To compile terms, having carefully preserved any constants which might have been lost in the process of deferring a proposition (such tricky constants being called "cinders").

§1. About cinders. Any proposition which includes quantification will, in general, need to be deferred: the quantifier will become a loop, and the loop variable will be a local variable in the deferred routine. Instead of compiling explicit code in the current routine R, we will compile a call to, say, Prop_19.

It is both good and bad that Prop_19 has its own set of local variables. Good because this means it can have loop variables and counters to help it to implement quantifiers, without having to use up scarce locals in R. (Recall that I6 allows only 15 locals in any one routine.) But bad because the proposition may itself involve mention of local variables in R, which do not exist inside Prop_19.

There are two issues here. Suppose we have:

if a dark room contains the painting

This compiles to code quantifying over rooms x, requiring a loop, so it will be deferred to a routine. "The painting" is, in predicate calculus terms, a constant — in that it does not depend on x — but that does not mean it's a value known at compile time. If it is a local variable in the current routine, then it won't exist in the deferred one, as mentioned above. But it might also be a phrase to decide something, which has side-effects, so that it might be important not to evaluate it more than once.

Any such constants are compiled into the call to Prop_19 as parameters: then, when the latter is compiled, they become locals const_0, const_1, ..., whose evaluation will be rapid and without side-effects.

§2. As part of the deferral process, then, we scan through a proposition to look for constants which might cause trouble. These are called "cinders", which is a contraction of "constants in deferred routines".

Within any given proposition, the cinders are numbered 0, 1, 2, ...; these numbers are recorded in the cinder field of the relevant pcalc_term structure. A constant term with cinder set to -1 is harmless, and can be compiled in Prop_19 as it stands: a literal number, for instance.

At any given moment, we can only be working on the compilation of a single deferred proposition routine. The following records the information noted down at the time when the proposition was deferred:

    pcalc_prop_deferral *current_pdef = NULL; used only in this section

§3. Finding cinders. In this operation, conducted when we defer a proposition, we look for constant terms which need to be cindered, do so, compile their values as a comma-separated list of I6 expressions (which can be used in a function call), note down their kinds of value in the record of the deferral, and return the number of cinders made.

    int Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::find_count(pcalc_prop *prop, pcalc_prop_deferral *pdef) {
        int cinder_number = 0;
        pcalc_prop_deferral *save_current_pdef = current_pdef;
        current_pdef = pdef;
        TRAVERSE_PROPOSITION(pl, prop)
            for (int i=0; i<pl->arity; i++)
                cinder_number =
                    Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::cind_find_in_term_count(&(pl->terms[i]), cinder_number);

        current_pdef = save_current_pdef;
        return cinder_number;

    int Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::find_emit(pcalc_prop *prop, pcalc_prop_deferral *pdef) {
        int i, cinder_number = 0, started = FALSE;
        pcalc_prop_deferral *save_current_pdef = current_pdef;
        current_pdef = pdef;
        TRAVERSE_PROPOSITION(pl, prop)
            for (i=0; i<pl->arity; i++)
                cinder_number =
                    Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::cind_find_in_term_emit(&(pl->terms[i]), cinder_number, &started);

        current_pdef = save_current_pdef;
        return cinder_number;

    int Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::cind_find_in_term_emit(pcalc_term *pt, int cinder_number, int *started) {
        do not clear the local I6 stream
        if (pt->function)
            return Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::cind_find_in_term_emit(&(pt->function->fn_of), cinder_number, started);
        if (pt->constant) {
            if (Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::spec_needs_to_be_cindered(pt->constant)) {
                pt->cinder = cinder_number++;
                Specifications::Compiler::emit_as_val(K_value, pt->constant);
                current_pdef->cinder_kinds[pt->cinder] =
                *started = TRUE;
            } else pt->cinder = -1;
        return cinder_number;

    int Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::cind_find_in_term_count(pcalc_term *pt, int cinder_number) {
        do not clear the local I6 stream
        if (pt->function)
            return Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::cind_find_in_term_count(&(pt->function->fn_of), cinder_number);
        if (pt->constant) {
            if (Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::spec_needs_to_be_cindered(pt->constant)) {
        return cinder_number;

The function Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::find_count is used in 12/dtd (§16, §26).

