This section masterminds the creation of the World and Kinds index pages, though it delegates much of the work elsewhere. Though it does belong to core Inform, these indexes will look pretty sparse if the spatial Plugins aren't plugged in.

§1. The Kinds page.

    void Data::Objects::page_Kinds(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        <Assign each kind of object a corresponding documentation symbol 1.1>;
        Kinds::Index::index_kinds(OUT, 1);

The function Data::Objects::page_Kinds appears nowhere else.

§1.1. The following routine looks at each kind of object, takes the first word of its name, prefixes "kind" and looks to see if there is a documentation symbol of that name: if there is, it attaches it to the relevant field of the kind.

<Assign each kind of object a corresponding documentation symbol 1.1> =

        kind *K;
            if (Kinds::Compare::lt(K, K_object)) {
                wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(K, FALSE);
                if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
                    WRITE_TO(temp, "kind_%N", Wordings::first_wn(W));
                    if (Index::DocReferences::validate_if_possible(temp))
                        Kinds::Behaviour::set_documentation_reference(K, temp);

This code is used in §1.

§2. The World page. This section belongs to the core of Inform, so it must work whatever plugins are present, but the World index will look pretty sketchy without (for instance) Spatial.

    int suppress_panel_changes = FALSE;
    void Data::Objects::page_World(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
        #ifdef IF_MODULE
        if (Task::wraps_existing_storyfile()) return; in this case there is no model world
        if (Plugins::Manage::plugged_in(map_plugin) == FALSE) return; in this case there is no model world


        PL::Backdrops::index_object_further(OUT, NULL, 0, FALSE, 1);

        Index::anchor(OUT, I"MDETAILS");
        int unruly = FALSE;
        <Mark parts, directions and kinds as ineligible for listing in the World index 2.1>;
        <Give room details within each region in turn in the World index 2.2>;
        <Give room details for rooms outside any region in the World index 2.3>;
        <Give details of everything still unmentioned in the World index 2.4>;

The function Data::Objects::page_World appears nowhere else.

§2.1. <Mark parts, directions and kinds as ineligible for listing in the World index 2.1> =

        instance *I;
            if ((PL::Spatial::no_detail_index(I))
                || (PL::Map::object_is_a_direction(I)))

This code is used in §2.

§2.2. <Give room details within each region in turn in the World index 2.2> =

        instance *reg;
            if (PL::Regions::object_is_a_region(reg)) {
                int subheaded = FALSE;
                instance *rm;
                    if ((PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(rm)) &&
                        (PL::Regions::enclosing(rm) == reg)) {
                        if (subheaded == FALSE) {
                            <Start a new details panel on the World index 2.2.2>;
                            <Index the name and super-region of the region 2.2.1>;
                            PL::Backdrops::index_object_further(OUT, reg, 0, FALSE, 2);
                            subheaded = TRUE;
                        PL::HTMLMap::render_single_room_as_HTML(OUT, rm);

This code is used in §2.

§2.2.1. <Index the name and super-region of the region 2.2.1> =

        WRITE("<b>The <i>%+W</i> region", Instances::get_name(reg, FALSE));
        instance *within = PL::Regions::enclosing(reg);
        if (within) WRITE(" within the <i>%+W</i> region", Instances::get_name(within, FALSE));

This code is used in §2.2.

§2.3. <Give room details for rooms outside any region in the World index 2.3> =

        instance *I;
            if ((PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(I)) &&
                (Instances::indexed_yet(I) == FALSE)) {
                <Start a new details panel on the World index 2.2.2>;
                PL::HTMLMap::render_single_room_as_HTML(OUT, I);

This code is used in §2.

§2.4. By this point we've accounted for rooms (and their contents and any parts thereof), directions (which we excluded), regions (ditto), and the player object (which the Player plugin put in the right place). The only remainder will be things which are offstage (and their contents and any parts thereof):

<Give details of everything still unmentioned in the World index 2.4> =

        int out_of_play_count = 0;
        instance *I;
            if ((Instances::indexed_yet(I) == FALSE) &&
                (PL::Spatial::progenitor(I) == NULL)) {
                <Start a new details panel on the World index 2.2.2>;
                if (++out_of_play_count == 1) {
                    suppress_panel_changes = TRUE;
                    WRITE("<b>Nowhere (that is, initially not in any room):</b>");
                Data::Objects::index(OUT, I, NULL, 2, FALSE);
        suppress_panel_changes = FALSE;

This code is used in §2.

§2.2.2. <Start a new details panel on the World index 2.2.2> =

        if ((unruly) && (suppress_panel_changes == FALSE)) HTML_TAG("hr");
        unruly = TRUE;

This code is used in §2.2, §2.3, §2.4.

