Minivan Annoyotron Jr An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Minivan Pete is playing with his travel activity book. > > Minivan (Testing.) >[1] z Time passes. >[2] z Time passes. >[3] look Minivan Pete is playing with his travel activity book. >[4] g Minivan Pete is starting to look bored. >[5] g Minivan Pete is starting to look bored. >[6] g Minivan Pete is starting to look bored. "Are we there yet?" asks Pete. >[7] no "Oh," says Pete. There is a blessed, momentary silence. "Are we there now?" >[8] z Time passes. "Are we there yet?" asks Pete. >[9] z Time passes. "Are we there yet?" asks Pete. >[10] z Time passes. "Are we there yet?" asks Pete. >[11] no "Oh," says Pete. There is a blessed, momentary silence. "Are we there now?" >[12] z Time passes. "Are we there yet?" asks Pete. >[13] out You leap to your death. *** The End *** Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command? > >