Alias An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 160428 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D Senator's Junior Suite The Senator appears, unfortunately, to have very precise habits: little in the room has been moved from its usual place; the trash can is empty; the bed has been remade. There may in fact be nothing to find here. You can see a dresser (on which is a lamp) here. >(Testing.) >[1] dial 555-9999 (on the Nokia) You dial 555-9999. >[2] call home on the telephone You dial 555-9200. >[3] phone the president That's not a number you know. >[4] call stephen That's not a number you know. >[5] open drawer You open the drawer, revealing a blue paper. >[6] read paper It reads: "Call Stephen - 555-2513". >[7] call stephen (on the Nokia) You dial 555-2513. >[8] put phone in drawer You put the Nokia into the drawer. >[9] close drawer You close the drawer. >[10] call stephen What do you want to call that on? >Are you sure you want to quit?