_Actual/$CASE.txt set: $TI = $PATH/_Scan_Ideal/$CASE.txt step: inblorb/Tests/Assistants/blorblib/blorbscan $BLORBFILE >$TA 2>&1 match text: $TA $TI or: 'produced a blorb whose scan was incorrect' pass: 'passed' -end