How we shall test it.


    void Unit::test_compatibility(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"for all");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"all");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"not for all");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"not all");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"for none");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"none");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"not for none");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"not none");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"for 16-bit with debugging");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"not for 32-bit");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"for 16-bit with debugging or 32-bit with debugging");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"not for 32-bit or 16-bit");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"for 16-bit with debugging, 32-bit with debugging or 32-bit");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"not for 16-bit with debugging, 32-bit with debugging or 32-bit");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"for glulx");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"for glulx or z-machine version 8");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"for glulx without debugging");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"for z-machine version 8");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"for z-machine version 5 with debugging");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"for z-machine version 8, or Glulx without debugging");
        Unit::test_one(OUT, I"for z-machine version 5 or 8");

    void Unit::test_one(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *test) {
        WRITE("'%S': ", test);
        compatibility_specification *C = Compatibility::from_text(test);
        if (C == NULL) { WRITE("not a valid compatibility specification\n\n"); return; }
        Compatibility::write(OUT, C);
        WRITE(":\n"); INDENT;
        target_vm *VM;
        LOOP_OVER(VM, target_vm) {
            if (Compatibility::with(C, VM)) {
                TargetVMs::write(OUT, VM);
        OUTDENT; WRITE("\n");

The function Unit::test_compatibility is used in 1/pc (§1).

The function Unit::test_one appears nowhere else.