The function Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::find_emit is used in 12/dtd (§7.1.2, §11, §16, §26).

The function Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::cind_find_in_term_emit appears nowhere else.

The function Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::cind_find_in_term_count appears nowhere else.

§4. Which leaves us to decide, given any specification, whether it represents a value needing to be cindered.

If in doubt, we should cinder, but we don't want to go mad since there's a limit to how many cinders can be passed as parameters. Currently we do cinder these:

But we do not cinder these, since their evaluation never depends on context and never needs more than a single array entry lookup at run-time:

    int Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::spec_needs_to_be_cindered(parse_node *spec) {
        if (ParseTree::is(spec, CONSTANT_NT)) return FALSE;
        if (Lvalues::is_global_variable(spec)) return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

The function Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::spec_needs_to_be_cindered is used in §3.

§5. Declaring cinder parameters. Symmetrically, when we come to compiled our deferred proposition routine Prop_19, we need to place suitable cinder variables in its I6 header. We print their names, separated by spaces, since that's the somewhat assembler-like syntax used by I6 routine headers.

We also set current_pdef, since this is the first action taken in starting a new deferred routine.

    void Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::declare(pcalc_prop *prop, pcalc_prop_deferral *pdef) {
        int i, cinder_number = 0;

        pcalc_prop_deferral *save_current_pdef = current_pdef;
        current_pdef = pdef;

        TRAVERSE_PROPOSITION(pl, prop)
            for (i=0; i<pl->arity; i++)
                cinder_number = Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::cind_declare_in(cinder_number, &(pl->terms[i]));

        current_pdef = save_current_pdef;

    int Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::cind_declare_in(int cinder_number, pcalc_term *pt) {
        if (pt->function)
            return Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::cind_declare_in(cinder_number, &(pt->function->fn_of));
        if ((pt->constant) && (pt->cinder >= 0))
            if (ParseTree::is(pt->constant, CONSTANT_NT) == FALSE) {
                WRITE_TO(cinder_name, "const_%d", cinder_number++);
        return cinder_number;

The function Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::declare is used in 12/cdp (§2.1.5).

The function Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::cind_declare_in appears nowhere else.

§6. The kind of terms. We are now finally able to say what the kind of value of a term to be compiled is. The only troublesome case is when the term is a cinder; its kind is then part of the information recorded at deferral time.

    kind *Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::kind_of_value_of_term(pcalc_term pt) {
        if (pt.variable >= 0) {
            if (pt.term_checked_as_kind) return pt.term_checked_as_kind;
            return K_object;
        if (pt.constant) {
            if (pt.cinder >= 0) return current_pdef->cinder_kinds[pt.cinder];
            if (ParseTreeUsage::is_phrasal(pt.constant))
                Dash::check_value(pt.constant, NULL);
            return Specifications::to_kind(pt.constant);
        if (pt.function) return K_object;
        internal_error("Broken pcalc term");
        return NULL;

The function Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::kind_of_value_of_term is used in 12/ter (§8), 12/qr (§7), 15/tpr (§7), 15/cr (§7.1), 15/spr2 (§11).


    void Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::compile(OUTPUT_STREAM, int c) {
        WRITE("const_%d", c);
    void Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::emit(int c) {
        local_variable *lvar = LocalVariables::find_const_var(c);
        if (lvar == NULL) internal_error("absent calculus variable");
        inter_symbol *lvar_s = LocalVariables::declare_this(lvar, FALSE, 8);
        Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, lvar_s);

The function Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::compile appears nowhere else.

The function Calculus::Deferrals::Cinders::emit is used in 11/tr (§10).