Graduate Lounge Bibliophilia An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Graduate Lounge Shabby sofas; plastic cups remaining from the afternoon's pre-lecture espresso; a collection of Xena and Hercules figurines posed for ironic effect. It's somewhat depressing at this hour, when everyone has gone home. > > Classics Reading Room (Testing.) >[1] south Classics Reading Room Not as large a collection as the one in the Library, but it contains copies of everything really essential for reference. >[2] examine ocd A hefty reference with short articles on everything from Greek meter to ancient cosmetics. >[3] examine books You scan the shelves and notice, among others, a volume entitled Oxford Classical Dictionary. >[4] examine books You scan the shelves and notice, among others, a volume entitled Collected Dialogues of Plato. >[5] examine plato All the Platonic dialogues -- some, admittedly, in rather tired translations -- but still a useful single volume, ed. Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairns. >[6] n Graduate Lounge Shabby sofas; plastic cups remaining from the afternoon's pre-lecture espresso; a collection of Xena and Hercules figurines posed for ironic effect. It's somewhat depressing at this hour, when everyone has gone home. >[7] x hercules You can't see any such thing. >[8] s Classics Reading Room Not as large a collection as the one in the Library, but it contains copies of everything really essential for reference. >[9] x hercules You can't find any such text. > >