Desert Isle Crusoe An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Desert Isle A pale expanse of sand, here and there developing into hillocks of grass, and a small clump of palms. The water is shallow here, and there are other islands within swimming distance -- or even wading distance, perhaps -- but none of them is any larger than your island, so it doesn't seem worth the trouble of visiting. A few hundred feet out, the water turns darker blue, the sea floor drops away, and there is nothing to be seen all the way down to the horizon, except a couple of fluffy clouds, and an occasional bird. The remains of your fire smolder in the stone-lined pit. > > Desert Isle (Testing.) >[1] i You are carrying: a stick a glass bottle (open) a grain of sand a piece of paper >[2] x stick A strip of palm from the woodiest part of the leaf, about a foot and a half long. >[3] x bottle You see nothing special about the glass bottle. >[4] x sand You see nothing special about the grain of sand. >[5] x paper A single blank sheet. >[6] x me You are sunburned and there is sand in cracks you didn't know existed. >[7] burn stick You hold the stick to the fire until it flares and chars. >[8] x stick A strip of palm from the woodiest part of the leaf, about a foot and a half long. It is charred. >[9] burn paper You hold the piece of paper to the fire until it flares and chars. >[10] x paper A single blank sheet. It is charred. > >