Garden of Excess 0/1 Bosch An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Garden of Excess You can see a gilded lily here. > > Pathway to Desire 20/4 (Testing.) >[1] eat lily (first taking the gilded lily) You eat the gilded lily. Not bad. [Your score has just gone up by five points.] >[2] w Pathway to Desire You can see an emerald leaf here. >[3] full score So far you have received points for the following: eating the gilded lily: 5 points >[4] get leaf Taken. [Your score has just gone up by fifteen points.] >[5] full So far you have received points for the following: eating the gilded lily: 5 points taking the emerald leaf: 15 points > >