§3. Indexing individual objects. Rather ingeniously, the following routine is used both to index instance objects, in the World index, and to index kinds of object, as rows in the table on the Kinds index. The point of doing both together is to ensure a consistent layout. If details is set, a whole paragraph of details follows; otherwise there is just a line, which in tabulating_kinds_index mode comes out as a row in the table of Kinds.

    define MAX_OBJECT_INDEX_DEPTH 10000
    int tabulating_kinds_index = FALSE;
    instance *indexing_room = NULL;
    int xtras_count = 0;

    void Data::Objects::index(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *I, kind *K, int depth, int details) {
        if (depth == MAX_OBJECT_INDEX_DEPTH) internal_error("MAX_OBJECT_INDEX_DEPTH exceeded");
        noun *nt = NULL;
        if (I) {
            if (depth > NUMBER_CREATED(instance) + 1) return; to recover from errors
            #ifdef IF_MODULE
            if (Instances::of_kind(I, K_room)) indexing_room = I;
            nt = Instances::get_noun(I);
        if (K) nt = Kinds::Behaviour::get_noun(K);
        if (nt == NULL) internal_error("no noun to index");
        int shaded = FALSE;
        <Begin the object citation line 3.1>;
        int xtra = -1;
        if (I) xtra = xtras_count++;
        if (xtra >= 0) Index::extra_link(OUT, xtra);
        <Index the name part of the object citation 3.3>;
        if (I) <Index the kind attribution part of the object citation 3.4>;
        <Index the link icons part of the object citation 3.5>;
        <End the object citation line 3.2>;
        if (details) <Add a subsidiary paragraph of details about this object 3.7>;
        if (xtra >= 0) {
            Index::extra_div_open(OUT, xtra, depth+1, "e0e0e0");
            <Add the chain of kinds 3.8>;
            <Add the catalogue of specific properties 3.9>;
            Plugins::Call::add_to_World_index(OUT, I);
            Instances::index_usages(OUT, I);
            Index::extra_div_close(OUT, "e0e0e0");
        <Recurse the index citation for the object as necessary 3.6>;

The function Data::Objects::index is used in §2.4, §3.6, 13/ki (§1.1).

§3.1. <Begin the object citation line 3.1> =

        if (tabulating_kinds_index) Kinds::Index::begin_chart_row(OUT);
        if (details) {
            HTMLFiles::open_para(OUT, depth, "halftight");
            if ((K) || (I != indexing_room)) Index::anchor(OUT, UseNouns::identifier(nt));
        } else {
            #ifdef IF_MODULE
            if (I) PL::Spatial::index_spatial_relationship(OUT, I);

This code is used in §3.

§3.2. <End the object citation line 3.2> =

        if (tabulating_kinds_index)
            Kinds::Index::end_chart_row(OUT, shaded, K, "tick", "tick", "tick");
        else {
            if (details) HTML_CLOSE("p");

This code is used in §3.

§3.3. <Index the name part of the object citation 3.3> =

        if (tabulating_kinds_index) {
            int c = Instances::count(K);
            if ((c == 0) && (details == FALSE)) shaded = TRUE;
            if (shaded) HTML::begin_colour(OUT, I"808080");
            <Quote the name of the object being indexed 3.3.1>;
            if (shaded) HTML::end_colour(OUT);
            if ((details == FALSE) && (c > 0)) WRITE(" [%d]", c);
        } else {
            <Quote the name of the object being indexed 3.3.1>;

This code is used in §3.

§3.3.1. <Quote the name of the object being indexed 3.3.1> =

        wording W = Nouns::get_name_in_play(nt, FALSE, Projects::get_language_of_play(Task::project()));
        if ((Wordings::empty(W)) && (I)) {
            kind *IK = Instances::to_kind(I);
            W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name_in_play(IK, FALSE, Projects::get_language_of_play(Task::project()));
        if (Wordings::empty(W)) {
        } else {
            int embolden = details;
            #ifdef IF_MODULE
            if (PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(I)) embolden = TRUE;
            if (embolden) WRITE("<b>");
            WRITE("%+W", W);
            if (embolden) WRITE("</b>");
            if (details) <Elaborate the name of the object being indexed>;

This code is used in §3.3 (twice).

§ <Elaborate the name of the object being indexed> =

        if (I) {
            kind *k = Instances::to_kind(I);
            if (Kinds::Compare::lt(k, K_object)) {
                wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name_in_play(k, FALSE, Projects::get_language_of_play(Task::project()));
                if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
                    WRITE(", a kind of %+W", W);
        wording PW = Nouns::get_name_in_play(nt, TRUE, Projects::get_language_of_play(Task::project()));
        if (Wordings::nonempty(PW)) WRITE(" (<i>plural</i> %+W)", PW);

This code is used in §3.3.1.

