Square Keep A Haughty Spirit An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Square Keep The long window overlooks the Motte and the Bailey. > > Motte (Testing.) >[1] jump through window The long window would have to be opened first. >[2] open window You open the long window. >[3] jump through window You'd break your neck. >[4] d Winding Staircase The narrow window overlooks the Bailey. >[5] x narrow window The narrow window gives a view of the Bailey. >[6] open window You open the narrow window. >[7] climb through window You tumble into the Bailey. Bailey >[8] e Motte You can see a crown and a broken sword here. >[9] up Winding Staircase The narrow window overlooks the Bailey. >[10] down Motte You can see a crown and a broken sword here. > >