Cabin Disenchantment Bay An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Cabin The front of the small cabin is entirely occupied with navigational instruments, a radar display, and radios for calling back to shore. Along each side runs a bench with faded blue vinyl cushions, which can be lifted to reveal the storage space underneath. A glass case against the wall contains several fishing rods. Scratched windows offer a view of the surrounding bay, and there is a door south to the deck. A sign taped to one wall announces the menu of tours offered by the Yakutat Charter Boat Company. > > Cabin (Testing.) >[1] examine sign You can get half-day and full-day sight-seeing tours, and half-day and full-day fishing trips. >[2] examine glacier The Malaspina glacier covers much of the nearby slope, and -- beyond it -- an area as large as Rhode Island. >[3] examine instruments Knowing what they do is the Captain's job. >[4] examine windows They're a bit the worse for wear, but you can still get an impressive view of the glacier through them. There were whales earlier, but they're gone now. >[5] examine radar Apparently necessary to avoid the larger icebergs. >[6] examine radios With any luck you will not need to radio for help, but it is reassuring that these things are here. >[7] take the cushions They're hardly portable. >[8] take the glacier That's hardly portable. > >