Park Entrance Carnivale An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Park Entrance You are now just inside the gates. Behind you snakes a triple line of fairgoers all the way down the length of the valley to the railway station. Roughly southeast of here is the ferris wheel, towering over the other attractions. > > By the Wheel (Testing.) >[1] x ferris wheel It is extravagantly tall and carries several dozen glass gondolas for riders. >[2] touch ferris wheel You can only look from this distance. >[3] se By the Wheel You stand at the foot of an enormous ferris wheel, which turns far too quickly and never seems to stop for new riders. >[4] x ferris wheel It is extravagantly tall and carries several dozen glass gondolas for riders. >[5] touch ferris wheel You don't dare: it's spinning too fast. > >