§3.4. <Index the kind attribution part of the object citation 3.4> =

        if (Plugins::Call::annotate_in_World_index(OUT, I) == FALSE) {
            kind *k = Instances::to_kind(I);
            if (k) {
                #ifdef IF_MODULE
                wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(k, FALSE);
                if ((Wordings::nonempty(W)) &&
                    (Kinds::Compare::eq(k, K_object) == FALSE) &&
                    (Kinds::Compare::eq(k, K_thing) == FALSE) &&
                    (Kinds::Compare::eq(k, K_room) == FALSE)) {
                    WRITE(" - <i>%+W</i>", W);

This code is used in §3.

§3.5. <Index the link icons part of the object citation 3.5> =

        parse_node *C = NULL;
        if (K) C = Kinds::Behaviour::get_creating_sentence(K);
        if (I) C = Instances::get_creating_sentence(I);
        if (C) Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(ParseTree::get_text(C)));
        if ((K) && (Kinds::Behaviour::get_documentation_reference(K)))
            Index::DocReferences::link(OUT, Kinds::Behaviour::get_documentation_reference(K));
        if ((details == FALSE) && (K))
            Index::below_link(OUT, UseNouns::identifier(nt));

This code is used in §3.

§3.6. This either recurses down through subkinds or through the spatial hierarchy.

<Recurse the index citation for the object as necessary 3.6> =

        if (K) {
            kind *K2;
                if (Kinds::Compare::eq(Kinds::Compare::super(K2), K))
                    Data::Objects::index(OUT, NULL, K2, depth+1, details);
        } else {
            #ifdef IF_MODULE
            PL::Spatial::index_object_further(OUT, I, depth, details);

This code is used in §3.

§3.7. <Add a subsidiary paragraph of details about this object 3.7> =

        HTMLFiles::open_para(OUT, depth, "tight");
        if (I) World::Inferences::index(OUT, Instances::as_subject(I), TRUE);
        else World::Inferences::index(OUT, Kinds::Knowledge::as_subject(K), TRUE);
        if (K) {
            Data::Objects::index_instances(OUT, K, depth);

This code is used in §3.

§3.8. <Add the chain of kinds 3.8> =

        HTMLFiles::open_para(OUT, 1, "tight");
        kind *IK = Instances::to_kind(I);
        int i = 0;
        while ((IK != K_object) && (IK)) {
            IK = Kinds::Compare::super(IK);
        int j;
        for (j=i-1; j>=0; j--) {
            int k; IK = Instances::to_kind(I);
            for (k=0; k<j; k++) IK = Kinds::Compare::super(IK);
            if (j != i-1) WRITE(" &gt; ");
            wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(IK, FALSE);
            WRITE("%+W", W);
        parse_node *P = Instances::get_kind_set_sentence(I);
        if (P) Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(ParseTree::get_text(P)));
        WRITE(" &gt; <b>");
        Instances::index_name(OUT, I);

This code is used in §3.

§3.9. <Add the catalogue of specific properties 3.9> =

        World::Inferences::index_specific(OUT, Instances::as_subject(I));

This code is used in §3.


    void Data::Objects::index_instances(OUTPUT_STREAM, kind *K, int depth) {
        HTMLFiles::open_para(OUT, depth, "tight");
        int c = 0;
        instance *I;
        LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K) c++;
        if (c >= 10) {
            int xtra = xtras_count++;
            Index::extra_link(OUT, xtra);
            HTML::begin_colour(OUT, I"808080");
            WRITE("%d ", c);
            wording PW = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(K, TRUE);
            if (Wordings::nonempty(PW)) WRITE("%+W", PW);
            else WRITE("instances");
            Index::extra_div_open(OUT, xtra, depth+1, "e0e0e0");
            c = 0;
            LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K) {
                if (c > 0) WRITE(", "); c++;
                HTML::begin_colour(OUT, I"808080");
                Instances::index_name(OUT, I);
                parse_node *at = Instances::get_creating_sentence(I);
                if (at) Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(ParseTree::get_text(at)));
            Index::extra_div_close(OUT, "e0e0e0");
        } else {
            c = 0;
            LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K) {
                if (c > 0) WRITE(", "); c++;
                HTML::begin_colour(OUT, I"808080");
                Instances::index_name(OUT, I);
                parse_node *at = Instances::get_creating_sentence(I);
                if (at) Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(ParseTree::get_text(at)));

The function Data::Objects::index_instances is used in §3.7, 13/ki (§1.10).