Example: ** Fabrication Location: Multiplication of units RecipeLocation: Money Index: Clothes made of priced fabrics Description: A system of assembling clothing from a pattern and materials; both the pattern and the different fabrics have associated prices. For: Z-Machine When we make a new kind of value, the new named values can themselves have properties. That is convenient because, for instance, we might want to associate a material (itself the property of an object) with certain features, such as price. {*}"Fabrication" Section 1 - Procedure A material is a kind of value. The materials are silk, velvet, cotton, and wool. Price is a kind of value. $1.99 specifies a price. Area is a kind of value. 5 sq yards specifies an area. Cost is a kind of value.. $1.99 per sq yard specifies a cost. A cost times an area specifies a price. A material has a cost. The cost of silk is usually $5.75 per sq yard. The cost of velvet is usually $9.50 per sq yard. The cost of cotton is usually $2.29 per sq yard. The cost of wool is usually $4.75 per sq yard. A pattern is a kind of thing. A pattern has a material. A pattern has an area. A pattern has a price. The price of a pattern is usually $9.99. Understand "pattern" as a pattern. Understand "patterns" as the plural of a pattern. After printing the name of a pattern: if planning: do nothing; otherwise: say " pattern". To decide what price is the material price of (chosen item - pattern): let C be the cost of the material of the chosen item; let A be the area of the chosen item; decide on C * A. To decide what price is the overall price of (chosen item - pattern): let P be the price of the chosen item; let M be the material price of the chosen item; decide on P + M. Understand "plan [material] [pattern]" as planning it for. Planning it for is an action applying to one material and one thing. Carry out planning it for: now the material of the second noun is the material understood. Report planning it for: say "You lay plans for a [material understood] [second noun], running [material price of the second noun] for materials and [price of the second noun] for the pattern itself, for a total of [overall price of the second noun]." Section 2 - Scenario Joanne's Fabrics is a room. Joanne's Fabrics contains a pattern bin. The cape is a pattern. The material of the cape is velvet. The area of the cape is 9 sq yards. The bodice is a pattern. The material of the bodice is silk. The area of the bodice is 2 sq yards. The price of the bodice is $11.99. The cape and the bodice are in the pattern bin. Test me with "plan silk bodice / plan velvet bodice / plan velvet cape / plan wool cape".